A gas oven does not bake well: why the oven does not bake from below and from above and how this can be fixed

In order for the dish to turn out well prepared, it is necessary to select the desired temperature for cooking.But what should you do if, at the correct temperature, a gas oven does not bake well - the food on the bottom side of the baking sheet burns, but the top is not baked? Agree, buying a new oven is not the best option. How can you correct the situation if the equipment has stopped baking, frying and performing its operating functions?

We will discuss these issues in our article - we will talk about the reasons for poor baking and provide detailed recommendations for eliminating various problems. We will also tell you how, using improvised means, you can cope with a violation of heat distribution in the oven.

The main reasons for poor baking

Each gas oven has a burner located at the bottom. This is where the main heat comes from. Some models are additionally equipped convection fans, and old-style gas ovens do not have them at all. These fans are designed to distribute heat evenly throughout the oven.

Almost all household appliances fail sooner or later, and the pies and other dishes that the housewife so diligently prepares do not bake or burn. But, regardless of whether you buy an expensive oven or an old one, the problem of bad baking can be solved.

Problem #1 - camera leakage

One of the reasons for uneven baking of pies, cakes and other things in a gas oven, according to experts, is chamber seal failure. In this case, the food will take a long time to cook due to insufficient heat, which will gradually disappear. The top of the pie will not fry, since the main heat comes from the bottom, and if depressurized, it will go away completely.

The problem may be related to broken glass, lack of additional heat resistant glass, insufficient door fit oven or thin factory thermal insulation.

Furnaces with insufficient insulation
Some gas ovens have thin factory insulation installed, which allows heat to pass through. If a fact is discovered, it is better to seek help from a specialist to replace the existing insulating material with a better one

But, do not rush to disassemble the oven; first, you should eliminate the weak connection of the oven door itself. The whole point of this malfunction lies in door clamping mechanism. It is simple and clear, so you can fix everything yourself.

The solution to the problem in this case is:

  • Dismantling the door. Actions should be performed carefully to avoid falling of individual parts, especially glass.
  • Cleaning the clamping mechanism from dirt, check for damage (defects). If everything is in order, then lubricate it and assemble it.

These manipulations help to improve the overall functionality of the mechanism, making the pressure tight and the stroke soft.

Problem #2 - the automation does not maintain the temperature

There can be quite a lot of problems associated with gas appliances - sometimes the gas flows poorly, the oven goes out, burner burns poorlyor a leak occurs.Therefore, it is extremely important to observe safety measures when operating gas-using equipment.

Gas oven with electric grill
If your gas oven is equipped with a convection function, then it should cook food as expected. This means that the reason for the poor functionality of the equipment should be excluded and looked for in something else

However, there are a number of faults that may be associated with the problem of unsatisfactory cooking. So, many owners of gas ovens complain that automation does not maintain the set temperature. As a result, when choosing the desired temperature, the food does not have time to cook. In this case, the situation can be caused by various breakdowns.

These include:

  • wear of the insulation located in the walls of the oven;
  • deformation of rubber door seals;
  • burner failure;
  • violation of heat exchange of the bottom sheet of the oven;
  • poor door fit, etc.

Some of these breakdowns are quite difficult and dangerous to fix on your own. Therefore, it is advisable to contact a specialist gas company. Diagnosis of these faults is simple and consists of a thorough inspection of the equipment.

Problem #3 - Thermostat imbalance

If during the inspection process it was not possible to identify any such defect, then the reason may be thermostat failure. So, when you set the control knob to a certain position, the required temperature is set. If this does not happen, then the thermostat can be considered unbalanced.

It cannot be repaired either independently or with the help of professionals. The only solution is to replace the thermostat.

A gas oven does not bake well: why the oven does not bake from below and from above and how this can be fixed
The gas oven thermostat is responsible for maintaining the desired temperature in the oven and the necessary heating - uniform and intense

Problem #4 - violation of operating conditions

The food in the oven does not always burn or is not baked due to technical problems with the household appliance. These may be reasons related to its improper use. Sometimes a gas oven for some reason does not bake from below - the food burns on top, but the bottom remains raw. Most housewives face this.

Here are the main reasons why a gas oven sometimes doesn’t bake well or the bottom of the dish burns during the cooking process:

  • Poor circulation of hot air in the oven. With normal heat distribution in the “oven”, the bottom, for example, of a pie, should not burn, and the top should brown. Poor heat circulation can be caused by an extra (empty) baking dish/pan in the oven.
  • Unsuitable baking tray. A pan that is too large can cause spoiled food. It leaves virtually no gaps, which means it disrupts the heat circulation inside the oven.
  • Frequently looking inside the oven. When you open the door, heat will escape. This will disrupt the optimal cooking temperature. There are especially sad consequences of “peeping” for baking - the dough falls off, is not baked inside and burns from below. The top in this case will remain pale.

It is also important to monitor the temperature. It is not enough to set a more intensive mode to quickly prepare a culinary masterpiece - if it is dough, then it will not be baked inside (it will not have enough time) and will become burnt on the bottom.

Simple solutions to the burning problem

If all the operating conditions of the gas oven are met - there are no extra empty baking sheets, the oven does not open during the cooking process - then you can use a simple solution to the problem - put a container of water.

The figure below clearly demonstrates this method.

Dish with water on the lower tier of the oven
Water helps prevent food from burning through evaporation. Even if your oven does not have additional heat distributors, the container with liquid will perform this role, preventing the bottom of the dish from burning from intense and localized fire

It should be said that this method is only suitable for fast food. Water tends to evaporate, so you will have to add it if necessary, which means opening the oven. But, since this is extremely undesirable, this solution is suitable for quickly prepared dishes. This method is ideal for them.

How else can you prevent burning on the bottom?

If we look at the problem from a technical point of view, then most often the problem lies in improper heat distribution. Perhaps your stove simply does not have additional heat storage units or does not have an upper heater. This problem can be solved on your own. But for more serious situations, such as “fire extinction”, “no fire”, etc. a specialist from the gas company should be invited.

To prevent food from burning during cooking, you can do the following:

  • Use stone. Many people purchase stones and use them as an integral element in the preparation of many dishes.
  • Baking tray with salt. Another way is to place a baking sheet with coarse salt (rock salt) on the lowest level of the oven. You will need about 1.5 kg.

The properties of salt are heat absorption.This means that it resists the intense heat coming from below and will prevent the baked goods from burning. You can replace salt with regular sand.

These methods are popular because they have proven their effectiveness in practice. They help to better distribute heat in the oven. The food turns out to be properly cooked: the bottom does not burn, and the top and inside are fully cooked.

But when using home methods for better heat distribution in a gas oven, do not forget about fire safety.

Fire brick in a gas oven
The stones mentioned above are not simple, and they act as thermal buffers. Their structure is porous and their heat capacity is high. Therefore, the stone promotes uniform baking. They are made from fireclay clay, which was previously used for stove masonry
Even heat distribution for good baking
This trick - using bricks or salt - creates a 100% guarantee of good baking. However, a proven and better alternative to brick is salt.

But sometimes eliminating burning from below is not enough. It happens that when cooking, the top of the pie is not baked in a gas oven. What to do then?

Some users, faced with this situation, increase the temperature, thereby exposing the bottom of the dish to burning. It is important not to overdo it with the temperature - let the dish cook at the desired temperature.

Important tips for baking in the oven

It matters not only what we cook in the oven, but also the correct selection of temperature, dishes and taking into account other points. It is also important to study the manufacturer’s recommendations and follow the basic rules for using a gas oven as set out in the instructions. Perhaps there is a point in it that you forgot about, and this could be the reason for poorly prepared food.

Before cooking, we recommend that you remember the following rules:

  1. There is no need to increase the temperature to the limitIf the pie is not baked, this is the most common mistake housewives make. Most likely, the pie will be ruined by burning on the bottom. Each dish has its own temperature. For example, if the pie is large, the temperature is lower and the time is longer, and vice versa. The optimal temperature is 180 °C for large cakes and 210 °C for small ones.
  2. Do not place the pan too close to the heat source. If the temperature in the oven is distributed correctly, then you need to place the pan in the middle.

Modern models of gas ovens, which are equipped with convection fans, do not require special rules. They cook food almost perfectly. However, their cost is significantly higher.

Gas-powered ovens are fairly reliable appliances. If the equipment stops working correctly without baking the top or bottom, it is not necessary to immediately call a specialist. You can start with a careful inspection - after all, in most cases, such a problem can be dealt with on your own.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video about why the bottom of the dish burns, but the top does not brown:

The article reflected the most common problems with gas ovens, which sooner or later every housewife may encounter. The main thing is to diagnose faults, and only then begin to eliminate them.

If during the inspection you discover a burner malfunction or other serious damage, you should contact a specialist. And if detected gas leaks - Call emergency services immediately.

Are you more familiar with the problem of poor baking than anyone else? Tell us what method you used to eliminate it. Leave useful recommendations, ask questions to our experts and other users - the feedback form is located below.

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