Why the gas stove does not hold a flame, the oven goes out and the burner goes out: an overview of the reasons and repair tips

The modern household appliances market offers a wide range of gas stoves from reputable manufacturers. But regardless of quality, reliability and functionality, the device may sooner or later fail.

Are you familiar with the situation when a gas stove does not hold a flame? Or maybe the oven stopped lighting? If you have one of the listed questions, you cannot do without diagnostics and repairs. But how to find the cause of the problem? This is exactly what our article will discuss. We also talk about ways to troubleshoot problems when the oven and gas burner go out with your own hands. To help the home craftsman, we will provide visual photos and diagrams, as well as thematic videos.

Reasons for the extinguishing of the stove flame

The stove, like any gas-using device, is very dangerous. Violation of the rules and regulations of operation often leads to tragic consequences, so it is better to entrust various types of repairs to qualified specialists.

Owners must monitor the condition of their gas equipment themselves. Their responsibilities also include calling a technician in a timely manner. This area of ​​legislation is regulated by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation № 410 “On measures to ensure safety when using and maintaining indoor and indoor gas equipment” dated May 14, 2013.

Gas stove with four burners
The gas on the stove may go out even a few hours after ignition, which poses a great danger to the owner of the equipment and other inhabitants of the house

Administrative liability is provided for failure to comply with deadlines and standards for the repair of gas devices. According to Article 9.23 Code of Administrative Offenses You will have to transfer 1-2 thousand rubles to the budget.

Indeed, there are such malfunctions that only highly qualified specialists can eliminate. We will try to find out the possible reasons for the breakdown of the stove, which you can fix yourself.

Problem #1 - the flame of the gas stove goes out

With modern models of gas stoves, flame extinction is one of the most common problems. There may be several reasons for malfunctions.

Temperature sensor failure

First of all, you need to check the thermocouple. The thermoelectric converter may need to be cleaned.

Gas control system
A malfunction of the thermocouple can lead to extinguishing of gas burners. In some models, the gas supply is turned off in case of an accidental draft or liquid flooding

There is a simple way to determine that it is the temperature sensor that has failed:

  • click on the regulator;
  • the flame on the burner should light up;
  • when the button is pressed, the gas stove functions correctly;
  • after releasing, the flame dies out.

Before replacing the part, try cleaning the converter head, which is located under the flame divider, with sandpaper and check that it is positioned correctly. The element must be near the flame zone, but not in it.

If this does not help, you still have to install new thermocouple.

The structure of a household stove
Standard diagram of a gas stove.There are 4 main systems: basic - burners, taps; control and control - sensors, gas control; electric - grill, lighting; carrier - the cabinet itself

Injector contamination and valve failure

The stove will also not hold a flame if the nozzles are dirty. Turn off the gas and let the stove cool.

Be sure to open the windows or vents in the room, then:

  • remove the grilles and disconnect the dividers;
  • inside the burner you will find a small hole - this is the nozzle;
  • a thin wire or paper clip can be used to clean the device;
  • upon completion of work, return the dividers and grilles to their place.

The reason may also be a malfunction of the solenoid valve. In normal condition, it should start five seconds after the thermocouple heats up. Otherwise it will need to be replaced.

It happens that the diagnostics performed show the serviceability of the temperature sensor and electromagnet, but why the gas stove still turns off is unknown.

The flame that goes out when the handle is released can be caused by its insufficient sinking, which leads to weak compression of the spring. As a result, a large gap is formed between the end of the electromagnet core and the valve armature.

To fix the problem, you need to remove the plastic handle by pulling it towards you. Then you should install an additional steel washer on the rod. Its thickness should be 1 mm. Using an additional element allows you to reduce the size of the gap when pressing the handle all the way. Reassembling the gas stove must be done in the reverse order.

Problem #2 - the gas burner does not work

Breakdowns of gas stoves whose burners do not light are associated with a malfunction of the electric ignition system or gas supply.

Hob cleaning process
The burners consist of several elements: a flame divider, a base and a burner cover. Their timely cleaning will help to avoid changes in the pressure, color and intensity of the gas stove flame

Let's look at the main signs of breakdowns and solutions:

  1. If a gas stove burner lights up and goes out after you release the knob, the problem may be caused by an incorrectly positioned temperature sensor. As a rule, this happens when you replace the thermocouple yourself or fail to clean it. The violation can be corrected by adjusting the part.
  2. The gas stove burner goes out due to the fuel supply channel being blocked when the nozzle is clogged. The part needs to be cleaned or replaced.
  3. If all the burners light up, but burn poorly and go out, the reason may be that you are using the wrong jet. This problem often occurs when using gas cylinders. Thus, the nozzle diameter for equipment operating on main gas is slightly larger than for plate connected to the cylinder. In this case, replacing the burner nozzle with others, with a smaller nozzle nozzle, will help.
  4. If the stove burner does not light well or does not respond at all to auto-ignition, and no problems arise when using matches, the reason may be a faulty spark gap. It is necessary to check the spark plug for integrity, absence of contamination and signs of oxidation. Normal cleaning will be sufficient if the power cord is stuck to the case. Otherwise, if the wiring or insulation of the spark plug is damaged, it will need to be replaced along with the power cord.
  5. A weak flame on all burners with a yellow tint indicates a breakdown of the auto-ignition unit responsible for creating the spark. If the gas panel goes out, you will need to completely replace the automatic gas ignition device.

If there is no spark when the burner is turned on, but the burner lights up with a match, the ignition button may have failed. The problem is caused by oxidation of the contacts - when small particles of debris or moisture enter, the part becomes unusable and as a result of mechanical damage. Depending on the type of violation, you will need to clean the parts or completely replace the button.

We discussed other causes of breakdowns and spontaneous operation of auto-ignition in another article: Why the automatic ignition of a gas stove constantly clicks and goes off spontaneously: breakdowns and their repair.

Gas stove ignition button
Replacing the ignition button will help get rid of problems with poor ignition of gas stove burners. Before installing a new part, you must make sure that the stove is dry and that the power cord is free of dirt and does not stick to the housing.

A break in the wiring to the automatic gas ignition device is indicated by the absence of a spark on all burners when using electric ignition, while the stove or panel is ignited as usual using a match.

The problem often arises in private homes, where the cable insulation is damaged by pests - rats and mice. In this case, you will need to replace the wiring; it is best to use an armored cable. We recommend that you read the information by choosing wiring for your home.

For what reasons does the oven go out?

When using gas ovens, problems with gas control are often encountered.To light the oven, you just need to bring the flame to the opening of the cabinet through which the fuel enters or use the auto-ignition; most modern models have this option.

A thermocouple is located next to the burner. If the flame goes out or does not light up at all, this means that the gas supply is blocked. The valve or thermocouple may need to be replaced. We discussed how to check their serviceability in the previous section.

Gas oven
Problems with the operation of a gas oven can arise due to the doors being too tight, resulting in a lack of oxygen.

First of all, you need to make sure that there is no blockage in the nozzle hole through which gas is supplied. Food particles often get into the stove part during cooking.

For cleaning you will need a soft thin wire. Using a rotating motion, insert it into the nozzle hole. It is undesirable to use stiff steel wire; you may end up with a “roaring” burner. A thin needle, which breaks easily, is also not suitable for this purpose.

Oven elements
Gas stove oven design. The position of the rack, baking tray and other baking or grilling accessories can be adjusted

The flame in the oven may also go out due to low gas pressure. This can be determined by the insufficient height of the flame crown; the fire may go out after some time. Poor combustion and poor gas supply may be due to supply hose to the stove, which is pinched or bent over something. The hollow pipe is located behind the stove.

The gas oven also goes out when you release the button due to the tight fit of the oven door. You can get rid of the problem simply by increasing the access of oxygen to the oven.

Flame problems also arise for other reasons other than breakdowns.

Why does the oven in a gas stove often go out:

  1. Modern stoves have a gas control system installed. The sensor stops supplying gas if there is no increase in temperature. The regulator does not work immediately, so try holding the gas switch knob for about 15 seconds; to speed up the sensor warming up and ignition of the oven, turn the knob to the maximum.
  2. Problems with igniting the oven may occur after washing the oven.. Burner misalignment can be identified by an uneven orange flame. If the part is installed incorrectly, the oven begins to smoke.
  3. The gas control system reacts to a decrease in flame intensity when the gas pressure in the pipeline drops, which shuts off the fuel supply. This situation is common when using gas in cylinders. Necessary refill the container or replace it with a new one.

A weak oven burner flame may also be due to difficulty turning the knob. This can happen as a result of a jammed gas valve.

Checking the gas tap
When checking the gas tap, you should pay attention to the remaining factory lubricant, sometimes this is the cause of the stove malfunction. If necessary, the part can be treated with lubricant: for old-style slabs, LG-GAZ-41, Germeton, Klad-M, LS-II are suitable; in modern models it is better to use Molykote 1102 and Germethyl

It is necessary to disassemble it, clean it from blockages and lubricate it. If the tap is damaged, replace it with a new one.

Safety rules for stove repairs

When inspecting and repairing the stove, you must follow simple safety rules - turn off the fuel supply, turn off the electrical power, and children and animals should not be left in the room. Upon completion of work, you should make sure that the burners are burning evenly and that the connection between the stove and the gas pipeline is tight.

In the event of a serious breakdown, it is undesirable to carry out repairs yourself, without the appropriate experience. In this case, it is better to call a specialist from the organization with which the contract is concluded. service contract gas equipment.

For unauthorized interference with the gas supply system, liability is provided as specified in Article 9.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. The fine will range from 10 to 30 thousand rubles.

If a fire or explosion occurs due to the fault of the owner of the equipment, charges will be brought against him, according to clause 6 of part 3 of article 158 Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The amount of penalties for illegal actions: from 100 to 500 thousand rubles. Punishment for this offense is also provided in the form of imprisonment for a term of up to six years or forced labor for a term of up to 5 years.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

What to do if the gas goes out when you release the handle:

DIY gas control repair:

A breakdown of a gas stove or oven can be a real problem, especially if it is the only source of cooking and heating water. A malfunction of a household appliance is not that uncommon. But if a breakdown is detected, you need to immediately take measures to eliminate it - try to diagnose the cause of the fault yourself or invite a specialist from the gas company.

Please tell us in the comments about your experience if you have previously had to deal with an extinguished flame at home. Share your successful solution to the issue and, perhaps, the difficulties that you may have encountered when carrying out repairs yourself - the feedback form is located below.

Visitor comments
  1. Catherine

    Thank you for the article! Helped me solve my problem!

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