Do-it-yourself gas burner for a sauna stove: how to make a homemade device

The key element of the heating gas unit is the burner nozzle. It creates a mixture of fuel and air that supports combustion.If you make a gas burner for a sauna stove with your own hands, then this fact gives confidence in the reliability of the design. And this, you see, is a fairly compelling argument in favor of making your own.

You can make a nozzle for a sauna stove from scrap materials. Empty gas cylinders, scraps of metal pipes, and parts from old equipment will be used. Before commissioning, the finished product is checked by Rostechnadzor specialists.

We'll tell you how to do everything correctly. We will tell you how to obtain a certificate of suitability for a homemade gas burner. It confirms the safety of the device and allows connection to the heating system of the bathhouse.

Operating principle and differences of gas equipment

You cannot objectively judge the quality of the purchased injector. Do not disassemble the finished product in search of possible defects. So there is a chance to damage rather than check an expensive device.

By assembling each element of the burner yourself, you will receive not only pleasant satisfaction from the work done, but also savings. At the same time, the operation and repair of gas bath equipment will become safe and conscious.

The heating gas unit is a housing sauna stove with a gas supply device placed in it.Here are the main elements of the control mechanism with which the fuel supply is regulated.

General view and sections of the furnace
The burner heats the air in the firebox. The thermal energy of the nozzle is transferred through the body to the tray with stones

A heating stove with a gas nozzle requires special attention to the chimney, which must be cleaned periodically.

The advantages of heating water and sauna stones with a gas burner include:

  1. Simplicity of the workflow. To heat up, just turn the valve and ignite the gas in the burner. In an hour, the steam room of the bathhouse will be sufficiently heated.
  2. Environmental friendliness. During operation of a gas device, harmful emissions during gas combustion have the smallest volume compared to other types of fuel.
  3. Ease of maintenance of the burner and the stove itself. There is no need to deal with soot from walls and remove waste, as with coal or firewood.

You can equip the oven with special sensors that are triggered at a critically low exhaust speed. In this case, the gas supply is automatically turned off.

Gas heating device for a sauna stove
Inexpensive fuel from a gasified stove allows you to not limit the number of bath procedures. Even with daily heating of the bathhouse, maintaining cleanliness becomes very easy

Such a disadvantage of a homemade burner, such as additional registration of technical permits, pays off due to high productivity. Using a gas injector will save 30% costs compared to solid fuels. Heating a sauna with gas is two times cheaper than using an electric boiler.

Design features and types of burners

Important parameters of a homemade gas burner are safety, ease of manufacture, suitability for use in specific conditions, and efficiency. There are quite a lot of options for choosing modifications of the device supplying the gas mixture.They are used for heating a house, heating water boilers, even for hiking.

It is necessary to navigate this diversity types of devices, in order to make a high-quality sauna burner with your own hands.

Based on the method of air entering the burner, they are conventionally divided into two types:

  • Atmospheric, with natural air supply to the combustion zone.
  • Fan, with forced air supply provided by a built-in fan. They are blown and supercharged.

For DIY production, atmospheric burners are more popular among craftsmen. The simple nozzle design can be improved with additional options. For example, equip the burner with a thermostat, draft sensors, flame control, and gas shut-off valve.

Steam bath section
The physical parameters of both the sauna stove and the selected nozzle model should be taken into account. Before you start making the burner, decide on the dimensions

All these functions will increase the reliability and safety of operation, but at the same time they will increase the cost of your product. You will decide for yourself how appropriate the additional equipment is, based on your financial capabilities and the frequency of operation of the burner.

Atmospheric devices

Such burners are one or more hollow metal tubes through which gas fuel is supplied under pressure. Ignition is carried out using a piezo lighter. Atmospheric nozzles are the cheapest and easiest to manufacture.

Atmospheric burner operating diagram
Usually they make atmospheric gas burners with their own hands. Their advantages are independence from electricity and pressure drop in the gas main

The main disadvantage of atmospheric gas burners is considered to be the need for a constant high-quality air flow. It will have to be equipped additionally in the bathhouse.Typically, an ash pan or an air duct connected to it is used for this purpose.

A ventilation pipe with air intake from an adjacent room is effective. At a low draft level, most of the poorly burned fuel goes into the chimney. This poses a risk of gas leakage if there are microcracks in the brick mass.

Therefore, a brick stove with such a burner requires constant inspection and monitoring of the condition of both the stove mass itself with smoke circulation and the chimney.

Complete set of blowing devices

Fan burners are a unit with a fan, sensors and controllers. Air intake and injection from the street is carried out automatically, the operation of the equipment is controlled automatically. The combustion power in the blowing device can be adjusted according to needs.

Forced uninterrupted supply of air allows you to increase the efficiency of the heating device due to high-quality gas combustion. Accordingly, fuel consumption for heating the sauna stove is reduced.

Scheme of operation of a forced-air burner
A fan burner is more difficult to install, but easier to operate. The intensity of the nozzle in such a scheme is easier to regulate using automation

The cost of the equipment is affected by connecting the burner to electricity. In case of possible power outages, it is necessary to have an alternative source, for example, a diesel generator or battery.

Both types of gas burners can be converted from liquefied gas to main gas and vice versa. To transfer, the nozzles are replaced, due to which the volume of the gas mixture pumped into the combustion chamber changes. Replacement nozzles are selected in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, or more precisely with the dimensions indicated by him.

Criteria for choosing a design option

Each type of burner has its own power and gas consumption parameters. An energy-dependent inflatable burner with more expensive components is used for heating boilers in large-volume baths.

To heat small and rarely used rooms, it is recommended to install an atmospheric burner. For a modest-sized bathhouse, a model with a flow rate of 1.5-4.5 m is enough3 at one o'clock.

To maintain a comfortable temperature in the bathhouse, you need a burner with an even flame distribution. This problem is solved by all kinds of distribution tubes or flame dividers. They are usually round holes. But sometimes the format is changed to narrow slots; such nozzles are called slot nozzles.

Sample slot nozzle
A slot gas burner demonstrates the difference in the physical parameters of the fire when the external shape of the holes changes. This small difference in burner design significantly affects the overall flame pattern.

For any selected type of burner, it is preferable to make a long, elongated outlet. This will speed up the heating of the firebox by increasing the flame area. After all, gas heating is allowed only from the room adjacent to the steam room.

Preparing for the manufacturing process

Having dealt with gas burner device and having decided on the model, you can move on to the next preparatory stage. Make a list of the necessary materials and tools.

The following list can be taken as a basis:

  • steel tube 100 mm long and with walls 2 mm thick;
  • fuel control valve;
  • steel cap, piezoelectric element, rubber for handle;
  • welding machine, grinder.

Don't forget about little things like connecting elements.For example, for a valve type VK-74 you need to stock up on a cap with a conical thread.

Description of work stages

Before you begin assembling the burner parts, it is better to have a drawn diagram on hand for convenience.

Self-production technology provides for the following sequence:

  • the base of the device, the nozzle, is made using a grinder;
  • the fuel dispenser is assembled from a valve and a steel cap screwed onto it;
  • a cap is welded to the nozzle, then a piezoelectric element is installed.

When installing a burner assembled and tested by specialists, you must comply with the distance restrictions. It should be no more than 5 meters from the gas nozzle to the end of the chimney pipe.

Modernization of heating equipment

Any home craftsman can install a homemade atmospheric gas burner for a sauna stove. So, without any special costs, a solid fuel boiler can be converted into a gas one.

Equipment existing in the bathhouse solid fuel stove a factory-made gas burner block will require some adjustment. You will be faced with the need to modify the dimensions of both the burner and the combustion chamber of the wood-burning stove.

Appearance of a homemade nozzle
Converting a solid fuel sauna stove into a combined gas and wood stove is within your power, but it will require precision and some effort. Do not allow the flame to come into contact with the walls of the firebox

To heat the combustion chamber evenly, the burner should be positioned closer to the bottom of the stove and strictly in the center. It is unacceptable to place the source high and offset in any direction. In this case, the camera will not warm up completely. And the flame from the burner can touch metal parts or the heater of the sauna stove.

Automatic protection system

Unburned fuel in a sauna stove sometimes causes an explosion of the gas-air mixture. Therefore, monitoring the flame of a working nozzle is necessary for your safety. This can be done visually or using automation with modern photocells sensitive to light.

The burner protection system automatically provides the following functions:

  • power regulation;
  • fuel and air supply;
  • completeness of gas combustion.

It is necessary to take into account the increase in dimensions of the modernized design. Especially with small bathhouse sizes. If device size is an important criterion for you, then all automation can be placed outside for compactness.

Gas burner complete with automatic control
You can add automatic schemes for working with simple elements. Compact placement will save usable space in a small bathhouse

To control the combustion process, you can use an automatic factory-made installation such as SABK-8-50S. It provides a high level of security thanks to four levels of protection. The operation of furnace gas equipment with such a device will automatically stop in the event of a dangerous emergency mode.

Supplying gas to the bath

Sauna stoves with gas nozzles have become a technological breakthrough for people living far from forested areas. Considering the low cost of gas fuel compared to firewood, the cost of heating with a burner becomes completely negligible.

Steam room lovers do not have to limit themselves and use such a bathhouse every day. Only, of course, if health allows.

An uninterrupted supply of gas fuel to a sauna stove can be ensured from:

  • Backbone network, laid to a suburban area and connected to the bathhouse.
  • Gas cylinders, which need to be refilled periodically.
  • Gas holder, installed on site permanently or in a mobile version, suitable for periodic refueling.

The most time-consuming procedure will be cutting into a common gas systemnear a city or rural settlement. It requires the purchase, installation and registration of gas meters. You will also need to obtain permits, technical and payment documentation.

Trunk network near the bathhouse
The gas pipeline in the area with the bathhouse facilitates the task of supplying fuel. Solving technical issues with connecting a reliable gas burner will not be difficult

Connecting a regular gas cylinder will also require an invitation from a gas service representative and the preparation of technical documentation. Tanks have special placement requirements.

For example, gas cylinders cannot be installed in a bathhouse. They should be located outside in an easily accessible, ventilated place. There must be fire-fighting protective equipment nearby - a fire extinguisher, sand.

Regulatory requirements

A homemade sauna stove burner must have a certificate of suitability from Rostechnadzor. In addition, a special permit is required for operation. When using mains gas as fuel, you must obtain such a document from the gas supply organization.

The following requirements apply to installing an atmospheric model in a bathhouse:

  • minimum bath volume 12 m3;
  • availability of proper ventilation;
  • compliance with fire safety measures;
  • the top of the pipe is equipped with a spark arrester;
  • good adjustable traction;
  • the pipe is insulated from the ceiling and roof.

Cylinders can be placed in a special metal cabinet separate from the bathhouse. Gas tanks placed in an underground container at a distance of more than 5 meters from the bathhouse. The connecting pipes must be checked by a specialist for leaks. They are made of steel, copper and other non-combustible materials.

Checking the operation of gas equipment
Fire inspectors have special requirements for the pipeline to the furnace and places where cylinders are installed. Those who ignore the rules are likely to get fined, which will reduce all savings to a minus

As practice shows, it is better not to install a homemade burner without permission from the authorized bodies. It's too risky in terms of security.

Having received permission to operate and all instructions, you should ensure that measures are taken to maintain the normal operation of the homemade sauna stove burner. It is necessary to periodically check the joints of the burner and the pipeline for leaks. If necessary, clean the chimney and strengthen the insulation.

The location of the furnace in the steam compartment
Inspecting the condition of the equipment is not limited to the gas burner. It is important to monitor the insulation of the chimney from the ceiling and roof.

To track the dynamics of changes in the state of equipment, keep a special log. Write down in it the dates and operations performed to service the elements of the gas unit. When heating a sauna using a homemade nozzle, follow the usual fire safety rules.

He will introduce you to the intricacies of making a gas burner from a regular blowtorch. next article, which is worth reading for skilled home craftsmen.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Demonstration of the operation of a simple homemade burner in a wood-burning sauna stove using a gas cylinder:

Gas burner with automatic control, which requires an advanced level of master for its own production:

Factory-made furnace automatics SABC for gas burners supplied with fuel from a main or stationary source:

It’s not difficult to make the simplest gas burner for a sauna stove with your own hands, which will serve you for many years. Take the time to check the reliability of the design. Follow the rules for installing and storing autonomous gas fuel sources.

Installation of a burner with automatic elements to control the combustion process and protective shutdown of abnormal modes will require certain knowledge and skills. If you are not confident in your own abilities, it is better to purchase a finished product.

Have you already made a gas burner and installed it in a sauna stove? Do you have practical experience in heating a homemade bathhouse and obtaining permits and connecting the burner to the main gas network? Share it, tell us about important moments, post your comment and photo below.

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