What to do if the gas is cut off in a private home: an overview of legislative nuances

Debtors' apartments are often disconnected from the gas network, which leads to inconvenience and complications in everyday life.But what if the gas was cut off in a private house, what to do in such a situation and how to solve it in your favor? If you are the owner of a separate house, then you probably do not want surprises on your site.

We are sure that you do not like strangers, no matter who they are. Find out more about your rights and responsibilities. You will gain confidence that everything will be in order with both the gas supply and your property.

As you study our article, you will become familiar with the provisions of regulations in detail. We have collected important information and presented it in a convenient form. Read everything to the end, and you will know how to act in a given situation.

When can gas supply be cut off?

The rules for disconnecting from gas supply take into account the interests of bona fide payers. The sphere falls under the control of the executive and legislative authorities, the Government of the Russian Federation and the State Duma. Government bodies adopt regulations and codes. In some cases, conflicts between consumers and suppliers require the participation of lawyers.

A gas transportation company has the right to suspend the supply of fuel without a court decision, unless it thereby violates the restrictions prescribed by law. The government has established the procedure and conditions under which companies can or must turn off/cut off gas.

They were listed in Part VIII Government Decrees No. 410 dated 05/14/2013 along with amendments dated 10/06/2017. The sphere is also regulated Resolution No. 549 dated 07/21/2008.Since 2019, gas is sold only by gas supply (gas transportation) organizations.

Gas shutdown in a private house

In point 80 PP No. 410 there is a list of cases when a company cannot turn off gas without notice. The right to stop supply arises after 40 days from the date of the 1st notice and 20 days after the 2nd.

The appeal is made in writing, handed over in person or sent by mail.

Notification of gas supply interruption
If a letter is sent by mail, subscribers sometimes do not have time to receive it, in which case you can check for yourself whether there is a debt

Fuel will not be turned off without notice in 7 cases:

  1. The subscriber has not paid for gas in full for 2 billing periods in a row.
  2. The consumer does not allow the gas distribution or other company to maintain or repair gas equipment. The rule concerns intra-house (VDGO) and intra-apartment (VKGO) communications. The norm also applies to private houses. After the 1st refusal, the right to turn off the gas will not appear.
  3. Expired maintenance agreements gas-using equipment. One of the parties terminated the agreement.
  4. The gas lines have expired.
  5. The citizen provided inaccurate or false information about the amount of fuel consumed and violated the clause of the contract regarding this.
  6. The client used other equipment than the one referred to in the agreement.
  7. A notification was received from the gas distribution organization about the non-compliance of gas communications with standards.

The supplier has the right to stop the gas supply, including through dismantling. The pipe will not be cut if the debt is small and the fuel has not been cut off in the past.

Before turning off the gas supply to a private home, the company will ask whether the owners can pay for gas in principle. If they are confident in their ability to pay, communications will not be affected.

Cut pipe on the house
Cutting a pipe and then restoring gas supply costs a much larger amount than the debt - in some cases the difference reaches 10 times

Trimming/disconnection work is carried out by the distribution organization. In addition to its emergency dispatch service, dismantling is carried out by specialized organizations under an agreement with the client. The latter sometimes enter into their agreements with the gas distributor, and he already does the work.

In both cases, the costs are collected from the debtor. The gas pipe will be reconnected after payment of the debt, dismantling and reconnection work.

Turning off gas without notifying the subscriber

Suppliers are informed about gas leaks, possible accidents, and possible safety problems. Gas distribution organizations, inspectorates, and consumers themselves notify companies about the current situation.

IN clause 77 of PP No. 410 There is a list of cases when the supplier will have to turn off the gas:

  • there is no draft in ventilation ducts and chimneys;
  • Human unauthorizedly connected the device to the gas network;
  • equipment for automatically turning off gas has deteriorated, with parameters deviating beyond normal limits;
  • there has been interference with such equipment;
  • there is a malfunction on gas equipment inside or outside the house or it is understaffed;
  • When gas-powered appliances operate, insufficient air is supplied.

In addition to turning off the gas, there are many fines for violating safety measures when using gas. You can read more about them in this material.

The supplier company will send a notice to the housing control authority, which will inform the consumer. He will be given time to fix the problem.

The state obliges subscribers to contact the gas distribution organization, but the issue can be resolved personally if the problem was caused by external factors.

Installation of gas pipes
Insertion into gas communications should be done by specialists - some citizens make their own manipulations at the design stage and end up paying a huge fine, in addition to other expenses

A similar procedure is applied in the case of circumstances from paragraph 78 of the above resolution, in the 1st and 3rd subparagraphs.

We are talking about cases when a gas supply organization can cut off gas, but has the right to continue supplies:

  1. Consumer connected the pipe to the main branch, cylinder unit or other fuel source. As a result, he will be fined for unauthorized gasification.
  2. The subscriber did not invest in the period to comply with the requirements.
  3. The client reinstalled gas appliances in the house and equipment outside and did so in violation of safety standards.

Measures to stop the gas supply are carried out to minimize damage to the consumer. The subscriber will be notified in writing about the date of gas cut-off/stop and the reasons for this - within 1 day after the work.

How to return gas to a private home?

The subscriber will receive gas again if he eliminates the reasons for the disconnection. The gas supplier will check the information within the next 24 hours after notification. Within 2 days the gas will begin to flow again.

To reconnect after a cut, contact the company that owns the gas pipeline near a private house: Gorgaz, Raigaz, gas distribution structures of Gazprom, etc.They take with them a passport, documents for housing, receipts and other evidence of the absence of debt and the elimination of the reasons for which the gas was cut off.

The pipes will be installed in the next month, after which supplies will resume. In the summer, when crews are heavily loaded, you have to wait longer. If the supplier does not comply with the time limits without good reason, then you need to complain to the following authorities.

Inspection of gas equipment
After cutting the pipe, many stages will have to be repeated; overlaps often occur, as a result of which you need to go without gas for up to a month and a half

At the end, the subscriber will be issued a certificate of resumption of fuel supply. The document will indicate the parties, a list of work to restore the gas supply and the grounds for their implementation.

How to protect yourself from illegal actions?

Restrictions apply during the heating season. The habitability of the home in terms of living conditions must not be affected as a result of the interruption or restriction of fuel supply. The concept is interpreted in different ways.

The supplier has the right to cut the pipeline if there is a safety problem. Gas is shut off both in winter and summer, citing this nuance. As long as the danger remains, the contractor will refuse to reconnect.

Subscribers should assert their rights in 6 cases:

  • the contractor violated the terms of the contract;
  • the gas was turned off after the debt had been reimbursed, including fines, and they demanded compensation for the cost of the work;
  • the rules for the provision of public services were not followed;
  • the property of a third party was damaged due to gas cutting;
  • the performer violated the rights of other people living in an individual building (house, cottage, etc.);
  • the supply of fuel during the heating season was stopped illegally.

The positive response to a complaint depends on where the person applies. Employees of the prosecutor's office and housing inspectors sometimes dispense with their own conclusions and refer to the paragraphs of the decisions that guided the supplier.

As a result, you will have to go to court. The circumstances of the shutdown in this case will be analyzed in detail, including the procedure for the gas company. You can complain to the court immediately, instead of the prosecutor's office.

Gas pipes in winter
Stopping supplies in the winter puts residents in an uncomfortable position, and dismantling the pipe at this time often leads to equipment damage

It will not be possible to dispute a correctly calculated debt. Even if socially vulnerable categories of citizens live in a private house: disabled people, people with cancer or large families.

In this case, suppliers have the right to cut off the gas, but they take into account whether the family can pay. If there is a lack of funds, there is an option with installments. The issue is resolved by management companies; all you need to do is submit an application.

You cannot leave without fuel during the cold season for non-payment. Gazprom Mezhregiongaz structures do not turn off gas for debt if the client has no alternative for heating, and the safety issue does not arise in principle. Exceptions do happen. Such actions without a court decision clearly violate the law.

Nuances of paying for gas

The legislation establishes the obligation for the subscriber to pay for used gas by the 10th day of the month after the previous consumption period. This is discussed in Art. 155 Housing Code.

IN PP No. 549 the norm was supplemented: a different payment procedure was allowed if this was stipulated in the contract. Article 544 of the Civil Code confirms this possibility to pay for energy.The consumer's obligation to pay for consumed gas arises upon the onset of the billing period and the first actual supply of fuel.

Gas receipt
The figure shows a receipt for 2014: consumers with gas flow meters need to enter data in the “Current readings” column

The amount of charges is calculated based on the volumes determined by the flow meter. Consumers without a meter pay for consumed fuel in accordance with the paragraphs 32—38 PP No. 549.

When calculating they will use norm for 1 person taking into account the volumes for cooking and heating water. Additionally, the area of ​​heated rooms is taken into account. The amount of payment is determined based on retail prices for the population in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Regardless of the presence of a meter. There is no need to pay for the time of absence, including if there is no gas meter, but you will have to notify about your departure.

The cost of fuel is reduced due to federal and regional incentives. At the national level, subscribers can be completely exempt from paying for gas. Social support does not always come in the form of a discount, so the fee may not change.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

A special case of gas shutdown in an individual area:

A cut of gas to an individual house for a large debt with a comment from the head of the customer service:

2 months of delay is enough to be left without gas. Owners of private houses should read the laws in more detail; they will be cut off from communications first. In the summer, shutdowns are made due to debts, the state of equipment, and unauthorized actions.

During the heating season the situation is more complicated. At this time, they have no right to cut off gas for non-payment. Gas companies sometimes rely on forced measures to circumvent the law. Consumers should remain vigilant and improve their legal literacy.Reconnecting gas can cost tens of thousands of rubles.

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Visitor comments
  1. Catherine

    And I have such a glaring situation. We're freezing. Below I am attaching the text of the statement that I am taking to Mezhregiongaz tomorrow.

    General Director of Mezhregiongaz LLC
    Zubarev K.V.
    From Popova E.V.
    Voronezh region, Kashira district
    S. Olen-Kolodez Prospect Revolution, no. 60


    Please clarify the situation on a controversial issue in connection with the charge brought against me regarding unauthorized interference with a metering device. On December 25, 2019, your employees drew up a report identifying unauthorized interference with the metering device, which was discovered during the inspection. In violation of your own Rules, employees, without notification or any other notification to me about the proposed visit, repeatedly entered the territory of my household during my absence. So in the fall of 2019, during an inspection, employees destroyed the fence of my home, and on December 25, 2019, in my absence, they drew up a violation report. Under psychological influence, I was forced to sign this act later on December 31, 2019. After that, they showed me a calculation that indicated the amount of debt in the amount of 425,737, with which I categorically disagree. Being in a state of deep shock from what happened and the announced amount of the sudden debt, I tried to find out what happened to the metering device, since on December 17, 2019, a gas service employee carried out a scheduled inspection of all the devices, which I can document. To which Lyalina N.N.explained to me that there were no factory seals on the device. After which I assumed that the meter needed to be replaced, but the employee replied that I would be allowed to replace the device after paying off the stated amount. After that, I received several calls from senior master Lyalina N.N. with a proposal to pay this amount, otherwise the case will be taken to court and my property will be described and the house will be sold, otherwise I face real imprisonment, since the gas service has revealed theft on an especially large scale. In turn, I proposed to resolve this controversial issue in court, in a civilized way, as stated in the Gas Supply Agreement in clauses 5 and 6, as well as in the Technical Service Agreement in clause 8, provided that the parties negotiate the term of termination of the contract or subject to written warning to the “Customer” by the “Contractor” no later than 2 months in advance. However, I did not receive any notifications or calls about decisions made on my issue. Employees of the Novovoronezh branch of Mezhregiongaz, in violation of the Gas Supply Rules approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 21, 2008 No. 549, paragraph 22, subparagraph “c,” did not notify me in the manner prescribed by the contract about the inspection.
    On January 28, 2020, the duty department of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Kashira district, Voronezh region received a statement from representative Lyalina N.N. that a magnet was found on my meter that distorted the operation of the device, and therefore I caused damage in the amount of 425,737 rubles.After the investigative measures were carried out, it turned out that no foreign objects were found on the case; the meter itself has a number of protective seals, the integrity of which has not been compromised. In this regard, a Notice of refusal to initiate criminal proceedings was sent to my address. I am far from familiar with the intricacies of gas industry devices and can only use it in accordance with the instructions given after connection, so I have no idea where these seals are located and how they could be damaged, if this is indeed the case, especially since a little more than a week has passed since previous check.
    02/12/2020 in my absence, again, without notification from Mezhregiongaz employees, my household was disconnected from the network, and I did not find the meter when I arrived home. To date, I have not received any messages from employees and I do not understand the further plan of action that I should take to clarify the circumstances. On February 13, 2020, I contacted the prosecutor’s office of Novovoronezh with a request to check the legality and validity of the actions of employees of Gazprom-mezhregiongaz Voronezh LLC and take appropriate measures.
    All inspections by Mezhregiongaz employees were carried out without notice, in my absence. The act of violation was drawn up improperly and signed without witnesses, only by interested parties. I was under psychological pressure for a month, due to which I could not fully engage in my professional activities and was forced to seek medical help, and also received a reprimand from management for poor quality work.Currently, due to a gas cut, my minor child is forced to live with his grandmother, an oncology patient, since the conditions in the house do not allow us to live together. Due to the low temperature in the house, the wallpaper began to peel off, and if the air temperature drops below -5 degrees, then within a week all communications and the heating system will freeze.
    In connection with the above, I have the following questions. What regulatory documents guide employees when conducting such events? How did the gas meter, after being checked by a specialist, suddenly turn out to be faulty in the period from 12/17/2019 to 12/25/2019? On what basis, without my knowledge, was my metering device confiscated? Why am I charged with the amount of damage caused to be 425,737 rubles, although according to the calculation that the employees presented to me, the real amount of the estimated damage is 42,573 rubles. Based on what regulatory document was my gas supply turned off during the heating season?
    According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 49: 1. Everyone accused of committing a crime is considered innocent until his guilt is proven in the manner prescribed by federal law and established by a court verdict that has entered into legal force. 2. The accused is not required to prove his innocence. 3. Irremovable doubts about a person’s guilt are interpreted in favor of the accused. As follows from the above-mentioned article, representatives of Mezhregiongaz do not have the right to accuse me of an offense I have committed, as well as to impose and demand execution of the sanctions imputed to me.
    I ask you to consider my application as soon as possible, and also explain to me how in the current situation the issue of connecting my household to the gas supply will be resolved, send me the results of checking the meter and resolve the issue of installing the meter.
    Sincerely, Ekaterina Popova. 02/27/2020

  2. Natalia

    Good afternoon, in 2017 our gas was cut off without notice. and without the knowledge of the owners, the House was inherited, no one lived in the house, and no gas appliances were used. in 2018, they called an inspector, who, after inspecting the meter, issued a report that the seal on the meter was not damaged and the readings had not changed after the last payment. but the money was withdrawn from the savings card. After contacting the magistrate with a statement, the money was returned, but the debt remained. We decided to sell the house, but we need to connect the gas. They told me to first pay the debt(?) It’s not clear for what services. and then you can connect. Where should we go about this incomprehensible debt?

  3. Alfia

    Hello! The gas was turned off in a private house for a debt of 12,700 rubles.
    A single man lives in the house with a neurological disease - epilepsy with a mental disorder.
    He does not have a disability, since he himself refuses.
    He is fully supported by his sister, who lives abroad.
    My sister came 2 times a year before the pandemic to solve all financial problems related to maintaining the house.
    In 2019, we completely replaced outdated gas equipment.
    Came in 2021 in winter. In the summer, due to the high incidence rate in Russia, my sister was unable to come.
    I always paid in advance for 500-1000 cubic meters of gas upon arrival to my homeland.
    In winter, I paid for 500 cubic meters of gas in advance, hoping that it would be enough until the summer.
    It turned out that the neighbor who was looking after his brother did not control this situation.
    A technical inspection was also not carried out, since a sick person does not allow anyone into the yard.
    The man did not see the notices and did not sign anything. He is not the owner.
    It turned out that there was a debt of 12,700 rubles.
    Now you need to pay 60,000 rubles for connection.
    Please explain whether Raigaz of the city of Kukmor in Tatarstan has the right to turn off the gas for a debt that arose for the first time in the amount of 12,700 rubles and why a payment of 60,000 rubles must be made for connection?
    Best regards, Alfiya

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