Replacing an electric meter in an apartment and in a private house: specifics of the production of replacing a meter

An accurate count of the electricity used by consumers is carried out using a device that records and records consumption. Over time, the electrical flow meter fails or becomes obsolete. And then the homeowner is faced with a situation where replacing the electric meter becomes inevitable.

We will talk about the legal and technical nuances associated with the installation of a new metering device. Together with you, we will figure out in what order the old device should be replaced. We will advise you on what to do if you decide to do the replacement yourself.

Reasons for replacing the electric meter

In practice, replacement of devices on the basis of which utility bills are calculated rarely occurs. However, all homeowners – both city apartments and private houses – face this problem.

The replacement of the device can be carried out by the management company or by the homeowner himself. Representatives of the management company or electricity supplier usually carry out the replacement as planned, notifying the owners of apartments or houses in advance. And owners more often buy new equipment (or contact the management company with a request to replace it) due to a breakdown of the device.

Electricity meter in the distribution board
The electric meter installed in a floor, apartment or house switchboard must be in good working order, like other electrical installation devices: circuit breakers, RCDs, stabilizers, sockets

If, for some reason unknown to you, the device stops or, on the contrary, begins to spin much faster, you need to urgently call a specialist.

Sometimes a small repair is enough, but more often, in case of such a malfunction, a conclusion is issued to replace the old electricity meter. According to it, you need to either install a new device yourself or contact the management company.

Here are some of the reasons for replacement that you may encounter during the operation of the electric meter:

What laws should you follow?

Almost all answers to questions regarding the installation or replacement of metering devices can be found in the legislative framework. The regulations set out general provisions and more specific requirements relating to the private sector, municipal housing and privatized apartments.

For example, you can learn about the need to replace faulty equipment from the following documents:

  • Federal Law No. 28-F3 of 1996, but edited on December 30, 2008;
  • Law of the Russian Federation No. 4871-1 of 1993, as amended on January 10, 2003;
  • GOST R 52321-2005 – requirements for class 0.5 meters; 1; 2.

Who is responsible for the property is specified in Art. 210 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and about the obligations of the buyer of technical equipment - in Art. 543 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Consultation with a lawyer
If disputes arise between you and representatives of the management company or neighbors about the use of metering devices and responsibility for them, we recommend that you contact a lawyer for clarification.

In Federal Law N 102-FZ of June 26, 2008, you can find materials on the uniformity of measurements, metrological examination and metrological services.

And Russian Government Decree No. 491 talks about who and when should be responsible for installing or replacing accounting systems, including meters.

But there are exceptions to the rules set out in the documents. For example, if a private individual expresses a desire to replace an old, serviceable electric meter in a floor panel with a new model, the cost of replacement falls entirely on his shoulders. However, further maintenance continues to be performed by the management company.

Who pays and makes the replacement?

A person authorized under an agreement with the Criminal Code and the existing provisions of the Housing Code and Civil Code is appointed responsible for the acquisition and installation of a new device. However, this takes into account the reason why the replacement is being made, as well as the installation location. For homeowners and people who own an apartment on a rental basis, the rules are different.

Option #1 – own apartment

Most of the city apartments are owned by citizens - at one time housing was privatized, and ownership rights completely passed into the hands of the owners. One or more family members can dispose of the apartment at their own discretion, and they are also responsible for all technical property located in its area.

Distribution board with electric meter in the apartment
If the electrical panel with the metering device is apartment-based, that is, located in the hallway or corridor inside the apartment, then the responsibility for installing a new device lies with the private individual

The electricity meter installed on the floor area must be changed by the management company, since it belongs to the common property of the building. Replacement is required if the device has exhausted its service life, is outdated, or breaks down for reasons beyond the control of the consumer.

Responsibility for replacement falls on the apartment owner in three cases:

  • if the meter breaks down due to his fault;
  • if the contract stipulates in a separate clause its obligations for replacement;
  • if he, on his own initiative, wanted to change the equipment.

Simply put, according to standard agreements, apartment panels are the property of the owners, floor panels are the property of the management company. Accordingly, the owners are responsible for any actions with meters.

But there are exceptions that are specified in the contract. Therefore, if you are forced pay for a new device, be sure to study the agreement.

In 2012, a law was passed according to which residents of apartment buildings must independently change meters, regardless of where they are installed. However, the main regulatory document is the agreement between the owners and the management company.

Option #2 – public housing

If the apartment is not privatized, and its owner lives under a social tenancy agreement, all property, including electrical equipment, is the property of the municipality. Therefore, the city is responsible for installing or replacing equipment.

However, in practice, situations often occur when a management company or an energy sales company attracts residents to purchase a new device. This is wrong, since they are temporary employers, users.

Complaint to the housing inspection
Typically, an agreement is concluded between the management company and the municipality with the distribution of responsibilities of the parties. Therefore, in the end, one of them pays for new electrical equipment. If they still try to blame the purchase on the tenant, you must file a complaint with the housing inspectorate

A citizen living on municipal meters pays for the replacement of the meter only in one case - if the device breaks down due to his fault.

Option #3 – private house

Owners of cottages for permanent residence or seasonal houses (dachas), unless there is an additional clause in the agreement with the service organization, almost always bear the cost of replacing the meter themselves.

Switchboard on a pole
A metering device in private houses is usually installed together with an input machine on the street - on the facade of the house or on a support supporting an electrical cable, so that an employee of the controlling organization can take readings without disturbing the owners

If you own a home, you must purchase and install a meter yourself. If you plan to do the installation yourself, then commissioning and sealing cannot be done yourself - this must be done by a representative of Energosbyt.

Which meter to buy and outdoor box for flow meter, it is also better to ask the specialists of the sales company, since the device must best comply with the network parameters and installation conditions.

In what order does the replacement take place?

Regardless of who owns the home and who is responsible for the meter, the user must adhere to the operating rules, monitor the condition of the electric meter and quickly respond to a breakdown.

Checking the operation of the electric meter
If the device begins to work incorrectly or the service life allotted by the manufacturer has expired, then measures should be taken to replace the device, otherwise penalties may apply.

First, let's look at how to replace the electric meter installed in the apartment. If it relates to apartment property and is located in apartment boxTherefore, the purchase is paid by the owner, as are the installation services. The devices located on the landing are the property of the management company, and it must change them.

Step 1 – submit an application. You can contact the nearest Enegosbyt branch and, with the help of the manager, fill out a standard form. You must take your passport and documents confirming ownership of the apartment with you.

If you are not the owner of the apartment, but only represent him, then you will need one more document - a power of attorney certified by a notary.

Step 2 – issue a work order. The company sends an electrician to take readings, draw up a report, and remove the seal. Sets the exact time of visit (usually only the date, but sometimes also hours, for example, from 9.00 to 17.00).

A specialist takes meter readings
While the replacement work is being carried out, the calculation of energy consumption is carried out at a special tariff, which does not include accounting for used kW

Step 3 – purchase an electric meter. It is better to obtain a list of models suitable for installation from Energosbyt, having previously consulted on possible tariff plans.

Two-tariff electricity meter Mercury
You can take advantage of the situation and buy a two-tariff meter, which will allow you to choose a more convenient plan for using electricity. This is relevant for residents who are used to working or doing housework at night

Step 4 – dismantling the old and installing a new meter. They can be carried out either by homeowners or by an invited specialist. However, the commissioning of the device, drawing up the act and sealing is carried out exclusively by a representative of Energosbyt.

This procedure for replacing an electric meter is also practiced in a private home, since the owner is responsible for electrical installations installed both in the building and on the street.

The reinstallation procedure may differ in different regions, so it is better to first call the office of the electricity supplier and clarify the plan for further action.

As you know, cases of fraud are common, specifically related to the replacement of electrical equipment. Strangers in overalls come and offer to replace the meter “as planned,” and at the same time the machines, despite the fact that the devices are in good working order and their service life has not yet expired.

Receipt for payment of electricity
You should know that without an order from the executing company (Energosbyt), management company or HOA, no replacement actions can be carried out. Who exactly is responsible for the replacement is usually indicated on the electricity payment form

What is the difference between the replacement procedure in municipal housing and in floor panels? Since metering devices are the property of the city or the management company is responsible for them, the purchase and installation is carried out at their expense.The role of the citizen in this case is to respond in a timely manner to the breakdown of the device and arrange a call for an electrician.

If you notice that the seal is broken, the disk does not spin, or the viewing window is damaged, call the management company immediately, otherwise you may be charged with intentional damage to property.

Recommendations for self-installation

According to the rules, carry out repair work, replace old or installation of a new meter Only an electrician who has the 3rd qualification group in electrical safety can do this. For the rest, it is better to use the services of a specialist from a service company.

It is also necessary to obtain the consent of the supplier company - submit a written application and wait for a positive response. Without permission, all work will be useless, since the organization simply will not accept the independently installed device into operation.

If the permit is in hand, replacement work is carried out in the following order:

  • We turn off the machine at the input of electricity into the house - it is located in front of the meter, and not after it.
  • We remove the cover of the device and check that there is no voltage in the conductors.
  • We disconnect the terminals; for standard 1-phase devices you need to disconnect 4 wires.
  • We unscrew the mounting installation bolts or loosen the holders on the DIN rail.
  • We install a new device in the free space and make the connection according to the instructions.

Throughout the entire process, we make sure that no voltage is applied to the line and use protective clothing - that is, we follow safety precautions.

Some more useful tips:

To avoid getting tangled in cables and to make further maintenance of electrical installation devices more convenient, we recommend laying all conductors in bundles, tightening them with bundles or clamps, inserting them into special organizers and labeling them.

If the meter is operational, it should be commissioned and sealed. To do this, we write an application addressed to the supplier and set a convenient day for everyone.

The inspector checks whether the device is connected correctly, and then draws up an acceptance certificate, where he writes down the readings of the previous device, device data (type, serial number, etc.). Lastly, he performs the sealing. From this moment on, electricity payments are made at the selected tariff.

In case of suspicion of incorrect testimony, Energosbyt has the right to establish antimagnetic seal to the electricity meter. The article we recommend will tell you about the legality and rules of its application.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video #1. How to replace the meter:

Video #3. Installation example in a private house:

Video #3. About replacing old meters:

Work related to replacing the electricity meter must be carried out by the homeowner or the organization responsible for the common property.

The owner of an apartment or house, as well as the tenant of a non-privatized apartment, in any case, are responsible for the correct operation of both the meter itself and the rest of the electrical equipment.

Would you like to talk about how you replaced the electricity meter in your apartment/office/dacha? Do you want to share useful technological nuances that will be useful to site visitors? Please write comments in the block below, ask questions, post photos on the topic of the article.

Visitor comments
  1. Igor

    My grandmother inherited an apartment with an old disk electric meter. Not only did the indicators vary greatly, but an increased coefficient was applied when paying. When they started making replacements, we were also given a fine. I tried to look up the legislation in order to file a complaint, but it was all in vain. The guilt is obvious. So, it’s better not to delay this matter. A new meter is not that expensive, and the costs are quickly recouped.

    • Expert
      Amir Gumarov

      Hello. Within a month after entering into inheritance, you must replace the metering device that does not meet the standards with a new one if the service life of the new one has expired. There is no point in filing a complaint; the law is really not on your side, unfortunately. For electricity payments, the statute of limitations is 3 years for each month of non-payment.

  2. Anton

    When do electricians decide to change meters? In our village two years ago they were forced to do this. At the same time, they take the dismantled electricity meters for themselves.But the other one is astonishing in its impudence. If a person agrees to install an electricity meter sold by them, then they install junk they took from someone else. Of course, it stopped working after a couple of months. If you don’t want to waste time and nerves on sorting things out later, don’t be lazy, buy the meter yourself.

    • Expert
      Amir Gumarov

      Hello. According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Electric Power Industry” March 26, 2003 No. 35, it is necessary to change the meter if it malfunctions or when the established service life has expired. And also if it does not comply with established norms and rules. They had no right to force you to change the meter if all these criteria are normal. It was necessary to refuse or demand a written explanation/order with justification from them.

      They also could not take the old meter, since according to the law it is your personal property. Unless for an examination, against a receipt, a document drawn up, if serious traces of interference in his work were noted. And then, this is easily controlled by the integrity of the filling and is very rare.

    • Dan

      Well, why don’t they decide when to change the electric meter themselves. Each meter has a calibration interval, it is written in the passport. If this period has expired, then it must be checked, and since such devices often no longer meet the accuracy class standards, then there is a need to replace them with a modern one.

      It’s actually surprising that the electricians took away your old meter. Who needs him now? It no longer meets the requirements and it will not be possible to install it for another person. Maybe your electricians just require these meters for reporting? This usually happens when they change at the expense of local energy sales.

      • Expert
        Amir Gumarov

        Good afternoon, Dan.

        The collection of old meters does not surprise me. After all, they contain high-quality winding copper, electrical iron, aluminum and non-ferrous metals. I’ll dwell on the latter a little – for example:

        — counter “SACH 1” contains 0.0558 grams of gold, 0.0073 silver, 0.0136 platinum;
        — the “SET4-1/2” counter contains 0.0367 gold, 0.053 silver, 0.0468 platinum.

        After going around the village, electricians will collect half a ton of scrap non-ferrous metal and grams of scrap precious metals. Of course, the delivery of “gifts of nature” is carried out by the company that replaces the meters. In general, collecting all kinds of meters is more profitable than developing new deposits.

  3. Marina

    When replacing an old meter, they require you to submit a new one for inspection, and this service has become paid and costs twice as much as the meter. Last year they checked for free.

  4. Alexei

    Installed a new meter to replace an expiring meter. An employee came to install the seal and stated that the supply cable from the insulators should go along the street and the meter itself should be there on the street. Is his statement correct - after all, I didn’t change the installation or installation location in this case?

    • Expert
      Amir Gumarov

      Hello. On what basis was the demand made from the energy sales employee?

      1. P. 1.5.27 PUE (rules for electrical installations) - refers to the installation of meters in a dry room with a positive temperature.

      2. Clause 1.5.29 PUE — the permissible maximum installation height is 1.7 m, which cannot ensure the safety of your property.

      3. Art. 210 Civil Code of the Russian Federation - the right to safety of property is violated.

      But, look at the contracts.If you have signed at least one consent for street reinstallation, you will have to comply.

  5. Vita

    I live in a municipal apartment. The meter, which is located at the entrance, has stopped. I contacted both the Criminal Code and Mosenergosbyt. According to the law, the management company must replace the meter for me free of charge, but they send it to Mosenergosbyt, and he sends it back to the management company.

    It turns out to be a vicious circle. This has been going on for almost six months now. Mosenergosbyt refuses to give a replacement order, which is required by the Criminal Code. The latest electricity bill came with a multiplying factor. What to do and where to complain?

    • Expert
      Amir Gumarov

      Hello. Replacing the meter is the responsibility of the municipality in your case. Moreover, according to Article 539 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the subscriber in your case is the management company and it is they who must change the metering device. If they demand money from you or do not resolve the issue, file a complaint with the Housing Inspectorate.

  6. Artem

    We moved the old new meter to the street ourselves, sealing is paid? They asked for 1400 rubles, as required by law?

  7. Evgenia

    They refuse to seal the meter... it has been in good condition since the house was used. We bought it ourselves and changed it. not a seal.. referring to 1.5 pue. what is higher than much is a logical refusal to seal?

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