How to choose a water filter: let’s figure out which filter is better + manufacturer ratings

The quality of our tap water, to put it mildly, is far from international standards.Agree, drinking untreated tap water is an extreme activity that can result in serious health problems. Therefore, purchasing a good filter is of utmost importance.

If you do not like to risk your health, then you are probably thinking about how to choose filters for water. The variety of offers on the market will make even the most daring at a loss.

We will help you put everything in its place and make a choice - this article discusses the existing types of filter devices and their characteristics.

The main criteria influencing the choice of the most suitable filter and the rating of the best manufacturers, both domestic and foreign, are also given. For better perception of information, visual diagrams and photographic materials, as well as expert video recommendations to choose from, have been selected.

Types of filters by design

There are several main types of household water filters.

To make a choice, it is better to study in detail the operating principle, advantages and disadvantages of each type, so as not to get lost in the variety of offers.

How to choose the best filter for effective water purification
Water filters offered on the modern market are represented by a wide range of devices and devices that differ in the principle of operation, degree and speed of cleaning

Type #1 - jug for clean water

The simplest type of drinking water filters is jug. It looks extremely simple, the name speaks for itself. The filter is a plastic vessel in the shape of a jug.

A replaceable cartridge is installed in a special hole. It purifies water from impurities using methods combining mechanical, chemical, and less often biological treatment.

To understand the principle of operation of a filter jug, you need to consider its “heart” - a replaceable cartridge in section.

Its internals can be very diverse, it all depends on the manufacturer, but the technology is always the same. Water enters the filter from above, sequentially passes through all levels of purification and enters the jug bowl.

Cartridge fillers for filter jugs
These components in various combinations are the basis of all household filter jugs. Depending on the layout, they can retain organic inclusions, mineral impurities, and protect against bacteria

What filtering agents may be in your filter jug:

  • Activated carbon. The most common component. Due to the high level of adsorption, almost all harmful organic impurities are removed from water;
  • Zeolite. It is found very often in filters. Eliminates ammonia and other organic compounds;
  • Shungite. Added to the cartridge to remove chlorine and its residues from water;
  • Ion exchange resin. Softening, used in cartridges marked “for hard water”;
  • Anti-bactericidal additives. Most often, based on silver ions, they serve to prevent the growth and reproduction of bacteria, algae and other unwanted living creatures inside the cartridge during its use.

The main advantages of water purifiers of the jug category are compactness and mobility. They can be carried and transported wherever you want, left on the table, placed in the kitchen cabinet, or even in the refrigerator.

A significant plus is ease of use: pour, wait, ready. Attracted by the affordable price compared to other types of filters.

The disadvantages include the average quality of purification - it all depends on the initial quality of tap water. I'm not happy with the frequent replacement of the cartridge and the small volume.

Type #2 - flow-through filter options

In the range of devices for mechanical water purification, flow-through varieties are the leaders.

There are several options for implementing this method:

  • desktop;
  • in the form of a faucet attachment;
  • under the sink and on the highway.

Desktop - the easiest option to use. The cleaning system is a replaceable cartridge in a plastic case.

On one side there is a tap for purified water, on the other there is a flexible hose connecting the filter to the water tap.

What is the best filter to purify tap water?
You can collect several containers and always have a couple of liters in reserve, or you can filter the water as needed

To purify tap water, put a nozzle on the faucet and turn on a low pressure. After passing through all levels of purification, ready-to-drink water flows out of the filter.

Filter nozzle for faucet – the same technology, but in a different design. Manufacturers simply reduced the distance between the cartridge and the faucet spout.

The filter attachment has a universal fastening and can be installed on a mixer with both external and internal threads. The obvious advantage is that it does not take up space.Installing the nozzle is as easy as installing a tabletop model—no need to call a plumber.

Filter system under the sink – the most radical method among flow filters.

Installation requires free space directly under the sink and space for a separate tap from above. Such a filter connects directly to the water pipes, and then to the mixer.

The modular filtration system is a console with plastic flasks. They are installed in the direction of water movement in accordance with the degree of cleaning performed.

The first is mechanical filtration with retention of large mineral and organic inclusions. Next, the water passes through modules that carry out sorption, softening, and iron removal.

Apart from its large dimensions, this option has no significant disadvantages. The degree of purification, of course, does not reach the level of more expensive reverse osmosis systems, but it is quite suitable for domestic use.

Which filter to choose for water purification in a private home
To purify water in a private home, it is better to choose a modular filter system with a membrane tank, which allows you to create a supply of clean drinking water and maintain pressure in the system

Type #3 - modernized ultrafilter cleansing

Despite the loud name, the ultrafilter is a type of flow-through device located under the sink. It also consists of several series-connected flow modules with different characteristics.

In fact, an ultrafilter is something between a conventional flow system and a reverse osmosis system.

The main difference between an ultrafilter is the presence of a special finely porous membrane located in the cartridge of the fine cleaning module. The hole size ranges from 0.1 to 0.01 microns.

Water enters the membrane after going through all stages of mechanical purification: carbon, polypropylene, etc. The pore size of the membrane is so small that even some bacteria and viruses, not to mention large particles, do not pass through.

The best filter for water purification using the flow method
The ultrafilter disinfects water without changing its chemical structure and mineral composition, which occurs when boiling, for example

The ultrafilter disinfects water without changing its chemical structure and mineral composition, which happens when boiling, for example.

Type #4 - reverse osmosis system

The reverse osmosis system is by far the most advanced method of purifying tap water. The system includes mechanical filters for preliminary cleaning of sand, rust, organic compounds, chlorine, and ammonia.

Next comes a membrane with pores of 0.0001 microns, filtering water at the molecular level. After membrane cleaning, filtered water enters a special tank, and all harmful impurities are drained into the sewer.

Operating principle of reverse osmosis water purification
Reverse osmosis units carry out the finest water purification at the molecular level. Excellent retention of heavy metal salts, organic matter, and do not allow microorganisms to pass through

The design of the system is quite complex; at the customer’s request, it can be equipped with additional components:

  • pump — at low inlet pressure;
  • pressure reducer - if the pressure is too high;
  • tourmaline cartridge — to restore the structure of water;
  • increased water capacity - for apartments with high consumption;
  • mineralizer — enriches water with calcium, magnesium, sodium;
  • ultraviolet block – control sterilization of water.

The disadvantage of reverse osmosis systems is their energy dependence and the need to maintain a stable pressure.

Our website also has other materials about reverse osmosis systems, we invite you to read:

  1. How to choose a reverse osmosis filter: rating of the best manufacturers and their products
  2. How reverse osmosis works: the principle of operation of fine water purification devices
  3. Reverse osmosis: harm and benefits of membrane purification of tap water
  4. DIY reverse osmosis: step-by-step assembly and installation instructions

Criteria for choosing a good filter

How do you know which of all the water filters is best? Choosing a filter for home use or for the dacha, it is important to pay attention to several important criteria.

To understand which one is right for you, consider:

  • average water consumption;
  • degree of purification;
  • availability of free space in the kitchen;
  • estimated purchase budget.

First of all, water consumption is taken into account. It depends on the number of people living in the apartment.

Criterion #1 - daily water consumption

It is recommended to drink about 2 liters of water daily. Add to this amount 1 liter in the form of soup, tea and coffee, which are also best prepared with filtered water, and we get an approximate norm of 3 liters of water for each adult per day.

Using simple calculations, you can derive the monthly consumption rate for a family of three:

3 people*3 l/day*30 days =270 l.

By comparing the obtained figures with the declared resource and performance of the filter, you can select a suitable model.

If we consider that the average life of a cartridge for a jug is 250-300 liters, then a family of three will have to change it every month. This is not very rational. It is better to buy a jug as a temporary portable filter, for example, for travel or for the garden.

Which water purification filter will be the best in terms of volume?
A family's water consumption depends on the number of active people. An average of 3 - 4 liters per person, including cooking

Let's consider the same family of three people, who, according to our calculations, consume 270 liters of purified water per month.

Having studied the market, we see that the resource of cartridges for a reverse osmosis system is 3-6 thousand liters.The picture is approximately the same with sorption flow filters - 3.5-8 thousand liters.

We count:

  • Min. 3000 l: 270 l/month. = 11 months
  • Max. 8000 l: 270 l/month. = 30 months

However, manufacturers do not recommend using the same cartridge system more than a year or even less. For a family of 3 people, any of the filters under the sink will be suitable. Moreover, there is no point in buying a filter with a longer consumption resource - it is unlikely that you will be able to use all 8000 liters in a year.

Criterion #2 - water quality without a filter

What doesn’t come into our apartments under the guise of tap water: sand, rust, algae, fungi, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, all kinds of salts, acids and bases - the list goes on.

Therefore, it is advisable to see the initial picture before purchasing a filter.

You will not find out this on your own, unless you have your own mini-laboratory and you are a chemist. The rest will have to collect water for testing. You can go to the sanitary and epidemiological station and submit samples for analysis. Faster, but more expensive - private laboratories.

Studying the composition of water to select the best purification filter
At the conclusion of the examination, you will see a large number of important indicators: acid-base balance, hardness, transparency, color, smell, background radiation, the presence of organic matter, chlorine, iron, fluorine and other data

One of the key indicators is rigidity. It's no secret that our tap water is very hard. But how much? The laboratory will give you the exact value in mEq. If it is within 8, then installing a flow filter is allowed.

But such a system is unlikely to cope with very hard water – 8-12+ mEq. At this level of hardness, only a reverse osmosis system is suitable, which simply will not allow molecules of hardness salts to pass through the membrane.

Another direct indication for installing a reverse osmosis filter is the presence of organic matter in the water.

Fungi, bacteria, viruses, even the simplest multicellular microorganisms - none of the above will get into your glass after passing through the membrane and final cleaning with ultraviolet light.

Criterion #3 - free space and price

Availability of free space - everything is clear here. Not every kitchen has space for a large under-sink system, while the extra 15 cm2 for a jug on the table you can always organize.

Often the choice of filter is limited by financial issues.

Let's arrange the filters in order of increasing cost:

  1. Jug – average price 10-12$.
  2. Faucet attachment – ​​$12-15.
  3. Tabletop flow-through – $22-25.
  4. Flow-through system for washing $60-80.
  5. Flow filter with membrane - ultrafilter - $80-85.
  6. Reverse osmosis system in different configurations – $180-200.

An important nuance is the quality of the parts. All connecting elements must be of proper quality.

Which filter is best to choose for purifying tap water?
Cheap plastic will not last long, so it is advisable to twirl all the parts in your hands before purchasing

Criterion #4—need for filter maintenance

Buying and installing a filter is not everything. He needs to be constantly looked after.

Some systems are designed in such a way that for full operation you do not need to contact a specialist; everything is easily replaced and installed by yourself in a few minutes.

How to choose a reliable filter for water purification
Complex models of filtering equipment require advanced skills and require professional installation supervision and maintenance

The list of mandatory regular procedures includes:

  • replacing mechanical cleaning cartridges (for any filter - after consumption of the declared amount of water or after the expiration of its service life);
  • replacing reverse osmosis membrane or in an ultrafilter (the period depends on the quality of the water and the mode of use, on average - once every 1.5 years);
  • membrane flushing (if it can be restored chemically, then it is much cheaper to wash it than to change it);
  • valve flushing and its prevention;
  • refilling filters (replacement of cartridge fillers, iron removers, softeners);
  • softener restoration chemicals (if any).

There are operations that only an experienced master can perform. For example, if you decide to install some additional elements to your reverse osmosis system, such as a UV purifier.

Rating of the best manufacturers

To make your task a little easier, we offer you a rating of the most popular (and for good reason) manufacturers of water filters. Perhaps this will narrow down your search.

At least, most filter buyers chose these brands.

No. 1 - filter for ICAR sink

Development of the Russian company Research Center “IKAR”, which is a manufacturer of installations for producing drinking water of the highest quality. The ICAR filter rightfully occupies a technological leadership in the household water treatment market.

Water filter Ikar
The filter is equipped with a microprocessor unit for controlling and monitoring the output parameters of water: level of mineralization; control of reverse osmosis membrane contamination; water activation power (change in ORP); level of pH increase.

The ICAR filter is mounted under the sink and consists of:

  • 5-stage premium reverse osmosis system - the degree of water purification is the highest among competitors (~ 98%) according to WHO criteria.
  • patented module of the Research Center “Icarus”, which activates very fresh water, structures and gives it a negative redox potential (ORP) the average value is -300. In this case, the ionization of water lasts from 3-7 days in the storage tank. Water boosts immunity and has antioxidant properties.
  • The mineralization unit built into the module operates in automatic dosage mode using the injection method, which ensures the saturation of water with useful substances: K+, Ca++, Mg++, Se++, Iodine ions. Mineralization is carried out using the mineral additive “Severyanka Plus” No. 4. The additive consumption is calculated on average for a year of use.

The system has low power consumption - 50 W. The cost of the produced water of the highest quality is 3 rubles/l. Also, the Research Center “IKAR” has developed a pH reactor to raise the pH of water to values ​​of 7.5 – 8.5, since the water leaves through osmosis with a lower value by about one unit from the pH of the input water, it is purchased separately.

It is believed that drinking water with such pH values ​​increases overall life expectancy and helps maintain the acid-base balance of the body. The unique patented ICAR filter technology has won prestigious international awards in Switzerland and Belgium. The installation has no analogues in the world; the technology allows you to obtain clean, tasty and healthy water at home.

Among the disadvantages of the installation, the following can be highlighted: at first glance, the high cost of the system compared to filters of a lower class; it is also necessary to change replaceable reverse osmosis filter cartridges at least once a year (as with any other filter), once a year to purchase the Severyanka mineral additive plus" (cost about 1 thousand rubles).However, the output is water whose properties are comparable to water from Lake Baikal and its cost is 3 rubles. for 1 liter.

No. 2 - Russian Aquaphor, also known as Aquaphor

The well-known Russian brand Aquaphor produces all of the above types of water filters. In principle, this manufacturer can satisfy every buyer; there are offers for any budget.

One of the best filters for current water purification
AQUAPHOR is a manufacturer of a wide range of effective filtration systems that have earned a reputation for reliable equipment (+)

Cartridges for Aquaphor jugs can be purchased not only in specialized stores, but also in many large supermarkets. This is very convenient, since they will have to be changed with enviable regularity.

In the rating of jug-type filters for water purification of the Aquaphor brand, 3 popular models can be distinguished:

  • Aquaphor Ocean;
  • Aquaphor Prestige;
  • Aquaphor Premium.

Aquaphor flow filters are available in a wide range. The innovative development of the manufacturer Aquaphor - the substance Aqualen - is used as a filter media.

This material is a variation of the polypropylene filter patented by this brand. Aquaphor offers flow filters with collapsible cartridges (you can add or change the filler) and non-separable (can be completely replaced).

Positions at the top of the rating of water purification filters
Aquaphor is one of the few manufacturers that produces and offers a flow-through cleaning nozzle for the faucet

Top flow models:

  • Aquaphor Trio;
  • Aquaphor Crystal;
  • Aquaphor Favorite.

Aquaphor reverse osmosis systems are also in great demand in our market due to their good quality, availability of consumables and components, and reasonable price.

The main element of the system, the membrane, is produced in China and Taiwan.This is considered a disadvantage of such filters. Reverse osmosis systems are available in different filter designs Aquaphor OSMO And Morion.

No. 3 - domestic development Barrier

Like its main competitor Aquaphor, Barrier offers both pitcher filters and simple tabletop flow-through devices, as well as more complex flow-through systems and even reverse osmosis filters.

Popular jugs are easy to find in city supermarkets; cartridges for them are sold in many stores. Since Barrier consumables are only suitable for filters from this manufacturer, this is quite convenient. The jugs themselves differ only in their design.

Leaders in the rating of filters for water purification
Another popular mass market brand is the Russian Barrier. Among the sales offers are devices for the preparation of technical and drinking water

Popular models:

  • Barrier Extra;
  • Barrier Smart;
  • Barrier Grand.

The line of barrier flow filters is very widely represented. Depending on the type of water you have, you will be able to choose a suitable offer.

For example, if the iron content is high, they buy a system with Ferrostop technology, and if the hardness is high, they buy a softening cartridge.

The barrier proudly names all the technologies used: if connected to a water supply system, then "QuickFitting", if the carbon filter – then "Carbon block", if some of the water goes past the cartridge, then this is already "ByPass".

Reverse osmosis systems from this manufacturer have appeared on sale relatively recently. A 100-gallon membrane made in Russia is used.

There is also an unusual model - K-OSMOS. Its uniqueness is that all the flasks and other elements are in a stylish translucent case, and not in the public domain, like most other manufacturers.

Among the other assortment of TM Barrier, there are very interesting items, such as a children's filter, a shower filter (important for bathing children), and a filter status sensor.

The most popular models of Barrier flow filters:

  • Barrier Expert;
  • Barrier Standard;
  • Barrier Pro.

Reverse osmosis systems are called Barrier Profi OSMO, SPACEBarrier WaterFort Osmo.

No. 4 - inexpensive Taiwanese Aqualine

Taiwanese manufacturer Aqualine specializes in reverse osmosis systems, as well as flow-through filtration systems.

The high quality of all components and the operation of the entire system has allowed Aqualine to occupy a fairly large niche in the market of filter manufacturers.

Which filter is better to buy for water purification?
One of the most popular reverse osmosis filters is Aqualine, which purifies tap water from chlorine, manganese, and iron.

One of the features of these filters is that the first filter flask is made not of the usual white plastic that we are used to seeing from other companies, but of durable transparent one.

Why is this being done? For ease of maintenance. Through the transparent walls you can see when it is time to change the cartridge filler.

Flasks are easily installed in the system Quick Connect. It is possible to install a mineralizer after the membrane to restore water. The membrane used is made in Korea.

Foreign-made water purification filter
High quality flasks with double rubber seal prevent possible leaks. The devices use a unique filter material that softens water and neutralizes viruses and bacteria

Models: Aqualine Standard – flow-through under the sink; Aqualine RO-6 - reverse osmosis; Aqualine RO-5 - reverse osmosis.

No. 5 - South Korean Raifil (Raifil)

Another popular brand is Raifil.This company began its production activities in the early 00s and focused primarily on the South Korean market.

The plant for the production of components and fillers is located in Taiwan, but the company closely cooperates with the South Korean company S.S.K.

Rating of imported water purification filters
In addition to household models, Raifil also produces large, industrial units for water purification using reverse osmosis.

One of the advantages of Ryfil is that they do not use widespread Chinese membranes, giving preference to Korean and American models. Raifil offers some of the best water purification filters among reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration systems.

The advantages of filters from this company are high quality plastic, a double sealing ring, stiffeners along the length of all flasks, and Teflon tape included for better fixation.

Reverse osmosis systems are equipped with high-performance pumps. The flasks used are universal; if desired, flasks from any other manufacturer can be installed.

Like many other manufacturers, Ryfil placed all of his filter bottles on a metal mounting plate for protection from damage and ease of installation.

Raifil offers ultrafilters called Raifil Novo and reverse osmosis filters Raifil RO in different designs.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The video provides an overview of the most popular Aqualine filter model:

You can install the filter under the sink with your own hands, if these hands grow “from where they need to”. Here are the step-by-step instructions:

The selection of water filters in specialized stores is dizzying. With such an assortment, choosing a good quality model for reasonable money is a completely feasible task.Buy responsibly and drink only clean water!

Are you looking for an effective water filter or do you have experience using such installations? Please leave comments on the article and your impressions about using water filters.

Visitor comments
  1. Vladimir

    For now we are using a filter jug, but this option is far from ideal. Still, in practice it is not possible to install new cartridges as often as necessary. You just forget about timely replacement. Now I'm thinking about installing a flow-through system under the sink. The price is quite affordable and you don’t have to bother with consumables every month. In my opinion, this is a reasonable solution.

  2. Oleg

    I used the jug for a long time, in principle, the level of cleaning was quite satisfactory. But I didn’t like the fact that the volume of clean water was limited. Then I placed the nozzle on the faucet. It didn’t work either - it clogs up very quickly and fails. After two breakdowns I decided to buy a filter for the sink. I wanted a regular modular system with mechanical processing, but now I’ll buy an ultrafilter, I liked the description.

  3. Julia

    For a long time we bought water on tap, and then we decided to install a filter for ourselves in order to be independent. As practice has shown, jugs are not practical and get clogged very quickly. We recently installed a reverse osmosis filter, of course we paid 8 thousand, it’s expensive, we’ll see how long it lasts.

  4. Alexander

    I’m looking at reverse osmosis filters for one simple reason - there are simply no alternatives to reverse osmosis. No filter can purify water better. I'll probably take a closer look at the last two manufacturers.By the way, does anyone use Rayfil or Aqualine? Which manufacturer is better to choose? Are there any fundamental differences in the quality of assembly and filtration?

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      If we compare these two manufacturers Raifil and AquaLine, they are practically in the same price category, plus the characteristics of the running models within $200 are almost the same.

      Let's look at the following examples:
      1. Raifil Grando 6 reverse osmosis system with mineralizer (RO905-650-EZ);
      2. Reverse osmosis filter AquaLine RO-6 BIO.

      The first has 6 stages of cleaning, the second has seven, both models are equipped with mineralizers, AquaLine RO-6 BIO even has a pH corrector.

      I would recommend choosing Raifil, since the build quality of the South Korean manufacturer is better than that of the Taiwanese Aqualine. In addition, Raifil provides 36 months of official warranty, and consumables in the form of cartridges, membranes, filters and mineralizers are easier to find, plus their prices are noticeably lower than those of AquaLine.

  5. Elena

    We only had a filter jug ​​once, but for me they don’t completely purify the water. We have been using the Water Doctor filter for a long time, the water after it is really clean, there are no additional tastes. Very clean water.

  6. Zinaida

    Also on recommendation we installed VD-TM 205 Lux Fe2 from Water Doctor, we didn’t regret our choice, it works fine and doesn’t let us down. The water is cleaned well, tested with a special device.

  7. Alexei

    It is strange that the article does not contain anything about BWT filters. I have an activated carbon filter from BVT in my cottage. It has been standing for five years now and has been cleaning the water perfectly all these years.

  8. Leko

    It’s strange that not a word has been written about Geyser...

  9. Natalia

    Yes, and it’s strange that it’s not written about Atoll. They are very popular now. A narrow overview of the filter. I wonder why these particular filters were included in the rating...

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