TCL air conditioner errors: specifics of deciphering the problem code and repair paths

Agree that any (even the most reliable) equipment can break. TCL air conditioners are no exception.During the startup or operation of these split systems, various problems may occur. They are quickly detected by the internal self-diagnosis system.

Some errors in TCL air conditioners can be eliminated without the involvement of professionals, while others require contacting a service center. Based on the indication on the display, the owner of the split system can determine the nature of the malfunction and draw up a rough plan to solve the problem.

We will tell you how to identify a violation by deciphering a signal encoded by the manufacturer. We'll tell you which way is best to take to correct the situation. Our recommendations will help you troubleshoot the problem and extend the life of your climate control equipment.

Types of air conditioner malfunctions

Chinese TCL air conditioners have proven themselves well in the world market as inexpensive and reliable climate control equipment. But periodically they also fall into disrepair and require comprehensive repairs.

All malfunctions of TCL split systems can be divided into:

  • errors in voltage, current or temperature sensors;
  • EEPROM firmware malfunctions;
  • problems with the indoor unit motor;
  • changes in interblock connections;
  • emergency stop errors.

You can find out that there is a malfunction in the device thanks to the indicators on the case. air conditioner and split system or information shown on the display. Those. sometimes the timer LEDs, previously lit with a steady light, suddenly begin to blink (chaotically or in a certain order), and sometimes an alphanumeric combination appears on the display.

Air conditioners TCL
It is important to correctly identify the combinations of letters and numbers that appear on the display of the TCL air conditioner in order to determine the repair and completely repair it.

When an error indication appears, much depends on exactly when the malfunction occurred. If a breakdown of the air conditioner was discovered during installation of the device (and the installation of the equipment is carried out by a representative of a company accredited by the manufacturer), the owner of the split system may require replacement of the product.

If malfunctions in the operation of the air conditioner occur several months or years after installation, the device will need to be repaired at a service center or repaired yourself.

HVAC error codes

Common error codes on a TCL split system have a standard appearance. At the beginning of the code there is the letter E, followed by a number or a Latin letter.

These combinations mean:

  • E0 – a code indicating a lack of communication between the internal and external units (to correct the problem, you should check the inter-unit connection, as well as the boards of the external and internal units);
  • E2 – indication of a malfunction of the evaporator temperature sensor;
  • E3 – error code of the condenser temperature sensor;
  • E4 – general indicator of system malfunction;
  • E5 – the indicator indicates a type mismatch;
  • E6 – error code of the air conditioning indoor unit;
  • E7 – a combination indicating problems with the temperature sensor of the external unit;
  • E8 – error code of the compressor discharge temperature sensor;
  • E9 – indicator of a problem with the inverter board;
  • E.F. – indication indicating problems with the fan motor of the indoor unit;
  • E.A. – indicator of problems with the current sensor;
  • E.E. – firmware fault code;
  • E.P. – indication of problems with the compressor shutdown thermostat;
  • EU – combination of voltage sensor faults;
  • E.H. – error code of the temperature indicator of the suction pipe.

Emergency stop error codes have different symbols. At the beginning of the code there is the Latin letter P, followed by a number.

These indicators include:

  • P1 – indicator of low or high voltage;
  • P2 – a code indicating problems with overcurrent protection;
  • P4 – indication of errors in protection against exhaust overheating;
  • P5 – indicator of problems with protection against overcooling in cooling mode;
  • P6 – code for problems with overheating protection in cooling mode;
  • P7 – indication of overheating protection errors in heating mode;
  • P8 – indicator of open overheating or overcooling of protection;
  • P9 – code indicating problems with drive protection (as part of program control);
  • P0 – module protection error indicator (hardware control).

The error code is a hint. It indicates the direction to look for the problem. If you know what exactly this or that combination means, you can determine in advance whether you should contact the service center or whether there is no need for this.

The main problems in the operation of air conditioners

Each split system malfunction requires analysis and detailed identification of the causes. Only in this case can the problem be completely eliminated.

Characteristic signs of problems with climate control equipment and its improper operation include:

  • ignoring remote control commands and other controllability problems;
  • the occurrence of uncharacteristic sounds when the split system is operating;
  • lack of cooling (or heating);
  • sudden shutdown of equipment;
  • leaks of liquid and freon on the device body;
  • the appearance of unpleasant odors, etc.

Any changes in the operation of the air conditioner require utmost attention. Not all possible malfunctions of climate control equipment are described in its accompanying documentation.

Split system control problems

If the climate control equipment does not respond to signals sent from the control panel, as well as to commands from the ON/OFF buttons on the case, first you should check whether it is connected to the network.

Similar situations occur if there is a failure on the line or problems with the wiring. Next, you should make sure that the remote control contains batteries and that they are working, and that the correct polarity was observed when installing them.

Batteries for the remote control
There is no need to skimp on batteries (batteries) for the wireless remote control, since the ease of use of the air conditioner depends on it

After this, the absence of any obstacles that could interfere with the passage of the signal from the remote control to the air conditioner is checked. Other electrical appliances and fluorescent lighting can interrupt the signal. For a complete check, you need to turn off all equipment and then try to start the split system.

If there are no obstacles, you need to make sure that the remote control is working. To do this, you need to take your smartphone, turn on the camera on it, press the control button on the remote control and point the phone's camera at it.If the gadget display shows a glow from the emitter, then the problem is not with the wireless remote control. Otherwise, it must be repaired.

IR receiver
On the boards of split systems, which are controlled using a wireless remote control, there is a special infrared receiver (it is easiest to transmit control commands through IR radiation)

If the remote control is operational, and the air conditioner is turned on only using the buttons on the case, it is recommended to look at the status of the IR signal receiver. If the split system does not completely respond to button presses or turns on but does not cool (heat) the air, this indicates problems with the control board.

From time to time, fuses on the board burn out, so they should be checked first.

Control board
Control board - an electronics unit with a central microprocessor located on the right side of the indoor unit (this part is often called the brain of the air conditioner)

If the climate control device does not turn on at all, this may also indicate a violation of the cable interconnections and activation of the system’s protective mode.

These breakdowns are caused by problems with the electronics of the equipment, and therefore it is not recommended to repair it yourself. It is better to immediately contact a service center, where they will conduct a full diagnosis and repair the fault.

TCL Service Center
When purchasing a TCL air conditioner, you should check in advance where the official service centers are located, so that if the device breaks down, contact them immediately

You can only check the functionality of the current fuse and varistor yourself. These elements may burn out in the event of a short circuit or power surge.A fuse is a transparent box or flexible insert with a contact along the dielectric body. A varistor looks like a small resistor soldered to the control board.

Insufficient air cooling

If the air conditioner is blowing insufficiently cold air, first you need to check the external causes. Cooling problems may be caused by incorrect selection of climate control equipment.

A low-power air conditioner will not be able to fully cool a large room. Similar problems can arise if it is very hot and stuffy outside and the windows in the room are open. A constant flow of warm air will interfere with cooling.

Closing the windows before starting the air conditioner
Before turning on the air conditioner, you should close the windows and doors in the room to ensure maximum efficiency of the air conditioning equipment.

You also need to remember that a split system is not able to instantly cool the air. It usually takes about 15 minutes to create an optimal microclimate in the room. Those. After turning on the air conditioner, sometimes you just need to wait.

Starting the air conditioner
The speed of indoor air cooling depends on the power of the air conditioner and the area of ​​the room in which the climate control equipment is installed.

If this is not the case, you should look for possible breakdowns and malfunctions in the design of the TCL air conditioner itself. These include clogged air filters and condenser coils. If the filter is dirty, air cannot flow freely through the system. If too much dirt and dust accumulates, the evaporator coils will freeze.

This will significantly reduce the cooling capacity of the device.When condenser coils become dirty, heat dissipation efficiency decreases and it becomes impossible to maintain proper room temperature.

After this, it is worth inspecting the heat exchanger of the external unit. If it is dirty (lots of dust, fluff, pollen, etc.), heat transfer is noticeably reduced. Because of this, the production of cold is reduced, which in the future can lead to stops and breakdowns of climate control equipment.

If the outdoor unit is located in an accessible and safe place, you can clean it yourself using mechanical means (brush, sponge, broom) and a high-pressure washer. If it is located on the wall of a high-rise building, you cannot clean it yourself. For these purposes, it is more advisable to contact the service center and specialized organizations.

Cleaning the outdoor unit
Cleaning the outdoor unit of an air conditioner at height requires certain knowledge and skills, and therefore it is better to entrust it to professionals

Also, insufficient cooling of air conditioners is often associated with breakdowns of compressors and their components (for example, overload fuses and capacitors). To replace them, it is better to contact specialized service centers.

Another common failure in TCL split systems is a thermostat malfunction. It is this part that controls the air temperature. When the air in the room gets too hot, the thermostat activates a switch that starts the compressor and fan.

Air conditioner thermostat
The air conditioning thermostat is a special valve in the cooling system that closes when the refrigerant temperature is low to recirculate it

In addition, the air conditioner may have cooling problems due to a broken thermistor.This sensor detects the air temperature in the room. It is connected to the control board and in case of breakdown it is simply removed and replaced with a new one.

Sometimes the cooling functions of a split system are reduced due to problems directly in the control panel, because it regulates the voltage on the compressor and fan motors. If the air conditioner board breaks, then other parts also quickly fail.

A refrigerant leak from an air conditioner can also cause the unit to become unable to cool the room. A small leak of freon circulating in the system always occurs. It is a consequence of the presence of joints in connecting tubes.

Freon in air conditioner
The annual rate of refrigerant (freon) leakage in a household air conditioner is 6 - 8 percent of the amount with which the equipment was charged

To compensate for these losses, it is necessary to produce refilling equipment with refrigerant. But such a leak cannot cause a major breakdown, since it is provided for by the manufacturer. Problems arise only in the case of a large leak.

It can be easily identified by the following signs:

  1. Frost and ice appear on the fitting connections of the external unit.
  2. The compressor insulation darkens.
  3. The compressor heat protection relay is periodically activated.
  4. There is a smell of burning and oil.

If a leak occurs, it must be repaired quickly, because... this can lead to overheating and further damage to the compressor of the outdoor unit. Also, due to a lack of freon, the compressor lubrication system is disrupted, causing oil to be carried away into the heat exchanger of the split system. Because of this, the gas temperature increases and the 4-way valve may simply be damaged by the hot flow.

Problems with room heating

Air conditioners that support the heating function must be equipped with a winter set of additional parts. It ensures normal functioning of the external unit of the device at negative temperatures.

The winter kit contains special heating elements (they are also called heating elements). The heating elements heat the compressor crankcase, due to which the oil in the system does not thicken, and the condensate flowing from the drainage system does not freeze.

Air conditioner in the snow
Before starting the air conditioner in winter, you should first make sure that it is designed to operate at subzero temperatures.

Not all models of climate control equipment can work for heating in winter. If the equipment is equipped with this function, but it does not work, the problem may be due to a refrigerant leak from a closed circuit. In this case, the equipment will not be able to work for cooling. Also, problems with the heating mode arise due to severe contamination of the impeller of the external unit or heat exchanger.

Distribution of a specific odor

An air conditioner is not an air purifier or humidifier, but it shouldn't smell bad. Unpleasant odors usually do not indicate any problems in the operation of the device, but simple dirtiness. For example, if the unit has not been turned on or cleaned for a long time, then dust and mold accumulate on it (and in it!), which is why a specific aroma of mustiness and dampness appears.

Cleaning the air conditioner
In order to remove the unpleasant odor from the air conditioner air filters, you need to remove them and blow them out using a regular vacuum cleaner.

To prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors, you need to regularly clean the air conditioner (incl.antiseptic agents) and carry out preventive maintenance. Anti-dust air filters and the indoor unit panel should be periodically cleaned of dirt.

If the recommended service life of the filters has expired, they must be changed even if the device has been used little. Also, to prevent the appearance of foreign odors, it is recommended to periodically turn on the split system for a short time.

Conditioner washing
Before cleaning your home air conditioner, you need to unplug the equipment, partially disassemble it and thoroughly wash every part of the device.

If the split system is regularly turned on and cleaned, a bad odor may be caused by drainage problems. Connecting drainage elements at the wrong angle will lead to stagnation of water and the appearance of unpleasant odors. If your air conditioner smells like sewage, you should check the drain pipe connection.

A similar problem is typical for cases when the drainage pipe is included in the sewer system without a siphon, but it is the siphon that plays the role of a water seal and prevents the appearance of “toilet” odors.

The appearance of strange sounds during operation

The air conditioner makes certain noises when operating, but many of them do not indicate any problems. For example, clicks of a thermostat or a slight hiss when the split system is turned on are absolutely safe.

Only a few sounds indicate a malfunction of the climate control equipment, which include:

  • fan rattling, indicating bearing damage, ice formation or a broken impeller;
  • hissing of pipes through which freon passes (indicates a violation of the tightness of the line);
  • a strong hum, indicating contamination of the heat exchanger;
  • a squeaking whistle, which is a sign of problems with the control transformer, etc.

If, immediately after turning on the air conditioner, strange uncharacteristic sounds appear, it is recommended to turn off the split system and wait a little. If after restarting the noise does not disappear, you need to look for the cause yourself or contact a specialized service center.

The air conditioner suddenly turns off

If the air conditioning equipment turns on, but suddenly stops working literally 15 minutes after starting, this may be due to a number of malfunctions. Such problems include contamination of the radiator, problems with the thermostat, damage to the control board, or failures in the basic settings. Such problems often arise due to strong mechanical stress.

Turning off the air conditioner
Unintentional shutdown of the air conditioner 5-15 minutes after it is started is a characteristic sign of a malfunction of the split system, even in the absence of obvious breakdowns

Also, the air conditioner may suddenly turn off after charging the system with freon. If there is too much refrigerant, an imbalance will occur and the system will be overloaded. In this case, the operating pressure of the compressor is measured and excess liquid is removed.

But the air conditioner reaching the desired room temperature and then turning it off is not considered a malfunction. Those. Before starting inspection and repair, you need to make sure that a failure actually occurred.

If the system produces certain error codes, you need to find the cause of the TCL air conditioner failure and fix it.Almost all problems with air conditioners are a consequence of their improper operation, installation errors or lack of normal maintenance. To minimize the likelihood of breakdowns, climate control equipment needs to be looked after and, for example, cleaned.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The video below explains how to clean your TCL air conditioner:

If the air conditioner stops working, its self-diagnosis system will allow you to determine the cause of the problem, but you should not rush to repair the device yourself. Most problems require professional intervention. Only in this case will it be possible to preserve expensive climate control equipment and successfully use it for a long time.

Would you like to tell us how you found an error in your climate control system based on the code that appeared on the display? Would you like to share your experience in fixing the problem? Please leave comments in the block form below, ask questions and post photos on the topic of the article.

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