Air conditioning or split system - which is better? Comparative review

If a person thinks about how to improve the climatic conditions in his home or office, then a dilemma will arise about what is better - an air conditioner or a split system. This happens because each of these types of equipment has both its advantages and disadvantages - that is, there is no ideal option.

The article we have proposed describes in detail the design features and operating principle of climate control equipment. To facilitate the process of assessing the positive and negative aspects, we have compared the characteristics. Our recommendations will help you make the right choice.

Equipment selection guidelines

At their core, air conditioners and split systems are two varieties of the same type of popular climate control equipment. That is, they are designed to solve the same problems, and the principle of their operation is similar.

The only difference is that the air conditioner is monoblock, that is, its body is one block, and each split system offered to customers consists of two parts. Moreover, they are always placed in different places - one of them is installed outside the heated room, and the second inside.

Since the functionality of monoblock models and split systems is similar, they are all capable of effectively cooling the air in living, working and any other relatively small room. At the same time, the air is dehumidified. It is necessary to ensure sufficient comfort in the room and prevent the development of bacteria.

Split system wall unit
The wall-mounted indoor unit of the split system ensures uniform distribution of warm air

In addition, today an important feature of air conditioners and split systems has become versatility. As a result, heating with accompanying dehumidification may not be the only function available to the user. Therefore, anyone can purchase a unit that additionally provides ventilation and filtration.

However, you should know that the listed functions for both varieties can be considered no more than additional. Since there are a number of operational restrictions. For example, it is optimal to use the ventilation mode only in winter, if warm air accumulates at the top and is cold near the floor.

Filtration often allows you to deal only with dust, but increasingly manufacturers are equipping their products with:

  • ionizers — designed to destroy bacteria, purify the air from odors and other contaminants;
  • fine filters - they serve to clean the air from various allergens, mold, etc.

But only air conditioners belonging to the most expensive category, which are not affordable for everyone, will still be able to compare in efficiency with air purifiers.

Split system indoor unit
There are most models on the market related to split systems. You can install such equipment in an apartment room in a multi-storey building, cottage or country estate

And all models related to the specified types of equipment are household ones. That is, they are used for cooling apartments, small shops, restaurants, private houses, offices. For air treatment in large rooms, units of a completely different class are used, which are considered professional.

Types of modern air conditioners

If a potential buyer needs to understand the question of what is better - a monoblock air conditioner or a split system consisting of several parts, then he should start by becoming familiar with the types of this equipment. And quite a lot of them have been created for convenience.

Split systems are further divided into:

  • cassette — mounted in the interceiling space, belongs to the group equipment with fresh air supply;
  • channel – they are installed between the main and suspended ceilings and allow you to cool the air in several necessary rooms at once;
  • wall-mounted - the name indicates the main feature;
  • floor - unlike all kinds of wall-mounted models, they allow you to avoid exposure to direct air flows on people in the room. In addition, this type of equipment distributes the cooled masses more evenly, which is a significant advantage.

Ducted units owe the peculiarity of their operation to channels distributed in adjacent rooms. These are ordinary corrugated pipes, with the help of which warm masses are selected and cold ones are supplied. The equipment allows air conditioning of a multi-room apartment, large office, etc.

If there is a need to process air in several rooms, then it is logical to use efficient multi-split systems.Their peculiarity is that any number of internal ones are connected to one external unit. Moreover, they can be of different power, brand, and located at different distances from the outer part of the system.

Duct split system
The air duct of the duct split system is circled in red, and the indoor unit itself may be located in the next room

At the same time, there is an important drawback, in the form of the same single external block. So, if it breaks down, then the entire air conditioning system created by the owners of the premises fails.

Monoblock air conditioners are divided into:

  1. Mobile - the most popular equipment of this type.
  2. Window - they have already served their purpose, so this variety is represented in the lines of only a few manufacturers that are not among the top ones. The reasons for its unpopularity are low efficiency and low thermal insulation of the room, where outside air enters through the design of the product.

As a result, the monoblock type today is represented mainly by mobile air conditioners, compact and mounted on wheels. Therefore, they are convenient to move or transport anywhere. This is their main feature.

Will introduce you to an overview of the best positions on the air conditioner market next article, which examines this interesting question in detail.

Comparison of the most important characteristics

Although many general features were listed above, design nuances have an impact. Therefore, both varieties have a number of characteristics unique to their species, both positive and negative.

Performance for efficient cooling

Monoblock products are designed for air conditioning rooms with an area of ​​15-35 square meters. m.And models related to split systems are more powerful, which gives them the ability to cope with the same work in rooms reaching 50-80 square meters. m. Although most of them are also designed to work in small areas.

Mobile air conditioner
The monoblock air conditioner fits perfectly into the interior and does not take up much space. But its most sought-after characteristic is mobility.

This leads to the conclusion: monoblock air conditioners should be purchased only for cooling air in small living rooms, kitchens, offices, and commercial premises. Whereas split systems can work effectively in a wider range of areas. This factor is important to consider when choosing.

Noisiness is the main drawback

The superior performance of split systems occurs because the noisiest part of their design, called the compressor, is located outdoors. Therefore, manufacturers can provide models belonging to this type with any necessary power, without the risk of reducing the comfort of people’s lives.

As for monoblock products, the compressor that makes noise, due to its design features, is located inside the housing, and therefore, in a residential or office space. As a result, designers are limited in their ability to increase their productivity, which leads to an increase in noise and sound pressure.

Such discomfort will interfere with living a peaceful life, reading a book, working, and will certainly harm your health. This is a pressing problem, and it is reflected in the legislative acts of all post-Soviet countries.

As a result, monoblock units are inferior to their two-block counterparts not only in power, which is not critical, but also in noise.The last point is fundamental for many potential buyers who make a choice in favor of models of one or another type of air conditioner.

Window air conditioner
Window air conditioners are also monoblock, but today they are not in demand, so they are rare

But you shouldn’t make a premature decision, since the noise level of monoblock air conditioners is simply slightly higher than that of split systems, but it is within the framework of common sense and various regulations.

Therefore, it all depends on the person’s personal perception and it is recommended to simply make a comparison. Although the clear advantage in this matter belongs to two-block units.

Functionality: no clear leader

Split systems are often equipped with various additional equipment, for example, ionizers, effective filters, various control sensors, etc. And they have additional functions that make the work better and less energy-consuming.

Yet, most often, opponents of monoblock air conditioners complained about such inconveniences as the need to drain condensate manually. In some cases this operation had to be performed every 3 hours.

In addition, there was insufficient accuracy in monitoring indoor climate conditions, which led to mediocre quality of implementation of the established program.

But today it is no longer uncommon to find models of monoblock air conditioners that are devoid of the listed disadvantages. They can independently remove moisture to the heat exchanger, so you no longer need to devote time to the air conditioner every few hours.

Installation of a mobile air conditioner
In a monoblock air conditioner, only the air duct is in contact with the outside air, which adds reliability to the product

And also in recent years, the quality of room temperature control has significantly improved; as a result, the errors of models from leading manufacturers have become insignificant. For example, Electrolux monoblock air conditioners have long had deviations within 1 °C, which is quite decent.

If a potential buyer plans to use the equipment throughout the year, including for heating, then you should pay attention to the availability of such an opportunity. Since heating using split systems is recommended only in the spring-autumn period, or more precisely, up to -5 °C.

Therefore, in most cases, an air conditioner will not replace the main types of heating (centralized or autonomous system).

You can ignore the stated rule that in the worst case, everything will end in failure when starting in severe frost. If the outcome is favorable, the unit will be able to survive only 2-3 winters, which is not enough, given the cost of modern air conditioners. The reason for the short service life will be increased wear of the loaded parts of the compressor.

Additional equipment will help to avoid such problems, but even this will not prevent a decrease in power by 3 times in twenty-degree frost. This will make the system ineffective.

Monoblock air conditioners do not have this feature - they are always indoors. And for heating, built-in ceramic heaters are used that do not burn oxygen.

Split system not working
This is a frozen external unit of the split system; this will never happen with a mobile air conditioner.

As a conclusion, we can point out that the buyer should take into account the following feature: the clear advantage of split systems appears only in the segment of the most technologically advanced, and, therefore, expensive products. Therefore, if you have the money to buy a unit with a self-cleaning function, climate control and other options, then it is better to buy a split system.

If you don’t want to spend money on all the latest features, then the functionality will be of a similar level. Therefore, it will be necessary to make a choice based on other advantages and disadvantages.

Reliability and mobility of devices

It would seem that structurally similar and equally functional products should have similar reliability. This is true, but the external units of absolutely all split systems operate in a more aggressive environment, which significantly reduces the durability of these products. Still, this is a natural process and there is nothing to complain about.

The external block of any model is rigidly attached to the external wall, and the internal block to the wall or floor. It turns out that every product belonging to this type is purely stationary.

This is a significant difference from most monoblock air conditioners, which designers install on rollers. As a result, the owner can always move it to the desired corner or even another room, if there is a possibility of exhausting hot air there. This will help not only to obtain high-quality cooling, but also to save money.

For example, split systems can make the climate comfortable in only one room. If you need to cool the air in adjacent parts of the building, you need to buy additional air conditioners. But monoblock products can be transported from the kitchen to the bedroom and other rooms.True, this is not entirely convenient - it is only suitable as an economy option.

Installation of monoblock air conditioner
This is how heat is removed from the room when a monoblock air conditioner is operating. These temporary inconveniences should be taken into account when allocating space

Monoblock air conditioners also have a significant limitation in the form of a flexible hose leading into a slightly open window or a hole in the wall. It is impossible to do without this element, since it is designed to remove hot air outside the room.

As a result, monoblock products, according to many users, are considered only conditionally mobile. However, this is not an obstacle to transporting them to the dacha, when transporting them to another rented apartment.

Also on sale mobile split systems, but their insignificant sales volumes, as well as the reluctance of most manufacturers to develop such equipment, indicate its unpopularity.

About the cost of installation work

For today installation of a split system - the pleasure is not cheap. Even when there are no particular difficulties for performing this operation, you will have to part with an impressive sum, equal to 20-30% of the cost of the purchased product.

You can save money by entrusting the work to non-professionals, but this is fraught, since durability depends on the correct installation, and significantly.

Air conditioner installation
Installation of the external unit of a split system is a complicated and therefore expensive procedure. But you shouldn’t save on it - it can lead to big problems

Owners of monoblock air conditioners do not have installation problems. Since it will work anywhere it is installed.But with one limitation - it is necessary to ensure that the flexible pipe through which hot air is transported is removed outside the home or office.

To do this, they make a hole in the wall or window, which is also an additional expense, although in this case everything is simpler and cheaper. These works can be replaced with a cover made of dense polyester fabrics, such as polyester.

It is quickly and easily placed between the window frame and any of its sash installed for ventilation. Then a hose is attached to the hole to remove air.

Air conditioner installation
This is what the room looks like where the indoor unit of any split system is installed. Therefore, it is advisable to plan the installation at the same time as the repair

Often, owners of monoblock air conditioners get out of the situation by leading the pipe directly into a slightly open window. Such a solution can only be considered as temporary, because it will significantly cool the air, but at a significantly higher cost of electricity, which is unprofitable.

Heat removal from the room
For comparison: this is often how a monoblock mobile air conditioner is “mounted”, although this is not the most economical way

In this category, despite all the limitations and difficulties, monoblock air conditioners clearly have an advantage. This means that owners of such products significantly save money at the stage of purchasing and installing the selected unit.

The importance of design when choosing a device

A monoblock air conditioner is most often a structure with a height of within 70 cm, the width of most models does not exceed 40 cm.

The design of the internal units of a split system is very diverse, as they come in different thicknesses and lengths. If necessary, you can even hide such a device.Manufacturers offer a wide range of body colors.

Indoor unit design
The design of the internal units of split systems is much more diverse; this design element can even be hidden

In practice, buyers do not have any special requirements - most often they purchase classic white products that easily fit into any home, office, or store environment. Still, a person with special taste is better off choose a split system due to the greater variety of design solutions.

People living or working on the lower floors of buildings should take into account that external units located within the reach of vandals often suffer from their actions.

To prevent damage to the equipment, it should be placed as high as possible if the neighbors do not mind this. It is possible to provide for protective structures. Which means additional costs.

How to decide on equipment?

When it is difficult for the future owner of an air conditioner to do selection of climate control equipment, then you need to take a sheet of paper and indicate on it all the necessary parameters. And then choose the most suitable type of equipment for them. Then select the model that belongs to the desired type.

The procedure may take several steps. First you need to determine the exact area of ​​the room in which the air conditioner will cool the air. If it is up to 35-40 sq. m, then the desired type will have to be selected further.

If the area is larger, then only a split system will be the optimal solution, since it is unlikely that a person will find a monoblock air conditioner with the required power.

Indoor unit protection
Residents of the lower floors will need to protect their property from vandals and thieves. Damage to equipment is not uncommon

Secondly, the issue of noise must be resolved - it is relevant for most buyers, so it is not advisable to postpone it. Why you have to go to retail stores, to friends and compare the sound pressure indicators of different models to understand whether noisier monoblock products are suitable or opt for quiet split systems.

If the final choice has not been made at this point, then you need to pay attention to the desired functionality air conditioner. When it comes to premium characteristics, you will need a split system.

If you don’t want to spend money on installation, anti-vandalism, protective visorsthat protect the air conditioner from moisture, you should choose a monoblock model.

If the choice is still not made, you will have to use additional arguments. For example, it may be a suitable design. You need to understand that in the case when the model must be mobile, then the question of choice should only end with the acquisition of a suitable monoblock model. This applies to buyers renting housing, commercial premises, and summer residents.

There is no alternative to people living in buildings classified as historical heritage by the authorities who will have to refuse to purchase a split system. Since spoiling their facades and other walls is not the best idea.

The possible complexity of choice indicates that no one type of equipment has clear advantages over another. This is confirmed by statistics: more often people buy split systems, but this advantage is far from overwhelming.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The video attached below will help potential buyers quickly understand which type of air conditioner will be preferable for them:

The video provides an overview of the capabilities of a compact split system:

Today, mobile monoblock air conditioners, like split systems, are effective equipment that can cool the required volume of air and perform a number of additional functions. And if necessary, it will do all this automatically.

But each of these types has a number of advantages and disadvantages, taking into account which potential buyers should choose the optimal model.

What type of climate control equipment do you prefer for installation at home or in the country? Tell us what was the deciding factor in your choice. Please leave comments in the block below, share useful information and photos on the topic of the article.

Visitor comments
  1. Dmitriy

    Of course, a split system is much better. We live in a cottage, we bought it from M-video about 2 years ago for a promotion with free installation. It freshens the air perfectly, but consumes a lot of energy, so we try to use it infrequently.

    I would like to note that the author did not mention such an important factor as the density of the wall; if it is flimsy, then nothing will work. The device rattles a lot, which will to some extent affect the service life of the structure.

    • Expert
      Alexey Dedyulin

      I understand, Dmitry, that the outdoor unit is rattling. We need to look for the reason, which could be:

      - impeller malfunction - inspect the fan blades. You may find deformations, cracks, and other damage. The impeller will need to be replaced;
      — malfunction of the fan bearings - turn the blades by hand, evaluate the freedom of rotation, the absence of extraneous sounds. Check the play by transverse and longitudinal swings of the shaft.A defective bearing must be replaced;
      — installation of the air conditioner on brackets without rubber vibration dampers.

      A visual inspection of the outdoor unit can reveal other causes of noise.

  2. Vika

    Split is more advanced than air conditioning. Now, in my opinion, no one installs air conditioners; they have become a relic of the past. At least among my friends, everyone immediately buys a split, without even considering air conditioning as an option. I have also had a similar system for several years. It works silently, does not dry out the air, and needs to be cleaned once a year.

    • Expert
      Alexey Dedyulin

      Good afternoon, Vika. The window air conditioner leaving the market is a misconception. Look at foreign news in English, naturally, on this topic. In North Carolina, for example, 11 models of these “gadgets” were recently tested. We chose the most popular ones - can you imagine how many of them are offered to Americans?

      The GE PHC08LY turned out to be the best (don’t think it’s advertising - they don’t sell them in Russia) - among its many advantages is voice control: Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, Apple HomeKit, IFTTT. There is also a smartphone setting. The refrigerator is noisier. Energy Star rated energy efficiency. It also sends a report on power consumption to your smartphone. I think your split system will look like a relic of the past.

  3. Gena

    Previously, we had a monoblock air conditioner at our dacha, which cooled the air very well. Now, of course, no one will install such things, all modern people prefer a split system, it not only cools the air perfectly, but also does not consume oxygen as much. You can stay in your room all day and feel normal by the evening.We installed a split system in a private house and are happy with it so far.

  4. Dmitriy

    I didn’t understand the topic in the previous comment about eating oxygen. How is this possible? No air conditioner consumes oxygen. Why is the statement that a separate split system needs to be installed in each room taken as an axiom? In my apartment (two-room apartment), the air throughout the entire area is sufficiently refreshed by one split system installed in the living room.

    • Alexander

      Regarding oxygen, there are indeed dubious conclusions, but air conditioners are installed in each room for one simple reason - the uniform distribution of cold in each individual room. That is, you can install a powerful split in the hall, and at the same time leave the door to the bedroom open, but in the hall it will work at full power and there will be oak wood there, and in the bedroom it will be slightly cool. So I don’t know how you manage to cope there, but the fact remains.

      • Expert
        Alexey Dedyulin

        The principle “Each room has its own split system,” Alexander, is implemented by people who do not know about the existence of multi-split systems. By the way, your reasoning in the comment also indicates that you are not familiar with “multi”. I advise you to read the article “Types of air conditioners for apartments“- there is a section “Multi-unit climate control equipment”.

        The latest innovation on the Russian market is the inverter FREE Match - the brainchild of Hisense. One external unit can “carry” 16 (!) internal ones. They are configured separately.

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