“Smart Home” system for a country house: advanced devices for automatic control

Have you ever faced the problem of constantly having to adjust your heating, lighting, ventilation, alarm or video surveillance system? Setting up home communications not only requires a lot of time, but also forces the owner to thoroughly study and delve into the operation and interconnection of all home systems.

A properly installed Smart Home system for a country house will solve all the problems of managing household appliances and communications for you. We will tell you what components it consists of. We'll tell you what equipment is needed to ensure the coordinated operation of all components.

Systems amenable to automation

A smart home is equipment for a country house and at the same time an effective system for centralized management of communications in apartments and in any other premises. It includes many sensors, control mechanisms and devices that perform tasks in accordance with the parameters specified during configuration.

Just as the human body functions effectively when all its organs interact well, so a house in which all systems work smoothly and without interference will provide the most comfortable living conditions for its residents.

New technologies in building automation
The photo shows a centralized automation system.In order to ensure long-term and efficient operation of all parts of the system, it is worth contacting professionals who specialize in installing specific equipment. This will save your time, money and nerves

Thanks to the use of smart equipment, it is possible to coordinate all life support systems, exercise full control and surveillance of the house via the Internet from a laptop or mobile phone, and program the connection of all important home systems.

The introduction of intelligent systems into everyday life allows you to configure changes in their parameters depending on your desire or other factors. For example, such as day or night, air humidity level and many other parameters.

However, there are many options on the market "Smart Home" systems. To make the right choice, you need to know what types of systems exist, what you should pay attention to first when purchasing, and what parameters the system should have.

You should also familiarize yourself in detail with the advantages and disadvantages of specific manufacturers.

Video surveillance system
If you are a business person and are often away from your home or apartment, then you should think about installing a smart video surveillance system. It will allow you to monitor your property via the Internet directly from your mobile phone, tablet, laptop or computer

We have conducted an analysis and are ready to talk about the general principles of operation of the systems and which systems can be automated. A comparative review of several systems from popular brands was also conducted.

Systems Design
To successfully install all components of the Smart Home system, it is first necessary to carry out design work. As a rule, this is the only stage of work that requires the direct participation of the customer.After correct, full-scale design and preparation of successful equipment combinations, installation follows directly

Almost all systems existing in a household can be automated and remotely controlled.

This can include:

  • Regulation heating system;
  • Controlling access of persons to various premises, managing the security system and protection against fires and fires;
  • Settings ventilation and climate systems;
  • Preventing consequences in case of emergencies, for example, a break in a gas or water pipe, a disruption in the power supply;
  • CCTV outside the house, both locally and remotely;
  • Control of lighting inside the house and on the property;
  • Centralized management and integration of video and audio streams;
  • Selection of temperature range for floor heating, storm drainage;
  • Limitation and distribution of energy consumption loads;
  • Management of additional power resources: generators, batteries;
  • Remote and adaptive control of mechanisms controlled by an electric motor, i.e. pumping stations, automatic watering systems, barriers, gates, roller shutters;
  • Management and monitoring of all the above systems via the Internet remotely or from home.

For a clearer understanding, the main systems that can be automated should be described, their features and advantages.

Heating using the Smart Home system

Most owners do not set up and install the heating system themselves. Most often, boilers, pumps and other necessary heating equipment are located in the basement or in a room specially designed for these purposes. boiler room.

Heating devices attract attention:

  • during installation;
  • carry out maintenance if necessary;
  • in case of any problems;
  • when the season changes, when you need to manually adjust the appropriate temperature and other parameters yourself.

Each time, you need to waste time, nerves, and in some cases call a specialist to your home and pay a decent amount for repairs and maintenance.

The Smart Home system differs from manual control and configuration by the ability to automatically adjust the room temperature depending on the programmed parameters of the heating curve, which significantly reduces the need for human participation in control processes.

Energy consumption optimization
Heating is the first industry into which engineers began to introduce the principles of the Smart Home. Due to the fact that heating costs take up a large part of the costs associated with the operation of premises, there is a need to optimize the level of energy consumption and energy costs as much as possible. Thanks to remote control, owners have the opportunity to set the desired temperature in advance

In this case, the minimum power consumption mode is observed. The cost of the equipment and its installation is relatively small, and installation into an existing system is not a problem for experienced professionals.

The smart heating system operates thanks to thermostatic heads and valves, temperature sensors, thermostats, radiators and programmers. Each element performs its own function. According to the most general calculations, economical assembly options can reduce heating costs by about 20%.

Systems in the “Smart Home” category with new technological equipment for furnishing country houses are controlled via a network via a mobile phone, which allows you to remotely adjust all heating parameters.

Additional functionality of advanced systems includes various settings, for example, automatically reducing the temperature if there are no residents in the house or turning off the heating systems while ventilating the premises.

Modern digital technologies ensure economical use of resources. Thanks to weather-compensated control, the heating starts or stops depending on the readings of sensors that read the weather conditions outside the room. It is also possible to maintain the room temperature within specified limits.

Smart heating system
Owners often encounter constant problems with their heating system. And even after installing a Smart Home, many questions arise, and some owners are afraid for their home while they are away from it. However, for such cases, there are special remote monitoring services that monitor all the main parameters in your boiler room

Comfort from using smart heating systems is ensured by automatic control and no need for constant manual adjustment. Remote control allows you to remotely regulate the power of heating equipment and prepare a warm room for the imminent arrival of the owners directly from your smartphone.

Automated ventilation and air conditioning

Air conditioning using the Smart Home system is carried out by installing detailed settings of climate control devices, sensors and controller.Almost any remote-controlled climate control equipment can be installed in a smart system. Temperature, air humidity and presence sensors are very popular.

The operating principle of the climate system is that all sensors that read information about the environment, as well as air conditioners and other ventilation devices, are connected to the main controller.

Having thus united all the key links in a single control center, you can set various scenarios and configure the operation of the equipment in accordance with the indicators of the reading devices.

The control panel, through which direct control is carried out, is most often installed at the entrance to the house or in any convenient place. The possibility of remote control via a smartphone or tablet significantly increases the ease of use of the system.

Automatic air conditioning system
Experts annually expand the list of recommendations according to which air exchange networks should be operated. The function of air exchange in rooms is performed only by ventilation, since even modern air conditioners do not fully cope with the function of mixing fresh air

Installation of the “Smart Home” system for air conditioning gives the owner the following advantages:

  • Thanks to the integration of all devices in a single center, there is no need to use remote controls designed for individual air conditioners;
  • Starting and stopping the operation of the equipment can be done from anywhere in the room within reach of the signal, not only from the control panel, but also using software installed on a computer, laptop, tablet or phone;
  • Creating scripts allows you to set up the system once and never have to return to this issue. Thus, you can configure individual parameters for each individual device, set the automatic ventilation function;
  • The air conditioning and ventilation system is easily combined with other elements of the Smart Home system - heating, lighting, fire safety and others.

Thanks to sensors that read environmental parameters, fully automatic operation of the entire complex of equipment is possible after adjusting the system’s response to the received information.

Cascade cleaning systems
Modern smart ventilation systems not only provide fresh air, but also create the necessary microclimate in the room. Residents should not be afraid of drafts or germs, since the equipment is equipped with a special cascade cleaning system. Thanks to this, the air is not only supplied in parts, but also purified from all unpleasant odors and small particles

Smart ventilation guarantees the owner of smart technology:

  • Safety, which is provided with encryption and a password that limits access to management;
  • Timely notification and alarm about the occurrence of an emergency;
  • Comfort, thanks to many different settings, including taking into account the amount of carbon dioxide in the room;
  • Health, since the cleanliness and freshness of the air with a normal level of humidity guarantee good health when staying in such a room;
  • Economical is ensured by the ability to configure equipment to operate only when a person is present, which eliminates excessive energy consumption when it is not needed.

The market offers smart ventilation with good functionality and various parameters. It is not difficult for the user to choose the appropriate model for the interior of any house or apartment.

Water supply control systems

Many residential properties do not have a good water supply system that meets the standards. In addition, it often requires additional attention from residents, which takes a lot of time.

So, to water a personal plot, someone may simply not have enough time for the necessary procedure, while another person will flood the plot with water in excess of the norm. In order to avoid these negative aspects, a smart water supply system is installed.

Soil moistening to supply water to cultivated plants can be fully automated in accordance with a given scenario. A humidity sensor measures its level in the fertile soil layer, and if there is insufficient moisture, the system releases water.

Watering can be adjusted depending on the time of day, day of the week and other parameters. An automated irrigation system is often protected by manufacturers from freezing temperatures. Therefore, it is not in danger of freezing in the winter season.

Sensitive leak sensors instantly detect the appearance of water on the floor in the bathroom, kitchen, and other places, and special valves turn off the water supply, which prevents negative consequences from leakage.

In this case, the owner is instantly sent a notification to the application on his smartphone or tablet. The same notifications come about changing filters.

Water supply system
The controller shown in the photo receives sensor signals and, in the event of a leak or other unexpected situations, shuts off hot or cold water.To correctly configure the sensors, controller and their installation, you should contact a company specializing in the installation of smart water supply systems

If you like to take a bath or soak in a jacuzzi after a hard day at work, but want to do it immediately after arriving or after dinner, then a smart water supply system will be useful in this situation. It is enough to set the scenarios and water collection algorithm.

For example, filling by the hour, upon arrival, or with several parameters at once. You can fill any water containers in the same way.

The water supply complex regulates the water supply system according to the following basic parameters:

  • Water purity;
  • Presence of leaks;
  • Water temperature;
  • System pressure;
  • Energy consumption.

The system provides users with savings, rationality and comfort. Sensors that measure various parameters of the water supply system identify any discrepancies with the required value and promptly signal the owner about the need to replace filters or other elements.

So, if the cold water supply stops and the hot water temperature is too high for a person to bathe, the system turns off the water to protect the user from adverse consequences.

The first line of home safety

An access control system is the first defense of your home against intrusion by third parties.

Smart Home access control includes the following elements:

  • Mechanical or magnetic electric locks that can be opened remotely;
  • Sensors and sensors for the use of contact and contactless keys, as well as contactless magnetic cards for access to premises;
  • Systems designed to track time spent at work;
  • Intercoms and video intercoms of various configurations;
  • Automatically opening gates and barriers.

A magnetic lock is cheaper than an electromechanical lock and has a simpler and more reliable device. Operation requires a continuous power supply of 12 volts. It is advisable to purchase an additional uninterruptible power supply unit, since in the event of a power outage the lock will stop working.

Due to its resistance to low temperatures and high humidity, magnetic locks are recommended for installation on outdoor doors.

The electromechanical lock is also not bad. It is activated by an electrical impulse and can be opened mechanically using a key. However, at low temperatures its mechanisms often freeze and require additional care.

Biometric sensor
A biometric sensor is an innovative technology that identifies access rights. Thanks to the reading device, entry into the premises is possible only after identification of the individual using a fingerprint. In addition, this type of lock can be installed on almost any type of entrance door. Owners can also configure login settings for multiple individuals, thereby limiting access to unauthorized persons

To use contact and contactless keys, a key information reader is installed on one side, and another reader or exit button is installed on the other.

Time tracking is usually necessary in enterprises and large organizations. A special controller reads the information and transfers it to the computer's memory card. Thus, it is easy to track how many times people entered and exited the door and determine how much time the employee spent at his workplace.

Intercoms from various manufacturers
When choosing an intercom, you should pay attention to the quality of transmitted video and audio. Also, when installing an intercom on a street door, you should ask the seller if there is anti-vandal protection, protection from moisture and cold

Intercoms with audio and video transmission systems are installed on entrance doors. After the call, the owner can open the door by pressing one button on the control panel. Different models differ not only in design, but also in the quality of transmitted audio and video information.

Automation of opening and closing gates, as well as raising and lowering barriers, is popular among owners of large country houses and businesses. Automatic gates come in sliding, swing and lift-and-section types.

Automatic lighting system

Lighting control and monitoring is a very popular feature. Thanks to the Smart Home lighting system, many functions become available: turning on the lights on a schedule, by voice or remotely.

All these functions are made possible thanks to bus technology, which has gained recognition in European countries and connects all switches in the house through a single trunk line.

There are five types of smart lighting:

  • Local control, carried out through the use of switch keys;
  • Scheduled lighting control, that is, it is turned on at predetermined periods of time;
  • Application of motion sensors, when detecting changes in the serviced space motion sensors give a signal to turn on the light;
  • Remote controlwhen the user can turn on the light using an application via a mobile device without even being in the house;
  • Event coverage, turning on the light when a programmed event occurs.

Remote control is especially popular. This is done in several ways.

Smart lighting system
When installing a smart lighting system, the user receives a number of advantages, from the fact that the system can simulate the presence of a person or automatically dim the brightness when the TV is turned on, ending with the ability to control the light using voice

First option - this is the installation of a special application on a computer located in an illuminated area. Using this application, you can adjust the brightness of the light, turn it on and off.

Second way — use of the remote control. It has almost the same functionality as a computer application. There are buttons for controlling groups of switches.

Third way — lighting control using Android and iPhone mobile systems. You can download special applications on the breeder’s website or on special platforms.

Lighting control using a smartphone
Using proprietary applications, you can control the lighting system remotely via the Internet. This allows the user to relax and rest comfortably from the constant need to turn off the lights manually

Fourth method is controlled by a wall controller that is battery powered and easy to install.

Popular brands of Smart Home systems

Smart Home technology is in great demand due to its affordable cost, ease of installation and undoubted comfort of use. The market is crowded with many manufacturers offering different versions of smart systems with features and disadvantages inherent to these organizations.

Often, price differences between high-tech products make buyers doubtful. We've selected three of what we think are the best brands that offer smart systems at a reasonable price.

"Smart home" of the Xiomi brand

Xiomi is one of the most famous companies offering high-tech solutions. The associated equipment is of good quality at reasonable prices. In addition to the basic sets, the buyer has a choice of many independent devices that can significantly expand the standard set.

Central Smart Home Controller from Xiomi
Using the gateway, it becomes possible to combine many devices using the ZigBee protocol into a single network, assign each individual device its own personal scenario, automate and manage them via a smartphone

The Xiaomi Mi Smart Home Multifunctional Gateway device is the main connecting link of all system devices: motion sensors, door and window sensors, temperature and air humidity sensors. In addition, lighting systems, video surveillance and much more are often purchased as additional devices.

"Smart Home" from Rostelecom

Rostelecom is one of the most famous manufacturers of domestic high-tech systems. The main goal of the company is to ensure the safety of users. The company offers sets of basic and extended versions. Despite their cost, Rostelecom products are of high quality and durability.

The basic kit includes a controller that works using the Z-Wave Plus protocol, motion, opening/closing, lighting and temperature sensors. The special kit includes smoke and leak detectors, and it is also possible to buy a Wi-Fi camera.

It is worth noting that there are often promotions on the official website and it is possible to purchase sets at a favorable price. The main advantage of the system is its ease of learning and operation, as well as setting up scenarios.

Google Home system

Google is developing smart assistants that can be controlled not only through a mobile application, but also through voice commands. To do this, you need to start the system by saying the phrase “Oh,hey Google." Then you need to ask to perform some task.

For example, you can ask to turn on the TV or radio, a musical composition or a documentary, set the alarm clock for the required time, or turn off the light in the hallway. Google Speaker is less demanding on pronunciation than Amazon Alexa.

Google's Smart Home technology will definitely appeal to music lovers, since the central link in controlling the entire Google Home system is the music speaker.

A special feature of Google’s development is that the only element of the “Smart Home” from the company is the control column. Many other devices are developed by other manufacturers and are purchased separately. Therefore, the buyer will have to be patient and buy developments from other brands.

Google Home Speaker
This device, costing only about $100, will allow users to control their Smart Home system using their voice and synchronize with gadgets from a wide variety of manufacturers

However, this device is compatible with a large number of equipment, which will allow the buyer to choose only the devices he likes from a suitable price range.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The video will clearly demonstrate the capabilities of the Smart Home system:

A smart equipment installer will tell you about installing the Smart Home system with your own hands:

The article examined the features of the modern high-tech Smart Home system. Among the main communications that can be automated are the heating, lighting, water supply and access control systems.

Of course, other systems also deserve attention. Thus, smart video surveillance requires closer consideration, because more and more consumers use this service every year.

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