Atlant refrigerator repair: common problems and how to fix them

Atlant refrigerators are the heirs of the popular Soviet brand “Minsk”.According to experts and most users, the equipment is not inferior to its European counterparts, and in terms of price-quality ratio it even surpasses its competitors. But, like any other equipment, they can break.

Of course, you can contact a service center, but you must admit that it is much cheaper to restore the unit’s functionality with your own hands. As practice shows, repairing Atlant refrigerators does not cause any particular difficulties, the main thing is to understand the cause of the breakdown. The article we present will provide effective assistance in this regard.

We will tell you about the most common breakdowns of Belarusian refrigerators, as well as ways to fix them. You will also learn about what signs may be a reason to contact a service center. As illustrations, we have included thematic photographs and videos with advice from experienced refrigeration technicians.

Features of Atlant refrigerators

Atlant equipment is assembled in Minsk at the plant of the same name.The company is a Soviet pioneer in the production of two-chamber equipment and the introduction of polyurethane foam thermal insulation of the body. Belarusian products are supplied to European countries and China.

Refrigerators are also in demand among domestic consumers due to a number of advantages:

  • competitive cost - the price of units is slightly lower than products of European brands;
  • energy efficiency;
  • practicality and ease of use - there is a spacious refrigerator compartment, a shelf for bottles, an insert for eggs;
  • the ability to independently move the door;
  • the presence of an information display showing the temperature in the freezer/refrigerator compartment.

An additional plus is the developed network of service centers for servicing Atlant equipment. Equipment warranty – 3 years.

Refrigerators Atlant
The company's product range includes 8 series of refrigerators of different configurations: single- and double-chamber, with a Fresh or No Frost cooling system, with mechanical or electronic controls. The total number of models is about 100

The design concept is a strict style with a predominance of straight, laconic lines. Some users miss trendy models with a streamlined “facade”. Disadvantages include the lack of child protection and a super-cooling zone.

Refrigerator thermostats
All Atlant models are equipped with thermostats for selecting the cooling mode, and wheels for convenient movement of the refrigerator

If we talk about Atlanta breakdowns, then most often users contact the service center due to a failure of the mechanical thermostat, a clogged capillary tube and a malfunction of the electronic unit.

In older versions, the freezer evaporator was placed openly, so it was often deformed during operation.The scratch caused a refrigerant leak. The manufacturer took this drawback into account and in new refrigerators the evaporator is protected with plastic.

Attention indicator
A faulty refrigerator is indicated by a red light indicator at the top of the cabinet. "Attention" light also lights up when the appliance is turned on for the first time or after defrosting, as well as when there is no food in the freezer compartment of a single-compressor appliance

Minor problems: causes and solutions

Serviceable equipment works without failures, does not create extraneous sounds - the motor does not knock, condensate drainage is not heard, and the cabinet body does not vibrate. Problems manifest themselves by disruption of the cooling cycle, the appearance of puddles outside and inside the chamber, lack of lighting and other signs.

To solve the problem in time, you need to know refrigerator operating principle and understand the cause-and-effect relationships of a particular breakdown. You can fix some malfunctions yourself.

#1. Vibration during operation

If the device is noisy, then first you need to eliminate all minor causes of the “sound effect”. If self-diagnosis does not produce results, you will have to call a technician from their service center to repair the Atlant refrigerator.

The hum of the unit. Possible causes of excessive noise:

  • the refrigerator is located very close to the walls and furniture - due to the vibration of the motor, adjacent elements rumble;
  • operation of the unit at maximum performance - if thermostat is set to the highest value, then the load on the motor-compressor increases;
  • commissioning - the first week of operation the unit freezes louder than usual;
  • sudden changes in voltage.

A more serious cause of hum is a breakdown of the electric motor.Possible wear on rings and pistons.

Knocking and vibration. Rattling and slight shaking can be caused by uneven floors or improper placement of dishes inside the refrigerator.

Suspension vibration
A common cause of knocking is vibration of the compressor housing suspension. Solution to the problem: place a piece of rubber under the part and tighten the bolts. The substrate will absorb vibration and reduce rattling

The motor-compressor may also knock if the shock absorber fastenings are loose. To restore quiet operation, simply tighten the fasteners. Sometimes the tubes on the back of the unit make noise. They cannot be moved, but to reduce knocking, a seal can be placed under them.

A possible reason for the knocking noise of the new refrigerator is the transport fastenings of the electric motor that have not been removed.

If the steps taken do not help resolve the problem, then it is better to invite a technician from a nearby service center to diagnose. Metal knocking sound when starting/shutting down refrigerator compressor may indicate that it is broken and needs to be replaced.

Creak and crackle. These sounds may indicate the following problems:

  • wear of the electric motor and rapid failure of the part;
  • The freezer fan clings to the ice - possibly during prolonged use without defrosting.

When the temperature in the kitchen changes, the plastic walls of the chamber may crack slightly - this phenomenon is not critical and does not need to be eliminated. A characteristic creaking noise can be observed if the refrigerator is installed incorrectly.

Distance to refrigerator
The recommended distance from the walls to the sides of the device is 25 mm. The clearance from the rear panel of the case is at least 7-10 cm. This gap is necessary for normal air circulation in the area of ​​the motor-compressor

Refrigerator hissing and whistling. These sounds are usually caused by clogged capillary tubes or debris getting on the fan blades. A faulty compressor makes similar sounds. To solve every problem, the help of a specialist is required.

Brief gurgling and howling noises are sometimes associated with intense movement of refrigerant.

#2. Insufficient cooling temperature

If you hear the sound of a functioning refrigerator compressor, a light comes on in the chamber, but the temperature does not drop, then the first thing you need to do is eliminate typical operating errors:

  1. Incorrect thermostat position. Perhaps the knob is set to position “1” - minimum cooling. It is necessary to turn the thermostat to the desired value, depending on the amount of food inside the compartment, the frequency of door opening and the temperature inside the room.
  2. The door does not fit tightly. Due to slight misalignment or mixing, the seal of the chamber is broken. The door must be re-hung and the temperature in the refrigerator compartment checked after a while.

Temperature problems also occur for more serious reasons: freon leak, clogged capillary tube or compressor failure.

Double compressor refrigerator
The above-mentioned failures in single-compressor Atlant models lead to the inoperability of the freezer and refrigeration compartments at the same time. Two-compressor units have independent cooling circuits - if one fails, the second continues to work

Insufficient cold production may be the result of a broken control board, a defective motor or thermostat. Correcting any situation requires the participation of a qualified technician.

#3. Appearance of snow on the inner wall

The formation of a snow or ice crust inside the refrigerator compartment is caused by one of the following reasons:

  • incorrect choice of temperature;
  • non-compliance with operating conditions;
  • clogged drainage tube;
  • leakage of working substance in the evaporator;
  • temperature sensor failure.

The first three reasons must be eliminated independently. It is necessary to check the tightness of the refrigerator closure and change the cooling mode. If the unit operates at maximum performance on a hot day, the cooling will not stop - the walls do not have time to thaw.

Belarusian models are equipped with a defrost sensor. The element begins to work incorrectly if hot pots and containers are placed in the refrigerator. The same effect is caused by an excessive flow of warm air from the room into the chamber.

Cleaning the drainage channel
When the drainage system is clogged, drops of moisture accumulate and frost freezes on the walls. To fix the problem, just defrost the refrigerator and clean the drain channel

#4. Water inside the chamber or under the refrigerator

The appearance of water under the unit or inside the refrigerator compartment can be caused by various reasons.

The most common ones are:

  1. Breakdown of the defrosting system. A malfunction of the evaporator heating element of a unit with the No Frost function leads to the accumulation of water in the refrigerator compartment.
  2. Thermostat malfunction. The only correct solution is to contact technical support to replace the structural element.
  3. Clogged drainage channel. Water droplets flowing down the inner wall do not find a way out and accumulate at the bottom of the refrigerator compartment.
  4. Disconnecting the water pipe. The liquid flows through the drain hole directly onto the floor and not into the tank. Eliminating the problem is returning the drainage circuit to its place.

Periodically it is necessary to check the integrity of the tank itself.Over time, the material cracks and the container requires replacement.

A loose door connection leads to an increase in the temperature inside the refrigerator compartment, and as a result, the unit begins to freeze more intensely, forming ice on the walls. When warm air enters, the ice melts - part of the liquid accumulates inside, and part of it enters the reservoir and quickly overflows the reservoir.

Replacing the seal
Solution: adjusting door hinges or leveling the refrigerator. If the actions do not help, then you should check the quality of the seal and, if necessary, replace the worn part

#5. Long-term operation without shutdown

First, you should check the instructions for the operating time of the refrigerator without turning off in a certain mode. It is important to consider: the warmer the room, the longer the unit will freeze.

Some Atlant models have a “Quick Freeze” mode – the refrigerator continues to work for 10-12 hours. Moreover, the motor operates continuously until forced shutdown: pressing the switch key.

Freeze mode switch
If the refrigerator has been running for a long time, be sure to check the position of the “freeze” button. The indicator on the top panel reminds you that this mode is activated - as a rule, it glows yellow

Another probable reason for prolonged operation is improper pressure of the thermostat. In single-chamber models and products with an evaporator plate, mounting tubes are provided on the back side. Through them, the thermostat is fixed to the evaporator element.

Over time, the screws rust, the clamp weakens, and the thermostat sensor begins to work incorrectly. Elimination of the defect - restoration of normal fasteners.

Refrigerator location
Operation without shutdown is also observed when the door is not tightly closed, the seal is worn, or the refrigerator is placed near heating devices.

Things are more complicated if the continuous operation of the device is caused by the following breakdowns:

  • contamination of the capillary line;
  • refrigerant leak;
  • a defect in the thermoregulatory circuit or start protection relay.

The listed problems require the involvement of an experienced refrigeration equipment repair technician. Restoration of performance cannot be delayed, as there is a high risk of engine overheating.

#6. No lighting in the refrigerator compartment

The common cause of a malfunction is a burnt-out light bulb.

The solution to the problem is simple:

  1. Disconnect the refrigerator from the power supply.
  2. Remove the lampshade, unscrew the old one and install a new bulb.
  3. Return the lampshade to its place.

After all the manipulations, you need to connect the refrigerator to power and check the functionality of the backlight. If the problem is not solved, then the fault lies in the wiring. To further troubleshoot the problem, it is better to invite a specialist.

Reasons for contacting the service center

Diagnostics and repair of refrigeration equipment should definitely be entrusted to the refrigeration specialist if it is necessary to disassemble the circuit, check the functionality of the compressor, thermal relay and the presence of freon. Assessing the condition and repairing electrical wiring and electronic control units is a task for professionals.

Reason #1. Quick shutdown of the refrigerator

To determine the possible cause of the shortened operating cycle, it is necessary to analyze the sound when the unit is turned on/off.

Refrigerator diagnostics
The refrigerator worked for several seconds, before turning off there was a click, and the motor began to run loudly, which means the compressor or thermal relay is damaged.Violation of the usual operating intervals is due to a breakdown of the electronic board or power surges

To diagnose the problem yourself, you can do the following:

  1. Check the mains voltage.
  2. If the indicator is within the normal range, then you need to remove the thermal relay, and then connect the motor directly.
  3. If the unit is working properly, then the cause of the shortened cycle has been identified. The next step is to replace the thermal relay.

If the cyclical operation is caused by fluctuations in the power supply, then the installation of an alternating voltage stabilizer is required. More serious breakdowns include rupture of the compressor windings or jamming of the motor. Fixing a malfunction or completely replacing a defective unit will not be cheap.

To replace the start-protection and thermal relays, which are a single unit in household refrigerators, it is better to contact a workshop. However, it is quite possible to do the work yourself, based on the information presented in the video:

Reason #2. Damage to external and internal thermostats

In most Atlant models, the thermostat is located outside the refrigerator compartment - under the top cover. Replacement of the element should be entrusted to professionals.

For your information, here is the general operating procedure:

  1. Remove the refrigerator door.
  2. Remove the plugs on the cover and unscrew the screws.
  3. Remove the top panel.
  4. Unscrew the screws that secure the thermostat brackets, remove and replace the element.
  5. Reassemble in reverse order.

In two-chamber versions with a top freezer, the thermostat is located inside the refrigerator - the bellows tube is attached to the rear wall of the unit.

Replacing the thermostat
Failure of the thermostat is a minor breakdown. The technician will fix the problem at home - there is no need to deliver the equipment to a service center

Reason #3. Current breakdown on the refrigerator body

If even a light touch to the case is accompanied by at least a slight discharge of electricity, then it is highly not recommended to find out the cause and fix the malfunction yourself. It is likely that exposed wires are in contact with metal walls. The refrigerator will identify the damaged area and isolate the problem area.

Reason #4. Clogged capillary tube and freon leak

Both malfunctions lead to similar consequences: an increase in temperature inside the refrigerator compartment and continuous operation of the motor-compressor. To establish an accurate “diagnosis”, the wizard performs diagnostics - opens the system.

If the gas is in sufficient quantity, then a blockage of the capillary pipeline is determined.

Ways to fix the problem:

  • pressing with a press – oil under pressure acts on the blockage;
  • washing with a specialized solution similar to a “liquid desiccant”;
  • blowing with compressed nitrogen;
  • complete replacement of the capillary circuit.

If the Atlant refrigerator has stopped cooling and is not working due to a lack of refrigerant, you will need refilling the circuit with freon, the rules of which are described in detail in the article we recommend.

Freon injection
Carrying out the work requires caution and special skills. Tools you will need: pressure gauges, a freon cylinder, hoses. Refueling is carried out in an isolated area, away from heating elements and sources of fire.

Freon leakage often occurs due to the fault of users. The most common reason is damage to the channel by sharp mechanical objects when defrosting the freezer or evaporator.

This video will show you one of the options for determining a breakdown, identifying a leak, how to fix it and the process of pumping freon:

Atlant equipment fault codes

In the event of a breakdown on the display refrigerator Atlant Alphanumeric symbols are displayed, indicating a problem in a specific unit unit. Built-in self-diagnosis is provided in models with an electronic control system.

Deciphering error codes:

  • F1 – problems with signal transmission from the temperature sensor – equipment cannot correctly determine the required operating power;
  • F2 – in models with the Fresh option, the code indicates a breakdown of the evaporator heating controller in the refrigerator compartment, in units with No Frost – a breakdown of the thermostat in the freezer compartment;
  • F3 – malfunction of the temperature sensor in the freezer, in refrigerators with No Frost – defects in the defrosting circuit;
  • F4/F5 – are displayed during voltage surges and disappear after the network parameters are normalized;
  • F6 – malfunction of the refrigeration chamber compressor, F7 – freezer.

The letter designations H and L characterize critical temperature conditions. H – the refrigerator is too warm, L – cold. If the icon is displayed for a long time, it can be regarded as a signal of a malfunction.

Error codes
Codes E1/E2 are relevant for modifications with No Frost. The markers indicate problems with the evaporator defrost mechanism. As a rule, this is a breakdown of measuring parts - temperature or defrost sensors

Techniques and methods for restoring functionality common to all types of refrigerators are described in detail in next article, the contents of which we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Reviews are provided for general information purposes and not as a guide to action. Solving the problems described requires a qualified approach.

Video courses for beginners at home refrigeration:

The lack of cooling in the refrigeration chamber of the two-compressor unit led to the replacement of the compressor:

A developed network of Atlant service centers provides repairs under warranty and post-warranty service. Specialists work from home or in a workshop.

If the broken equipment is still under warranty, then it is better to immediately contact the technical center - independent intervention may be a reason for refusing free repairs and replacement of spare parts.

Would you like to tell us about your own experience in restoring the functionality of a Belarusian refrigerator? Do you have useful information on the topic of the article that is worth sharing with site visitors? Please write comments in the block below, ask questions and post photos.

Visitor comments
  1. Marina

    This is my third Atlant at home; the previous ones served for more than 10 years each. I can say that it only had to be repaired once - they changed the rubber bands on the door. In the current one, I feel it will be necessary too, since the tightness is no longer the same as when purchased. By the way, I heard that you shouldn’t put a lot on the Atlant door (you don’t need to fill all the shelves above the door), as it sags, and this also affects the tightness. Tell me, is this so?

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. All door shelves can be filled, but it is not advisable to create an overload, of course. As a rule, Atlant glass shelves hold up to 20-25 kg, this is usually indicated in the instructions. There are no recommendations for the doors, but it is not advisable to put a lot of glass jars there, for example, or stuff kg of layers of meat. I think you can visually determine when the door is heavy.

  2. Tatiana

    It seems to me that Atlant has been working with us for much more than fifteen years, and there have been no problems with it. We have a two-compressor refrigerator. Freezer downstairs. Sometimes I turn it off and defrost it, but not often. But I never turned off the top at all. Overall, great technology. Belarusians are exceptional at this. The refrigerator is large, roomy and not noisy at all.

    • Amina

      What should be the temperature in the freezer and in the chamber??? And how to install ventilation. It’s just terrible that the products mix together and it’s gross.
      ???!!!! , Tell me please

  3. Natalia

    We have had the Atlant refrigerator for five years now. Two-chamber. Freezer below. My friend has two identical Atlantas standing side by side in her kitchen for about 15 years and they have never broken down. That's why my husband and I decided to take Atlant. I look at previous reviews: Marina writes that the door sag and there is no need to fill all the shelves above the door. Nothing like this! We always have bottles of oil, beer, and milk, and there is no sagging. Over-the-door shelves are designed to place vertical objects on them that simply won’t fit inside the refrigerator...

  4. Victoria

    The new Atlant refrigerator did not work for even 6 months. It has already been repaired twice, parts have been replaced, and still it only spoils food - it leaks, freezes on ice and snow, and stops working completely. I've already regretted the purchase a hundred times.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. It would be interesting to know exactly what parts you changed, what the technicians say.Did you contact the service center or local specialists? Perhaps it was they who deceived you, since in general, there is nothing complicated in repairing possible causes with such symptoms and the problem usually does not recur.

      In general, Atlant refrigerators are quite good. Maybe we can help you solve the problem and get rid of it completely... Questions that interest us:

      1. Refrigerator model?
      2. The reason for the breakdown indicated by the craftsmen?
      3. What parts were changed?

  5. Natalia

    Our Atlant has been operating for 12 years. The only problem is with the door. The repairman was called 2 times. He repaired it and warned her not to overload it. The only thing that spoiled the impression a little.

  6. Natalia

    Water began to collect on top of the freezer (where the temperature regulator is). We unscrewed the top cover, and where the foam was (or is it called differently?), a crack appeared along the seam and water was oozing from it. What is this and how can it be eliminated?

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. I assume that these are the consequences of improper freezing/thawing. For example, you filled the chamber to capacity with fresh food or defrosted it mechanically and not naturally. Unfortunately, you did not attach a photo, but in general, such breakdowns can be solved by replacing a piece of insulation.

  7. Valentina

    Good afternoon, please tell me. I bought Atlant a week ago... the freezer camera no longer works and something is clicking. What could it be?

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      This could be a blockage or the reason for contacting the service center. You shouldn’t repair a refrigerator you bought a week ago yourself. The probable cause is a broken relay.

      • Paul

        The refrigerator worked for exactly 2 years and yesterday we noticed that when opening the doors it did not turn on.light, after continuing for 10 seconds it still turned on, turned on every other time, then everything became normal, but it turned out that the refrigerator was working without turning off, refrigerator XM 4425 009 ND, when pressing 2 touch keys, I found out that the temperature of the refrigerator compartment does not fall below +10 degrees, and the freezer is 18-19, during the night it did not turn off even once and only pumped up +23 degrees, although it was set to -17 and +6, what could be the matter?

        • Anonymous

          You have problems with the wire

      • Amina

        What should be the temperature in the freezer and in the chamber??? And how to install ventilation. It’s just terrible that the products mix together and it’s gross.
        ???!!!! , Tell me please

  8. Vladimir

    The video of replacing the relay was shown by a layman. I have an Atlant MHM 1847-38 No. 0611219075 from 2006, the windings of the MK compressor are ringing, 24 and 36 Ohms, the capacitor is broken, replaced, but the compressor does not start. Looks like it's jammed.

    Attached photos:
  9. Lydia

    Atlant refrigerators have been in the family for a long time. In the apartment, the previous refrigerator worked flawlessly for about 20 years, then they took it to the dacha, where it served for a long time, and they took another one, also Atlant, into the apartment. We had less luck with this, after two years we had to change the seal on the door (with the previous one there were no such problems at all), after a couple of years the freon ran out, we pumped it up. This repair has already come at a cost.

    A couple of years later, the freon ran out again, again the repairman was called, freon was pumped in, but the refrigerator was never fully restored, the temperature in both the refrigerator and freezer compartments became higher than before. Now the back wall in the refrigerator compartment has stopped thawing, replacing the thermostat did not solve the problem, another possible reason is a freon leak or some clogged capillaries. Repair is expensive.

    In general, for all these repairs it was possible to buy a new refrigerator. We won’t do any more repairs, we’ll take the risk of buying Atlant again, maybe we’ll get lucky. At the dacha Atlant works like a beast, the temperature in the freezer is down to -35.

  10. Alexei

    Is the upper door (two-chamber refrigerator) subject to repair? The bottom door strip is falling apart at the point of contact with the hinge; the hinges have already been moved to the other side.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. If the door of your model does not have any electronic bells and whistles, you can install a patch made of a thin plate in an angular design. The hinges have been rearranged - this is the second time your fasteners have fallen off, what do you do with them? 🙂

    • Elena

      The problem with most Atlant refrigerators is that over time the top door “sags”. When opening and closing the upper door multiple times, the plastic washers wear off and the middle hinge (inter-door hinge) rubs through a larger diameter hole at the base of the door. Info from offsite.

      Attached photos:
      • Expert
        Evgenia Kravchenko

        Hello. You're not talking about official website Atlant, and about the subsidiary site (or maybe just an additional one) Atlant-Minsk.

        My surprise was that the verbatim entry “The problem with most Atlant refrigerators is that over time the top door...” was actually found there. In his right mind, the seller would not write such a thing, and here the most appropriate thing for those indicators is even “the most frequently occurring problem...” And it should be noted that with proper operation, this is not “as a rule,” but rather happens.

  11. Catherine

    The top lid of the refrigerator bulged. What can this condition lead to and can it be repaired on its own?

    Attached photos:
    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Was there any frostbite? And why is your refrigerator close to the wall? It is difficult to determine what this can lead to, because it is necessary to diagnose the cause of the swelling on the spot.

  12. Alexander

    Good afternoon. Review for potential buyers Atlanta. Based on my experience, I don’t think I’ll buy Atlant again! Very “delicate” elastic band on the top door. One was replaced under warranty, but the second one, which was torn, was abandoned. In the freezer, the “drainage hole” for thawed water quickly becomes clogged (freezes). Which leads to puddles near the refrigerator.

    Ours is 3.5 years old and has already begun to “crumble” - the heating element has flown, i.e. The upper chamber of the refrigerator is not cooling. Cost 100 rub. The warranty has expired, which means it's for our own.

    Bottom line: buyers need to be explained all future shortcomings and it is advisable that service centers monitor this. They would come in a week and see how the equipment works and give additional advice on operation. We buy expensive equipment and think that it will last longer than the warranty period. The plant also needs to work on the quality of components, otherwise it “smells” of European quality. I think this information will be useful to someone.

  13. Olga

    Good afternoon. Refrigerator ATLANT XM-4425-080-N, two-chamber. Purchased 1.5 years ago through Citylink. The refrigerator has stopped working, the freezer is working. I stood in the defrosting mode for a day, nothing changed... What could be causing this?

    • Oleg

      The simplest fan that raises the cold to the top is dead

  14. Peter

    Refrigerator Atlant KSHD-152-01. What is the outside operating temperature range? Thank you.

  15. Vali

    Good afternoon, Atlant XM-5015-ХХХ, The freezer freezes in freezer mode. But there is no storage mode, the refrigerator works in both modes???

  16. Elena

    The refrigerator was purchased in 1996. The other day the light bulb burned out.. That's all the breakdown in 24 years of service.

  17. Valery

    When you turn on the refrigerator, a sound signal appears, similar to when the door is opened for a long time. And the light is on when the door is closed. Can you eliminate the cause yourself?

  18. Victoria

    Atlant MHM-1733 has been plowing since September 2003. By and large, there are few complaints: in the upper door of the lower shelf for bottles, the side surface was broken due to overload, the seal in the refrigerator compartment was weakened, the light bulb burned out in the same place, it is very inconvenient to change it! The seal and the light bulb can be changed, but what should we do with the door?

    Attached photos:
  19. Galina

    Hello! After defrosting the Atlant two-chamber refrigerator, the refrigerator compartment stopped working, the freezer worked fine. What should I do? Thank you

    • Administration

      Hello. The reasons may be the following: the compressor is broken, the fan is broken, all this can happen during the process of temperature changes and defrosting of the refrigerator.

      • Igor

        The H and red light on the freezer are on, the compressor is working. What is the reason?

  20. Ivan

    Refrigerator Atlant xm6325-101. When connected to the network, it says test, after 30 seconds it writes er08, but the light in the refrigerator does not respond to the buttons. There is no such error in the instructions. What could it be? Help me please.

    Attached photos:
  21. Farukh

    Hello! Refrigerator Atlant1816 32, I have the same problem, even when the unit is turned off, there is a characteristic “chirping” sound.What could be the reason? Thanks in advance

  22. Igor

    The H and coaxial light on the freezer is on, the compressor is working, the rubber band is in place.

  23. Anatoly Ivanovich

    Two-compressor Atlant, the refrigeration chamber has stopped turning off. A technician came and replaced the temperature sensor, but it didn’t help. I came back a second time, blew out the system, pumped up freon, but it didn’t help again. I called the foreman, he replied that he gave too much freon, I’ll come and take off the excess pressure, everything will be fine. Question: can excess freon prevent the camera from turning off?

  24. Alla

    I bought a two-chamber Atlant 2 months ago.
    At night I noticed that there was a light in the door on the side at the top and a strip of light above the refrigerator on the ceiling. After examination, I found out that the light was on... which means the door is not closed tightly.
    In general, for 2 months now I’ve been regretting that I paid almost 30 tons for this...

  25. Lyudmila

    Hello. We bought a two-chamber refrigerator Atlant XM-4210-000 in November 2021 and after 20 days it simply stopped working. They called a representative, carried out diagnostics, and said that there was a leak inside and the cabinet needed to be replaced. The service center now says that we are waiting for spare parts. How can this even be? Didn't even work for a month? I really regret buying this brand of refrigerator.

  26. Elena Borisovna

    Our refrigerator МХМ-1743-01 has been working for more than 10 years, but a problem has arisen: the fastening of the refrigerator door has broken; the entire door needs to be replaced. Please tell us which door from those currently produced is suitable for our refrigerator. Thank in advance

  27. Sergey

    Refrigerator XM-4426-009ND, repair of the display unit wire - mechanical damage to the wires from opening and closing the door. I cut it, soldered it again, installed heat shrink and soft rubber insulating tape ZM. The manufacturer made the wire terribly, on a PVC tube that clings to the bushing on the door - because of this, there is a mechanical impact on the wire and its damage. If I were the manufacturer, I would install a nickel silver wire, as is installed on landline telephone handsets, for example, which is not afraid of bending and would make a protective flexible screen for the wire. But after I repaired the wire, it also does not cling to the bushing when the door is opened, and perhaps it will not be damaged anymore. I would also like to know for what time of the defrost cycle the control module is programmed. I'm waiting for the first defrost after the repair, I'm monitoring the operation of the refrigerator through the input current. In rest mode, the current is 0.01-0.03A. (fan operation in MO, and damper in CO) In compressor operating mode - 0.5-0.7A. And in defrost mode it should be 0.9-1.A. But there has not yet been a defrost mode for 12 hours. I'll wait 24 hours. The heating element rang, the thermal relay and the thermal fuse too. If there is no defrost, this is a failure of the defrost timer itself in the control module, possibly the output triac.

  28. Tatiana

    Our XM-6024 refrigerator is almost 15 years old; only the seal on the freezer compartment was replaced. I defrost the freezer 2 times a year. And once again (this was 2 months ago) I noticed that not all the cooler tubes had a snow coat formed. A freezer without automatic defrosting means something is broken. I'm sending a photo. Please help, our service center for Atlanteans did not answer me. Thank you in advance.

    Attached photos:
  29. mikola

    Hello! Twin-engine Atlant, 15 years of operation.The refrigerator compressor turned off and would not turn on again. About ten hours later the letter “N” appeared on the scoreboard. The freezer compressor is working normally, the temperature on the display is “-18”. I can’t decide what to do, repair or buy a new one. We don’t currently have Atlant for sale in our retail network.

  30. Anatoly

    Over the course of 10 years, the compressor was replaced twice, the last time they installed an Italian one and (tfu-tfu-tfu) it has been working well for three years so far. But the old lady next door has hm-4010-xxx, and his term is 10 years, from birth, i.e. From the moment of purchase, the freezer has been working, but the refrigerator compartment never drops below 10 degrees, and even then 10 if the compressor beats for an hour and a half. I’m not an expert, naturally, but today I put the thermometer in the freezer and oh-oh... minus thirty degrees. How many years has the woman been suffering? But she doesn’t have the means to buy a new one. Belarus is not my country of residence, but it’s a shame that it’s a country that I still love. issues a marriage.

  31. Lydia

    My Atlanta was 21 years old, had never been repaired, worked like a clock. He moved with us to a new apartment twice. And then it broke. I'm afraid to buy a new one after reading the comments. Are they really starting to do something bad, it’s a pity

  32. Yuri

    The XM4209 refrigerator blinks when the door is open; replacing it did not solve the problem. Maybe the reason is the limit switch? How to dismantle it for replacement?

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