How to use a Bosch dishwasher: rules and nuances of operation

Almost any instruction for modern household appliances can begin with the following words: “Well, did you break it?” Indeed, we rarely begin our acquaintance with even complex equipment by reading the instruction manual, because it is written in difficult-to-read language and without taking into account many nuances.

You will learn everything about how to use a Bosch dishwasher in our article. We will tell you how to prepare the machine for upcoming use and select the necessary modes. We will tell you what products you will need to process dishes and clean the unit.

Where to start using it?

A dishwasher is bought in order to make the housewife’s work easier and ensure reasonable water savings. In order not to prepare yourself for unpleasant surprises from the very beginning, the installation and connection of this household appliance should be entrusted to specialists.

So, the machine is placed in the designated place, and the water supply and drain are connected. Now you can start using it.

Why do you need a “idle” start?

Bosch, like a number of other manufacturers of household appliances, strongly recommends a test run of the dishwasher.

It is necessary to make a “idle” start for the following reasons:

  • lubricants accidentally preserved on parts of the product, as well as dust and debris that got inside should be eliminated;
  • we get the opportunity to check how well the machine is installed, evaluate the rate of water flow, its heating level, see how the entire work process proceeds, including the draining and drying stages;
  • When problems are identified, it becomes possible to eliminate them at the test washing stage, eliminating the labor-intensive unloading of dishes.

We know that during regular washing you cannot do without special products, but a test run in this sense is no exception. You will need regenerating salt and other detergents included in the starter kit, which customers are usually offered to purchase with their dishwasher.

Trial run
A test run of the dishwasher is necessary, first of all, to check the quality of its installation and make sure that the unit is in good working order.

First start algorithm

What we need to know about the operating conditions of the purchased equipment is the level of water hardness in the region where it will operate. You are in luck with Bosch machines: buyers of this company’s products do not need to be guided by their own experience when determining hardness, or resort to traditional methods.

A number of models of this brand include test strips for determining hardness. You just need to lower the paper strip with the reagents applied to its surface into the water for just a couple of seconds.

And then compare it with the table provided by the manufacturer. After completing these simple steps, you will be ready to test run your purchase.

Dishwasher installation diagram
Proper connection of the dishwasher involves installing it in a specific place (1) and connecting it to the electrical network (2), water supply (3) and sewerage (4) using standard hoses and a power cord

The startup procedure is quite simple, you need to follow these steps sequentially:

  • open the car by pulling the door towards you;
  • pull out the lower basket to gain access to the lid covering the water softening salt reservoir;
  • unscrew the lid, pour water into the reservoir and pour special salt from the starter kit into it;
  • screw on the tank lid and remove any water that may have spilled into the chamber while loading salt with a rag;
  • Now set the salt consumption on the control panel, taking into account the previously determined water hardness.

Let's add some clarification. Please note that water is poured into the salt tank only once - before the first start. It should be filled to the top.

The salt is poured in using a special funnel (or watering can), which is usually included in the kit. If you don't have a watering can, use a regular cup. Add salt until it becomes visible through the filler hole.

Salt loading hole
Water is poured into this hole, located at the bottom of the unit’s chamber, and special salt intended for dishwashers is added.

The water displaced during the backfilling process should not confuse you: this is how it should be. Once the reservoir lid is closed, the displaced water should be thoroughly wiped away. It should not be inside the camera.

It remains to check whether the water supply tap is open, after which you can activate first start. To visualize the entire algorithm of actions, watch the video that we posted at the bottom of this article.

Suitable detergents for dishwashers

Dishwasher users must purchase a starter kit, which is usually offered with their main purchase. Rinse aid can be purchased separately detergents in tablets or special powder, as well as salt to soften tap water, which we have already discussed.

Starter set
The starter kit includes all the detergents, without which it is simply impossible to operate any dishwasher - this is a mandatory minimum

The advantage of starter kits for beginners is that they already include everything you might need. In addition, they include products from the same manufacturer, which allows us to hope that their components are not only perfectly compatible, but also successfully complement each other.

Often, purchasing a set will cost less than purchasing its components, sold separately from each other.

In addition to the three absolutely necessary components, fragrances and products can be used for effective washing to help clean the car itself from grease and plaque. As a rule, they are purchased as the need for them arises.

Water softening salt

For high-quality dishwashing, soft water with a low content of calcium salts should be used. If hard water is not softened, scale marks will form on the walls of the chamber over time. Salt allows you to bring water to a state in which the results of the equipment’s operation please its owner.

Salt in a funnel
Regenerating salt for loading into the dishwasher should not be confused with ordinary table salt, which everyone has in their kitchen: this is a special substance for softening tap water

What means can be used?

Bosch machines can use any detergent that is on sale today.

It can be:

  • compressed tablets;
  • powder;
  • liquids.

The only restriction that must be strictly observed: these must be special substances intended for loading into dishwashers. Do not use chemicals to wash dishes manually.

The detergents used must be intended for processing dishes specifically in dishwashers, and those used for manual washing cannot be used

Depending on the composition of their components, there are three types of dishwasher detergents:

  • with chlorine and phosphates;
  • without chlorine, but with phosphates;
  • without phosphates and without chlorine.

If there are no phosphates in the composition of the product, it may form on the walls of the chamber and on the dishes themselves. white coating. To avoid such consequences, you have to increase the consumption of detergent.

The absence of chlorine will not provide the desired effect if the dishes need to be bleached. Dark deposits on cups and grayed plastic may be the result of a lack of chlorine. The situation can be saved by washing with increased intensity or increasing the consumption of detergent.

Why do you need a rinse aid?

When using rinse aid, which enters the chamber at the last stage of washing, water drops do not leave marks on the dishes.

If you do not use this preparation while the machine is operating, then after drying, unaesthetic stains will remain on the glassware.In addition, it is high quality dishwasher rinse aid Provides shine to clean dishes.

Rinse aid is poured into the cuvette
Rinse aids give the glass that same gloss and shine that any housewife strives for, but it is important to use them in moderation so that the dishes do not become sticky and are not covered with whitish or rainbow stains

The volume of rinse aid can be changed depending on need. If this liquid was not enough, you will see a white coating on the plates and they will be dull. In this case, the dose is increased. Excess of the drug will appear as rainbow stains on the pans. They will also feel sticky to the touch. Then the dose is reduced.

Special detergents

There are combination drugs that are called “three in one”. They contain all three components listed above. The disadvantage of such products is the inability to adjust the salt content, as recommended by Bosch equipment manufacturers.

Water that is too hard impairs the quality of washing, and water that is too soft contributes to glass corrosion: calcium is washed out of its composition. If you have to wash silver products, you must use detergents specially designed for this purpose. Others won't work.

Loading order detergents and what exactly the compartments of the cuvette located on the inner surface of the door are filled with, you can see in the videos that we invite you to watch. They are in the last part of the article.

Rules for loading dishes

There is a basic rule that applies to all Bosch dishwashers. In the chamber of the unit there are rocker arm sprayers, through the nozzles of which liquid is poured onto the dishes.

So, cups and plates in boxes should be placed so that their presence in close proximity to the sprayers does not interfere with their rotation. The opening valve of the detergent cuvette must not be blocked.

Correct loading of dishes
Correct loading of dishes into the dishwasher is really important, since the quality of work for which this unit was purchased depends on it

Before loading kitchen utensils into the compartment, make sure that all items are dishwasher safe. Kitchen and dining utensils that cannot withstand high temperatures are best washed by hand. We are talking about objects covered with glaze, porcelain, antiques and rarities, as well as products made of bronze, pewter, aluminum, brass and copper.

Make sure large food scraps are removed. If the machine has a soaking option, then it can be used to wash large pots. If there is no soaking, remove food debris from the surfaces with a brush. It is bought in hardware stores.

To increase the washing efficiency, in full accordance with the instructions for the brand’s machines, you can first hold cutlery and other utensils under hot water. The grease on the surfaces will become wet and will be easier to wash off. For the right placing dishes There are loading boxes (baskets) inside the chamber.

Using telescopic guides and the Rackmatic system, the boxes can be moved and pulled forward to make it more convenient to place everything that needs to be washed in them. Even if the boxes are completely filled, you don’t have to worry: they won’t tip over.

Loading dishes in boxes
The dishes are placed inside the chamber in boxes located on two or three levels depending on the model of the dishwasher being loaded.

Depending on the number of mobile and folding elements, three types of boxes are distinguished:

  • Vario;
  • Vario Flex;
  • Vario Flex Plus.

The last boxes on this list are equipped with additional protection for fragile dishes that need careful handling. In particular, 12 glasses with high stems are placed on additional shelves of the lower box. It turns out that in these models the total number of simultaneously washable glasses can reach 18 pieces.

Depending on the specific dishwasher model, utensils can be loaded in two or three levels. The third level is designed to accommodate cutlery, as well as items of non-standard sizes.

Cookware protection
Dishes placed in the boxes of a Bosch dishwasher are reliably protected from mechanical damage: the rounded ends of the fixing grids are one of the manifestations of such protection

The Rackmatic system helps to correctly position the boxes in height. After all, proper loading of dishes allows moisture to wash it as evenly as possible from all sides. To secure glasses and cups, you need to use the holders designed for them.

By manipulating the holders, you can make the basket deeper or adapt it to accommodate large items: pots and stewpans.

Cutlery tray
If the model has boxes of the third upper level, then cutlery is washed in them, which are placed in this kind of tray compactly and neatly

The procedure for using baskets, changing their location and types of loading are contained in the instruction manual for the specific model you have chosen. We recommend that you study this part as carefully as possible.

Washing and drying modes

Washing programs carried out Bosch dishwashers are divided into:

  • automatic;
  • fast;
  • delicate;
  • economical;
  • normal;
  • intense;
  • with pre-rinse.

The programs are developed taking into account the type of dishes, the materials from which they are made, as well as the type and intensity of dirt present on them.

Each of the available programs takes into account the following factors regarding the washing procedure:

  • water temperature;
  • duration of the process;
  • volume of water consumption;
  • type of detergent used;
  • mechanical impact method.

When performing standard programs, the wash duration and water temperature are preset parameters. Each type of dishware has its own program, taking into account the degree of soiling.

Standard modes include delicate, eco and intensive wash. Various temperature ranges are provided to implement automatic programs. The machine determines water consumption, duration of operation and washing temperature within the prescribed range independently, based on the readings of aquasensors.

For example, reacting to the degree of soiling of the dishes, the machine can increase or decrease the number of rinses.

Washing programs
There is a separate program for different types of dishes and types of soiling; all that remains is to choose from the variety of washing modes that will help the housewife find the optimal solution for her tasks.

Programs, which include, for example, soaking, effectively complement the basic washing algorithms. This is the implementation of additional capabilities of Bosch technology. For example, if the dishes have just been used, they can be washed in accelerated mode with a shortened wash cycle, taking place in just 29 minutes.

The Turbo speed-20min program can be called an innovation. Its use allows you to wash dishes even in 20 minutes.Such a program will help out the hostess if she has to set the table with the same items several times over a short period of time.

There are also additional options that significantly make the owner’s life easier and help her out in extreme situations.

Additional programs expand the capabilities of standard functions:

  • Timer. Using the timer, the start of washing can be delayed for any time period ranging from one to 24 hours.
  • Hygiene. If additional hygienic treatment of dishes is necessary, it can be done by lengthening the last phase of the cycle and increasing the temperature at which it passes.
  • Vario Speed. You can speed up the program without losing the quality of the final result by forcing both liquid spray arms to work simultaneously. This option is available in the Vario Speed ​​Plus variation on premium units. At the same time, operating time is reduced by 66%.
  • Half load. If the chamber is only half loaded, this nuance should be taken into account, accordingly reducing the consumption of water and detergents.
  • Intensive zone. This option allows you to wash dishes in the lower basket more intensively. In other levels the program will run in the main mode. Using this option, you can process dirty pans and fragile wine glasses at the same time.
  • Shine & Dry. New option available for wine glasses and glassware. Thanks to additional rinsing, increasing the volume of rinse aid and long drying time, the glass acquires an incredible shine.

If in instructions for your model If such an option is provided, then at the first stage of the machine’s operation you can add a forgotten item to it, temporarily interrupting the wash. To put the machine into standby mode, carefully open the door.After closing it, the program running by the machine will automatically continue.

A very convenient additional function is provided by a timer, which helps to delay the completion of work for a given period of time, which allows the housewife to manage her time more successfully.

Completion of work will be indicated by a sound and light (beam on the floor) signal. It is customary to unload the boxes starting from the lower basket. At the same time, drops that may remain on the upper baskets will not spoil the appearance of the items located below.

If you adhere to the requirements stated by the manufacturer, your unit will serve you for a long time.

What problems can you fix yourself?

If your Bosch dishwasher fails, you need to contact your nearest service center for help. But sometimes the breakdown is so minor that it makes no sense to hire specialists to fix it.

The unit independently monitors the health of its own systems and, in the event of a problem, displays an error code on the display. The meaning of the codes can be found in the instructions for your machine.

Error code
A system that constantly tests its own operation, if a malfunction is detected, displays the following error codes:

Let's talk about those that you can eliminate on your own:

  • E4 – there is a problem with switching the stream. This error can occur when the hose is clogged. If the hoses have been checked and the display still shows E4, contact service.
  • E6 – there are problems with the aquasensor, which is responsible for recognizing the level of contamination of the dishes. This error is typical for the Bosch Silence Plus model. It appears if the intensive washing program is selected for dishes with minor stains.
  • E15 – the aqua stop is turned on, that is, a reaction to a water leak has occurred. It is necessary to check all hoses and fix the problem.
  • E17 – a fluid filling error has occurred. This situation may arise if increased pressure has formed at the point where the water supply is connected to the dishwasher.
  • E24 - a signal that waste water is poorly drained or not drained at all. The cause may be a clogged drain that will have to be cleaned, or a clogged hose. Perhaps the hose is simply pinched.
  • E27 – power supply has deteriorated due to a drop in voltage in the power grid. The cause of this phenomenon may be a peak load on the network. If you install a voltage stabilizer, this type of trouble can be avoided.

It happens quite often that the machine does not turn on. Most likely there is a problem with your network connection. Check the fuse, if it is blown, replace it.

It is possible that the dishwasher is blocked. Make sure to close the washer door properly. Check the sprinkler nozzles, water supply hoses and drain filters for clogging.

In order to prevent malfunctions and malfunctions in the operation of the dishwasher, you should follow the manufacturer’s recommendations, take into account what can and cannot be washed in the machine, correctly arrange items in baskets.

Necessary maintenance

In order for any mechanism to be in excellent working condition for a long time, it must be properly cared for.

High-tech and modern Bosch dishwashers also require maintenance. The status of their individual devices should be constantly monitored.

Dishwasher Care
No matter how strange it may sound, the dishwasher also needs to be washed, its chamber dried with napkins, filters and sprayers cleaned, grease and scale removed

You can find comprehensive information about caring for the devices of your specific Bosch dishwasher model in the instructions for this unit:

  • Rocker arms. Scale or grease found on their surfaces is a reason to run an intensive washing cycle without loading, but with detergents.
  • Filters. The condition of the filters must be checked after each operating cycle. Large contaminants are removed, and crayons that clog pores are washed off with hot tap water. If this is not done, dirt may cause the drain pump to block. And repairing the unit will require money and time.
  • Sprinklers. To prevent the quality of washing from deteriorating, the sprinklers must be periodically removed and washed with hot running water to remove food residues and scale.

If you strictly comply with all the requirements and operating conditions prescribed by the manufacturer, the service life of your equipment will be as long and efficient as possible.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Running a new dishwasher for the first time in “idle” mode is a responsible task. You are given the opportunity for the first time to check both the quality of its installation and the operation of its devices.

To visualize how the first launch is carried out according to the rules, check out the video:

We present to your attention a video dedicated to Bosch dishwashers. You will see the operating principles of different types of machines, get an idea of ​​the internal structure and operating procedure of the unit.

There are a great variety of models produced by the famous Bosch brand. And each has its own characteristics. Our task is to awaken your interest in this technology and in the instructions that describe its capabilities and nuances of operation..

Please write comments, ask questions about things that interest you, and post photos in the block below. Reveal your own secrets in operating a Bosch dishwasher, which may be useful to site visitors. Share the nuances of care and maintenance.

Visitor comments
  1. Olga

    I recently purchased a dishwasher from Bosch. I only regret one thing, why I didn’t do this earlier. There are no more hated dishes in the sink. Moreover, I am allergic to chemicals. Keeps dishes dry and always shiny. But it’s better to take your first launch seriously! We tried to find out from our utility workers about our toughness, our specialists did not give us a normal answer, we had to set it up at our own discretion. We stocked up on all the necessary cleaning products: salt, capsules, powder. It’s better to put plates without food leftovers in the machine, so as not to have to poke around in the filter later.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      You can find out the hardness of water yourself, and quite accurately. To do this, you need to buy special test strips to determine pH hardness. The Aquafilter and Nilpa pH test strips are highly praised. Such strips are sold in household appliances stores, household chemical stores, and in hypermarkets such as Leroy Marlene or Auchan. The price of 1 set is about 400-500 rubles. If you are not in a hurry, you can order on Aliexpress for 150-200 rubles.

      A small life hack: to determine the pH of water, it is not necessary to use test strips made specifically for washing machines and dishwashers. Those sold in pet stores in the aquarium accessories section are also suitable. By the way, almost all PMM manufacturers complete their equipment with starting tests to determine water hardness.The start test can be found in the instruction package.

  2. Irina

    Not long ago my dream of having a dishwasher came true. We purchased a Bosch dishwasher. The equipment was installed by a specialist. It’s good that we didn’t rely on our own strengths and do it ourselves; we might have missed something. Before the first start, I determined the hardness of the water in the tap using test strips. I knew that we had hard water, but I had no idea how hard it was. Now the hassle associated with washing dishes is not my concern).

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      If the water is very hard, be sure to not run out of softening salt, otherwise you will “kill” the dishwasher. If the water is not softened, then scale will very quickly settle on the heating element and other internals.

      • Elena

        How do you make sure you don't run out of salt? Can you send me a link to the video? I have to service my Bosch myself. Therefore, a clear example is better. And how do you clean the filters in Bosch? We need to look. Please. Thank you in advance.

        • Expert
          Evgenia Kravchenko

          Hello. What model of dishwasher do you have from this company? In general, in most of these devices the indicator lights up. For the filter, too, you would need to find out what modification your device is. I suspect you have lost the instructions for your dishwasher?

          • Svetlana

            I purchased a dishwasher srv2ikx3br The start timer does not turn on. What to do? Help me please

  3. Oksana

    Two years ago my husband bought me a new dishwasher. Olga, I agree with you that you definitely need to clean the plates before putting them in. I also usually sort the dishes by size and do not place them end to end so that everything is washed well.

  4. Maria

    Hello! Yesterday we received a Bosch dishwasher and I immediately had a question. The delicate and quick washing modes are indicated on one of the divisions, although the temperature and functions should be different. I needed to turn on the delicate wash, but the machine was in quick wash mode. How can I figure it out? I look forward to your consultation!

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Good day. Please specify the specific model of the device so that we can help you efficiently or contact the manufacturer to clarify the answer to your question.

      • Irina

        I have a Vosch spv66tx00e. Please help me configure it better. The instructions are in a foreign language and very difficult to understand.

  5. Tatiana

    Good afternoon Tell me how to configure additional drying in the settings? When installing any program, for some reason the dishes are not dry enough.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. To answer your question about additional drying, we would like to know the specific model of your dishwasher.

      Also, the reason may be due to some kind of breakdown, but here we need to know the details - how “not dry enough”, whether this problem has always been there or has recently appeared, and so on.

      • Arthur

        After the first start of the Bosch Silence SMS24AW00R dishwasher, the water does not drain completely, please explain the reason and how to set the desired water hardness level. Thank you in advance.

      • Tatiana

        dishwasher bosch smv25ax01r. Initially I didn’t understand how to set up the additional drying program

  6. Irina

    Hello! I have a Bosch SPV66TX00E machine. Please help me set up the beam, the instructions are in foreign languages ​​and it’s very difficult to understand.

    • Administration

      Hello.The beam should light up automatically when you turn on the machine. Is this not happening to you?

  7. Natalia

    Good afternoon. In the Bosch machine, the quick wash program was 29 minutes, but now it’s 44 minutes. I can't figure out how to remove it.

    • Alex

      The same thing, only originally it was and is 44 minutes.

  8. Emina

    I just can’t decide what I need more: half load or extra drying. Help with the choice? SPS25FW11R or Sps25FW15R?

  9. Veronica

    Good afternoon, please tell me when using the machine care function, is it necessary to place a cleaning tablet in the tray with detergent? Or does this function work without funds?

  10. Nanish

    Hello, at the first start, as soon as the machine was turned on, the eco program automatically started, no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t switch to another, and the dishes took 3 hours to wash. What did I do wrong? It seems like I haven’t even pressed start yet.

    • Svetlana

      Good afternoon. I had exactly the same thing))) But then I read that you could press the start button and hold it for 3-5 seconds and everything would turn off. And then select the function you need.

  11. Anna

    Good afternoon, I’ve been rinsing with a BOSCH dishwasher for a long time, but the rest of the time, when some mode is set, the rinsing machine does not rinse, another cell

    • Inna

      Hello, we turned on the dishwasher to the power supply, but the indicators do not light up, I turned the button on and off - nothing. What is the problem. Is the socket working properly, is there something wrong with the cord, maybe it was poorly inserted into the dishwasher?

  12. Svetlana

    Good afternoon. Tell me, I have a Bosch Serie dishwasher | 2 Hygiene Dry SMV25AX02R. There is an additional rinse function. And I have a question.When you turn it on after rinsing, which washing function is activated. Or, when you turn on this function, ONLY rinsing will occur and then you need to turn on another function?

  13. Vitaly

    Very good useful article thank you! Tell me how to pull out the top cutlery tray pulls out halfway

  14. Nina

    Good afternoon The dishwasher has a Fovarit button with an asterisk icon, I can’t find in any instructions what it means

  15. Julia

    Good afternoon. Dishwasher model srv2hkx5dr I can’t set the sound signal. I hold the button for 3 seconds. The arrow lights up, but the snowflake doesn’t light up, although I continue to hold the button. There is no sound signal.

    • Nina

      Julia, I have the same model and the same problem, I think that this model does not have a sound adjustment function. At the end of the program, the machine beeps once, very quietly, like a mouse, you can only hear it if you are nearby. The running time of the program is not reflected on the display, so it is generally impossible to track the end of the program, it is very inconvenient. Alternatively, you can call customer service. If you suddenly have any information, please write to me.

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