Welding machine for polypropylene pipes: classification, rating of the best + tips for choosing

To assemble a heating circuit or plumbing system, you need a welding machine for polypropylene pipes - an indispensable equipment when laying a plastic pipeline. The tightness of the joining of parts will be ensured by a correctly selected unit.

In this article we will look at the main types of devices offered by the market. Let's find out their main characteristics and features of use.

We will also highlight the main criteria that you should focus on when choosing a suitable welding machine. After all, before purchasing a tool, it is important not only to assess the upcoming scope of work, but also to determine the appropriate model by comparing the parameters of the option you like with the available budget.

Basic operation of welding machines

In utility networks of private housing construction, multi-apartment, industrial and public buildings polypropylene pipes are confidently replacing metal ones. The demand for plastic highways is explained by their durability, affordable cost and resistance to external influences.

Welding of polypropylene pipes
Regardless of the design features, units for assembling plastic pipelines operate on the principle of diffuse soldering - the pipes are melted and then “melted” with their ends into each other

The current trend has provoked high demand for machines for welding polypropylene and polyethylene pipes professional and household purposes.

Required elements of the welding machine:

  1. Adjustment block. The module controls heating power, protects against voltage surges and overheating.
  2. Lever. Composite part of manual modifications.
  3. Heating mirror. The element transfers heat to the working pipe and nozzles.

The operating mode of the welding machine is determined using a thermostat. The heating temperature is set in accordance with the pipe material. Exceeding the value leads to uncontrolled melting and the appearance of defects. Insufficient heating can cause the seam to fail.

Polypropylene pipes
The optimal melting temperature of PP pipes is 260 °C. The polymer softens like plasticine, the sections of the products are pressed, and soldering is carried out. After cooling, the joining seam acquires the same strength characteristics as a solid pipe

Classification of soldering irons for PP pipes

If we evaluate the assortment, we can distinguish two main classes of machines for welding plastic pipes: mechanical and manual. The main parameter of separation is productivity and scope of application. In addition, the units are classified according to the welding method into butt and coupling devices. Features of the device and operation of each type are described below.

Powerful mechanical and electro-hydraulic devices

Mechanical and electro-hydraulic devices are used for joining large-diameter pipes (over 5 cm) or in conditions where the alignment of joints requires a significant load.

Mechanical apparatus
Complete set of mechanical equipment: support frame, control unit, hydraulic unit, grippers with liners, electric trimmer, disk heating element and dynamometer

Mechanical joining of pipes is carried out in a rigid housing with semicircular moving centralizers. The ends of the products are aligned with an electric trimmer equipped with double-sided knives. The plastic is heated by a powerful heater and the pipes are joined - pressure is applied manually through a lever. The clamping force is monitored by a built-in dynamometer.

The butt welding technique using an appropriate apparatus is recommended for connecting PP pipes whose diameter exceeds 63 cm. The permissible pipe thickness is at least 4 mm.

The coating of the clamps is made of metallized Teflon, which prevents hot plastic from sticking to the working element of the device.

The connection of parts with an electro-hydraulic device for soldering polypropylene pipes is carried out by analogy with a mechanical device. The difference is in the method of creating pressure. The clamping is carried out by an electro-hydraulic drive.

Electrohydraulic apparatus
The device is capable of regenerating pressure of about 120 atmospheres - this is enough to weld pipes with a diameter of up to 63 cm. At the same time, the quality of the seam remains high

Some electro-hydraulic units allow welding of T-shaped plastic structures.

These devices are expensive and are not intended for soldering small cross-section pipes. Therefore, the main scope of their application is industrial enterprises and utilities. The use of mechanical and electro-hydraulic devices in everyday life is unprofitable.

Sword and cylindrical hand models

A manual welding machine is often called a “soldering iron” or “iron”. The compact device is suitable for home and industrial use. The maximum diameter of joined pipes is 125 mm.

Based on the shape of the heating platform, there are two types of “soldering irons”:

  • xiphoid;
  • cylindrical.

The shapes of welding machines are what gave them popular names: the first option looks like an iron, and the second one looks like an ordinary soldering iron. The platform configuration does not affect the principle, operating procedure and quality of the device. The differences lie in different types of attachments and methods of attaching them.

Sword iron device
There are holes on both sides of the flat iron. Depending on the number of “seats”, one or several pairs of nozzles can be used simultaneously. Standard – 1-3 diametrical sizes

For soldering individual heating, two or three sets of nozzles are enough.Models designed for the use of more than 3 diameters belong to the category of professional equipment and cost from 250 USD.

A pair of separate attachments are installed on the “iron”:

  • sleeve – heating of the outer surface;
  • mandrel – heating and melting of the inner side of the fitting.

Both attachments are secured with a long screw, which is tightened with a hex wrench.

Rod soldering apparatus
When using several sets at the same time, small attachments are placed closer to the edge, and large attachments are placed closer to the handle. This is not a mandatory requirement, but a recommendation for more convenient use.

Less popular are sword-shaped varieties with a shortened heater. Model No. 1 (photo below) is highly specialized and designed for the installation of large mandrels and couplings; the power of the heating element allows the soldering of large cross-section PP pipes.

We have provided detailed recommendations on choosing an iron and its use in this article.

Short platform model
Model 1 is highly specialized. Model 2 is compact, with two nozzles oriented vertically, it is convenient for welding in confined spaces

Devices with a cylindrical heating rod are equipped with attachments similar to a detachable clamp.

Experts highlight a number of advantages of “soldering irons” over “irons”:

  • the master independently selects the area where the nozzle is located - there are no specified holes;
  • the ability to choose the angle of the pipe relative to the horizontal plane - important when soldering complex components at the installation site of the pipeline;
  • increasing operating efficiency by increasing the contact area between the heater and nozzles - faster warming up;
  • there is no need to periodically tighten the fastening bolts to prevent axial displacement of the nozzles during welding.

Cylindrical devices are distinguished by their compactness, stable heating temperature and high cost relative to sword-shaped models.

We talked in more detail about choosing a soldering iron type welding machine in next article.

Rod apparatus
The set of attachments is put on the cylinder, moved to a convenient place, after which the connecting screw is tightened with a hex key. The maximum number of nozzles used is determined by the length of the rod platform

Devices for butt and socket welding

Soldering is performed in two technological ways: butt and coupling. Accordingly, all welding machines can be classified according to this criterion.

How is butt welding performed?

The technology is applicable for pipes of equal diameter with a plastic thickness of 4 mm or more. The main requirements for high-quality soldering are: clear alignment of the joining elements and careful trimming, ensuring a tight fit of the surfaces.

Butt welding machines operate on the following principle:

  1. Trimming and processing of pipe ends.
  2. Simultaneous heating by disc heating element.
  3. Compression of mating parts - pressure is applied strictly along the axis of the pipe.
  4. Achieving the diffusion effect is the penetration of molten polymers into the structure of adjacent parts.

After a technological pause, the stage of cooling and final polymerization follows.

Butt welding
Industrial machines operate using this method: mechanical and electro-hydraulic devices. The equipment allows you to achieve the required arrangement of parts and optimal compression force

Features of the coupling solder

The fulfillment of the condition for centering the parts is achieved due to the selected sizes of nozzles and pipes.The unit simultaneously heats the inner walls of the coupling (tee, fitting or adapter) and the outer side of the pipe to the same length.

The heated parts are applied and joined together manually. The ratio of the diameters of the mating elements provides the necessary compression force - for interpenetration and polymerization, it is enough to hold the parts together for some time.

Socket welding
Clutch units include tools that require the use of special attachments. All manual welding machines perform socket or socket joints

When connecting polypropylene pipes using a welding machine, a number of standard actions are performed. As a result of the diffuse connection of plastic components, a durable, sealed pipeline is obtained that can operate without failure under standard load for many decades. Here are the steps of the procedure:

Evaluation of parameters of manual pipe soldering irons

Considering the consumer demand specifically for models of “irons” and “soldering irons,” it is worth considering separately the criteria for choosing household welding machines. First of all, productivity, temperature indicators, quality and quantity of offered nozzles are taken into account. An important factor is the pricing policy and build quality of the unit.

Heating power and temperature

Power determines the operational potential of the unit. The higher the indicator, the wider the possible range of diameters of welded pipes. In addition, the heating time and, accordingly, the speed of progress of welding work depend on the performance of the soldering iron.

However, for home use it is not advisable to buy high-power equipment for a number of reasons:

  1. The quality of soldering does not depend on power characteristics.
  2. Temporary superiority in heating is important for “conveyor” pipeline installation. In everyday life, the difference is not particularly noticeable - while the soldering iron is heating up, preliminary marking, fitting and joining are carried out.
  3. More powerful devices consume more electricity.

To correctly calculate the power of the “soldering iron,” the estimated diameter of the pipes is taken into account.

Welding machine power
The minimum power (W) corresponds to the product of the pipeline diameter (mm) by 10. For example, soldering of 60 mm pipes is carried out with a soldering iron of 600 W or higher

For domestic needs, 1.2 kW equipment is suitable - this is quite enough for laying a home heating or water main.

The quality of the weld depends on the stability of the temperature effect. Most devices produce 50-300 °C heating, the standard operating temperature is 260 °C. More about polypropylene soldering temperature we wrote here.

The presence of a thermostat is especially important for beginners. An experienced specialist works by feeling - he determines the heating duration intuitively without a sound signal.

It is better for welding amateurs to rely solely on the standards and choose a model with smooth temperature control. The position of the flywheel must be stable and not move when accidentally touched.

High-tech models have a digital temperature display panel. The presence of this option is convenient for the user, but entails a significant increase in the cost of the device.

Equipment and ease of use

The “filling” of the welding kit affects the price of the equipment. The choice of one set or another is made based on their individual needs.

As a rule, manufacturers offer three types of standard kits:

  1. Economy Contains the welding machine itself, an adjusting key and a user manual. Sometimes it is supplemented with one or two attachments. But you have to choose a pipe cutter and other necessary tools separately.
  2. Base. In addition to the device, instructions and key, the set contains the most common attachments for household use with a cross-section of 20-40 mm. All components are packed in a convenient, non-bulky suitcase.
  3. Full. In addition to the soldering iron, mandrel and couplings, the case contains all the accessories necessary for soldering: a screwdriver, a stand, screws, a hex key, scissors for PP pipes, a tape measure and gloves.

Some manufacturers include a small bubble level in the kit for leveling the pipe line.

Welding machine equipment
All elements can be purchased separately, but often, purchasing a full “suitcase” is cheaper than a selection of missing tools “in bulk”

To ensure convenient use, it is important to consider some nuances:

  • a tripod or stand for a soldering iron should not be very light, the best option is a stable platform;
  • a device with clamps is suitable for working on a workbench;
  • The handle should not heat up and slip in your hand.

High-quality welding units are equipped with an emergency system that disconnects the device from the power supply if there is a risk of overheating.

Value for money

Equipment with the same technical parameters costs differently from different manufacturers. The price is determined by the brand’s reputation, type of device and equipment.

The leaders in this market segment are foreign companies: Rothenberg, Dytron, Brima, Kern and Candan. Among domestic manufacturers, products such as Enkor, Energomash, and Kalibr are in demand.

Among experts, there is an unofficial rating of countries that manufacture welding equipment for plastic pipes.

The championship rightfully belongs to the European brands Rothenberg (Germany) and Dytron (Czech Republic).

Soldering iron Dytron
The price of Czech Dytron soldering irons for basic configuration starts from 200 USD, which is 3-4 times more expensive than similar models of Turkish or Chinese production

Despite the high cost, European products hold the sales lead due to their reliability, durability, unpretentiousness and ease of use. The equipment is distinguished by its light weight, compactness, mechanical endurance, long service life and diversity of the model range.

A worthy alternative to Czech and German devices are hand-held soldering irons made in Turkey. Well proven: Candan, Cobra and Valtec.

Candan welding machine
Moderate pricing policy (from 30-40 USD) along with good technical and operational characteristics brought Candan to the top sales among soldering irons for PP pipes for household use

The most affordable price niche is occupied by Chinese and Russian units. The cost of cheap models starts from 15-20 USD. The quality of workmanship is often “lame”; thermostats are characterized by inconsistent operation - the spread of readings reaches 10°. Such an error is fraught with depressurization of the welded elements.

However, among the Chinese-Russian assembly there are competitive devices, for example, Energomash, Wester and Sturm soldering irons (German development, manufactured in China).

Below we present the characteristics and operating features of popular modifications of manual welding units for joining plastic pipelines.

Rating of welding machines for polypropylene pipes

Max. heat
Diameter of welded pipes
Sword-shaped heater
/ 100
1500 W
300 °C
20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63
/ 100
1500 W
300 °C
20, 25, 32, 40
/ 100
1900 W
300 °C
20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63
/ 100
1500 W
16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 75
/ 100
650 W
260 °C
16, 20, 25, 32, 40
Cylindrical heater shape
/ 100
650 W
300 °C
16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63
/ 100
1000 W
300 °C
16, 20, 25, 32
/ 100
1800 W
300 °C
16, 20, 25, 32
/ 100
900 W
300 °C
16, 20, 25, 32
/ 100
1000 W
300 °C
16, 20, 25, 32
Round heater shape
/ 100
2400 W
50, 63, 75, 90, 110, 125, 160
/ 100
780 W
300 °C
20, 25, 32
/ 100
800 W
300 °C
20, 25, 32
/ 100
750 W
300 °C
20, 25, 32, 40
/ 100
1300 W
280 °C
75, 90, 110

Sword-shaped heater


Wester DWM 1500

Easy to use soldering iron at an affordable price

Expert rating:
/ 100

The Wester DWM 1500 soldering iron rightfully took a leading position in our rating. It is easy to use, heats up quickly and evenly, and has a stable base, which greatly facilitates the process of soldering pipes.

Model specifications:

  • Tdevice type - manual
  • method of connecting pipes - socket
  • Vrunning voltage - 220 V
  • type of temperature controller - thermostat
  • dDiameter of nozzles included, mm — 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63
  • Toequipment - tape measure, gloves, screwdriver, pipe cutter
  • Ves of the kit - 5 kg

This device, according to users, solders conscientiously. Even a beginner in this business can easily operate it - just a little practice and you can start soldering your home pipeline.

The kit includes all the necessary attachments in the amount of 6 pieces. They performed well - even after repeated use, the coating was not damaged and the plastic did not stick to the nozzles.

A pipe cutter is also included, but some owners complain about its quality. Although, according to them, scissors have nothing to do with the quality of the soldering machine itself.

  • Excellent equipment
  • Heats up quickly
  • The seam is smooth after welding
  • Affordable price
  • Short power wire
  • Not the best quality pipe cutter

Valtec ER-04

One of the best devices in its price category

Expert rating:
/ 100

A joint project between Russian and Italian manufacturers, Valtec offers several models of soldering irons for PP pipes. One of the latest developments is Valtec ER-04 equipment. These Turkish-made devices are especially good.

Model specifications:

  • Tdevice type - manual
  • method of connecting pipes - socket
  • Vrunning voltage - 220-240 V
  • type of temperature controller - thermostat
  • dDiameter of nozzles included, mm — 20, 25, 32, 40
  • Toequipment - tape measure, screwdriver, pipe cutter
  • Ves of the kit - 5.12 kg

Additional parameters: single-stage heating, temperature adjustment within 50-300 °C, device weight without nozzles - 1.46 kg, estimated service life - 10 years, warranty - 2 years.

For user convenience, a reliable aluminum stand with a clamp is provided. And the replaceable nozzles included in the kit are made of aluminum with an anti-adhesive coating.

The device heats up to +260 °C for 10 minutes. It is prohibited to use it at high humidity (80% or more), as well as air temperatures above 40 °C.


  • Excellent build quality of the soldering iron
  • Warms up well
  • Suitable for daily use
  • Can work 6 or more years
  • Polypropylene burns if used incorrectly
  • A little expensive for home use

Sturm! TW7219

The quality of this soldering iron is excellent and fully corresponds to the price.

Expert rating:
/ 100

The sword-shaped soldering iron Sturm TW7219 is equipped with two heaters with the ability to turn them on separately. The maximum power of 1900 W is achieved with simultaneous operation of the heating elements.

Model specifications:

  • type of device - manual
  • method of connecting pipes - socket
  • input voltage - 220 V
  • type of temperature controller - thermostat
  • diameter of nozzles included, mm - 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63
  • equipment - tape measure, gloves, screwdriver, pipe cutter
  • set weight - 4.78 kg

The device features smooth temperature control from 50 to 300 °C, heating time is less than 15 minutes. There is a network connection indicator and an overload protection indication.

The design is stable and easy to use; the work area is illuminated, which is especially important when using a soldering iron for beginners.

The manufacturer provides good equipment. In addition to the device itself, all additional accessories, including 6 Teflon-coated nozzles, are compactly collected in a case.

The supplied pipe cutter is not suitable for cutting large diameter pipes. Many users note that from 25 mm problems are already noticeable, and when cutting 32 diameters they even break down.

Do you need good, reliable pipe cutters? We recommend that you read the best models pipe cutter

  • Good equipment
  • The device is built to last
  • Reasonable price for home use
  • The stand is uncomfortable
  • The device is a bit heavy

Candan CM-03

Inexpensive and reliable soldering iron from a Turkish manufacturer for home use

Expert rating:
/ 100

Candan CM-03 is a welding machine from the Turkish company Candan Makina Ltd Sti. This unit has a two-stage iron-shaped heating element and a thermostat to ensure a constant temperature.

Model specifications:

  • type of device - manual
  • method of connecting pipes - socket
  • input voltage - 220 V
  • type of temperature controller - thermostat
  • diameter of nozzles included, mm — 20, 25, 32, 40
  • equipment - tape measure, screwdriver, pipe cutter, socket wrench, level
  • set weight - 6 kg

Additional characteristics: the device is equipped 2 heating elementsmi, thermostat operation indicator, power cable - 3 m, stable cross-shaped stand.

The device is sold both in a suitcase with all the necessary accessories, and separately - in a cardboard box. When purchasing, it is important to carefully study the accompanying documentation so as not to run into a fake.

The power of the device is enough for soldering pipes with a cross-section of up to 63 mm. But to install such a pipeline, you need to separately purchase replacement sleeves and mandrels, because the kit includes 4 nozzles from 20 to 40 mm.

  • Device reliability
  • Good price for a household model
  • Sufficient power cable length
  • Lasts significantly longer than the warranty period
  • When used for a long time, the power button falls off
  • The pipe cutter is rather weak

Rothenberger Roweld P40 T

Convenient device with high-quality attachments at a fairly high price

Expert rating:
/ 100

A lightweight and compact device from the German brand Rothenberger is designed for soldering shaped parts and pipes made of polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinylidene fluoride and polybutene.

Model specifications:

  • type of device - manual
  • method of connecting pipes - socket
  • input voltage - 220 V
  • type of temperature controller - thermostat
  • diameter of nozzles included, mm — 20, 25, 32, 40
  • equipment - 4 nozzles, availability of other accessories in the kit must be checked with the seller
  • set weight - up to 5 kg, device 1 kg

Additional characteristics of the Roweld P40 series: thermostatic control and temperature maintenance at 260 °C, simultaneous operation with two pairs of nozzles.

The device is supplied in a metal case, a stand and a mount for a clamp are provided. But the clamp itself is not included in the kit. If necessary, a mandrel and a 16 mm coupling are also purchased separately.

  • Heats up quickly
  • Heats the entire working area of ​​the nozzle evenly
  • Good quality Teflon coating on the nozzles
  • Convenient to work
  • High price tag
  • Feet are not very comfortable
  • Heating elements burn out quickly
  • Expensive repairs

Cylindrical heater shape


Dytron SP-4a

Compact and lightweight device, ideal not only for professional but also for home use

Expert rating:
/ 100

The development of the Czech company Dytron SP-4a is a rod pulse soldering iron that belongs to the category of professional equipment, but is also quite suitable for home use.

Model specifications:

  • type of device - manual
  • method of connecting pipes - socket
  • input voltage - 230 V
  • type of temperature controller - microprocessor
  • diameter of nozzles included, mm — 20, 25, 32
  • equipment - 3 nozzles, pipe cutter, foot support, nozzle wrench
  • set weight - 5,9 kg

Additional characteristics of the Dytron SP-4a soldering iron: the ability to simultaneously use up to three nozzles, the presence of overheating protection.

There is also a TraceWeld sound alarm: a short sound signal - the device is heating up and welding begins; long sound – cooling, end of polymerization; intermittent acoustic signaling – pipe reinstallation phase.

To correctly notify about the progress of the technological stage of welding, it is enough to select the limit temperature and the desired pipe diameter.

  • High build quality of a professional tool
  • Ideally maintains temperature
  • Durable Teflon coating
  • High price of the device
  • Complicated instruction manual


Quite a functional soldering iron at a very attractive price

Expert rating:
/ 100

CALIBER SVA-1000T is a simple and easy-to-use instrument. Ideal for soldering polypropylene pipes when installing a water supply system.

Model specifications:

  • type of device - manual
  • method of connecting pipes - socket
  • input voltage - 220 V
  • type of temperature controller - thermostat
  • diameter of nozzles included, mm — 16, 20, 25, 32
  • equipment - 4 nozzles, stand
  • weight - 1 kg

The availability of additional accessories should be checked with the seller - equipment may differ significantly from store to store. The manufacturer packs the soldering iron along with all the equipment in a case.

Users call this welding machine an ideal option for home use - it’s inexpensive and even a beginner can use it.Also, many owners are pleased with its excellent stability and low weight, which is especially important when soldering pipes.

  • Good weight of the device
  • Great price
  • Plastic does not stick to nozzles after soldering
  • The cord is short
  • Inconvenient location of the temperature regulator on this model

Sturm! TW7218

Powerful device for reliable soldering of polypropylene pipelines

Expert rating:
/ 100

Soldering iron Sturm! TW7218 with a cylindrical heater. To work with plastic pipes, it is equipped with paired nozzles, which are coated with an excellent layer of Teflon. The latter provides convenience when soldering - the heated parts of the pipes do not stick.

Model specifications:

  • type of device - manual
  • method of connecting pipes - socket
  • input voltage - 220 V
  • type of temperature controller - thermostat
  • diameter of nozzles included, mm — 16, 20, 25, 32
  • equipment - 4 nozzles, stand
  • set weight - 2.7 kg

Additionally, the device may come with keys and bolts for fixing the attachments. You will have to check with the seller about the package contents so that, if necessary, you can immediately purchase the accessories you need.

For safe work with the Sturm soldering iron! TW7218 provides protection against uncontrolled heating - maximum heating is possible only up to 300 °C.

The device is suitable for continuous operation, as well as for soldering pipelines in hard-to-reach places, which is facilitated by the light weight of the device and the presence of an on/off button on the body.

  • Affordable price
  • Convenient to use the device
  • Heats up quickly
  • Service under warranty 2 years
  • The wire for connecting to the network is too short
  • When heating, the indication button glows red instead of green


Easy to use and lightweight device from a domestic brand, ideal for home use

Expert rating:
/ 100

WELDER RBI-KC32 is equipment intended for domestic use. To work with pipes, paired block-type nozzles are used, the surface of which is coated with a Teflon non-stick layer.

Model specifications:

  • type of device - manual
  • method of connecting pipes - socket
  • input voltage - 240 V
  • type of temperature controller - thermostat
  • diameter of nozzles included, mm — 16, 20, 25, 32
  • equipment - 4 attachments, stand, instructions
  • set weight - 2.5 kg, one device - 1 kg

Additionally, the device is equipped with an on/off indicator light.

The device itself and other accessories supplied in the kit are collected in a metal case. But when purchasing, it is advisable to check with the seller about the package contents - some stores offer 3 attachments or add a tape measure and a pipe cutter to the case.

As for the latter, users recommend not taking the cheapest pipe scissors, but choosing a more expensive option.

  • A light weight
  • Acceptable cost
  • Convenient to use
  • Inconvenient stand included


Cheap soldering iron for solving small household problems

Expert rating:
/ 100

The welding machine DIOLD ASPT-3-1 belongs to the class of household equipment. The soldering iron is simple in design and even a beginner will not have any problems with it - it is no less easy to use. Block attachments are intended for soldering.

Model specifications:

  • type of device - manual
  • method of connecting pipes - socket
  • input voltage - 220 V
  • type of temperature controller - thermostat
  • diameter of nozzles included, mm — 16, 20, 25, 32
  • equipment - 4 bits, screwdriver, wrench, supply, tape measure
  • device weight - 0.9 kg

The package contents should be checked before purchasing - some sellers offer a more expanded set of accessories, which significantly affects the price. If a pipe cutter is included in the kit, it is usually not of the best quality. In such cases, users recommend choosing a more expensive and functional option.

The manufacturer provides a 12-month warranty on DIOLD ASPT-3-1, but subject to the operating temperature (from 15 to 35 °C). By the way, DIOLD is a domestic brand, but the equipment is assembled in China.

  • The soldering iron is compact and lightweight
  • Great value
  • Rubberized handle
  • During active use, plastic begins to stick to the surface of the nozzles.
  • Short power cord

Round heater shape



Reliable machine for soldering large diameter pipes

Expert rating:
/ 100

The CANDAN CM-05 welding machine is wonderfully assembled - all the parts fit well. For welding, paired nozzles with a diameter of 50 to 160 mm are used. For their fastening there is one hole located in the center of the heating element.

The very surface of this heater is covered with a Teflon layer to prevent plastic sticking when working with pipes.

Model specifications:

  • type of device - manual
  • method of connecting pipes - socket
  • input voltage - 220 V
  • type of temperature controller - thermostat
  • diameter of nozzles included, mm - 75, 90, 110
  • equipment - 3 attachments, tripod stand, attachment wrench, screwdriver
  • set weight - 5 kg

This soldering iron comes in a metal case with a stand and a key.But the nozzles themselves are not always included - this point should be clarified directly with the seller.

The device is equipped with two heating elements of 1200 W each. To turn them on there are two buttons on the handle. Heating is indicated by indicators that light up red when the set temperature is reached.

This device was produced by the Turkish company Candan Makina Ltd Sti, which has managed to prove itself from the best side. And although the price tag of CANDAN CM-05 is higher than that of popular soldering irons such as CALIBR SVA-780T and DIOLD ASPT-1, its quality is consistent with the cost.

  • Reliable build
  • Excellent quality Teflon coating on the nozzles
  • Easy to use and safe
  • Not low cost at all
  • Necessary attachments need to be purchased


An ideal cost option, suitable for welding household pipelines even for beginners

Expert rating:
/ 100

This soldering iron came in second place among models with a round heater shape due to its low price and decent quality. That is why CALIBER SVA-780T is in high demand among buyers.

CALIBER SVA-780T will be an ideal solution for one-time work - assembling a water supply or heating system with your own hands. It is easy to use and inexpensive, which will allow you not to regret the purchase - I assembled the pipeline and sent the soldering iron for storage in the closet.

Model specifications:

  • type of device - manual
  • method of connecting pipes - socket
  • input voltage - 220 V
  • type of temperature controller - thermostat
  • diameter of nozzles included, mm — 20, 25, 32
  • equipment - 3 nozzles, pipe cutter, supply
  • set weight - 2 kg

The assembly and quality of materials, in general, corresponds to the cost of the equipment: the case material is thin, the individual parts do not fit tightly. The equipment is decent - there are the most necessary accessories, including popular attachments, a pipe cutter, and a stand.

But users advise immediately making your own stand and buying the best pipe cutter.

As for the durability of the device, reviews from owners vary - some claim intensive two-year use by construction crews, others talk about trouble-free household use, and others complain that the soldering iron stopped heating when assembling the first pipeline.

  • Affordable price
  • Popular attachments included
  • Convenient to solder in hard-to-reach places
  • The cord smells bad
  • Average quality of attachments
  • Fixed stand


Lightweight and compact device for household use

Expert rating:
/ 100

DIOLD ASPT-1 is a device with a round heater, for which paired welding nozzles are used. It is extremely easy to use and is intended for household use.

Model specifications:

  • type of device - manual
  • method of connecting pipes - socket
  • input voltage - 220 V
  • type of temperature controller - thermostat
  • diameter of nozzles included, mm — 20, 25, 32
  • equipment - 3 bits, screwdriver, socket wrench, supply
  • set weight - 2.7 kg, device - 0.7 kg

This welding machine does an excellent job of soldering home pipelines with a diameter of up to 32 mm. Larger diameter pipes may cause problems.

The design of the DIOLD ASPT-1 device is extremely simple, so even a beginner will not have any problems using it.The light weight of the equipment allows you to weld even the most complex sections of the pipeline without any problems.

The price of the device is quite consistent with the quality - you shouldn’t expect anything incredible from this model for that kind of money. But it copes well with the main task - welding polypropylene pipes.

  • Acceptable price
  • Light weight
  • Compact size
  • Welding quality is excellent
  • Weak coating of nozzles
  • Inconvenient stand, the device falls to one side

Denzel DWP-750

Budget welding machine for home use

Expert rating:
/ 100

The Denzel DWP-750 soldering iron belongs to the household equipment class. It has a round heater shape, and paired nozzles coated with a Teflon layer are used for soldering.

Model specifications:

  • type of device - manual
  • method of connecting pipes - socket
  • input voltage - 220 V
  • type of temperature controller - thermostat
  • diameter of nozzles included, mm — 20, 25, 32, 40
  • equipment - 4 nozzles, pipe cutter, nozzle wrench
  • set weight - 2 kg

Before purchasing, you should check the package with the seller - the set does not always include scissors for cutting pipes. But the owners who came with this accessory are extremely dissatisfied with its quality.

The Denzel DWP-750, like many others, is assembled in China. But users have complaints about the build quality. So, some of them recommend immediately disassembling the device and thoroughly insulating the overheating sensor tube. Otherwise, it may burn out.

Owners are also indignant at the quality of the Teflon coating - at first glance it is excellent and the plastic does not stick to it during the soldering process.But as soon as you work for 5 hours in a row, the situation changes - the polypropylene begins to constantly stick.

  • A light weight
  • Compact dimensions
  • Fast heating
  • Good equipment
  • Poor build quality
  • Weak Teflon coating on nozzles
  • The pipe cutter does not cut the pipe well

Rothenberger Roweld P110 E Set

Professional welding machine of excellent quality, but quite expensive

Expert rating:
/ 100

Soldering iron Rothenberger Roweld P110 E Set - professional equipment. It is distinguished by excellent quality, but a very high price tag. Which led to weak demand for it among ordinary users choosing simple equipment for their home. Due to its high price, the device took last place in our rating.

Model specifications:

  • type of device - manual
  • method of connecting pipes - socket
  • input voltage - 220 V
  • type of temperature controller - microprocessor
  • diameter of nozzles included, mm — 75, 90, 110
  • equipment - 3 nozzles, support, nozzle mounting tool, 2 cylindrical screws
  • set weight - 11 kg

Additionally: smaller nozzles, if necessary, must be purchased separately, operating temperature ~ 20 °C.

This device is equipped with an indicator light to control heating, an LCD display of the temperature controller, and automatic overheat protection.

Working with Rothenberger Roweld P110 E Set is a pleasure - it heats up quickly, nothing sticks or burns. The result is good welds.

  • Durable Teflon coating on tips
  • Excellent build quality
  • Convenient stand included
  • Cost is too high

Having selected a welding machine model that suits you, you will have to carefully approach the process of soldering polypropylene. If you do not yet have experience in this matter, we recommend that you read our instructions and practice on small sections of pipe before starting to assemble the pipeline.

We provided detailed welding instructions and an analysis of the main mistakes in the following articles:

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Comparison of a cheap and expensive “iron” model for soldering polypropylene:

The choice of welding device depends on the scope of the intended installation work. To perform routine repairs and join several pipes, a simple “iron” model with appropriate attachments is suitable.

If you plan to regularly use the device for assembling highways of different diameters, it is better to purchase a full-fledged set of high quality.

Do you want to install a polypropylene pipeline yourself and are you selecting the appropriate welding machine? Maybe you still have questions after reading the material and want to consult with our experts or other site visitors?

Ask your questions under this article - competent owners of soldering equipment and our experts will try to clarify all the difficult aspects of choosing a welding machine.

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