Electrolux Smartinverter water heaters: smart technologies in your home

Water heaters

The world of household appliances is modernized every day and supplemented with new capabilities and technologies.It seems that a simple water heater can offer customers something interesting and profitable? The new series of Smartinverter water heaters are distinguished by innovative engineering solutions, reliability and self-sufficiency. Below we will tell you about these home water heaters, the features of their system and what is interesting about them.

No temperature fluctuations or financial costs

The name of the new model – Smartinverter, means that one of the main technologies used in the new generation water heater is digital INVERTER, patented by the manufacturer. It has its advantages.

Standard water heaters use a simple thermostat; the water is maintained at a given temperature very approximately, that is, with some deviation. At the same time, the heating element itself operates at maximum power and heats the water to a user-specified value.

Zetas it turns off, and the water begins to cool. After the temperature drops below the set temperature, the heating element turns on again at full power and heats the water. As a result, the heating element operates at maximum power, thermostats take measurements inaccurately, and the water overheats. This cycle is repeated again and again, which leads to unnecessary and significant energy costs, as well as stressful operation of the heating element. Consequently, to its premature wear.

The new series of Smartinverter water heaters uses patented digital INVERTER technology. The heating power of the heating element changes smoothly depending on the current temperature demand: the closer the required values, the lower the heating power. This technology prevents heating elements from operating at peak loads. When reheating, they do not turn on to maximum. Therefore, the load on the electrical network is reduced, the accuracy of the set temperature is ensured, which reduces energy consumption by up to 31%.

One of the main properties of a high-quality water heater is thermal insulation. Electrolux Smartinverter devices use an increased layer of effective thermal insulation for a flat form factor. Water is separated from the environment using a layer of polyurethane created under high pressure and having a foam structure. Its thickness is 35 mm, which is not something you will find in flat tanks.

Water heaters

The efficiency of such devices is higher and heat loss is lower. In this case, the thermal insulation efficiency is 36% higher than in other similar units. This is another parameter that allows Electrolux Smartinverter water heaters to demonstrate a high energy efficiency class according to European standards:

  • “A” for 30 l tank;
  • “B” for 50 and 80 l;
  • “C” for 100 l (which you will not find in other flat-shaped water heaters in the Russian Federation).

If we analyze the market for alternatives, devices will have a maximum of class D, and often lower. Naturally, heat loss and energy costs are much higher, and there can be no talk of saving on the cost of use.

Smartinverter's features don't end there. There is also a so-called artificial intelligence function SMART MEMORY. This built-in program studies and analyzes user habits, including time, average water consumption. Already in the first week of use, it will calculate the algorithm for using hot water in the house. Then the user no longer has to worry about managing the water heater. The device itself will heat the water in advance until the time when you need a hot shower.

At the same time, he is constantly learning. When the user's habits change, the smart water heater will adapt to the new schedule. This feature provides up to 22% energy savings per year!

Due to the synergy of the patented digital INVERTER heating technology, record thermal insulation for flat tanks of 35 mm, as well as the intelligent SMART MEMORY function, Electrolux Smartinverter series water heaters have made a real revolution in energy saving. When using them, the cost of electricity for heating water is up to 30% lower than the cost of paying bills for using a centralized hot water supply, and up to 10% less when using an electric boiler!

For example, for an apartment of up to 70 square meters. m. with a single bathroom and the number of residents up to 4 people, for a whole year you can save 16,659 rubles (or 28%) compared to the cost of paying for cubic meters of centralized hot water.

To confirm the economic benefits of using the Smartinverter water heater, the device was tested in an independent laboratory of the National Research University "MPEI" FBGOU VO "NRU "MPEI"". MPEI research engineers compared the costs of a conventional water heater and a Smartinverter device. It is more profitable to use the latter: for the same apartment 70 sq. m. with one bathroom and 4 year-round residents, the savings will be 30,354 rubles.

In addition, the Electrolux Smartinverter water heater will become a stylish, elegant and compact gadget in the bathroom!

Water heaters

Say no to corrosion

One of the important problems associated with the operation of a water heater is corrosion. Heating and cooling are accompanied by expansion and contraction of the metal of the internal tank. Microcracks, which do not always, but may appear, especially in the area of ​​welds, increase the risk of corrosion. However, here too, the manufacturer Electrolux has provided many points to protect against this harmful process.

The material of the internal tank is stainless steel of the highest quality with special additives (chrome, nickel and others), due to which its chemical activity is reduced. In addition, fully automated argon welding is used in the manufacturing process.

However, the main cause of corrosion is free oxygen released from water when heated. It is an aggressive oxidizing agent that combines with the iron atoms in the tank walls and turns the steel into rust. Accordingly, it is necessary to “distract” oxygen so that it does not enter into a chemical reaction.

At first, manufacturers came up with the idea of ​​putting a magnesium anode in the tank. From a chemical point of view, oxygen combines more easily with magnesium than with iron, and therefore the issue of corrosion was almost resolved. However, the anode is quickly consumed and needs to be replaced within 12 months after installation. And this type is now used in most well-known devices. In poor water conditions, it will have to be changed even more often than once a year.

Smartinverter water heaters do not use magnesium - they have their own technology. The devices have an electronic titanium anode. The principle of operation is to create an electric current. An excess of free electrons is formed, which go to the iron ions. In this case, the latter cannot combine with oxygen and form oxides.

The titanium anode does not require replacement or maintenance; it always works when the tank is connected to the network. This also leads not only to effective protection, but also to savings on the cost of using your device. After all, the magnesium anode would have to be changed once a year. The cost of one such service is 2.5-3 thousand rubles, and over the entire period of operation the full cost of the new water heater accrues.

An even more interesting aspect of the Electrolux Smartinverter water heater is the X-HEAT technology, or in simple terms, dry heating elements. The point is that the heating elements do not come into contact with water.

The elements are covered with metal casings to prevent scale deposits. The benefit is obvious: a dry heating element fails 2-3 times less often than a wet one, while replacing the latter can cost you 3-4 thousand rubles. Accordingly, the buyer saves another 10 thousand rubles over the entire service life.

Smart technologies

The Electrolux Smartinverter water heater is a technological gadget with interesting and convenient features for the user:

water heaters

  • In order to control the device, there is a touch display similar to that used in smartphones. It is bright, informative, and easy to navigate. But there’s a trick here too. No matter how the user decides to place the water heater (horizontally or vertically), the image on the display will always be vertically oriented;
  • built-in Wi-Fi control via an application - even from the next room, even from Hong Kong or Taimyr. You can also connect and control the device through the remote assistant Alice;
  • Thanks to the R-Socket connector, the water heater can become a station for the Electrolux Mini-Beat Bluetooth music speaker. If the device is in the bathroom, you can swim and listen to your favorite songs;
  • It is possible to create a switching schedule - just set what time you need hot water. The user can be sure that at a precisely defined time the water will be heated to the specified temperature with an error of a maximum of one degree. In addition, the equipment has three power modes.

There are several more functions that the device performs itself without reminders or user intervention:

  • multi-level safety system to protect against overheating above 75 degrees, which will prevent the formation of excess and dangerous pressure in the tank;
  • if the user is absent for a long time, the device can turn on the Bacteria Stop function, which will carry out antibacterial treatment according to a preset schedule with heating up to 70 degrees to kill bacteria, spores and viruses;
  • Freezing is not possible in Smartinverter systems. If it is cold, the sensor will detect this and the protection will work - the device will heat the water to a slight positive temperature (+4-5 degrees).

The device is already profitable to use due to its improved characteristics, but the manufacturer still included an ECO mode. The water temperature will be maintained at 55 degrees, which has an even more gentle effect on the heating element. At the same time, the water remains warm enough for almost any need.

The device we reviewed today will literally return all the investments in its purchase. Consider for yourself:

  1. Due to the latest digital INVERTER heating technology, increased thermal insulation and intelligent modes, savings on electricity bills will be about 31% compared to the use of outdated predecessors.
  2. The indestructible electronic anode provides savings on service maintenance of about 25-30 thousand rubles. for the life of the water heater, and this is the amount of the cost of a new device.
  3. The system of dry heating elements increases the service life, which will also allow the user to recoup about 10 thousand during the service life of the device.

Smartinverter is a revolutionary and smart gadget that provides maximum savings on the cost of its use, and provides a wide range of functions and technologies that people are so accustomed to in many other devices.

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