Vertical heating radiators: types + advantages and disadvantages + review of brands

When planning a space heating system, you should pay attention to vertical heating radiators, which are selected to suit any sophisticated interior. However, the impressive design of the device is somewhat offset by the considerable price, specifics of connection and operation, which should be understood before purchasing. Do you agree?

We will talk about all types of vertical radiators on the market. The article we propose describes in detail the varieties, their design features and technical characteristics are given. To make it easier for the buyer to solve the problem, we have listed the leading manufacturers.

Classification of heating radiators

Vertical radiators are classified according to the material of manufacture, external design and type of heat source. These devices have a height of 1-3 meters and are similar to their horizontal counterparts with the exception of some features.

According to the material of manufacture

Vertical heating devices have quite large dimensions and weight, so manufacturers try not to increase the load on the walls due to sections made of cast iron.

In addition, the complexity of processing this metal does not allow it to be given decorative shapes. These factors rule out cast iron as a material for making tall batteries.

Heating system from vertical radiators
It is advisable to plan a heating system from vertical radiators at the stage of building a house or major renovation of an apartment, so that communications can be hidden behind the walls

The main types of vertical radiators, depending on the material of manufacture, are:

  • bimetallic;
  • aluminum;
  • steel.

Modern bimetallic heating devices good because their tubes and internal channel system are made of steel, and the heat-emitting fins are made of aluminum. This allows you to combine the strength and wear resistance of one metal and the good heat-conducting properties of another in one device.

Bimetallic vertical batteries with bottom connection
Bimetallic vertical batteries are highly reliable because they contain a minimum of threaded connecting elements that can leak

In addition, the ease of machining aluminum allows you to vary the appearance and shape of radiators within a wide range. This metal can be painted well without losing its thermal conductivity properties, which makes it possible to integrate products made from it into an interior made in any palette.

The only disadvantage of bimetallic products is their increased cost. Steel heating sections are characterized by increased structural strength, but among all vertical radiators they have the worst heat transfer.

Steel does not lend itself well to precise machining, so the appearance steel alloy batteries often lacks sophistication. In addition, steel structures are susceptible to corrosion, even if they are coated with a special coating.

Steel welded vertical radiators
Tubular steel radiators can have from two to six channels per section, so the battery can be made narrow but deep

Steel sections are often manufactured in panel construction, allowing pipes and ducts to be hidden behind external metal plates.The advantage of such radiators is their price, which is lower than that of products made from other materials.

Aluminum heating sections have the best thermal conductivity among other materials. They heat up quickly, but don't hold heat for long. Aluminum is a plastic material, so batteries made from it are distinguished by their exquisite design forms.

Aluminum vertical radiators in an apartment
Aluminum vertical radiators are the lightest, so they can even be mounted on interior partitions without the risk of deformation.

Due to the ease of manufacture, the cost aluminum radiators lower than bimetallic ones, but their maximum operating pressure is lower. Weak strength does not allow the use of such radiators in multi-storey buildings and in centralized heating systems.

The material of the batteries can influence their choice only at high operating pressure, so most often products are purchased based on their appearance and cost.

According to external design

The larger the heat-reflecting surface area of ​​the heating metal elements, the higher their efficiency. Therefore, the shape of the battery design largely determines its energy performance.

All radiators according to their external design are divided into:

  • sectional;
  • tubular;
  • panel.

Tubular vertical batteries consist of elongated pipe sections connected at the top and bottom by collectors. To give an elegant look, individual radiator elements are often curved. This device provides maximum heat transfer, but to preserve it, it is necessary to regularly wash the batteries on all sides.

Tubular vertical radiator
The advantage of tubular structures is the possibility of arbitrary bending of the channels, which allows you to create elegant shapes without sacrificing reliability and price

Such radiators are usually made of steel, and individual pipes are connected to the collector by welding. Sectional batteries consist of several parts with a flat front surface.

They are characterized by the following features:

  • are predominantly bimetallic or aluminum, which compensates for the reduction in working area when comparing their performance with tubular models;
  • fit aesthetically into the interior;
  • are more expensive than other types of batteries;
  • give off heat primarily by convection;
  • are collapsible, which allows you to assemble an arbitrary number of sections in one battery.

Caring for sectional radiators is simple and does not require much time.

Sectional vertical radiators
The width of sectional vertical radiators can be arbitrarily changed by adding new sections. With the help of a special key, every owner can do this

Panel batteries have a non-separable design, and their front panel is often represented by a single sheet of metal or glass. Particularly popular are models with mirrored front surfaces, which are independent interior items. They expand the space of the room, adding light and internal warmth.

Panel vertical radiators
Panel radiators have a minimal contact area with air, but have a refined shape and are easy to clean the surface

In the presence of an autonomous heating system, the energy efficiency of vertical radiators of various designs is not of fundamental importance, because the heat produced by the boiler will in any case remain indoors.

Dedicated to the issues of choosing the best heating devices next article, which examines in detail the technical characteristics and the pros and cons.

By type of heat source

Most vertical heating devices use water as a coolant, which is heated by a gas boiler. But there are batteries that use electrical energy for heating. Their internal structure is similar to that of water batteries, only a special oil plays the role of coolant.

Electric vertical heaters
Electric models pose a certain danger to children. In addition, they are quite powerful, so if installed poorly, the wiring may catch fire.

Using vertically oriented electric radiators economically expensive, therefore they are used mainly for short-term auxiliary heating of premises.

Such equipment has built-in thermoregulation mechanisms, which allows it to be used only when the temperature drops below a set level.

Advantages and disadvantages of vertical radiators

Vertical radiators are a controversial option for a heating system. To install them, you need to have a free wall in the room and the possibility of discreetly connecting pipes with coolant.

Decorative vertical radiator in the bathroom
Some models of vertical radiators can be used as hangers, shelves or mirrors in summer. Batteries may also include the ability to backlight

Despite this, vertical batteries continue to be in stable demand due to the following advantages:

  1. High level of heat transfer due to the large area of ​​​​contact with air. This allows you to heat the coolant to a lower temperature and not overload a gas boiler.
  2. Variety of shapes, sizes And colors, which allows you to choose a model of the required size for any interior interior.
  3. High heating speed premises due to contact with air over the entire height of the room. Aluminum appliances are particularly effective in this regard.
  4. Easy to install due to the set of fastenings that comes with each battery.
  5. Space saving under the window where you can arrange a small storage room.

With a stained glass wall structure and the absence of a window sill, vertical wall radiators are an ideal option for installing a heating system.

Vertical heating devices are not without their drawbacks, which is why they are not widely used.

The disadvantages of such batteries include the following:

  1. Uneven heating. Due to the vertical elongation of radiators, warm air from them rushes to the ceiling and accumulates there. As a result, the floor does not warm up well and remains cold.
  2. High price. The price of one simple vertical section 2 meters long is 60-150 dollars, and designer models cost several times more.
  3. The difficulty of installing heating pipes unnoticed. Ideally, plastic wiring for vertical radiators should run inside the walls behind the drywall, but this is quite difficult to implement.
  4. Heavy weight of steel models, which does not allow the battery to be hung on plasterboard and thin interior partitions.
  5. Vertical radiators are usually connected using a bottom or saddle circuit, which reduces the level of heat transfer by 10-15% compared to diagonal or side mounting.

There are no fundamental design differences between horizontal and vertical batteries.

Corner vertical radiator
The disadvantage of hidden installation of vertical radiators is that if the pipe breaks, you will have to completely dismantle the wall with all the interior decoration

The latter simply have an elongated shape of the intra-sectional channels. Therefore, when choosing radiators for heating systems it is necessary to be guided mainly by the external beauty and ease of installation of the equipment.

Manufacturers of vertical radiators

Domestic companies, unfortunately, do not produce radiators with a height of more than 90 cm. Most designer batteries are manufactured in European countries, where the population can afford to buy such expensive products en masse.

The most famous manufacturers of vertical radiators are:

  • Arbonia;
  • Bethatherm;
  • Jaga;
  • Caleido;
  • Enix;
  • Korado;
  • Fondital;
  • Global;
  • E.S.A.

Swiss company Arbonia produces steel budget and exclusive radiators. The customer is offered tubular batteries up to 3 meters long, with up to 6 tubes deep and up to 24 sections wide. Thus, the total number of channels can reach 144 pieces.

Hungarian manufacturer Betatherm produces designer tubular, panel and sectional batteries. Their front plate can be made of glass, metal or artificial stone with a pattern applied. The final cost of the product greatly depends on the design option.

Italian companies Caleido, Fondital And Global produce bimetallic and steel radiators of sectional and tubular types at affordable prices. All models have a rectangular shape without design frills.

Polish company Enix produces both simple and exclusive models of sectional and tubular radiators. The highlight of the batteries is the unusual shape of the fins and their built-in lighting.

Belgian concern for the production of heating radiators Jaga focuses exclusively on exquisitely shaped batteries.Their cost is 5-10 times higher than the price of competitors’ equipment, but the appearance of the products is worth it.

Czech manufacturer Korado strive for minimalism and offers customers inexpensive panel and sectional radiators. There is a range of 21 colors to choose from.

Many Turkish radiators from "E.S.A." are produced with a mirror on the front panel and a coating with anti-corrosion properties. The batteries are manufactured using German equipment and have attractive prices.

Domestic stores offer products from several dozen other manufacturers of vertical radiators, but their products have a limited range or a price that does not correspond to the level of quality.

An interesting new product on the market of devices for heating systems are vacuum radiators. Our recommended article will introduce you to the specifics of their structure and operation.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

You can evaluate the types of vertical radiators in a real situation and get acquainted with the process of their installation in the presented videos.

Video #1. Overview of vertical models:

Video #2. Installation nuances:

Video #3. What to consider when choosing:

Vertical heating radiators are incredibly attractive. To install these products for heating rooms, it is enough to find a place in the interior and funds for purchase in your wallet.

And there is no doubt that after installation of the equipment, the appearance of the heating radiators and their functionality will be appreciated by all guests of the house or apartment.

Would you like to share your own experience in choosing and installing vertically oriented heating devices? Do you have useful information on the topic of the article? Please write comments in the block below, post photos, ask questions.

Visitor comments
  1. Victor

    This is the first time I learned about this type of radiator. Interested. In one room of my house, the layout is such that you can’t install a regular radiator, but a vertical one would be just right for me. I think bimetal is quite a suitable material. Not as good as cast iron, but quite reliable and durable. And certainly better than aluminum. It is better to overpay for a good heating device, rather than chase the cheapest.

  2. Lex

    Well, I don’t know, I definitely wouldn’t install a vertical heating radiator for myself. It is made in such a way that all the heat will go to the ceiling, and the floor will be cold. And this despite the fact that radiators of this design are significantly more expensive than classic horizontal ones. In general, it’s a purely situational thing, it may come in handy somewhere, but you obviously can’t completely heat a room like that.

  3. Novice

    Why do you write that there is no production in Russia?
    But what about sunergy?

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