Do-it-yourself smoke generator for cold smoking: principle of operation + instructions for assembling the smokehouse

Smoking using smoke at low temperatures is a long process, but worth the time spent. The resulting smoked products have a specific and very tasty aroma. At the same time, they are also stored for a long time, because bacteria are completely killed during such cooking and do not spoil the finished product.

There are industrial smoke generators on sale. However, you must agree, why pay a lot of money if you can make a smoke generator with your own hands for cold smoking from the means available in your own workshop.

If you have the tools and the necessary materials, manufacturing and assembling the smokehouse will take several hours. The smoking itself will then last much longer, but the result is guaranteed to exceed all your expectations.

Smoke generator for cold smoking

Manufacturing options homemade smoke generator there are a huge number. In the classic ejector design, this is a fairly simple device in design, in which there are no complex parts and elements.

You just need to make a chamber from a heat-resistant material where the wood will smolder, attaching a compressor to it to pump air. And that’s it, it couldn’t be simpler.

If desired, the smoke-producing installation can be supplemented with a sawdust feeding auger with an electric motor. Such automation will simplify the smoking process, but will also complicate the generator.If you plan to use the smokehouse occasionally, then it is better to do without such improvements.

Cold smoked smokehouse
The duration of cold smoking can exceed a day, and one load of sawdust into a small manual smoke generator is usually enough for a couple of hours

If there are a lot of products to be processed, then it is recommended to make the smoke generation installation larger and more powerful, or supplement it with an automatic auger.

Cold smoking involves long-term fumigation of meat and/or fish with smoke at a temperature of 20–40 °C. This is a rather time-consuming heat treatment, but the result in terms of taste and quality of the product is very similar. At the same time, the “cold” option does not require the installation of a capacious smokehouse and stove to maintain the fire.

Features of the device and principle of operation

The basis of a cold smoked smoke generator is a hopper filled with wood chips. The sawdust inside it, after ignition, smolders and produces smoke to be fed further into the smoking chamber, where the processed products are hung.

On the one hand, wood smoldering in this device should not occur too quickly. On the other hand, the flame must not be allowed to flare up, and the smoke output must be sufficient.

Upper and lower ejector
The ejector of the smoke generator can be located in the upper or lower part of the bunker - the first option requires a more powerful compressor, but also produces more smoke

If the ejector is made from below, then the wood chips burn out much more completely, without “sticking” inside on the walls of the bunker. The whole point here is the condensate formed during smoldering. When the smoke exits from above, condensate drops flow down the inner surface of the generator and wet the sawdust. As a result, some of them do not burn through and remain inside.

The following fuels are used for the smoke generator:

  • wood chips;
  • sawdust;
  • braces;
  • branches.

This is usually the wood of fruit trees, which when burned produces a “tasty” smoke, adding additional aroma to the finished product at the exit.

Most often when cold smoking they use:

  • alder;
  • bird cherry;
  • juniper;
  • birch;
  • oak;
  • maple;
  • apple, pear and cherry.

Alder bark imparts bitterness to smoked meats, so it must be thoroughly peeled off before putting fuel into the bunker. Juniper gives a pleasant taste and aroma. However, it will have to be diluted with other wood, otherwise the final product will have an unnecessarily strong aftertaste.

It is also recommended to remove birch bark from birch trees so that meat and fish do not become bitter later.

Structural elements of a homemade smokehouse

A classic cold-smoked ejector smoke generator consists of the following elements:

  1. Compressor or fan.
  2. Chamber-bunker for fuel combustion (smoldering wood chips and sawdust).
  3. Ejector (unit for supplying smoke from the generator to the smoking chamber).
  4. Ash pan with grates.
  5. Condensate collector.

It is also possible to use an electric stove and a pan on it with wood chips inside. All these elements are installed in a barrel, at the top of which meat (or fish) is suspended. In this case, there is no ash pan, fan, condensate collector and ejector.

Smoldering occurs due to the heating of the pan, the ash remains in it, and the smoke naturally rises and smokes the products located above.

Cold smoke generator ejector
If the ejector is located on top, then it lasts longer, since, in comparison with an analogue located below, it is more distant from smoldering wood and less susceptible to high temperatures

If the ejector is placed at the bottom, wood chips and/or ash may get into it.As a result, you will have to carefully monitor it when smoking so that the smoke passes through the pipe without obstruction. Plus it will need to be cleaned more often and thoroughly.

Smoke generator made from improvised means

The main operating elements of a smoke generator for cold smoking are the fuel combustion chamber and the ejector. The more durable and high-temperature-resistant materials they are made from, the longer the smoke-generating unit will last. Everything else is essentially additions and improvements to this device.

A homemade smoke generator for cold smoking can be made from:

  • tin cans;
  • fire extinguisher or iron pipe of similar size;
  • stainless steel can;
  • sheet iron (required welding machine);
  • pots or buckets;
  • perforated metal or fine mesh.

The diameter of the combustion chamber (bunker for wood fuel) should be in the range of 10–15 cm. With a smaller value of fuel, very little fuel will go into one bookmark, it will have to be changed more often. And with dimensions greater than 15 cm, the fuel will produce too much smoke.

Smoke generator hopper size
The distance from the ash pan (the bottom of the smoke generator, the ignition point) to the smoke exit point should not exceed 1 meter - if you do more, the smoke will lose temperature and speed of movement

The use of aluminum housings is not recommended due to their fragility. There is no open combustion in the smoke generator. However, the smoldering temperature also turns out to be quite high - the aluminum walls of the combustion chamber will not last long.

The situation is similar with tin cans. This is actually a disposable version of the generator. This device will be enough to smoke fish for a couple of times.But for regular use it is better to do something more reliable and safe.

Option #1 - from an old fire extinguisher

The smoke generator is manufactured as follows:

  1. The fire extinguisher is cleaned of contents and rust.
  2. A “lid” 4–5 cm high is cut off from the top of the cylinder.
  3. A hole is made in the top of the “lid” and a tee (ejector) is inserted.
  4. On one side of the tee, a compressor is connected, and on the other, an outlet to the smoking chamber.
  5. At the bottom of the fire extinguisher, holes are made in the side walls to ignite the wood chips and supply air.

A grate stand is installed inside the cylinder, separating the fuel from the bottom. Plus in the middle of the chamber a spiral is inserted around an iron rod.

Spiral inside the smoke generator
The spiral inside the bunker is needed to ensure the flow of air from below for draft and the rise of smoke to the ejector - otherwise it will not rise through the compacted sawdust and drown out the smoldering

The ejector is made so that the supplied air does not fall on the smoldering fuel and does not ignite it with oxygen.

The task of this element is to create an air flow that will draw in smoke, directing it into the smokehouse with food.

Smoke outlet pipe
The air supply tube should be 6–8 mm in internal diameter, and the smoke outlet tube should be 18–20 mm. These are optimal values ​​that do not require the installation of a powerful compressor and produce smoke in sufficient volume

The compressor for the smoke generator can be taken from an aquarium or purchased a small radial fan. You can also use a computer cooler to pump air.

Option #2 - from a bucket or pan

To create this version of the smoke generator you will need:

  1. Barrel.
  2. Electric single burner stove.
  3. A saucepan or bucket as a fuel bunker.
  4. Mesh or rods with hooks.
  5. Cover (iron sheet).

In this case, smoldering of wood fuel occurs without igniting it with fire. After turning on, the electric stove heats the hopper with sawdust and wood chips, as a result of which the latter begin to smolder from the heat from below.

Smoke then forms and rises naturally, fumigating the food at the top of the barrel.

Small smokehouse made from a bucket
If you need to smoke several fish, you can do without a barrel and an electric stove - a large bucket on a fire is enough to pour sawdust inside it, and install a grate on top for food

One load of this smoke generator lasts approximately 5 hours. At the same time, you will have to constantly monitor the smoldering process and adjust the temperature of the burner, without leaving the smokehouse for a long time. Moreover, the barrel will need to be lifted regularly in order to reach the power switch.

Labor-intensive during the smoking process. But it’s easier than ever to make and prepare.

Option #3 – passive labyrinth

A smoke generator in the form of a labyrinth or a spiral involves creating an extended path of compacted sawdust, which is set on fire on one side and gradually smolders from the edge to the center.

This generator does not have fans or compressors. The entire process of smoldering and smoke formation occurs during natural draft.

Spiral smoke generator
The dimensions of the labyrinth smoke generator depend on the dimensions of the smokehouse - however, the longer the wood path (snake), the longer the fuel smolders on one load

A smoke generator in the form of a square with a side of 30–40 cm, a height of 5 cm and tracks about 5 cm wide is usually enough for 8–10 hours of smoldering. Such a device is made of metal with fine perforation or mesh with a fine mesh.The existing holes provide air access to the smoldering sawdust, but do not allow the fire to flare up.

A passive smoke generator is placed directly into the smokehouse under meat (fish). The sawdust smolders, the smoke naturally rises and smokes the food. In this case, wood fuel does not flare up, since there is not enough oxygen inside the smoking chamber due to smoke.

If you are interested in this topic, we also recommend reading the article on how to make potbelly stove for garage from a gas cylinder.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Iron pipe smoke generator:

Operating principle of a smoke generator for cold smoking:

Cleaning smoke in the right smoke generator:

It is not difficult to make a cold smoked smoke generator yourself. There are several simple designs that can be made with your own hands from available materials in two to three hours.

If you have any clarifying questions about the design or operating principle of the smoke generator, write them below in the comments block. Your ideas or experience in manufacturing such devices will also be interesting. Write - share your knowledge or ask questions.

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