What is better and more profitable – a gas or electric boiler? Arguments for choosing the most practical option

All owners of private houses would like to get an autonomous heating system with the least investment.It remains to decide which is better - a gas or electric boiler, if both of these energy sources are available.

In fact, this task is not very simple, since in addition to the variety of prices for equipment, there are many more nuances regarding connection, registration of documents and energy tariffs. If you approach this question seriously, you can get a reasoned answer to it and ultimately make the right choice.

Let's figure out together which version of the unit and the heating installed on its basis will be more practical. The article we present provides an assessment of the cost of installation work and a comparison of economic indicators. The information we provide will help you make the right choice.

Features of heating from electricity

For each house or cottage, you need to determine the types of work required, draw up an individual estimate and get the amount that you will ultimately need to pay for the heating system. You also need to calculate the amount of electricity or gas needed for the cold season, and knowing their cost, it is easy to calculate the annual costs.

Electric boilers, which are used to heat a country house, are classified as high-power consumers. It follows that in most cases you will have to incur costs not only for the purchase and installation of equipment, but also for reworking the power supply system.

Norms and limits of consumption

To determine the required power of an electric or gas boiler, you need to calculate the heat loss of the house.

House heat loss distribution diagram
If you calculate in detail the structure of heat loss at home, you can take effective measures to insulate it. This will help you save on heating costs

Heat loss has two meanings:

  • Average, which is calculated based on the average daily temperatures for the entire heating period (QWed). It is used to calculate the amount of energy consumed per year (gas, electricity, firewood, fuel oil, etc.).
  • Maximum, which is determined by the temperature of the coldest five-day period (QMax). It is used to calculate the minimum permissible boiler power.

During periods of peak cold weather, the boiler can operate continuously, and during temperatures close to standard temperatures, the coolant circulating through the heating circuit is periodically heated.

Heat loss values ​​can be obtained in several ways:

  • calculate independently using simplified methods or special calculators;
  • calculate independently using more accurate calculations using the parameter of thermal resistance of the materials from which the house is built;
  • order payments to third parties.

Any boiler must be selected according to the maximum thermal power parameter (PMax) taking into account the following condition:

PMax ≥ QMax /(K/100), Where

K – Equipment efficiency.

The efficiency of modern electric heaters is equal to or greater than 98%, while gas heaters usually range from 92% to 96%.

Double-circuit boiler for heating systems
Double-circuit boilers are equipped with a hot water supply circuit. This leads to additional energy costs, which must also be taken into account

Having calculated the required maximum power of the boiler, it is necessary to determine the possibility of connecting it to the network. For small buildings, it is sometimes possible to meet the standard 15 kW, which the electricity supply organization is obliged to provide to the consumer, who is an individual.

According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1178 of December 29, 2001 (as amended), the cost of technological connection in this case is now only 550 rubles.

If the required power exceeds 15 kW or the networks are located at a distance of more than 500 meters (within city limits - 300 meters) from the facility, then the price for connection will be higher. It may depend on many factors, so it is easier to find out from the electricity supply organization by sending a corresponding request.

In addition, the applicant may be given a reasoned refusal to make such a connection if there is a technical problem, for example, substation overload.

Purchase and installation of an electric boiler

One of the clear advantages of an electric boiler over its gas counterpart is its ease of installation and the ability to install it almost anywhere in the house.

Installation of a single-circuit boiler for autonomous heating
Electric boilers do not require a separate room with normal ventilation and there is no need to connect a chimney to them. They are also easy to fit into the interior

If you compare which will ultimately be more profitable - an electric or gas boiler, then you must not take into account those works that are the same in price for any type of equipment. For example, installation of a water circuit around the perimeter of the house does not depend on the type of energy supplied.

Therefore, when installing an electric boiler, the following financial costs must be taken into account:

  • connection to the heating circuit (piping);
  • ensuring the supply of electricity;
  • placement and connection of the heat accumulator.

The heat accumulator is relevant when using a two-zone tariff. It allows you to accumulate heat at night, when the cost of electricity is much lower.

Specifics of gas heating

The procedure for obtaining permission to connect to the main line, install gas equipment and start it up is more complicated than for boilers powered by electricity. Therefore, it is quite difficult to calculate the costs yourself and you will have to contact the organizations responsible for gas delivery and installation of systems.

How to connect to the main system

All work carried out on territory located outside private property is carried out by the gas supply organization.

Residential gas supply networks
Gas can be supplied to the house underground or by air. The second option is less attractive, as it imposes restrictions, for example, on the trajectory of personal vehicles entering the site

First of all, you need to collect a package of documents and receive technical specifications with calculation of payment for technological connection.

Typically, a private individual is classified as a first category applicant who meets the following conditions:

  • gas consumption no more than 20 m3 / hour;
  • network operating pressure 0.3 MPa;
  • straight line distance to the network is 200 m.

These parameters are specified in clause 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1314 of December 30, 2013, as amended as of February 21, 2019. The cost of technological connection (including VAT) for the first group is set in the range from 20 to 50 tr. and depends on regional tariff rates.

However, the presence of a fragment of the gas network near the site does not mean that it is possible to connect to it, since perhaps the entire power of this branch has already been selected.In the event that pipes have to be pulled from afar, or additional gas distribution equipment must be installed to reduce pressure, the cost of the work can increase significantly, up to several million rubles.

Also, the presence of ravines, reservoirs, roads with asphalt concrete pavement and other obstacles on the route to the house can lead to an increase in the cost of technological connection, if additional work is required to overcome them.

Contract for connecting a house to a gas main
Another disadvantage of using gas is the many documents that must be provided to the gas supply organization. This can also be taken into account in monetary terms.

The next type of cost is the installation of gas communications along the site. The owner must pay for them. It is important to know here that such work can be carried out by any company with SRO approval. Very often, the cost of design and construction at the client’s site from gas supply organizations, with whom it will be necessary to enter into an agreement for the construction of the system, connection and maintenance, is too high.

Since gas pipelines are classified as high-risk objects, construction and installation work must be carried out only after a series of studies, which are also paid for by the owner:

  • preparation of a topoplan of the site;
  • development of a gas supply project;
  • coordination of the project with services (architecture, electricians and gas workers);
  • registration of the project with gas workers.

Upon completion of the installation of the gas boiler, the final procedure will follow, which also requires financial investment - putting the entire system into operation: checking the facility’s compliance with the requirements, conclusion of an agreement, final paperwork and commissioning.

Features of equipment installation

The use of gas requires compliance with safety regulations that are more complex than those for electricity. Therefore, placement and gas boiler installation must be carried out in accordance with SNiP 41-01-2001 (clauses 6.14-6.15). If any discrepancies are found with this document, the heating system will not be accepted by the gas service specialist.

In order to comply with the requirements for ventilation and removal of combustion products for a floor-standing gas boiler, it is necessary to allocate a separate room - a boiler room. This also entails additional costs, especially if this room was not originally provided for in the building design.

Organization of a boiler room in a country house
In addition to high-quality ventilation, the boiler room must meet fire safety requirements, as well as provide convenient access to all equipment

In total, the list of work required for installing a gas boiler includes the following steps:

  • placing the boiler on the floor or wall;
  • connection to the heating circuit (piping);
  • installation chimney for gas boiler;
  • first heating start and setup.

The combustion product exhaust system for gas heating equipment has its own specifics. The temperature at the beginning of the chimney will be significantly lower than that of stoves or solid fuel boilers.

Therefore, you need to follow all the rules regarding the diameter and slope of the pipes, their location outside the building and insulation. Otherwise, the boiler automation may react to insufficient draft and block its operation.

Comparison of energy tariffs

The cost of energy resources is regulated by order of the Federal Tariff Service No. 20-e/2 dated 08/06/2004. For the population, as retail consumers, the price per unit of electricity (kW × h) and gas (m3) may vary depending on the conditions of their production and delivery to the end user.

Tariffs are published on the websites of administrations of districts, cities and constituent entities of the Russian Federation. They can also be found out by contacting the company that supplies the energy, or the housing and communal services department of the local administration.

In any case, in the Russian Federation, in terms of heat generated, main gas is much cheaper electricity.

Installation of a gas holder at a summer cottage
The price per unit of heat when burning liquefied gas is almost equal to the cost of electricity. Considering the cost of a gas holder, heating from a propane-butane mixture is inferior to other options

There are two more nuances to calculating the cost of electricity consumed:

  • Possibility to reduce the tariff by 30% for premises located within the city limits and equipped with stationary electric heating devices. This is possible if some formal procedures were followed at the stage of designing the house.
  • Possibility of using a multi-tariff option. To stimulate consumption at night (when there is a decline in the overall load on the networks), supply organizations lower the cost per kW × h. This allows significant savings on electricity bills.

When planning to use a reduced rate at night, it should be remembered that in this case a heat accumulator will be needed, and the boiler power must be higher in order to provide a heat reserve for the whole day overnight.

Comparison of total cost

On average, the cost of an electric boiler is not much lower than a gas boiler, and with the use of a heat accumulator it can be higher. However, the price for electricity connection services is significantly less than when laying a gas pipe and obtaining all operating permits.

Thus, one-time costs for installing equipment and connecting communications for gas are higher than for electricity.

Connecting communications to the heating boiler
Some heating procedures can be done independently. But when calculating the final cost of all costs, you still need to take your labor into account, since it should also be valued

Considering that, in terms of heat generated, the price of gas is lower than that of electricity, the following situation arises:

  • Electric heating can be installed. Pros - relatively low cost of equipment and work, ease of installation and variability when choosing the location of the boiler.
  • You can opt for heating from mains gas. Plus - an economical type of energy carrier, which after some time will recoup the initial costs.

To calculate the period T (year), during which gas heating will become more profitable than electricity, you need to solve the following equation:

T = (NG – Nuh) / (Luh – LG), Where:

  • NG – one-time costs for installing gas equipment and connecting communications (r.);
  • Nuh – the same for electricity (r.);
  • LG – annual costs for gas payments and equipment maintenance (r./year);
  • Luh – the same for electricity (r./year).

Let's determine which boiler is better - electric or gas using the example of a real object. House in the Belgorod area, area 100 m2. The estimated heat loss for the heating period is 3500 W, and for the coldest five-day period - 7000 W.

Table from the collection of construction climatology
The duration of the heating season can be taken from the table. 1. SNiP 23-01-99 (column 11). Although users of autonomous heating can extend the season at their discretion

Let's calculate the one-time costs of installing an electric boiler:

  • Thermotrust ST9 boiler (9 kW, 380 V): 11 tr;
  • connection to the heating circuit: 12 t.r.;
  • connection to electricity: 2 t.r.

The house has a power of 15 kW. When the electric boiler is operating, only 6 kW remains for all other consumers.

Considering that appliances (refrigerators, microwave ovens, electric ovens, electric kettles, washing machines, etc.) operate on 220 V, it is impossible to “scatter” a three-phase connection in such a way as to guarantee their operation.

In this case, you will have to incur additional costs:

  • payment for technological connection of 30 kW at a standardized tariff rate of 157 rubles/kW: 5 tr.;
  • payment for replacement of the machine block and installation of wiring around the house to the location of the boiler: 10 rubles.

Total: Nuh = 40 t.r.

Let's calculate the one-time costs of installing a gas boiler:

  • preparation of premises for a boiler room in accordance with regulatory requirements: 50 rubles;
  • gas boiler ProTerm 12 KSO (12.5 kW): 19 tr;
  • installation of equipment and connection to the heating circuit: 25 TR;
  • installation of a combustion product exhaust system (1.5 rubles per 1 linear meter): 12 rubles;
  • technological connection to the main line: 30 t.r.;
  • design and installation work on the site: 90 tr.
  • closing documents (project approval, registration) and calling a specialist: 50 rubles;
  • boiler startup and setup: 5 tr.

Total: NG = 281 tr.

Work of gas workers at the site
The period of technological connection to gas for the first category of applicants cannot exceed 1 year. Therefore, when commissioning a new house, you need to start the whole procedure in advance.

Considering the duration of the heating season of 191 days, to compensate for heat loss, it is necessary to spend 3500 × 24 × 191 = 16044000 W × h or:

  • 16371 kW × h of electricity with an electric boiler efficiency of 98%;
  • 1816 m3 natural gas with a boiler efficiency of 95%.

With electric heating, annual heating costs will be:

  • independent boiler maintenance and minor repairs: 2 tr;
  • electricity fee at a tariff for rural areas is 2.80 rubles. per kW × h: 46 tr.

Total: Luh = 48 tr.

When heating with gas, the annual costs will be:

  • boiler maintenance by a certified specialist and minor repairs: 5 rubles;
  • gas fee at a rate of 6.28 rubles. per m3: 11 t.r.

Total: LG = 16 tr.

For the house in question, the time it takes for gas heating to become equal in cost to electric heating will be:

T = (281 – 40) / (48 – 16) = 7.5 years.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The cost of gas and electric heating in the Kaliningrad region. Subsidized connection for certain categories of citizens:

Prices and terms for connecting gas to a country house:

To justify the choice of energy carrier, if it is possible to connect heating from both gas and electricity, it is necessary to calculate one-time and annual investments.

To do this, you will have to contact the energy supply company. Based on the data obtained, it will be possible to construct a cost schedule and objectively assess your financial capabilities.

What version of the boiler did you purchase to equip your house/apartment? Share your own arguments that were decisive in your choice. Please leave comments in the block below the article test, post photos and ask questions about the topic of the article.

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