Is it possible to heat up with a gas stove: norms and requirements + potential dangers when playing with the ban

When the temperature in the apartment tends to reach uncomfortably low levels, residents begin an active search for a solution to the problem. And often the first thing that comes to mind is to turn on the gas stove in the kitchen as a heater. It seems that it is enough to stretch out your hand with a lit match and soon it will become warm. Right?

And everything would be fine, but for some reason the thought cannot leave my head about whether it is possible to warm up with a gas stove and what consequences should I be prepared for? We will help you thoroughly understand this difficult issue - the article discusses the dangers that lurk behind such seemingly completely harmless heating of the room.

What does GOST and the instructions for the stove say?

To understand the suitability of a gas stove for heating, it is enough immediately after connecting the device read the contents of the operating instructions.

Is the specified document lost or are you just too lazy to look for it and delve into the necessary wording? Then you can not waste time and simply trust the norms and requirements set out in the profile GOST 33998-2016. Where in section 8 it is said that each instruction supplied with a household gas stove must contain a warning indicating that it is prohibited from being used for heating.

Gas burns in vain
Using a gas stove for any purpose other than cooking is considered a violation of safety precautions.Moreover, any exceptions or double interpretations in this matter are not allowed. As evidenced by the fact that today stoves are officially called cooking appliances

The corresponding inscription must be highlighted and begin with the word "ATTENTION!". Moreover, large letters and the presence of an exclamation mark are not an accident. Since the test must be exactly like this, otherwise it will be a violation of the law.

In addition, in accordance with the requirements set out in the above GOST, on the body of each new gas stove produced or brought to the Russian Federation there must be at least one sign with a warning text similar to that indicated above.

If the gas stove is old, for example, still Soviet, then its instructions may well lack information indicating that heating with it is prohibited. But owners of such devices should know that this feature does not change anything and they still cannot heat themselves with the stove.

Built-in oven
It should be remembered that the oven and grill built into the stove are also considered devices intended for cooking. Therefore, they should also not be used for heating or performing any other tasks.

Modern gas stoves are divided into various subtypes and also have additional functions. Which in some cases can lead to confusion and ambiguous interpretation of the terms used in specialized documents.

To avoid confusion in wording, since the entry into force of GOST 33998-2016, all types of gas stoves are called cooking appliances.

What is true about:

  • built-in hobs;
  • free-standing hobs;
  • tabletop stoves;
  • built-in and free-standing slabs.

The same status as stoves is given to products such as a built-in grill and a built-in oven. In addition, it is prohibited to use a free-standing gas grill for heating.

That is, there are no exceptions and stoves, like other appliances classified in the same category, can be used exclusively for cooking. By the way, it is prohibited not only to heat rooms, but also to use such devices to solve any other problems.

Threats when heating a room with a stove

It is no coincidence that gas stoves in all relevant documents are called household appliances intended for cooking. This is done in order to clearly define the purpose of the products.

Cooking food
The photo shows the only correct and acceptable option for using a gas stove. Since it is used for cooking, and the gas consumer is nearby and controls the situation in order to avoid the occurrence of dangerous situations. Also, before turning on the device, it would be a good idea to make sure that there is draft in the smoke exhaust system and open the window

In addition, the name indicating the purpose of the device should motivate the user for its intended use. And also serve as a warning, to exclude the possibility of double interpretation of the purpose of the slab. Moreover, both for users and other parties (for example, city gas specialists, lawyers, firefighters, etc.).

If you don’t want to delve into legal complexities, but want to understand the issue, then just remember a few important rules:

  1. Stoves cannot be used to heat rooms;
  2. If rule #1 is ignored, the gas consumer becomes a violator of fire safety rules.As a result, they may be subject to administrative or even criminal liability. This is indicated by Art. 38 Federal Law No. 69-FZ dated December 21, 1994 "On fire safety."

And then we’ll talk about unpleasant and dangerous situations that a violator of safety rules can find himself in. These include: fire and explosion hazards, as well as the effects of carbon monoxide on the body.

And each reason that makes gas dangerous should be read in detail.

Threat #1 - Possibility of Fire or Explosion

“Blue” fuel makes life more comfortable, and it is also economically beneficial. But there is also a significant drawback, which is that using gas is a risky procedure. For example, gas causes more accidents than electricity.

Damage from stove heating
You should refrain from heating with a stove not so much for legal reasons, but because there is a high probability of causing significant damage to property. And not only for his own. But the most important thing is that the inappropriate use of gas appliances leads to numerous casualties. Since dozens of Russians die from explosions every year, and cases of suffocation lead to even greater losses

Therefore, stove users should remember that humanity has learned to consume gas relatively safely. But no more than that - the gas easily gets out of control. And this doesn’t require much; for example, an explosion will occur when the gas concentration is an insignificant 5% of the volume of the room, and it often ends with something igniting, which aggravates the situation.

We recommend that you read more about causes of explosions in apartments.

If the gas concentration is higher (over 15% of the volume), then a fire will occur.

Gas stove
When using gas appliances, you should never be sure of the efficiency of your ventilation system or the reliability of the stove design, as anything can happen. Reliance on statistics can be especially detrimental. For example, thoughts like “ neighbor has been warming up like this for 3 years now...” or “ grandmother has been heating her apartment this way all her life...” do not guarantee anything, but they instill relaxation. What leads to negligence and ignoring fire safety requirements

Dangerous gas accumulation in the kitchen and other rooms occurs after the flame on the stove is extinguished without turning off the taps.

This can happen when:

  • insufficient air for gas combustion;
  • malfunction of the stove, its incorrect operation.

Combustion of a gas is a reaction in which air is burned 9.52 times more. And this is under ideal conditions. That is, under normal conditions, even more air will be needed (1.1-1.5 times the indicated 9.52). Therefore, during active use of the stove, if the smoke removal systems are ineffective or if there is no removal of combustion products at all, the gas combustion reaction may simply stop. After which the gas will begin to fill the volume of the kitchen and other living spaces.

And although the situation described does not happen often, gas consumers do not need to be too confident in the efficiency of their chimney.

After all, one unfortunate gust of strong wind, precipitation in the form of rain, snow, frost, or fog can lead to sad consequences.

In any of the cases, traction becomes unstable, and in some cases it may disappear altogether.Sometimes reverse currents of air masses occur. What's called reverse thrust.

Gas stoves
Owners of new gas appliances equipped with modern protective technologies need to be as careful as people when using them. using “vintage” units. Because the most reliable way to detect a gas leak is a gas leak detector and a person's sense of smell. But smell has never been considered an effective method, and only a few users install sensors

Contamination of the air ducts of the ventilation and smoke removal systems leads to a decrease in draft:

  • combustion products;
  • foreign particles of dirt and objects.

So, if gas combustion products are removed efficiently today, this does not guarantee anything tomorrow. For example, the presence of draft must be monitored before each time the stove is turned on, even if it is short-term and not intense. And over the course of several hours of active heating, conditions can change dramatically.

Heating bricks in the oven
In addition to the “classic” option of heating with a gas stove, the Russians have come up with many others. One of them is heating bricks and table salt, which, according to users, should give off heat to the room. Some people find this option safer. But this is not so - when heating bricks, the same destructive processes are launched (reduced air exchange efficiency, formation of carbon monoxide, overheating of equipment) as with conventional heating with a stove

Malfunction of gas stoves and their incorrect operation are also a common cause of dangerous situations.

This is how they are led:

  • clogging of burners, nozzles;
  • failure of protective systems;
  • overheating and other problems.

Often, problems when heating any premises with a gas stove arise due to several interrelated reasons. For example, overheating can cause unauthorized changes to device settings and incorrect operation of systems. As a result, the gas combustion process may be interrupted, without stopping the flow of fuel.

Threat #2 - increasing carbon monoxide concentrations

The most high-profile and well-known gas accidents occur due to explosions and fires, as they are widely known. But carbon monoxide (CO, carbon monoxide) poses an even greater danger.

The reason is that this substance is deadly, even at low concentrations. Thus, when a level of 0.1% of the volume of the room is reached, residents are guaranteed to lose consciousness. And all that remains for them is to hope for outside help. There are many known cases where people, while still conscious and understanding what happened, but due to weakness, were no longer able to eliminate the danger on their own.

And deadly CO poisoning will occur when it reaches a concentration of 0.5%, and within 20 minutes.

Gas burns to heat the room
It should be remembered that when gas burns, especially when it is actively used, large amounts of carbon monoxide can be released (it should not be confused with the relatively safe carbon dioxide). Even a small amount of which quickly and extremely negatively affects the body

If the carbon monoxide level crosses the 1% mark, it will only take 1 minute to save the victim. That is, he will have almost no chance of salvation, especially considering that at the indicated CO value, people lose consciousness after taking only 2-3 sips of such air.

Carbon monoxide is a product of incomplete combustion of gas.What happens when ineffective air exchange when heating a home using a stove. That is, when the capabilities of the smoke removal system were not enough.

Some carbon monoxide is released every time a flame comes into contact with substances whose surface temperatures are lower than that of the gas being burned.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless substance. Therefore, special devices can detect it - carbon monoxide sensors.

Inappropriate use of a gas stove
Using the device shown in the photo, one of the many master “inventors” heats water, which then releases heat. Which, according to the author, is almost a brilliant development. But the use of such devices has more than once led to accidents.

The reason for the danger of CO is that when it enters the body, it mixes with hemoglobin and deprives it of the ability to saturate the body with oxygen.

When do accidents happen?

Accidents when heating with gas stoves most often occur at night. The reason is that it takes time for the concentration of gas or carbon monoxide in the air to increase to dangerous levels. And it is there when the residents are resting.

That is, in the dark, the likelihood that owners of gas equipment will suspect something is wrong and stop heating is reduced. Or neighbors and random people who happened to be nearby in time will not come to help. This happens quite often. when a gas leak occurs, the presence of which is determined by a characteristic odor.

Gas shut off
Gas consumers who violate fire safety rules, especially on a regular basis, need to be aware that they are socially dangerous.Therefore, the legislation allows city gas companies and other gas distribution organizations to immediately terminate service contracts with subsequent cessation of gas supply when it is discovered that homes are being heated using appliances intended for cooking.

This means that by eliminating stove heating at night while all family members are resting, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of an accident, destruction or damage to property. But this is not a panacea, since there are many known incidents that occurred at any other time of the day.

It is also important to immediately contact the service organization, with whom you have an agreement, so that a specialist can promptly detect and repair the breakdown. The use of faulty gas equipment is prohibited by law.

Procedure for identifying a hazard

If you suspect a concentration of gas or carbon monoxide in your home, a number of actions must be taken.


  1. Turn off the gas stove. Why do you need to turn off the taps?
  2. Open windows and doors wide for the purpose of ventilation of the room. What can eliminate the danger in a matter of minutes;
  3. Report the incident to the duty services of the city gas authority. (rygas). Why do you need to dial 104 (04) or 112?

If necessary, other residents and neighbors should be notified and their evacuation organized.

Inappropriate use of the stove
It must be remembered that knowledge of the signs of acute poisoning due to inappropriate use of gas appliances can save the lives of relatives, friends or just neighbors

Knowledge of basic signs of CO poisoning can save a life. So, the first of them is a decrease in the speed of psychomotor reactions. Which is often accompanied by a rush of blood to the head.People with heart disease may additionally feel severe tingling sensations, the same as during significant physical activity. Then a headache appears, a pounding in the temples.

All of the listed signs of poisoning should be remembered, if only because if they are promptly identified, the situation can be corrected. If the victim does not take advantage of the chance, then middle-stage poisoning will occur with possible motor paralysis. In which the person will still be conscious, but will no longer be able to do anything, and then a loss of consciousness occurs.

Therefore, if you find victims of carbon monoxide exposure, they must be immediately moved to a safe place. That is, to the fresh air, where you need to remove the person’s restrictive clothes and cover them. This is usually the only thing that can be done before paramedics arrive. Which, by the way, needs to be called immediately.

Types of penalties for heating with stoves

Our country periodically experiences all sorts of crises and disasters, which affects the quality of service. As a result, ordinary people have come up with a lot of options for using gas stoves for other purposes.

For example, stoves are used not only for heating air, but also for heating bricks, salt in the oven, and other things. All of these devices are then moved to living quarters and used to increase the temperature. You can also get information about a method such as heating a large container of water to a boil. After which the gas is turned off, and the water gives off heat to the air in the living room for a long time.

Heating bricks on a gas stove
Incorrect use of a gas stove.Immediately after receiving the relevant information upon receiving a message about such a violation, for example, after a neighbor calls the gas service, a procedure can be initiated to disconnect the consumer from the centralized gas supply system

Don't deceive yourself and risk your lives. Since there are no completely safe options for heating a room using a stove. The reason is that it is not gas that leads to accidents, but ignorance rules for safe use. Consumers simply leave the stoves without control (which in itself is prohibited), forget about them, and fall asleep. Which leads to incidents.

This feature has been taken into account by legislators, therefore any method of heating is considered prohibited, since this is not the intended use of the stove.

Violators of fire safety measures should remember that the law provides for various fines for their actions. For example, in Code of Administrative Offenses There are more than a dozen articles under which sanctions may be imposed on them.

But the most severe types of punishments for heating with stoves and its consequences are prescribed in the domestic law Criminal Code. So in Article 168 which states that for a violation that led to damage to property, sanctions may be imposed in the form of a fine of up to 120 thousand rubles. In addition, the offender is allowed to restrict his freedom for a period of one year.

And in Art. 219 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation it talks about penalties for violating fire safety measures that cause harm to human health. For such an act, a large fine is provided (up to 80 thousand rubles), and, if the case is serious, then the person who likes to warm himself with a stove may be deprived of his freedom. And not for the shortest period of time (up to 3 years).When the actions of a violator lead to the death of people, he may be subject to many years of forced labor (up to 5 years) or imprisoned for an impressive period (up to 7 years).

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The information presented in the first video will help you identify signs of carbon monoxide poisoning in a timely manner.

Unfortunately, today there is a lot of information posted online that confuses gas consumers, which is fraught with consequences. An example of this is the following video, where fire safety violators are trying to sell devices that cannot be used.

Heating an apartment or any other room with a gas stove is a dangerous procedure, so it can be argued that in this case the end does not justify the means. It is cheaper, more reliable and more practical to purchase some specialized unit (for example, choose a suitable heater: electric, infrared, micathermic, oil or make a homemade product). This solution, which is quite safe, will really help improve the comfort of your stay.

Don’t you agree that you can’t use a stove to heat yourself and that this is a rather dangerous activity? Or do you know real examples where people suffered from the misuse of household cooking appliances? Express your opinion in the comments block, ask questions, participate in the discussion.

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