The gas water heater lights up and goes out: why the water heater goes out and how to fix it

We are already accustomed to frequent breakdowns of washing machines, microwaves, dishwashers, air conditioners, vacuum cleaners, and refrigerators. But relatively simple and well-designed technical products rarely fail. Therefore, the situation when a gas water heater lights up and goes out will be unexpected for many users, isn’t it? This type of equipment falls into the category of reliable and durable devices.

But should you worry and call a specialist? In this article we will talk about the reasons for such a breakdown, look at common and rare situations. Let's figure out how to independently adjust the operation of the heater and when it is better not to do this, but to immediately contact specialists. We will also provide recommendations on how to prevent malfunctions from occurring.

Reasons for column attenuation after ignition

When identifying the cause of a malfunction, it is important to pay attention to two points: how the igniter goes out (are any extraneous sounds heard); this happens immediately after ignition or already during the combustion process.

Reason #1 - failure of the flame ionization sensor

If the device turns on and goes out, the ionization sensor is 70% to blame.

This element is constantly in contact with the flame.The ions produced during the combustion process are attracted to the sensor and produce a current. If there are enough ions, the device works. If there are few of them, the column does not function.

Ionization sensor in a geyser
The ionization sensor is a thermocouple that is heated by a flame. It is also called a gas sensor because it prevents the device from leaking when the burner is turned off

Signs of malfunction:

  • the burner went out 3-5 seconds after ignition;
  • when restarted, the device operates longer;
  • You just need to start the device several times and it is already functioning normally;
  • problems appear only after a long break.

It is necessary to inspect the wiring that runs from the part to the control board. Why do we check all contacts? Then unscrew the holding screws and place the heating electrode at the hottest point of the flame.

This technique can extend the life of the sensor by another year. If everything is in order with the contacts and connections, the element needs to be replaced.

Reason #2 - the membrane of the water unit is worn out

A polymer part must have sufficient elasticity. Over time, this property is lost - the element becomes hard, cracks, and becomes overgrown with scale.

Water block of a geyser
A water block or “frog” is a fairly simple device. The cover is held together with screws, by unscrewing which you can get to the membrane

If the element becomes unusable, the heater will go out. It is necessary to inspect and replace the membrane if necessary, to a more durable silicone one.

Reason #3 - the wick is clogged with dust

In models with an igniter, this part often becomes clogged. The flame becomes weak and a yellow tint appears. But a change in the color of the flame may also indicate a lack of air in the gas-air mixture.

The result is that the device is either completely unable to ignite the burner, or performs its function after a large volume of fuel has been supplied. In the latter case, a characteristic bang is heard.

To clean the element you will need two screwdrivers (Phillips, slotted) and an adjustable wrench.

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. We remove the case - pull out the adjustment knobs, unscrew the bolts in the corners from the bottom, lift and remove the cover.
  2. We unscrew the draft sensor tube and the one that supplies fuel to the wick.
  3. We unscrew the screws and disassemble the structure.
  4. We clean the nozzle, blow out the tee, and assemble it.

There may also be a blockage in the draft sensor, which causes the igniter to smoke. After removing dust and dirt, the pilot light should burn with a stable blue flame.

Cleaning the igniter of the gas water heater
After cleaning, the device may make a slight noise. The sound is produced by air that is sucked in through the slots in the wick guide housing. There is no danger, but the noise can be eliminated if you slightly tighten the wick with screws

If desired, all parts of the structure can be washed. But don't forget to dry them well before assembling.

Why does the speaker turn off during operation?

If the gas water heater lights up normally, but for some reason goes out during operation, this may indicate that the device’s security system is functioning properly.

The column design has a sensor that is triggered when the internal temperature rises. There are two plates inside the system that repel each other, stop the power supply, and turn off the column. This happens when your core temperature rises quickly and uncontrollably.

Gas water heater automation system
The gas water heater automation system includes three sensors: draft, flame, overheating. Plus two valves: gas and reset. They ensure safe operation of the device

You can check the sensors by resistance. A working part shows an infinity sign. When a different value is displayed, we call a technician.

If the device works for a long time and then turns off, check the settings. Sometimes users accidentally set it to turn off automatically after a certain time.

What else causes the shutdown:

  • poor water or gas pressure;
  • broken contact between the thermocouple and the solenoid valve (you need to clean the contacts and tighten the connections);
  • oxidation of the power supply contacts, when the device clicks but does not light up.

It is also useful to check the batteries. Standard replacement of power supplies is held every six months. Batteries hold a charge longer.

Traction is poor or completely absent

The accumulation of combustion products is most often associated with clogging of the chimney with soot, soot, and debris. When there is no traction or it is insufficient, the work is not carried out.

Checking draft on a gas column
To check the draft, you need to bring a burning match or lighter to the control window of the column. If the flame deviates to the side, there is draft. It remains to burn evenly - it’s gone

It is important to remember that the flame can go out due to external factors - gusts of wind, for example. The draft in the shaft also increases or decreases under the influence of a draft.

You can clean the chimney through a “pocket” located 25 cm below it. If such manipulations do not help, call the utility company.

Soot accumulation on the heat exchanger

During operation, the heat exchanger accumulates soot, soot, and scale. When it becomes clogged, the color of the flame changes from yellow to blue.

How to clean the heat exchanger:

  1. We remove the casing.
  2. Unscrew the screws holding the casing.
  3. We turn off the water supply.
  4. Open the faucet to drain hot water.
  5. Disconnect the heat exchanger thread and tap. You will need a stand as water may leak.
  6. Prepare a solution of hydrochloric acid (3-5%).
  7. Take a pipe with a diameter of 1/2" or use a hose.
  8. We connect one end to the input, the other to the output.
  9. Pour the solution into the funnel. If foam appears when washing, this is normal.
  10. As soon as a strong pressure appears at the outlet, we stop the procedure.

While working, be sure to wear gloves. After descaling, you need to thoroughly rinse the heat exchanger to remove acid residues.

If during the cleaning process defects were noticed on the tubes, then heat exchanger repair.

Removing scale from the heat exchanger
To clean the heat exchanger from scale, you can use citric acid (80 g of powder is needed for 700 ml of water). Boil the radiator in the solution for half an hour, leave until cool and rinse

It is recommended to carry out cleaning work once a year. Regular service will help the device function normally.

Clogged shower head and hose

It happens that the gas water heater turns on and for some reason immediately goes out when switching to the shower. This may be due to clogged holes in the watering can.

You need to unscrew the watering can, clean and rinse the holes. Soaking metal elements in a solution of citric acid is also effective.

Limescale on the shower head
Scale on the watering can forms due to the increased hardness of tap water in some regions. To prevent this from happening, install filters or buy a faucet with a shower equipped with a built-in anti-scale system

The next part that can cause the wick to go out is the shower hose. If it gets tangled or clogged, the pressure power decreases and the column goes out.

The mixer can also break or become clogged.You need to disassemble it, check it, clean it if necessary.

At the entrance to the water supply unit there is a filter that retains small debris. It is also useful to clean it periodically. To do this, unscrew the screws, remove the element, rinse, and clean with a brush with citric acid.

Other sources of the problem

Let's look at other problems that cause the problem of column attenuation after ignition.

The fading of the wick may be due to the presence of powerful ventilation near the column. Exhaust air is drawn into the ventilation, which leads to attenuation. It is necessary to turn off the ventilation or turn its power down to minimum while the gas heater is operating.

For the same reason, you should not place a powerful hood next to the column. During its operation, sensors may be triggered, diagnosing a malfunction.

Sometimes the reason is hidden in the lack of natural ventilation. It is necessary to open the window or install supply valve.

The wick can also be extinguished in models with piezo ignition. The button must be held for at least 10 seconds.

Smart geyser
“Smart” geysers may not ignite due to a burnt-out control board. They are sensitive to the quality of the electricity supply, so they need to be connected through a stabilizer and not turned off at night

Also, during operation of the heater, it is not recommended to mix hot and cold flows. This leads to a drop in pressure in the line and damping of the wick.

The problem is solved by adjusting the indicators to a comfortable level and reducing the pressure with a special handle. If you still have to mix water, you need to leave the hot stream as the main one.

Attenuation may be caused by a malfunction of the solenoid valve or servomotor. Only calling a specialist will help here.

Ways to prevent malfunctions

When purchasing a device, you should pay attention to the minimum water pressure required for the normal functioning of the device. Passport data must be compared with indicators water pressure in the apartment.

For the column to work properly, you must:

  • carry out preventive maintenance once a year or more often;
  • inspect the chimney a couple of times a year and clean it, if necessary;
  • clean parts from scale and soot;
  • provide adequate ventilation.

And don’t forget to change the batteries on time.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

How a geyser works: the principle of operation of the device:

How to correct the position of the flame adjustment sensor:

Analysis of two not obvious reasons why a geyser can turn on and immediately go out:

How to diagnose a problem by removing the heater casing:

The main problems with heater damping are listed. In most cases, they do not depend on the device model or manufacturer. Some you can handle on your own. But if you are not sure about this, it is advisable to contact a service center or gas service.

Would you like to talk about your personal experience in diagnosing the cause of speaker attenuation and how to repair it yourself? Or do you have questions that we did not cover in this material? Write your comments, participate in the discussion - the feedback form is located below.

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