Service life of a gas stove in an apartment: standard and actual service life

Any device has its own service life, but the duration of use of equipment used to supply “blue fuel” is especially strictly regulated in this regard. For those who haven’t encountered this yet, the service life of a gas stove in an apartment is not infinite.

Can gas workers strongly recommend scrapping a stove that has been used for more than one year and seems to be still functioning? Is it possible to delay the moment of saying goodbye to her and what laws/regulations generally regulate this?

We will help you understand these and some other questions that arise among owners of such gas equipment who are faced with the requirement to immediately replace the old stove, even if it is still quite like new in your opinion.

Current standards and regulations

In the Russian Federation it operates Government Decree No. 720 June 16, 1997, as amended in 2001, according to which the manufacturer is obliged to determine the service life of manufactured and sold durable goods.

At the same time, another time parameter is often indicated on the product - “warranty service life”. However, we need exactly the operational period, since the second one only means the possibility of free service repair, exchange or return of goods due to manufacturing defects.

Instructions for replacing a gas stove
Do not be upset if you have lost the device passport. This does not mean that you will now have to change the stove.You can find out her age in other ways

PP No. 720 also applies to gas stoves, because they are products that, after prolonged use, can harm their owner or the environment. And if, when purchasing a stove, you did not find this paragraph in the documentation for it, it is best to avoid such a purchase.

Typically, when setting the expiration date, manufacturers rely not only on the quality characteristics of the device parts, but also on the current regulations of the country in which the product is sold.

In Soviet times, the service life of a gas stove according to the current state standard was only 4 years. Then it was introduced GOST R 50696-94, according to which it increased to 14 years. He was replaced by GOST R 50696-96, whose status has also already been cancelled.

Today, the service life of a gas stove is not actually standardized. According to Government Decree No. 410, in part 8, clause 80 (c), a condition for suspending gas supply may be the expiration of the expiration date of in-house/in-apartment equipment, according to the deadlines established by the manufacturer. Most often it is 10-15 years.

Current standards and regulations
When, according to the passport of the device, its “life” ends, you call a specialist from the gas service in advance, he carries out technical diagnostics and, in the absence of violations that cannot be corrected by easy repair, extends the time of use of the device

But it’s too early to panic, since there is also a reference to the fact that this is possible in the absence of the consent of the gas service to extend the operating period.

Responsibility for the suitability of the slab

According to Government Decree No. 549, and Order of the Ministry of Regional Development No. 239, the consumer is responsible for gas equipment in houses and apartments. That is, this includes repairs, proper operation, as well as compliance with control over the terms of use of devices.

If the consumer ignores the rules, he faces turning off the gas supply and a fine, which is provided for in the article 9.23 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

For violation of the rules for the safe use of intra-house/in-apartment equipment, the fine is provided in the following amounts:

  • 1000-2000 rubles at the first warning;
  • 2000-5000 rubles - for secondary;
  • 10000-30000 rubles - in case of an emergency.

And, of course, criminal liability, as well fine up to 300,000 rubles are provided in the event that an emergency situation has led to damage to someone else’s property or a threat to the life and health of other people.

Gas equipment explosion
Even a small gas leak from a faulty, worn-out stove is enough to cause a dangerous explosion or fatal carbon monoxide poisoning.

The slabs should not be considered to last forever even with careful use. Over time they wear out. In particular, burnout of the oven or failure of gas taps most often occur, the operating time of which is approximately 11 thousand cycles. Wear and tear of such equipment can lead to life-threatening gas leaks.

A number of factors shorten the actual shelf life of a gas stove:

  • illiterate and rude treatment;
  • frequent use;
  • forgetfulness of the owners.

Handle the stove carefully. This is a household device that supplies an explosive mixture. It is recommended to regularly, during cooking, visually inspect the appliance for any deviations from quality operation.

It is necessary to change it on time burners for similar ones, if necessary replace gas hose, completely close the oven, avoid clogging gas injectors. And of course, pass on time Maintenance.

A gas service specialist scrupulously checks the equipment for possible breakdowns and incorrect operation, which in the future will allow timely repairs or even save the lives of consumers if there are serious malfunctions in the operation of the devices.

Gas stove inspection

Many people have a negative attitude towards the gas workers’ visit for a routine inspection and are in no hurry to let them into their home or apartment; they are looking for clauses in the laws regulating the frequency of such inspections.

In fact, specialists from official organizations are unlikely to enjoy such visits.

Gas service worker
If the inspection fits into a legitimate maintenance schedule or is associated with some kind of signal received, do not neglect a meeting with the gas workers, and if you are not at home, call the gas service back and arrange for their return visit

According to the list of VKGO, approved by Government Decree No. 410, the mandatory work of a gas industry employee during maintenance:

  • inspection of equipment and components;
  • checking connections, valves, injectors, etc. for tightness/no leaks;
  • cleaning burners;
  • valve lubrication;
  • monitoring the performance of the stove and the device that shuts off the gas supply;
  • checking smoke and ventilation systems;
  • inspection of hoses;
  • consumer instructions.

During the inspection, problems with the gas stove may appear that require repair or replacement. And, even if your device has not yet expired, there is no need to try to save it if the conclusion is disappointing.

And if the expiration date expires, call a specialist before it expires to extend it if the equipment is working. Otherwise, it may be turned off and you may even be fined.

Act on stopping the gas supply
If the gas stove is already outdated and the inspection has not been passed, this may be considered a threat to the lives of other residents of the house and their property. In this case, the gas supply to the device will be turned off and the entrance will be sealed until all causes of blockage are eliminated, and most likely, in this case the device will definitely have to be changed

But it happens that owners doubt the legitimacy of the requirements equipment replacement. In this case, you must remember to obtain a written inspection report for the gas stove from a specialist.

It should be noted that if the apartment owner ignored a call from the gas workers or a notice to replace the stove, the gas supply will not be immediately suspended unless there is a real threat of an emergency. He must be sent at least 2 notifications with a pause of 20 days, and the suspension of gas transportation itself is carried out 20 days after the second warning.

Replacing the stove with a new one

So, if your stove expires, as indicated in the device passport. You have 2 ways:

  1. Replace the device.
  2. Call a diagnostician from the gas service for a technical inspection.

Regardless of the expert’s decision, the first option will come sooner or later, so we will tell you what to do in such a situation.

First, you should prepare a new device that complies with the current GOST, as well as all the necessary components for it. Here we should make a reservation that when ordering a service in Gorgaz, you can ask specialists to carry out the service “turnkey”, that is, so that they themselves purchase a device that meets all standards.Of course, unless you want to choose a specific design.

It is also worth noting that in many regions the purchase of a device can be carried out at the expense of the state if it is replaced if necessary. For example, this type of benefit is especially popular among large families and an application for it should be submitted to the local social security office.

Gas service worker checking the stove
In social security, you need to clarify whether you have any benefits for free replacement under other circumstances, for example, as a tenant of a residential premises, a participant in the Second World War, on a waiting list for housing, and so on.

Be that as it may, the next step is to submit an application. In some cities this can be done remotely via the Internet, but unfortunately, not in all. You can also call gas workers by phone, specifying the required type of service to the operator. These application points should be clarified with the supplier. It is best to do this by appearing in person at the Gorgaz office and in writing.

You must have with you the title documents for the premises, the consent of all apartment owners to replace the stove, a power of attorney if the consumer himself cannot come to the GRO office, identification documents, a passport for the old stove and, if there is a new one, an order for replacement (if there is one) , but in the case when the subscriber claims a preferential replacement, a defect report is required), inspection report for house and ventilation ducts (in the presence of).

When submitting an application, please note that if you want a turnkey service, you write an application for the replacement of equipment, and if you purchased the device and components yourself, for installation. But this is not critical, the GRO will tell you everything.

Arrange the date and time of your visit to the gas workers so that you can meet them and be sure to give them your phone number so that they can call you back in advance and clarify the period of the visit.

Connecting a gas stove
During installation, gas workers are required to check all documentation of the stove for compliance with standards, carry out installation, check the functionality of the equipment, instruct the owners, issue a receipt or obtain consent to send a receipt by mail and draw up a written certificate of admission to operation

After disconnecting the old equipment and installing a new slab, be sure to take a certificate of completion of work and approval of the device for operation. And besides. a receipt if you paid for installation on site, and not upon receipt of the receipt.

Also, after replacing the stove with a new one, the question arises, where to put the worn-out equipment? You can get the answer to this in this material.

Can I make the replacement myself?

Let's assume that you don't have time to wait for gas workers or you don't want to pay for installation. Many apartment owners make a mistake - change the device yourself.

By Art. 7.19 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, in this case, you will be fined as for unauthorized connection to the gas main, no more and no less - 10-15 thousand rubles.

Also, PP No. 410 states that such a replacement can only be carried out by a company that has a license to carry out such work, by specialists with permission, and that unauthorized connection threatens to be disconnected from the gas supply network.

Disconnection from the gas main
After disconnecting from the gas supply network, remove the plug and reconnect; the procedure is not free. The cost varies from 6 thousand rubles per service. In this case, you will also need to pay a fine

And why take the risk, such work is inexpensive, and based on its outcome you will receive official permission to operate the equipment.

What does the future hold for gas stoves?

Now you can still get the device examined and get an increase in the service life of the stove. However, due to the increasing incidence of household gas explosions, firstly, there is a widespread transition to equipment with an increased degree of protection, and secondly, safety control is being strengthened.

Thus, the Ministry of Construction has prepared a document, upon approval of which it will no longer be possible to use diagnostics and the standard service life of a gas stove in an apartment will be limited. That is, the passport service period has expired - the device must be disposed of.

In addition, experts want to amend the law regarding consumer notifications about the suspension of the supply of “blue fuel”. Gas workers' demands to replace the device will have to be fulfilled immediately. Preliminary warnings, 40 days, etc. will no longer be provided.

Maintenance order
It should be noted that representatives of the management of an apartment building receive instructions with the condition of immediately granting access to gas workers to apartments to carry out VGKO as intermediaries between the subscriber and the gas company

It is difficult to say whether these amendments will be accepted in full or in part. But now statistics on accidents due to faulty gas appliances are gradually increasing every year.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video about how free gas stove replacement works:

Thus, how many years you can safely use a gas stove is a factor that depends on its expiration date in the technical passport and the inspection report of the device by gas workers upon its expiration.But, if possible, at the end of its service life it is better to replace the device with a new one, rather than extend its service life.

Have you ever had to replace your gas stove with a new one? For what reasons did this happen? Share your experience, ask questions on the topic of the article and participate in the discussion in the block below.

Visitor comments
  1. Tatiana

    You write that the stove should be changed if possible. And if there is no such possibility, then what to do?

  2. Shamil

    Mother has two gas stoves. One is on the veranda, the other is in the prirub (private house). He often uses a gas stove on the veranda to bake pies and cook something, but rarely uses the other stove. Now what? Should I change this stove after 15 years? To the landfill? I’ve never used the oven - I’ve only cooked something.

  3. Tatiana

    We have a built-in hob. Everything works great. But the service life has expired, and it was 15 years. They started looking for a replacement, but they couldn’t find one that fit the size of the cut into the countertop. AND..TADAM! Almost all hobs have a service life of 5 years, at most we found -7 years, but in a price range beyond our reach. It turns out that my husband and I, pensioners, according to the new rules, will have to change not only the hob, but also the countertop every FIVE years... Where do we get such financial resources?

  4. trident

    But what to do if the service life of the hob is not indicated in the passport? I couldn't find anything like that in the owner's manual. I have Bosch built-in.

  5. Alexei

    Bala stove "Bashkiria". She worked for more than 35 years and was taken to the village to cook feed for pigs. Fully functional. The design is outdated. Nothing was done other than lubricating the valves during maintenance. There's nothing to break there.If something burns out, the oven, then you won’t get through it. THAT - every year. If maintenance does not reveal any violations, why change the slab? All decisions regarding service life are made for the sake of money - slab sales, replacement, etc. There is not even a hint of any concern for the consumer here. And cases of fires, explosions - this was not checked by gas services, maintenance was not done, consumer sloppiness (drunkenness, falling asleep, etc.), high pressure supply by the supplying organization (as happened in Moscow), terrorist attacks. The stove, with timely maintenance, can be used for 50 years or more. They built a business from scratch. The neighbor downstairs gave up the gas stove and switched to an electric one when the gas workers demanded that the stove be changed or its service life extended (an examination for an extension costs half a stove).

  6. Anton R

    And if they turn off my gas supply and I bring gas cylinders for the stove, is that better and safer?

  7. Nikolai

    All these maintenance and inspection of slabs were invented only to collect additional fees from the population. There is no point in them. Checking the condition only at the moment when the gas workers arrive, and what happened before and what will happen after their arrival is a big mystery

  8. Gennady

    Gas workers, together with the media, are escalating the situation using gas appliances. Gas workers care about profit. Man-made accidents are very rare in residential buildings. The main factor in gas explosions is the human factor. Old people with dementia, drunk people (alcohol and drugs), mentally ill people, moonshine, the arrogance of some who believe that they have the necessary knowledge and skills when connecting cylinders, etc.Television has never reported the cause of a gas explosion, at least I haven’t heard it, although I try to keep an eye on it. In this regard, it is easier for the gas workers to escalate the situation. And those who sign laws and regulations understand absolutely nothing about this; what they slipped in is what they slipped in. Electricians also tried to follow this path... In Voronezh, a refrigerator with a radiator touched a heating radiator and something caught fire there. They showed a high-rise modern house. However, they forgot that now the heating pipes are plastic and nothing can spark. In addition, the radiator of the refrigerator cannot be energized; it is very difficult to construct, unless the refrigerator is 90 years old and mice have eaten all the insulation. We are moving towards improving the lives of the “electorate”. Money is very difficult, so the authorities are trying to help us so that we don’t get a hernia.

  9. Gregory

    Government decree on those. servicing gas equipment is 100% corrupt, they make money out of thin air. By making gas consumers look like idiots, they simply make money. Let's take, for example, with 20,000,000 consumers you can collect
    (now the price is about 3000 rubles per year for one thing.) 60 trillion rubles. You can’t resist that kind of money. The question is, who pushed through such a resolution, supposedly taking care of our safety. For that kind of money, a dozen houses could be blown up to implement the idea.

  10. Tatiana

    Modern gas stoves are much worse in quality than the stoves produced in Soviet times, however, no one is demanding that their quality be improved! And the service life of the slabs is getting shorter and shorter. Thus, we are forced to invest as much as possible, replenishing someone’s wallets.

  11. Vyacheslav

    Do you people have anything left in your heads other than saving on your own and your neighbors’ safety?? Look how many houses were blown up! So you behave the same way with annual inspections, you try to send a gas man. If you don't want to live by the law, live in the forest.

    • Petrovich

      Vyacheslav, the estimated “survival period” after retirement is 20 years. After this, you personally are required by law to dispose of it. Or will you live “in the forest”?

  12. Olga

    The shelf life of a gas stove is the same as that of a water meter; if the stoves are not so durable, then they should cost much less so that with a minimum subsistence income one can buy one every five years. They sell some junk to people.

  13. Vasya

    Another method unknown even to O. Bender for taking money from the population.

  14. marina

    If, when checking a gas stove, no leaks are found, and lubrication is not carried out (for several years in a row they have been walking around and sniffing and doing nothing more, they just issue orders to change the gas stove), then why change the equipment if it is working properly. What needs to be done, as with electric meters, is to attribute gas stoves to the property of the gas organization and let them answer and change them when required. When moving into an apartment building, a gas stove was already installed (in the Soviet period, as it is now, I don’t know), what kind of documents can be discussed about it. And the shelf life of the slabs is really not established; there is nothing to break there. Everything works, there are no gas leaks, but no change. Corruption on a state scale; no statistics on why gas explosions occur are presented or published. The state, represented by ministries and organizations, are legalized scammers. I agree that all this is taking money from the population.

  15. Nata

    Thanks to the author for complete information on the issue of replacing a gas stove! All complaints in the comments regarding the unfair taking of money from the people should be directed to officials, and they should answer.

  16. Semyon

    Soviet stoves have been working fine for more than 50 years. If someone's hands explode, then their hands are from the wrong place, what does the slab have to do with it? And the requirement to replace slabs only according to their service life is chaos!!! Corruption is rampant at the legislative level!!!

  17. Stas

    In civilized countries, in the event of any gas leak (the fire goes out, the hose breaks, etc.), an automatic safety valve is activated (it all costs a penny) and shuts off the gas supply ON THE STANDARD in the apartment (only in this apartment, so as not to disturb others). That's it - there are no house explosions. And our authorities know this very well.

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