Is it possible to connect gas to an unregistered house: features of connection and registration of “unfinished construction”

The question of whether it is possible to connect gas to an unregistered house interests many.Agree that gasification is not only a guarantee of comfort, but also a necessity in the current realities. Since using gas cylinders is not entirely convenient, it is advisable to be patient, collect a package of documents and supply gas to the house.

It should also be taken into account that if the house is sold, connected gas will increase the value of the property. We will tell you what documents are required to supply gas to an unregistered house, all stages of the procedure, and will also help make the process as simple and fast as possible.

Conclusion of a gas supply agreement

Gas equipment is simple, safe and environmentally friendly; blue fuel is attractive due to its environmental priorities, low price, and ease of use.

According to the Federal Law “On Gas Supply in the Russian Federation” No. 69-FZ dated March 31, 1999, the following are involved in gas supply:

  • gas distribution organizations involved in transporting raw materials to consumers;
  • gas transportation organization engaged in pumping gas through main gas pipelines (leased or owned);
  • gas transportation system - is an intermediary between the producer and consumer of raw materials;
  • gas supply organization - enters into an agreement with the consumer for the supply of gas.

To conclude an agreement, a private individual draws up an application (offer) stating his intention to join the gas pipeline.

Signing the contract
Regardless of the form of ownership, gas is supplied only after an agreement is concluded between the fuel supplier and the consumer

The first step towards gasification is submitting an application (offer).

Registration of gasification at home

To obtain permission to laying a gas pipeline to a private house you need to collect an impressive package of documents and go through four stages:

  • obtaining technical specifications;
  • project development;
  • installation of gas pipeline equipment;
  • connection.

Required documents:

  • application for gasification from the property owner;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • document on ownership where gasification is planned;
  • if the pipeline is laid through neighboring areas, written consent of their owners to such a procedure is required.

Often, owners begin the gasification process when the house is still under construction. Naturally, they are interested in whether it is possible to supply gas to an unfinished and undeclared house?

In this case, in addition to the documents listed above, you must provide additional papers:

  • ownership of the plot of land where construction is taking place;
  • a copy of the technical passport for a building under construction, prepared by a notary;
  • application for obtaining technical specifications (technical conditions);
  • written confirmation from the territorial government agency of the legality of construction work.

Connection to an unregistered house is carried out as gasification of an auxiliary building, not a residential one.

Obtaining technical specifications

Specifications are necessary in order to design an external gas pipeline and an in-house gas supply system.To obtain specifications, you should contact the gas service to determine whether there is enough capacity for connection.

Required papers:

  • land ownership;
  • floor plan of the house or permission to build it (must be certified by the regional “Architecture”);
  • site plan on a scale of 1:5,000;
  • statement signed by the head of the Gas Trust.

The minimum time for preparing technical specifications is 2 weeks. The period may be extended up to one month. In practice, approval takes much longer.

GorGaz specialist makes connection
After acceptance of the application for gasification, according to the law, gas connection must take place within three months

The validity period of the TU is up to two years. After this time, the gas pipeline must be built.

Development of a gas supply project

After the owner receives the specifications for gas supply, a project is developed.

The following package of documents must be provided to the design organization:

  • THAT;
  • geodetic survey of a personal plot with all communications and buildings referenced to the area;
  • all documents for construction;
  • For gasification of a non-residential building (unfinished), a statement of technical characteristics is required (the building must be at least 70% complete).

Afterwards, you should call a specialist who will take all the necessary measurements and complete the documentation. Review of the project is carried out within 15 working days. The next step is payment for the project. The cost of the service depends on the distance of the facility to the gas pipeline.

Building gasification project
For unfinished construction, two projects are needed. One displays the gas supply system of a building where construction is unfinished, and the second, on the contrary, shows completed housing

The project takes into account all gas appliances that are planned to be installed in the house (floor standing boiler or wall mounted instantaneous water heater, gas stove, fireplace, etc.). This is done in order to calculate the required volume of raw materials.

The volume of gas consumed is indicated in the equipment passport. In addition, you must also provide a plan for the location of appliances in the house.

Gasification scheme for a private house
The customer must check the finished project so that later he does not have to redesign the premises

Once the paperwork has been completed, installation and construction work begins.

Registration of a power of attorney for gas connection

Gasification is a complex and lengthy process. Not all owners have enough free time to personally deal with this issue.

In this case, a power of attorney is issued to a private person who represents the interests of the owner of the house. This document must be certified by a notary and attached to other papers.

Gasification of a private home: new rules

On June 6, 2019, the “Rules for the design of gas consumption systems” (SP 402.1325800.2018) came into force, according to which, permission to gasification of private houses will be issued only after all requirements are met:

  1. Gas boilers are allowed to be placed in the basement or on the ground floor. No more than two gas boilers or water heaters are allowed to be installed in one room.
  2. In special rooms it is allowed to install only double-glazed windows, which can easily be knocked out if necessary.
  3. In a residential area there must be devices that monitor the temperature and pressure in the gas system, as well as meters that take into account gas consumption.
  4. All gas equipment must be certified and have all the necessary documents.
  5. Connecting hoses must be no longer than 1.5 meters and sealed.
  6. When installing a gas stove, the distance to the opposite wall should be at least a meter.
  7. The gas stove must comply with the standards of GOST 33998, have a “Gas control” system, as well as a dielectric coupling between the tap and the hose to protect against stray current.

The ceiling height in the kitchen must be at least 2.2 meters.

Layout of gas equipment
If the stove has two burners, then the volume of the room is at least 8 cubic meters. When installing a 3-burner stove, the volume of the room increases to 12 m3, and for a 4-burner stove - 15 m3

To ventilate the room, it is necessary to have a window, a hood and a gap under the door.

Choosing a performer to carry out gas

When the question of how to supply natural gas to an unfinished house has been resolved and the project is ready, the owner must choose an organization that will carry out gasification of the building. It must have a license and be registered in the GorGaz register.

For those who do not want to cooperate with GorGaz, its employees issue technical specifications for the development of the project. You should contact the selected organization with this document.

Some companies do both installation and design work. A comprehensive order of services will save up to 25%. To prevent misunderstandings, it is recommended to conclude an agreement with the installation organization.

Welding work
GorGaz can independently carry out design, construction and installation work. If the project is developed by a third party, the documentation must be verified by the local GorGaz

At the design stage you need to be as careful as possible.It is necessary to take into account not only technical, but also aesthetic parameters, since reconnection and transfer of gas equipment requires coordination with the gas service and financial costs.

After installing the gas pipeline and related equipment, the new gasification facility must be accepted by a special commission consisting of GorGaz employees. The commission inspects the facility only if it is completely ready for connection. The consideration of the issue takes at least two weeks.

The maximum period is one month. If no violations are found, along with a positive response, the owner receives a receipt for payment for the technical supervision decision.

It is strictly prohibited to independently lay a gas pipeline, as well as install gas distribution indoors, or connect gas equipment. All unauthorized actions are subject to a fine.

Cost of gasification of an unfinished house

The cost of installation work varies from organization to organization. Regionality also affects the price.

The connection price includes:

  • gasification project fee;
  • excavation work (if necessary);
  • tie-in into a street gas pipeline;
  • gas pipes (internal and external);
  • installation and connection of the meter.

If the gas pipeline's capacity is exhausted, then connection is impossible.

Gas pipes
It is advisable that a pipe of the maximum permissible diameter be connected to the house. This will make it possible to connect additional equipment in the future and gasify new extensions

All gas appliances must remain in place. They can only be moved after agreement with the gas workers.GorGaz employees have the right to go door to door and check the plan they have with the actual location of the equipment and, in case of discrepancy, levy thousands of fines.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Important points when installing a gas pipeline into a house:

All about gasification of a private home:

Gasification process from A to Z:

It is possible to supply gas to an unfinished house. The procedure is almost identical to gasification of a residential building. There are only minor differences in the list of documents. If you don’t have time to run through the authorities, entrust this to intermediaries. To do this, it is enough to issue a power of attorney.

Have you installed gas into an unregistered or unfinished house, stepped on a rake and coped brilliantly with difficulties? Do you have experience dealing with the gas service or do you know which organizations are best to stay away from? Or maybe you have valuable tips that will help you avoid mistakes? Share your experience in the comments and ask questions to experts.

Visitor comments
  1. Anatoly

    Good afternoon I built a house in the courtyard of an old gasified house. The title to the new home is registered. There is ownership of land. Gorgaz refuses to accept the package of documents issued by BTI to begin gasification work. The fact is that I have limited time - I live in another place. I don’t want to leave my house without heating for the winter. Please tell me what can be done. Thanks in advance

    • Elena

      Gas services refuse to connect gas to an unregistered house!
      All the documents listed in the article are available; they require a document confirming ownership of the house, not the land,
      Your article is only misleading people!

      Attached photos:
  2. Denis

    Hello. Please tell me what we should do. We haven't been able to connect gas for a year now. We provided the documents mentioned in your article. But we were denied connection.

  3. Evgenia

    Is it necessary to put the house into operation for gas to flow through the pipes? Those have been received, internal and external installations have been completed. The act has been signed. And then wait for the call and put the house into operation. Is this legal or should I go straight to the prosecutor's office? There is not a word about this in the contract.

  4. Leonid

    I built a new house instead of the old one. There is no Unified State Register for the new house. All that remains is to turn on the gas. They say that the house must be registered. What should I do?

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