How to increase the efficiency of a gas boiler with your own hands: the best ways to increase the efficiency of the boiler

Owners of gas boilers will not have the desire to overpay for space heating.But no one will put up with the insufficient efficiency of the heating device, leading to a decrease in living conditions, right?

Moreover, the situation can often be corrected, and independently. But to do this, you should have knowledge of how to increase the efficiency of a gas boiler with your own hands. This is exactly what we will talk about in our article, looking at the reasons for the decrease in efficiency and the best ways to eliminate them.

Reasons for decreased efficiency and their elimination

There are many different reasons for the lack of efficiency of gas boilers. Therefore, the procedure for increasing efficiency should begin with their identification.

The task is made easier by the fact that all reasons fall into just three categories.

Which are:

  • Chemical underburning - occurs due to a general lack of oxygen in the firebox, poor mixing of air with flammable substances released from the fuel, or low temperature in the firebox itself. As a result, incomplete combustion of gas occurs, and, consequently, less heat is generated. The reasons for this underburning lead to the fact that efficiency can decrease by a considerable 7%.
  • Mechanical underburning - arises as a result of the fact that part of the fuel, for various reasons, including due to poor mixing with air, falls out of the process of mixing with air and does not participate in combustion, but is carried away into the chimney. Which leads to a decrease in efficiency by 3-7%.
  • General heat loss. They are caused by improper functioning not of the boiler itself, but of other elements of the system, which directly affect the efficiency of the heating device. For example, radiators, ventilation. And often total heat loss leads to the greatest decrease in boiler efficiency.

Knowledge of the nuances will help to identify the cause and increase efficiency.

Increasing boiler efficiency
Manufacturers traditionally indicate the efficiency of their gas boilers in technical data sheets. But, by and large, this figure is a reference and the maximum possible. Otherwise, whether the heating equipment reaches the value specified at the factory largely depends on the owner, his knowledge and skills

Method #1 - eliminating chemical underburning

Since a sign of chemical underburning is incomplete combustion of fuel, it is easy to determine how to increase efficiency in this case. To do this, it is enough to perform a visual inspection of the boiler structural elements. As a result, significant deposits of combustion products will be detected on the surfaces of the heat exchanger, gas burner, and heat-protective housing.

Reasons for decreased efficiency
Any gas boiler is part of the heating system. Therefore, in many respects its efficiency depends not on its own settings, technical condition, performance, but on the power, condition, correct selection and installation of other structural elements. For example, from heating radiators

There are several reasons for the lack of oxygen due to which chemical underburning occurs.

The main ones are:

  • clogging of the chimney and/or ventilation ducts;
  • poor quality commissioning work when connecting the boiler.

A significant amount of soot and other combustion products are deposited on the surfaces of smoke exhaust system channels.Over time, this leads to the process of removing exhaust gases from the combustion chamber of the boiler slowing down. As a result, less clean air enters there, which leads to underburning.

In this case, it is possible to increase the efficiency by cleaning the chimney channels, ventilation system, burner surfaces and other contaminated structural elements. To avoid similar problems in the future, you should regularly carefully monitor the condition of the pipes and boiler. This procedure must be performed before the start of each heating season. Read more about servicing gas boilers talked here.

Poor quality commissioning and failure to perform them can lead to the fact that the electronics will not be able to select optimal operating modes, for example, control the size of the flame. As a result, the gas will not burn completely, especially during the ignition stage.

This reason can be eliminated, and, therefore, efficiency can be increased if the necessary commissioning work is performed.

Method #2 - eliminating mechanical underburning

Most often, several reasons can lead to incomplete combustion of gas as a result of mechanical underburning and subsequent loss of efficiency.

Finding the reasons for the decrease in gas boiler efficiency
Although the combustion processes in gas boilers are more efficient than in their solid fuel counterparts, some of the fuel still does not burn. This phenomenon is called “underburning” and it is one of the main reasons for the decrease in the efficiency of a gas boiler

The main ones include:

  • high traction;
  • Incorrect boiler power setting.

High draft is formed when the performance of the smoke removal system is excessive. As a result, combustion products are removed at such a speed that the gas simply does not have time to burn.

Eliminating the cause of underburning in this case is quite simple. To do this, you simply need to block part of the smoke exhaust channel using a draft limiter. If such a device is not provided and has lost its functionality, then it should be installed or replaced to increase efficiency. Which is not difficult when using modern modular chimneys. Otherwise, you will not be able to achieve the desired result.

Incorrect boiler power setting most often manifests itself in the form of a phenomenon called clocking. It represents an operating mode in which startup/shutdown cycles occur too frequently. And since the gas supply is greatest when the boiler is turned on, a significant part of it does not have time to burn.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the electronics are always programmed in such a way that the command to the piezoelements to start producing a spark is given with some delay. This is done to ensure high-quality ignition.

In the latter case, efficiency can be increased quickly and without any costs. Just enter the service menu of your gas boiler. And then use the “—” button to set a lower power value.

Gas boiler service menu
In some cases, you can increase the efficiency of your gas boiler using settings in the service menu. But it should be remembered that for the most part they are classified as thin and therefore will increase the efficiency of the heating device by only 3-8%. To enter the service menu you must enter a special code set by the manufacturer

The efficiency will reach optimal levels if the boiler power and the total thermal power of the radiators are approximately equal.The necessary data on the operating characteristics of the equipment can be found from their technical data sheets or from the manufacturer or seller.

Sometimes it happens that the boiler power will be significantly lower than the similar total parameter of the radiators. In this case, the efficiency can be increased by increasing the power of the heating unit. You can also do this yourself by going to the service menu.

It is possible to change the operating characteristics of boilers, because they have a maximum and minimum power value. And they are supplied configured for average performance.

Method #3 - reducing heat loss

General heat loss is the reason that most often leads to a low boiler efficiency. And it is no coincidence that experts assure that the efficiency of the heating device itself depends by an impressive 80% on the correct selection, installation and performance of radiators.

Change in total thermal power

At the same time, manipulations with these elements of heating systems are costly. But you should remember that without them the boiler will not reach maximum efficiency values.

That is, if using the methods described in the previous sections of the article it was not possible to bring the efficiency of the heating device to optimal values, then you will have to get out of the situation by performing a number of procedures with radiators.

Options for increasing efficiency
The gas boiler will become several percent more efficient after cleaning the external surfaces of the gas burner and heat exchanger from combustion products, caked dust and other types of contaminants.

Which include:

  • change in total thermal power;
  • correct installation.

This method of increasing the efficiency of a gas boiler, such as changing the total thermal power of existing radiators, is quite complex. But it will have to be used if the desired result could not be achieved by adjusting the heating device subject to clocking.

The method involves adding one or more radiators to the heating system. Or replacing existing batteries to more powerful ones.

This is done to equalize the boiler power with the same total radiator rating. In order to eliminate frequent starts/shutdowns of the boiler. Which leads to increased efficiency, reduced equipment wear and consumption of expensive gas.

The described method must also be resorted to in cases where low total power does not allow increasing the productivity of the boiler in order to increase efficiency. This need arises when the coolant temperature reaches 70-75 °C. The fact is that with such heating of water, dust particles begin to burn on the surface of the radiators, which does not create comfortable living conditions.

And the worst thing is that at this temperature, high wear begins on the structural elements of the heating system made of polymer plastics, which have been actively used in recent years. As a result, instead of the expected increase in efficiency, you can get a coolant leak, and not even in one place.

Boiler chimney cleaning
The photo shows a chimney clogged with soot and other combustion products. And even at first glance it is clear that in this form this equipment will not be able to provide the expected efficiency. Therefore, the condition of the ventilation system and chimney must be monitored regularly. And approach the procedure not formally, but quite responsibly.Since the efficiency of the entire heating system depends on this

Checking the correct location of radiators

If adjusting the boiler does not help improve efficiency, and the power of the equipment is similar and sufficient to heat the premises, then you should pay attention to the location of the radiators. Since their effectiveness will be optimal if a number of requirements are met.

Namely, the radiators should be located:

  • in areas of the premises where heat losses are most significant, for example, near windows;
  • 12 cm from the floor;
  • 10 cm from the window sill, in addition it should cover the radiator by 2/3;
  • 2 cm from the wall.

If the above requirements are met, natural convection will occur. In this case, a small part of the heat is spent on heating the walls, blocking heat loss, and all the remaining energy is used to solve the main problem - heating the premises. In this situation, the load on the boiler will be minimal, which significantly increases efficiency.

Heating radiators
It should be remembered that a radiator skewed by more than 1° when installed will affect the efficiency of any gas boiler. And, if there are several incorrectly installed devices, then no adjustments to the boiler will be able to compensate for this. And the only correct solution is to eliminate the shortcomings, although this is expensive

But with high heat losses due to the low energy efficiency of the building, it will not be possible to achieve high efficiency of heating equipment. Thus, most of the heat is lost through old windows with cracks, uninsulated walls, doors and roofs.

That is, in such cases, due to cracks, drafts and other shortcomings, the efficiency of even modern boilers drops by tens of percent.What cannot be compensated for by settings or any other methods. In such a situation, you have to think about replacing windows, thermal insulation of walls, gender or ceiling, or better yet, about everything at once.

Method #4 - Maintenance and flushing of the heat exchanger

It is possible to achieve and maintain high efficiency of any gas boiler not through spontaneous actions (after identifying its low efficiency), but through the systematic implementation of certain procedures - maintenance of the heating unit. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the features of choosing a gas company and conclusion of a maintenance agreement gas boiler.

This set of operations consists of inspection and verification work. They will allow you to identify and eliminate all sorts of shortcomings that reduce efficiency at an early stage. This will eliminate not only a decrease in efficiency, but also wear and tear on the boiler and other elements of the heating system.

Particular attention should be paid flushing the heat exchanger. The reason is that plaque begins to form on its internal surfaces quite quickly. It resembles deposited lime on the surface of an ordinary kettle. As a result, after some time, the gas boiler takes more time to heat the coolant to the desired temperature. That is, there is a decrease in efficiency; in addition, when clogged, the heat exchanger overheats, which can lead to its premature failure.

Cleaning the heat exchanger
The photo shows that the heat exchanger channels are clogged with carbonates (salt deposits). Which leads to a significant decrease in efficiency and early failure of the boiler. You can avoid these negative consequences if you regularly clean the channels.

Flushing a gas boiler can be done in three ways.


  • manual cleaning (mechanical method);
  • using a special solution for washing the boiler heat exchanger (chemical method);
  • hydrodynamically.

For mechanical cleaning, after shutting off the gas supply and draining the coolant, the boiler is disassembled. Which ends with dismantling the heat exchanger.

Next, using a scraper, brushes, or a regular vacuum cleaner, deposits are removed from its internal channels. In this case, it is necessary to exercise caution and accuracy, since the heat exchanger can easily be damaged.

After cleaning is completed, the boiler is assembled and the tightness of the heat exchanger and its connections is checked.

Cleaning chemically (using a washing solution) - the procedure is simpler and more effective. But the heat exchanger will still have to be dismantled. And then a special agent is poured into it, which copes with even the most persistent deposits (trivalent iron, salt carbonate). After draining the acid, its residues from the heat exchanger should be removed using water, driving it through the heat exchanger with a booster.

Flushing the heat exchanger
The only significant disadvantage of the chemical method of cleaning the heat exchanger is the need to use special equipment (booster)

Hydrodynamic flushing is the simplest way to clean a gas boiler in order to increase efficiency. Since dismantling the equipment is not required and all that is needed is to pump ordinary water (with abrasive filling) into the heating system and pump it. Moreover, with a gradual increase in pressure. To perform the procedure, you need a pump and special nozzles.

It is necessary to clean the heat exchanger at least once every 2 years, which will help maintain the efficiency of the gas boiler at a consistently high level.

How to clean coolant
The most affordable way to clean the coolant is the mechanical method - cleaning the brushes manually

The most accessible way to remove deposits from a heat exchanger is to clean it using brushes and other available materials. But the most effective and not labor-intensive method is the use of special solutions

Method #5 - cleaning the coolant

Another affordable way to increase the efficiency of heating equipment is installation of filters into the heating system.

It is recommended to begin this procedure with a laboratory analysis of the quality of the coolant. You will have to spend money on this, but you will know which filters need to be used.

Today the following varieties are actively used:

  • rough cleaning;
  • fine cleaning;
  • magnetic.

The first type (filters rough cleaning) are effective if there are large dirt particles (from half a micron) in the coolant. Filters fine cleaning serve to purify water if suspensions with the smallest particles are found in it. Often, products of both types are used together.

Magnetic filters successfully cope with cleaning the coolant from metal particles. They do not protect gas boilers from other types of pollution.

Cleaning the coolant, together with flushing the heating equipment, allows you to obtain a significant increase in efficiency. And most importantly, this result will be stable throughout the entire service life of the boiler.

Safety measures for increasing efficiency

Just 20-30 years ago, the price of energy resources in the post-Soviet space was low, so no one paid attention to such a parameter as efficiency. After all, performance could decide everything. But when gas began to rise in price, and modern technologies were still unavailable, craftsmen began to modernize gas boilers in order to increase efficiency, using accessible methods.

Safety precautions when using gas equipment
When performing any work with gas equipment, it is necessary to observe safety measures and possess special skills and tools. And also you should not use methods prohibited by law to increase efficiency.

For example, attaching copper and aluminum plates to heat exchangers to improve heat transfer. Heat loss from structural elements of heating devices was reduced by welding third-party elements. The automation and heat exchangers were changed. Other similar methods were also used. Efficiency increased, but the state and the gas service did not react to the “creativity” of the craftsmen.

Now everything is different and relevant laws prohibit changing the design of gas boilers, which must be certified, like all their individual elements. As a result, it is impossible to increase efficiency by replacing mechanical, electrical and other components of heating devices with third-party ones.

Violation of these requirements may result in:

  • Administrative responsibility. If Gorgaz employees detect tampering with the boiler design, but there were no incidents, they will have to pay a fine of 10-15 thousand rubles. The article points to this 7.19 Code of Administrative Offenses. In severe cases, the gas service has the right to even terminate the service contract and stop supplying fuel.
  • Criminal liability. What does the Federal Law of No. 229-FZ dated July 29, 2018 “About amendments to the article 215.3 UKRF and articles 150 and 151 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation" These standards will come into force if design changes lead to serious consequences.

That is, it’s not worth risking people’s lives to increase the efficiency of the boiler by a few percent.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The first video will help you understand how to clean the boiler heat exchanger, which will help to significantly increase its efficiency.

The following video will give you an opportunity to understand how to clean a gas burner in order to increase the efficiency of the boiler.

Experience shows that maximum efficiency from a boiler can be achieved with its systematic maintenance with timely cleaning of burners and heat exchanger from combustion products and dirt. And also with proper placement and use of radiators. In addition, only modern high-tech equipment can be highly efficient.

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Visitor comments
  1. Vlad

    It seems you are confusing the efficiency of the boiler and the efficiency of the heating system.

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