Light switch with remote control: types + review of TOP brands

Remote control of lighting devices is widely used in residential buildings, administrative and industrial premises.A typical device that allows this process to take place is a light switch with a remote control. Remote control is produced on the basis of various principles.

The article we presented describes in detail all types of devices that allow you to control devices and lighting systems without direct contact. Do-it-yourselfers will find step-by-step instructions on how to install them. To make your choice easier, we have listed the most popular models on the market.

Operating principles of remote devices

Modern devices that turn on/off light at a distance usually operate on the basis of emitting/detecting waves of a certain frequency (sound, infrared, ultrasonic, etc.).

Such devices usually consist of two parts:

  1. A receiver on microcircuits, which is installed near a lighting fixture or mechanical switch connected by power wires.
  2. Remote control (remote control).

Let's take a closer look at the most common types of such devices.

Infrared controlled switch

This category of devices operates on the basis of an infrared wave emitter, which is remotely controlled from a special unit connected to an open circuit. This makes it possible to turn the lamp on/off using the remote control.

Mobile phone control
The main disadvantage of such devices is the need for precise guidance of the infrared signal, which must necessarily be within the user’s visibility range

A number of manufacturers (BJC, Duwi, Simon, Steinel) have found a way to avoid this problem. The models manufactured by these enterprises are equipped with controllers that convert infrared radiation into a radio signal, which allows you to increase the range and overcome obstacles encountered along the way.

Infrared switch installation diagram
Detailed installation diagram of the remote switch. When carrying out work, remember that copper wires should not be attached directly to aluminum parts - this operation must be carried out through terminal or special connectors

In some cases, commands transformed into radio frequencies are converted back to IR at the output, which is necessary to control certain types of devices (air conditioners). Another disadvantage is the insufficient range of infrared waves (up to 20 meters), which can be overcome by using repeaters.

Devices for controlling light via radio channel

Such devices are often included in "Smart Home" systems, but can be used independently. In radio frequency remote switches, the command transmission process is carried out using a remote control, the signal of which is transmitted to the controller responsible for controlling the light.

A special range of radio frequencies is allocated for the passage of information (usually 315, 433, 868 MHz). The power of radio transmitters for such devices is 10 milliwatts, which is regulated by law.

Radio controlled device with remote control
Appearance of a standard remote control used for devices operating via a radio channel. By pressing the command button, you can use up to 30 channels simultaneously, but only one will work, which receives its address in the message

Despite the small indicator, the operating radius of the devices is quite extensive: in open areas it reaches up to 100 meters, and in spaces with obstacles – up to 25 meters.

Such a range of the device (it can be enhanced by repeaters and other devices), as well as the ability to overcome obstacles, are the main reasons for the prevalence of radio switches, which are used both in everyday life and in industrial and administrative institutions.

Scheme of operation of radio frequency devices

To transmit a radio signal, the following set of equipment is required:

  • battery (regular batteries);
  • remote controller connected to the load and network;
  • a remote control that resembles a remote control for a video or television device. There are pocket mini remote controls or key fob devices with 2-6 buttons; Such devices are used to control a small group of devices.

The remote control controller is mounted in a wall, lighting fixture (chandelier glass) or under a suspended ceiling.

Such a device is compatible with various types of lamps: incandescent, halogen, luminescent (regular and compact), regular and linear LED, regardless of whether they are located singly or in groups.

Radio wall switches
In addition to conventional remote controls, there are also wall-mounted radio transmitters that have compact parameters and a limited number of command buttons. Such devices are attached to vertical surfaces with special holders or even tape

With radio control, the signal is transmitted in the form of a packet of information: it contains a command, the address of the device to which the instruction is intended, as well as a checksum. Radio waves are received by all receiving devices at once, but due to the indication of the address, only the device for which the command is intended responds.

The transmitted checksum is used to verify information: the amount sent by the transmitter must match the number counted by the receiver. If the results are different, the device does not work.

For stable, error-free operation, each command is transmitted to the transmitters repeatedly (at least three times), which somewhat slows down the efficiency of the system. Radio switches usually also have a button that allows you to turn off the remote control and control the device manually.

Control by mobile phones or via the Internet

Modern devices may provide a function for adjusting lighting using a smartphone or mobile phone. In this case, control is carried out via the Internet using special applications that are installed on a smartphone or computer. Typically, the software is part of the kit included with the device upon purchase.

Light control scheme via the Internet
A simplified scheme for controlling light sources using modern mobile devices. This option can only be used if the Internet is available.

Such devices have a large, almost unlimited range, but require Wi-Fi or other access to the worldwide network. Using phones and smartphones, you can turn the light on/off, adjust its intensity, and set special modes for devices (standard, custom).

Devices for turning off lights, equipped with remote controls, may also have additional functions, which include:

  • possibility of adjusting the level of lighting intensity;
  • a specially installed stationary button that allows you to find a lost remote control;
  • equipped with a timer, light or motion sensor.

It is only important to remember that each additional option increases the cost of the device.

Selecting a remote control system

When selecting a device with remote control, you need to pay attention to a number of factors. You should check whether the power of the power unit corresponds to that of the lighting device, as well as the voltage required to power the switch. The latter must match the number of volts in the network to which you plan to connect the remote device.

Remote switch circuit with sensor
The design of a modern remote switch that has a number of additional functions: response to moving objects, protection from natural phenomena and others

It is also advisable to evaluate the need for additional functions that models are often equipped with: on the one hand, they significantly expand the scope of application of the device, on the other hand, in specific situations they often remain unclaimed.

Finally, the design of the device, its shape, color, size, the presence of additional lighting, and other factors are of a certain importance.

Advantages and disadvantages of remote control devices

Devices that allow you to control lighting using a remote control have certain pros and cons. The most important advantage is the ease of installation and ease of connection: installation of the device does not require special knowledge.

The ease of use and the ability to smoothly adjust the lighting fixtures attract attention. A number of models also have a device programming function, with which you can set the “presence effect”.

In this case, the device will turn on/off automatically at a certain time, which can be useful if the apartment is empty.

Remote lighting control system
As a rule, manufacturers produce a set of equipment necessary to enable remote adjustment of lighting fixtures. The power unit must be connected to an existing electrical network

The use of remote control devices helps reduce electricity consumption, as well as extend the service life of various types of lamps. In addition, the remote switch makes it possible to simultaneously control several light sources or even other devices from one remote control.

The disadvantages of such devices include the occasional false or spontaneous operation; a weak radio signal that may not pass through an obstacle; possible effects on pacemakers or hearing aids.

Switches located outdoors may not operate correctly due to precipitation. In addition, the batteries on the control panel may run out at the most inopportune moment.

Connecting remote switches

The installation diagram of such devices often depends on the light bulbs with which the device will work, as well as on other factors, so before starting assembly you should carefully study the instructions included with the model.

As a rule, products are designed for a standard voltage of 220 volts, however, with the specific requirements of the lamp, this figure may be underestimated.

Connecting a remote device
When connecting any model of switch with a remote control, you must follow safety rules. Do not touch exposed wires without turning off the power

If the system includes a voltage-reducing device, the control unit must first be installed, and only then the transformer. When you press a button on the remote control, the power unit supplies power either directly to the light bulb or to a step-down transformer (depending on the light source). Most often, a similar scheme is used when lighting rooms with LEDs.

Depending on the model, the power unit may have one or more channels: the latter option allows you to simultaneously control several devices at once.

Experts recommend connecting the remote device through a traditional mechanical switch, which can be used if the remote-controlled device fails.

Review of popular DV models

Similar electrical equipment is produced by manufacturers from different countries.

Popular Wookee radio switches

Remote devices produced by this company consist of a kit that includes a radio signal receiving unit and a remote control. For comfortable use, the set also includes a holder.Specially made holes on it make it easy to attach this part to a vertical surface using ordinary self-tapping screws.

The models are equipped with two switches, thanks to which the devices can operate with different electrical networks. The maximum load in each can reach 500 W. The operating radius of the device is 100 meters in open space and 20 meters indoors. In order for the device to work correctly, it is recommended to install it together with the relay in the junction box.

"Nootechnics" - based on infrared waves

A well-known Belarusian company produces a line of switches with remote control based on infrared radiation “Sapphire”. The models presented in the series are made of high quality polymers, predominantly white in color.

Remote switches sapphire
Remote switches of the Sapphire brand are produced in a wide range. Their action is based on the principle of exposure to infrared radiation. Models differ in both design and technical characteristics

The products are equipped with dimmers that allow you to regulate the power of the energy flow, which extends the life of the lamps. The parameters set during the last switch-on are saved when the device is started again, and this reduces the time for selecting the desired brightness parameter.

Many models provide a function to simulate the presence of the owner in the house, associated with periodic turning off/on of lamps in the house. The disadvantages of the models from this company include low-sensitivity sensors, which makes manual control difficult: for correct operation, all manipulations must be performed with the palm of your hand.

German quality and Jung brand design

The well-known German company producing electrical products pays attention to both high-quality mechanisms and impeccable design.

Models of remote light switches produced at the enterprises of this company have a standard set of functions, high build quality, and the use of first-class parts and components. A wide range of variously designed products allows you to choose a model that will fit perfectly into the most sophisticated interior.

The company's catalog includes a line of anthracite appliances (with black polished surfaces), bright models made of acrylic and colored glass, universal products of traditional shapes made of steel and aluminum, and affordable devices made of plastic.

A separate series includes devices with moisture protection, which are intended for use in rooms with a high content of water vapor, for example, in bathrooms.

Practical models "Master Kit"

The most popular devices of this brand are remote switches MK343 and MK344. The first option allows you to remotely switch over two independent radio channels (the permissible power of each is 300 W).

Moreover, if the power unit is equipped with a radiator, the device can withstand a power of 1000 W. To control the device, a keychain transmitter equipped with four buttons is used.

A more advanced modification is the MK344 model, which provides not only on/off, but also smooth adjustment of light intensity through two separate channels.

All functions can be performed using 4 buttons on the remote control: two of them are used to supply the load, and the remaining two are used to control the brightness of the lamps.

Compact and easy to use SOSO

The company specializes in producing small wireless switches. Such devices, capable of operating at high power (up to 3.5 kW), can be placed in a mounting box behind a power switch or socket.

Socket socket with remote connection
A compact remote device having the size and shape of a regular lamp. The original configuration allows you to place the device in a regular chandelier socket. No wiring required

The power unit in this case is mounted as follows. Having selected the appropriate load indicator, you must turn off the power to the network. Similar to a conventional switch, a power unit is installed, which must be connected to phase and neutral.

Installation of radio switch SOSO ACM-1000
The diagram shows the installation of the SOSO ACM-1000 radio switch in the installation box. The wires are connected using terminal blocks; twisting is not recommended

The mains phase wire (brown) passes through the terminal block and is supplied to the L-terminal of the power block, while the zero wire is attached to terminal N. The socket, in turn, is connected to the block output terminals N and L, after which the device can be installed on it .

It is also important to activate the command memory mode, for which you need to press the corresponding button. After this, you need to send a signal from the radio remote control. An indicator of storing this information is the LED blinking twice.

Will familiarize you with the rules and guidelines for choosing a wireless light switch next article, entirely devoted to this interesting issue.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The video below contains an overview of the remote lighting control model:

Detailed instructions for connecting a two-channel remote control device to a chandelier:

Using a variety of light switches with remote controls, you can remotely regulate the operation of lighting fixtures. Such devices improve living standards, help increase the service life of lamps and reduce electricity costs.

A wide range of devices of this type allows you to choose a model that matches the needs and capabilities of the user, and the ease of installation allows you to perform independent installation of the product with minimal time and effort.

Tell us about how you selected a switch with a remote control for furnishing your own apartment/house. Perhaps you have useful technological nuances that will be useful to site visitors. Please write comments in the block form below, ask questions, publish photographs on the topic of the article.

Visitor comments
  1. Anna

    When we were renovating our apartment, we came across these switches and decided to install them in the bedroom for the sake of experimenting and assessing their convenience. This turned out to be really very convenient, for example, when you read in bed before going to bed and you don’t want to get up to turn off the light. If it weren’t for the cost, I would be happy to install such devices in all rooms.

    • Wladbmir

      Price on Ozone 620 rub. Is this really worth it for pleasure? My kitchen, corridor and living room are equipped. And also for TV, router. Separate for laptop, computer, desk lighting, and for charging gadgets. Very convenient. I turn on whatever is required. Reply to Nikolai. They have been working for three and a half years - not a single failure. The other two, not in coverage, have been working for a year.I wouldn’t want anything to break after such laudatory reviews. In ELEKTROSTANDARD lighting. The equipment includes Naviganor.

  2. Nikolay

    Hello! I'm currently renovating my apartment. I want to install a light switch with a remote control in one room for now. My wife saw it on one forum and said that she wanted the same one, since you can turn off the light without getting out of bed. I also became interested and started looking for information. I want to install this switch myself, it’s much cheaper. I have a question: how often does this switch fail, and can I turn on the light without this design? Thanks for the answer.

    • Georgiy

      Of course, the switch is duplicated and you can turn it off without a remote control, just like a regular one. As for reliability, it’s just a remote control, the same as, for example, on a TV or air conditioner. Accordingly, reliability is at the same high level. It usually does not have false alarms, but it is relatively sensitive to interference, especially among Chinese ones.

  3. Vadim

    First, electronic toilets appeared; as it turned out, they were initially used for people with disabilities for the sake of convenience, but they became an integral part of our lives. Now we want this switch, and then what happens? shit suck and nipple!? no I don't mind, I'm just curious...

  4. Anna

    Good evening. We set the remote control to 4 modes:

    1. Spotlights light bulb.
    2. Rim of spotlights.
    3. Chandelier.
    4. All together.

    But all this can only work from the remote control. Or rather, you need to click the switch several times to turn on all the lights.

    Are there remote controls with a memory function so that everything is always turned on, and partially turned off from the remote control if necessary?

    • Expert
      Amir Gumarov

      Good afternoon, Anna. The question comes down to the controller, which receives signals from the remote control. Your controller is multi-channel, controlling various lighting elements. If it is programmable, then the functions can be adjusted - put “All together” in the first position.

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