Solar heating systems: analysis of heating technologies based on solar systems

The question of finding alternative heat sources is becoming more and more urgent. This is facilitated by rising prices for gas, coal, and oil.A very promising direction is solar heating systems that can effectively heat a room for many years.

Are you thinking about installing a solar system, but have doubts and questions? We will help you figure out when it is appropriate to use solar energy for heating, and we will describe possible options for organizing heating. In addition, we will offer instructions for making homemade solar systems - flat and tubular collectors.

Solar energy is an alternative heat source

The idea of ​​using solar energy for heating is not new. Moreover, the feasibility of its use has been proven by the Americans, Chinese, Spaniards, Israelis and Japanese.

The market is replete with offers of various installations for converting solar energy and its further use for economic needs.

Solar heating systems for domestic use
Solar systems are actively used as the main source of heat in many countries around the world. In our latitudes it is still used as an addition to the heating system

The cost of systems depends on their type, area, and material used in manufacturing. From year to year there is a steady downward trend in prices for all types of solar installations - solar systems.

This makes them more accessible to a wider population. But not everyone is ready to make such a purchase yet.

But, if you wish, you can build an effective solar heating system with your own hands, spending significantly less money.

A conventional heating system that has performed its functions perfectly for many years is becoming more and more expensive. The reason for this is the global rise in prices of energy resources throughout the world. The owner’s natural desire is to save on heating, which eats up a significant share of the family budget.

So, a solar heating system can fully replace the usual solid fuel, gas or any other. It all depends on the type and size of the room in which it will be used.

An option suitable for a granary will not be suitable for a residential building, and a system that satisfies the needs of a summer house cannot cope with the heating of a 2-story mansion.

Completely replacing traditional heating with solar is sometimes problematic. The owner is afraid that the system may not cope or there is not physically enough space to install the required number of panels.

Therefore, they often use a combined heating system without completely abandoning the installed gas (electric or other) equipment. The level of replacement of conventional heating with solar can reach 90%.

Also, the annual number of sunny days of the area in which the home is located is important. Moreover, the average daily temperature is not so important. Many installations effectively absorb light on frosty winter days (solar collectors using antifreeze as a coolant).

DIY solar heating device
In addition to heating, a solar installation can provide a home with warm water and electricity.

Where will solar installation be most effective?

When it comes to replacing heating with a solar system, you need to take into account a number of factors that affect its efficiency.

Firstly, you need to choose the right solar system type. In this matter, you should take into account the area of ​​the room and its purpose. Most often this is a private house in which a family of 4-5 people lives.

Secondly, carefully calculate your heat needs based on maximum consumption during the cold season. Compare these figures with the amount of energy generated per square meter. m solar installation. All that remains is to calculate the area of ​​the solar structure that can cope with the heating of a particular room.

The resulting value will become the main factor in determining the location of the system. Typically, household owners prefer to use the roof or wall of the house. Rarely use the adjacent area or the roof of the garage. Sometimes special stands are built for mounting the installation.

Rational installation of solar heating systems
The construction of special stands for the installation of solar systems allows for the most convenient placement of them in the local area

It is important that nothing prevents the free penetration of sunlight onto the light-absorbing surface. You need to choose a south, south-east or south-west wall or part of the roof.

Having decided where the solar panels will be placed, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation of the home:

  • Free up space. Cut down excess plantings if they are in the way.
  • Strengthen the roof. Here we must not forget about the weight of the proposed structure.
  • Additional insulation of the building. After all, it makes no sense to heat the street.

Third, you need to decide whether to buy or build a heating system yourself. It all depends on financial capabilities and the desire to spend time on manufacturing the structure.

Having chosen the second option, you need to understand the operating principle of the desired system in order to assemble everything correctly.

Possible options for arranging solar heating

Options for constructing a solar heating system completely depend on the wishes of the household owner:

  • Application of factory products. Purchase of ready-made collectors with self-installation and installation.
  • Construction of a pilot project. It is needed to check the effect of using the system for further accurate calculations.
  • Independent performance of a full cycle of work. Calculation, design, construction from scratch of a solar system, its installation.

Option #1. This implies choosing the right location for solar installations, because the efficiency of their use will depend on this. Installation will also require special skills.

There is no need to calculate the number of panels - it will be enough to voice all your wishes to the equipment supplier.You will also need to answer clarifying questions from managers - that’s it, selecting the optimal number of panels (collectors) will happen without any difficulties.

How to build solar heating with your own hands
To install a solar installation on the roof yourself, you need to enlist the support of at least one assistant. You can't do this job alone

Option No. 2 — construction of a pilot project. It will be the optimal solution for doubting people. After all, the final decision to replace the heating system is difficult to make right away. Building a solar collector (air or water) of a small size and testing it “in action” will be a rewarding experience.

Having assessed the real production costs, compared them with the market value of similar systems and calculated the savings from use on the farm, it will be easy to make a responsible decision.

Option #3 – the choice of real masters.

To fully heat the facility, a colossal amount of work will be required:

  • Calculate the required area of ​​the solar system.
  • Determine the location of future installation and strengthen it.
  • Additional insulation of the home.
  • Purchase all the elements to build the system.
  • Build solar battery.
  • Install the constructed system, focusing on the basic requirements - the angle of inclination relative to the incidence of sunlight.

Carrying out a full cycle of work on installing a system cannot be called an easy task, but the process is extremely exciting. In addition, it allows you to save quite a substantial amount.

How to choose a type of solar heating system
When choosing a type of heating that uses solar energy, you should decide whether it will additionally be used to heat water and generate electricity (click to enlarge)

Types of installations for converting solar energy

Depending on the principle of operation, there are two types of devices that absorb sunlight:

  • Batteries based on photoelectric converters. Representing systems of series or parallel connected semiconductor elements. They supply current to power household heaters.
  • Solar collectors. Panels with a system of tubes filled with a coolant: air, antifreeze mixture or water. They supply coolant heated by the sun to the heating circuit.

Let's consider each option separately.

Solar panels

A solar battery converts absorbed light into electricity. It consists of photocells (most often silicon), capable of immediately extracting direct electric current from solar radiation.

Such an installation can be used to ensure the functionality of electric heating equipment. It must be connected to the home's power supply system.

The efficiency of converting solar radiation with this installation is from 5% to 20%, depending on the type of device processing solar radiation. Capacity 1 m2 solar battery – 120 W.

It remains to calculate how many square meters of space will be needed to meet the needs of a particular household, based on the size of the home, individual heat needs and the level of insulation of the structures.

On which side should the solar heating system be installed?
It is most convenient to place solar panels on the roof of the house, choosing its southern slope for this purpose

For heating, solar panels are most effective in southern regions. Their main disadvantage is a decrease in efficiency at dusk and cloudy weather, and a complete lack of performance at night.

To make a solar battery with your own hands, you will first need to assemble the frame, solder the solar cells, then carefully lay everything down and use sealant.

To make the frame, wooden slats and aluminum corners are used.It all depends on the size of the structure being assembled and the location of its installation. Solar cells - silicon wafers - are the most consumable part of the structure. They are monocrystalline and polycrystalline. The first ones are somewhat more expensive, but their performance is 5% higher.

Making them yourself is impossible. It is better to purchase photoelectric converters with already soldered conductors.

They have to be placed on a fiberboard base, then fixed in the frame, lead the wires from the elements outside and fill all the holes with sealant. Allow the structure to dry thoroughly and cover with a glass or transparent plastic lid.

Installation diagrams and methods for connecting solar panels are described in this article.

Solar collectors

Collectors have a fundamentally different way of converting absorbed light. Their work is based on coolant passing through pipes.

Depending on the design, three main types of collectors can be distinguished, most often used for the construction of a solar heating system:

  • Flat. The heat sink - their absorber is made of sheet metal with a blackened outer surface. When heated, it transfers energy to the coolant of the heating system.
  • Vacuum. Collector vacuum type system made according to the thermos design, thanks to which the heat received from the sun is preserved almost twice as well.
  • Hubs. The device is equipped with a concave mirror part with a large surface area that focuses sunlight onto a small absorber area.

The most common solar installations in everyday life are equipped with a tube system made in the form of parallel connected elements or a coil. The tubes are filled either with technical water or a mixture of water with non-freezing liquid or air.

Layout of solar heating system elements
Having visualized the main parts of a solar installation, it is easier to decide where it is best to place certain components (+)

The air installation can be used as an additional heating source. It is not able to completely provide a home with heat, regardless of the region where it is located. The main feature of this type of solar system is air, which acts as a coolant.

Tubular systems are quite actively used for heating all year round. The antifreeze or antifreeze mixture is heated by the sun's rays, then passes through internal heat exchange tubes, then sent to the storage tank.

The movement of liquid is stimulated by a pump, thanks to which it moves from the tank to the heating system. The heated coolant displaces the cooled part of the liquid, which must return to the collector and heat up.

The operating principle of a flat solar system is based on the penetration of sunlight into the panel where the heat absorber is located. It heats up and emits heat, which is transferred to the liquid circulating through metal tubes (most often copper).

What can you build on your own?

You can build a solar heating system using an air-type collector with your own hands. It is best to place it on the south wall of the building.

The larger the area of ​​the heated room, the larger the area the collector will occupy - perhaps the entire wall of the house. Also, this solar system can be built in the attic.

Airborne solar heating system
When planning to install an air heating system in the attic, you need to make sure that it can withstand the weight of the installation (+)

A solar collector that heats the air mass performs its heating functions due to air flows passing inside the system.The coolant circulates through the circuit, cools, and enters the system again. The movement of air flows can be carried out naturally or using a fan.

As for the materials for making the air manifold, you can use various available tools. There is no single rule.

Home craftsmen are improving this type of solar system, assembled at home. Some people strive to get a cheaper option, sacrificing efficiency, while others do the opposite.

Devices for air-air solar heating system
Having understood the main elements of the air collector, it is easier to decide on the location of its installation - roof or wall (+)

Let's look at the main methods.

Features of installing a tubular solar system

A tubular solar heating system can be used in various regions. It does not depend on external temperature. The main thing is that the installation receives the maximum amount of sunlight.

Antifreeze used as a coolant does not freeze at low temperatures. On clear winter days, the amount of sunlight exceeds the amount of light received in summer.

A tubular solar collector consists of a system of transparent vacuum tubes connected to each other. They contain a substance with a low boiling point. When it boils, it evaporates, transfers its heat to the copper tip and flows down, where everything is repeated again.

Vacuum solar heating systems
Vacuum tubes made of fire-resistant glass are filled inside with a substance that can boil at low temperatures (+)

Vacuum tubes absorb up to 90% of all solar radiation (visible and infrared). Solar energy, converted into heat, is supplied to the coolant. It transfers this energy further through the system - to a heat exchanger located in a special storage tank.

The movement of coolant and water through heating systems occurs due to pumps. It is important that the tank has good thermal insulation. As a rule, there are two heat exchangers: one is connected to the additional heater, the second is connected to the collectors.

In houses with this type of solar installation, it is advantageous to additionally connect a heated floor system. This allows the building to be heated more efficiently.

As for the installation of tubular collectors, you can install it yourself. The only thing you should take into account is the working angle of inclination - it must be at least 20°.

Solar collector for heating system of a private house
The tubular solar collector is placed on the roof, choosing the sunniest direction. It is important that there are no high-rise buildings nearby that interfere with the free penetration of sunlight

It will not be possible to build a vacuum installation with your own hands - it is impossible to make vacuum tubes at home. This is done by factories specializing in the production of vacuum solar systems.

Flat solar installation

Often a flat solar collector is used for heating.

To build it you will need:

  • metal frame;
  • durable bottom;
  • thermal insulation layer;
  • a black solar radiation absorber layer (adsorber);
  • transparent cover - plastic, glass;
  • tubes for liquid (copper, aluminum).

The structure must be equipped with inlet and outlet pipes and a pump for efficient fluid circulation.

Solar panel for heating system
You can assemble a flat solar installation with your own hands. To do this, they often use improvised means, choosing cheaper materials as an analogue (+)

The flat collector can be installed at any angle; a prerequisite is to clear it of snow and dust. It is especially good for warm climates.

During the cold season, low performance and high heat losses are observed.Which calls into question the use of this solar system alone for complete heating. It would be optimal to use a flat solar installation together with gas, electric or solid fuel heating.

We invite you to read articles about homemade solar heating systems:

  1. How to make a solar collector for heating with your own hands - step by step guide
  2. How to make a solar battery with your own hands: methods for assembling and installing a solar panel

Once again about expediency

It is beneficial to use solar energy for heating instead of conventional energy resources. Depending on the type of solar system chosen, savings on paid heat consumption can be up to 100%.

An option for completely replacing the heating system is to use collectors with vacuum tubes. This is a fairly expensive project at the initial stage. In the future, it can guarantee complete energy independence, paying for itself in 6-8 years.

DIY solar heating system
The ingenuity of home craftsmen knows no bounds - an ordinary hose can be used as a labyrinth for circulating liquid inside the manifold

The service life of solar installations is up to 25 years. They require little maintenance - periodic cleaning of surfaces from snow, dust, and debris. As for repairs, you can do it yourself. A significant drawback is that flat-plate collectors and solar panels are “afraid” of hurricanes.

Such heating is safe for the inhabitants of the house and the environment. It is completely free and does not depend on exchange rates or energy prices.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The video will demonstrate the process of building a solar battery with your own hands:

A visual aid for the construction of an air heating system:

Technology for making a flat solar installation with your own hands:

Solar power plants or solar heating systems have proven themselves all over the world. They allow you to receive heat for free, reducing the cost of paying utility bills for heating by 30%.

It is possible to completely replace energy resources with solar energy in your heating system. Another significant advantage is that you can assemble the solar installation yourself.

Do you have practical skills in assembling or operating solar heating systems? Share your accumulated knowledge, ask questions on the topic and participate in discussions. The comment form is located below.

Visitor comments
  1. Denis

    I've seen a lot of solar panels abroad. This is a good saving. I live in the southern region. We have many sunny days, but still the use of solar panels is not widespread. And I want to try to install it in a country house. I'm researching information about this. Everything is not simple, of course. Most likely I will buy a ready-made one and install it myself. I'm still thinking about it.

  2. Sasha

    For regions where there are a large number of bright sunny days a year, installing solar panels is economically justified, especially considering the current rise in prices for energy resources and increasing concerns about the environment. Solar panels themselves are also gradually becoming cheaper and improving, so I think that in the future they will be introduced everywhere in our country.

  3. Alexander

    As a child, we made solar panels with our own hands, I don’t remember what from: either photoresistors, or photodiodes. It worked. I don’t know how economically beneficial all this is for Russia. Our people (I work in electrical networks) who can make a solar battery with their own hands act even more efficiently from an energy point of view.They simply learn how to stop electricity meters and negotiate with controllers. And they get free energy without any batteries. This is real.

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