Review of the IKAR water filter - a modern installation with the highest degree of water purification

“Ikar” is a modern installation with the highest degree of water purification, which has no analogues in the world. When creating this equipment, revolutionary technologies were used, which were appreciated by both domestic and foreign experts.

The unit is equipped with a water filter with a reverse osmosis membrane. Its fine mesh purifies tap water from harmful bacteria, metallic and non-metallic harmful substances, producing purified water at the outlet. This filter also contains an activator and a mineralizer, thanks to which the water receives a negative ORP and is saturated with useful microelements.

The installation does not have the disadvantages that reverse osmosis systems have.

Advantages of installing an ICAR filter

The most highly effective method of water purification

The reverse osmosis module of the installation is a design that purifies water in five stages. The basis of the filter is a thin polymer film deposited on an inert substrate. The liquid penetrates completely through the membrane, but all harmful impurities are retained.The pores of the mesh have a size of 0.001 microns, so water with contaminants flows into the sewer, and the installation allows only water molecules to pass through.

The reverse osmosis module uses removable filter cartridges. The equipment is equipped with a controller that determines the degree of membrane contamination. If replacement or cleaning is needed, the controller will notify you.

The water treatment stage occurs in the activator

This is a patented restructuring and activation device. It carries out biocatalytic charging of water. The structuring of water gives it beneficial qualities, which has a beneficial effect on human health. The content, as well as the activity, of protons and electrons in an aqueous solution is indicated by the oxidation-reduction potential (ORP). High readings with + mV indicate that water “takes away” useful electrons when it enters the body. Thanks to the built-in ionizer, the device shifts the ORP value to the negative side. In this case, the water in the storage tank of the installation remains in a negatively charged state for no more than a week. Unlike conventional ionizers, the reactor in Icarus does not require systematic cleaning.

Effective mineralization

Mineralization is carried out automatically with the addition of a concentrated solution of high-quality mineral salts “Severyanka Plus”. Its consumption is calculated for more than six months, depending on how the water is consumed and what mineralization settings the user sets in the installation menu. If mineralization is not needed, the function can always be turned off. Initially, the Icarus installation is set to standard mineralization values.

Installation for water purification ICAR

Microprocessor control unit

The device is equipped with a microprocessor control system that controls the output parameters of the liquid. Using the block you can obtain and adjust the following parameters:

  • Content of mineral salts.
  • Degree of membrane contamination.
  • The activation energy of molecules is a decrease in redox potential.

The result of using the Ikar installation for purifying tap water

After installing Ikar, there will always be clean mineralized drinking water in the tap. At the same time, it will not stagnate, as in pitcher filters. Also the installation is different:

  • Low energy consumption – 50 W.
  • Low cost of obtaining high-quality water – 2-3 rubles. per liter
  • No need to clean the reactor.
  • Long service life.
  • Includes an independent tap for drinking water.
  • Capacious storage tank of 10 liters.
  • Indication of monitoring the operation of systems.

System operation indicator

The device is equipped with LEDs that flicker to indicate the operation of all systems.

Icarus filter system operation indicator

The indicators are installed on the tap with clean water. The sensors provide data to the microprocessor module, after which the LEDs signal the operation of a particular system in different colors:

  • Green – the device and all blocks are normal.
  • Red – there is some kind of problem with the installation, which will be accompanied by a characteristic sound notification. In this case, you need to look in the installation menu to see what kind of error is indicated by the indication.

According to users and experts, Ikar is the best model, which occupies top positions in the ratings of reverse osmosis filters with a mineralizer.

Operating principle

The unit does an excellent job of eliminating harmful substances in the water supply:

  • Metal.
  • Non-metallic.
  • Bacteriological.
  • Viral.

The installation removes salts from fresh and even sea water. The reverse osmosis module allows you to obtain deeply demineralized water. The high-pressure feed stream enters a highly selective porous membrane, trapping all known contaminants. The reactor operates on the principle of a “Faraday cage” - it activates and structures the liquid.

By creating resonant conditions in electrical circuits with inductance, water in the storage tank remains active for 4-7 days. The concentrated solution of mineral salts and removable cartridges must be replaced approximately every 6-12 months. Compact dimensions allow you to install the equipment in a regular cabinet under the kitchen sink.

The device works in stages:

  1. It purifies water from impurities using three filters, after which it passes the water through a reverse osmosis membrane, then the water passes through another fine filter.
  2. In the ICAR module, due to the resonance effect, water structuring occurs. Due to which the ORP of water becomes negative. This “living water” contains antioxidants that help restore the body.
  3. Filling the ionized medium with minerals: CA2+, Mg2+, I5+. Water becomes suitable for consumption every day and beneficial for the body.

Components of the ICAR system

Reverse osmosis system

The center of the reverse osmosis module is a thin polymer film with microscopic pores that do not let anything through except water molecules. The initial medium from the water supply or well in this system at the first stage is passed through three pre-cleaning filters:

  1. Primary coarse filtration retains large impurities.
  2. At the second stage, water passes through a cassette with bulk activated carbon. Harmful impurities remain in the thickness of the sorbent, while purified water flows out.
  3. At the third stage, the water is purified from unpleasant odors and particles of sodium hypochlorite, which is usually used by municipal water treatment plants for disinfection.

Three water pre-purification filters in the Ikar system

After passing through all stages of filtration, the purified medium enters the reverse osmosis membrane. The calibration of the pores of the polymer film does not exceed 0.001 microns, so it allows only oxygen and water molecules to pass through, after which the water enters the activator and mineralizer.

Reverse osmosis membrane in the Icarus system


Icarus activates ultra-fresh water, disinfects and arranges molecules in a certain sequence to improve the cluster structure. When purified water passes through the mineralizer in the installation, substances beneficial to the body are added to it: Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, I5+.

After this, it enters the storage tank, from the tank into the fine post-filter and is supplied to the tap.

Fine filter

Water with antioxidant properties collected in a storage container will maintain a negative ORP, provided that water is collected daily.

Storage tank for the Ikar cleaning system

You can set the desired operating mode using buttons and a screen located on the front panel of the unit. The device operates automatically 24 hours a day. To do this, the tap and storage tank must be open, and the power cables of the equipment must be connected to the outlet. When the unit is operating satisfactorily, the indicator LEDs will flash green. A short flash of red is acceptable, as transients occur during operation. Possible problems are displayed on the Icarus module screen.

Design engineers at the Ikar Research Center are working to improve the reverse osmosis unit.

ICAR module

It works after a membrane purification filter with subsequent mineralization and structuring of molecules. Reduces ORP to negative parameters with the possibility of attaching a corrector to increase the pH level. The installation is a miniature “plant” for the production of drinking water of the highest quality. The equipment can be installed under a regular sink. The unit does not have the disadvantages that competing models with a reverse osmosis filtration function have.

ICAR module

According to many experts and users, Ikar is recognized as the best filtration unit for 2021.

The design of the equipment includes 2 components: a premium reverse osmosis filter and an ionizer-activator. By installing the device under the sink, you can obtain “spring” water of the highest quality in the required quantity.

Most users choose the “IKAR” installation (mod.01os) without a ph level corrector. The acid-base state of water during the purification process ranges from 6-6.5, which corresponds to SanPiN

Unique mineralizer

This is a purification equipment based on a reverse osmosis membrane that purifies water efficiently. As mentioned, it removes up to 98% of metallic and non-metallic impurities from the aquatic environment. Many people are accustomed to water containing substances removed by systems. If you drink water that has been purified using reverse osmosis, you may find that its taste is not the same as that of ordinary drinking water.Some may simply not notice this, while others simply will not like this water.

That is why, in order to preserve the usual taste, developers and manufacturers of water treatment systems began to integrate a device into the equipment to saturate it with minerals and give the water a familiar taste. However, first of all, the mineralization of reverse osmosis water is vital precisely for maintaining human health. The harm from drinking distilled water, as well as reverse osmosis water without post-mineralization, is written in detail in WHO studies and reports “Nutrients in Drinking Water”, 2004.

Manufacturers who skimp on quality introduce elements into mineralizers that dissolve very quickly, which makes the liquid bitter. A bitter taste in purified water is a sign of cheap calcium carbonate. It may also contain iron and manganese that are unnecessary for the body. To avoid such problems, you should choose high-quality cleaning plants of the Icarus type.

The content of minerals in the water environment can be adjusted independently. Manufacturers managed to achieve enrichment of water with iodine in combination with calcium and magnesium salts thanks to the concentrated sterilized solution “Severyanka Plus”. This mineral supplement is available in several modifications, differing in the quantity and ratio of ingredients.

If you drink water every day that has been purified in the Icarus system, your body will be saturated with minerals that ensure the proper functioning of numerous enzymes.Minerals ensure the maintenance of an optimal acid-base balance in the body, proper muscle contraction, and also contribute to the proper flow of biochemical processes such as the synthesis of fatty and nucleic acids.

Without exception, all filter parts are made of very high quality materials.


If you want to purchase an Icarus installation, you should know that it is not necessary to purchase a reactor to adjust the acidity level. The acid-base state of water during water purification ranges from 6-6.5 depending on the source water, which corresponds to SanPiN If you install an additional special pH corrector, then during its operation the pH meter will measure changes in the acidity of the environment, and the pH corrector will automatically change this indicator to the values ​​​​set on the device.

The benefits of pure antioxidant water for the human body

Natural antioxidant protection, support of local immunity and preservation of youth is the daily consumption of high-quality water without harmful impurities. It is the main component of all life on the planet. Unfortunately, the water supplied from water pipes does not have the qualities of drinking water, much less the necessary ORP parameters and almost always has an indicator with a + sign.

Water from wells or natural sources is also not always of good quality and has a positive charge. Under natural conditions, water with antioxidant properties is found in underground rock sources, but when interacting with oxygen, the negative oxidation potential becomes positive.Also, some pure natural springs have a negative charge of the redox potential of the water and, of course, the deep waters of Lake Baikal, which we all know. That is why healthy water with a negative charge is not found in all water sources, but is especially useful for the human body.

In laboratory conditions, people learned to change the ORP to negative a very long time ago. Hydrogen was produced in an electrolytic cell with nickel electrodes. Developed in the late sixties in Japan, a water ionizer produced a liquid called “shin’nooru solution.” It had a healing effect.

Where to buy a filter

The ICAR water purification plant can be purchased both on the manufacturer’s website, research center in Izhevsk, and through its direct dealers in the regions. According to customer reviews, it is more profitable and convenient to purchase a filter through dealers. For example, the main official supplier of ICAR filters, home-spring.rf, offers a good discount on the purchase of products and free delivery throughout Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus.


Water is the basis of all life on Earth. It occupies two-thirds of the surface of the entire planet. The element is involved in many processes and reactions, but harmful substances can enter the human body along with it, as a result of which it becomes dangerous for consumption. In order for the body to work like a “Swiss clock”, you need to drink only water that is balanced in all respects.

ICAR is a device that not only qualitatively cleanses the supplied water environment from pathogenic microorganisms and toxins, but also saturates it with minerals necessary for the normal functioning of all body systems, and also gives the water antioxidant properties that are beneficial for the body by lowering the redox potential. All this reduces the risk of infection with the influenza virus and coronavirus, protects the liver, activates the immune system and improves overall well-being.

Visitor comments
  1. Vladimir

    Thanks for the detailed review! Based on your recommendations, we bought this filter at a home spring, a very cool system. The water is clean, tasty and healthy. Just the admiration of all family members. We submitted the water for laboratory tests - they confirmed the highest quality of the water, and also the powerful antioxidant properties of the water.

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