What is an artesian well: depth, parameters, drilling technology

Water resources are important for a person’s quality of life and maintaining his health.In this regard, city authorities and owners of private houses are trying to provide access to clean, tasty water without impurities.

To achieve this goal, an artesian well is suitable, helping to get to clean water lying in the depths of the earth, purified thanks to natural filters.

Artesian well

What is an artesian well

An artesian well is a working with a circular cross-section, developed to lift an interlayer water resource from deep layers. It is located in natural isolation inside the “pocket”. It is a system for the extraction of artesian water.

To create a well, rock is drilled to the level where the aquifer is located. One of the options can be used:

  1. Drill rotation with direct flushing type.
  2. Drilling rotation with air blowing.
  3. Rotary drilling method for reverse circulation.
  4. Shock-rope option.

After analyzing the statistical data, it is worth judging the first method as the most popular. Its share is 86-90% of development.

Drilling work can take from a week to a month depending on the depth, type of pipe, method, and soil characteristics.

Useful: DIY water well

Types of artesian wells

Before ordering drilling work on the site, you will need to choose one of 4 types of water wells. The choice is made based on the type of soil at the drilling site:

  1. Single-pipe artesian well.It is a pipe with a uniform diameter along its entire length.
  2. Two-pipe water supply system. To prevent the main pipe from shifting during installation, a plastic tube with a smaller diameter is inserted into its cavity. During operation, the auxiliary part fixes the main part in the desired position and direction.
  3. Telescopic type well. Designed for drilling work in areas with unstable soil, in conditions where additional safety is required, combating boulders and rocky rock. The system trunk consists of pipes of different diameters, which helps stabilize the stability of the artesian well.
  4. Conductor type artesian well. Used in areas prone to quicksand and ground instability. Thanks to periodic thickened inserts, it is possible to protect the main pipe from deformation during drilling and operation.
Types of artesian wells
During the planning period for the installation of an artesian water extraction system, the working team is able to evaluate drilling factors and the characteristic nuances of the site. Then it will be possible to adjust the work if necessary, calculate the exact amount of installation, and determine the timing of its implementation.

Advantages of wells for limestone

An artesian well for providing residents with drinking water is characterized by a number of advantages, for which it is chosen for installation more often than other options::

  1. The behavior of the well is predictable, which allows you to think through possible situations in advance. If you have the appropriate knowledge, you can determine the location and depth of artesian aquifers in the area under consideration. With relative constancy of indicators, the hydrogeologist has access to calculations of the level and composition of water.Based on the data obtained, the well owner is able to calculate the required financial investment in drilling work, the characteristics of the pump for delivering artesian water to the surface, and distribution through pipes.
  2. Performance. Due to the permeability of limestone zones, a well can provide a volume of drinking water that will be sufficient for those living in the selected area. Unlike the load in production, the production of a private artesian water system depends on the throughput internal diameter of the pipe and is limited by the performance of the installed pumping apparatus. Average – from 2 to 10 m3/h. The incoming water is enough for drinking, cooking, and household procedures. In this case, the water horizon is not taken into account.
  3. Duration of service. Limestone wells are created using pipes made of material that has passed several stages of quality control, which guarantees a total service life of 38-40 years or longer. Tolerances for using a simple filter in the form of a perforated pipe facilitate the operation of the well, which reduces the degree and rate of its wear.
  4. Quality of water raised to the surface. The purity of the resulting resource increases depending on the depth of the aquifer and the quality of the artesian equipment used. At the same time, there are nuances of the aqueous chemical composition: increased salt content, increased ferrous iron, excess calcium and magnesium ions. You can further purify the water using an additional purification device.
  5. Due to the constant chemical composition in the resulting water, frequent replacement of cleaning filters is not required. Cleaning can only be carried out on components that have worked longer than the standard period.
  6. Repair. When using an artesian well, breakage or rock collapse can be corrected by treating with hydrochloric acid or using pneumatic pulse devices.
  7. Due to the fact that the drilling depth exceeds 30 m, external environmental conditions, temperature fluctuations, and changing seasons will not affect productivity and volumes.
Advantages of wells for limestone
When compared with sand wells, artesian wells are distinguished by a long service life, simplified maintenance and repair process.

Disadvantages of an artesian well

Behind a significant number of advantages of the artesian system, there are disadvantages, one of which is immediately visible, and the second is revealed during use.

Initially, the client sees a low cost of 2000-2500 rubles/m, which, after calculating the required well depth, can turn into an amount from 60,000 to 450,000 rubles.

In addition to paying for drilling, the final expense will include the purchase and installation of:

  • caisson;
  • pump;
  • pitching equipment;
  • automated system.

The final amount can reach half a million rubles.

It is necessary to purify the resulting water from iron ions and salts. Chemical studies of water from the artesian system showed a high content of chemical compounds in the liquid, which, when accumulated, provoke:

  • changes in the functioning of internal organs;
  • liver damage;
  • load on the heart muscle;
  • damage to the pancreas.

You can detect an excess of elements after the water has stood in the open air or boiled. In this case, a red-brown sediment appears at the bottom of the container. Scientists also detect high levels of magnesium and calcium salts and limestone elements in the produced water.

Due to problems with the chemical composition, owners are advised to purchase and install a cleaning system in advance, the type of which is determined after a detailed chemical study and determination of the main “pollutant”.

According to SanPiN, it is known that in a number of areas where artesian water deposits are located, an excess of the standard indicators in the water of barium, lithium, and strontium ions has been identified, which leads to bone fragility due to the replacement of bone calcium with strontium.

High levels of salts in the water lead to deterioration in boiler performance due to scale formation.

When delivering from the depths, you need to understand that the liquid, passing through hundreds of different layers, gradually collects and accumulates elements that are not always useful.

Water quality

Water raised from artesian layers must meet established standards of chemical composition:

  • manganese – maximum 0.1 mg/l;
  • fluorine – from 0.7 to 1.5 mg/l;
  • iron – no more than 0.3 mg/l.

In this case, water hardness should not exceed 7 mg eq/l.

Statistics show the content of potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron in the water resource, whose indicators are generally elevated and require special purification with filters.

Water is what distinguishes an artesian well for limestone from one for sand:

  1. The temperature of the artesian water resource remains at the same level throughout the year. This is due to the depth of its location.
  2. Saturated with microelements that a living organism requires for development and growth, both physical and mental.

To use water obtained from a well on limestone, it is recommended to additionally install filters that will allow it to be used both for domestic needs and for drinking and cooking without fear for the residents of the house.

How artesian wells are drilled

To assess the quality of the drilling work carried out and the installation of equipment, you should understand the technology and the nuances that you should pay attention to when accepting the work.

Large-sized drilling rigs based on trucks or portable drilling rigs can be used for drilling. The second option is used in areas where it is impossible to provide passage for large vehicles.

An example of a well installation using a rotational method using direct flushing:

  1. The machine begins to erode and destroy the rock in the pre-designated area. A drilling fluid is used to help flush out waste in the form of dirt, stones, etc. The contaminated solution removed to the outside is discharged into a designated pit.
  2. As soon as the excavation formed during drilling reaches the horizon of the aquifer, casing pipes begin to be lowered into the resulting well. Fastening them together using a threaded connection. Workers receive a “column” into the inner part of which a smaller diameter drill is inserted. With its help, the rock is revealed.
  3. Flushing the resulting well until clean water is obtained.
  4. The lifting of drill rods occurs in the presence of the customer. This is required to measure the depth of the well.
  5. Installation of additional equipment: pumping station, cleaning or filtering device.

When installed on a site, to provide water to a private home, you will need a well with a diameter of up to 12.7-15.9 cm. This is enough to install a private pump. The depth can reach 200 m depending on the region of the country.

We read: Well drilling methods

Features, operating rules

Initially, you will need to determine not only where the aquifer lies, but also how many meters the artesian well will go deep into the soil.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a water-producing artesian system deeper than 30 m is required to register; the user must obtain a license from inspection organizations. In order to obtain permission and accreditation to install a well, it is necessary to ensure and equip a safety area.

Based on the regulations from SanPiN, 3 zones are distinguished.

LevelDiameter, mDescription
Strictly restricted area10-50Protection extends to the prevention of mechanical damage from the external environment. This is achieved by enclosing the well with a fence or a cap
Microbial contamination prevention zone100-250Prevention of the ingress of sewage and mud water from hillocks and hills into the area of ​​the water intake system. If there are ravines or lowlands nearby, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness on their territory, destroy deposits of branches, dead animals, etc.
Chemical protection zone250 m – 1 kmThe area must be free from cattle burial grounds, garbage dumps, farms, cemeteries, and industries

Control over the condition of sanitary areas should be ensured by the owner of the site where the well is located. For this purpose, a chemical analysis of water is carried out with a period of 1-2 times every 2 years.

Features, operating rules
Due to the fact that most of the system is hidden in the ground, it is impossible to notice cracks or breakages with the naked eye, it is recommended to carry out a preventive technical inspection once a year by calling a specialist to the site. You will need to use equipment for inspection.

Technical preventive measures:

  1. Confirmation of the operability and consistency of the main components in the equipment used to lift the water resource.
  2. Setting up, regulating automation, adding lubricant, treating with anti-corrosion agents, checking fasteners, replacing if necessary.
  3. Measurement of hydraulic parameters: pressure at the mouth, water level in a static, dynamic sense, debit, etc.
  4. Electrical work, including system diagnostics, checking the integrity of wire insulation.
  5. Taking water samples for visual examination: color, transparency, impurities, mechanical elements in the liquid.
  6. Cleaning, disinfection, rinsing work if necessary.

In addition to scheduled well inspections by specialists, unscheduled ones may be carried out. When needed:

  • reduction in the volume of water received by 15% or more compared to previous indicators;
  • periodic operation of thermal protection without good reason;
  • change in water properties;
  • the appearance of an uncharacteristic taste, smell, color;
  • unusual sounds, vibrations during operation of a well or pump;
  • a sharp change in energy consumption by more than 20% of the usual.

Ordering an inspection as a preventive measure allows you to identify a breakdown at an early stage, which will help you save on repairs in the future and avoid a critical failure of the water lift system.

The possibility of installing an artesian well, its depth, and drilling technology depend on where the system will be located, its characteristics, and purpose.

At the planning stage, it is recommended to determine the style of work: do it yourself or turnkey. Using the second option will be more expensive, and the installation organization takes responsibility for installing the well.

What do you think, is it worth overpaying for drilling to get artesian water? Share your opinion in the comments.

Visitor comments
  1. Sashka

    I think it’s worth drilling an artesian well for collective water consumption. It will be costly for one and expensive to maintain.

  2. Matvey

    You can drill and get excellent water, or you can run into impurities. You'll go broke filtering them later.

  3. Alyona

    Artesian water was connected to our nine-story building. The same as at the dacha from a regular well. I don't understand the difference.

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