Do you need a humidifier in your apartment? Strong arguments for and against

There is no dust in the air saturated with moisture. It binds with microscopic drops of water and settles on the surface of the earth.Water mist acts as a moisturizing mask on the skin of the face and body, eliminating dryness and flaking. Moist and clean air has a positive effect on the bronchi and helps cleanse them.

An ideal microclimate for living and working will help create a device that enriches the air with microscopic drops of water. It will bring the atmosphere to the required SES parameters. The purpose of this article: to answer the question - is a humidifier needed in an apartment, to consider all the arguments for and against.

The retail chain offers a variety of devices for humidifying the air in a house or apartment. They may have different operating principles, but the same purpose. They are required to bring the humidity level in the house to the optimal levels established by scientific research.

Absolute and relative humidity

First of all, you need to remember some definitions from the school physics course. Humidity is a physical quantity that determines the water content in the air.

To assess atmospheric humidity, two main indicators are used.The amount of water vapor in one cubic meter of air is called absolute humidity or water vapor density in the air.

Walking after the rain
After walking in the light drizzling rain, you can’t help but wonder if it’s possible to artificially create the same healthy air environment in your apartment.

This parameter cannot yet determine how humid or dry the air is. It must be compared with the maximum possible air humidity at a given temperature. The result of this comparison will show how far the air is from being completely saturated with water vapor, or, conversely, how close it is to maximum humidity.

How to determine air humidity
If the air is far from saturated, it is considered dry and the humidity is low. If the air is close to being completely saturated with water, it is considered humid and the humidity is high

Relative humidity tells you what proportion of the water vapor density at a given temperature is the maximum saturated water vapor density and is expressed as a percentage.

Humidity standards in residential premises

GOST 30494-2011 prescribes maintaining optimal microclimate indicators in residential premises. The GOST tables show the optimal and permissible relative humidity standards for residential premises, kindergartens and public buildings.

Table 1 shows that during the cold season in living rooms, comfortable humidity is in the range from 30 to 45%, permissible is no more than 60% at an air temperature of 20-22O C. For the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, these values ​​are not standardized. In the warm season, the optimal humidity standard is 30 - 60%, permissible no more than 65%.

Scale for determining optimal air humidity
In winter, the air in rooms with central heating is comparable to the atmosphere of the desert.The optimal humidity zone in the diagram is free from bacteria, viruses, dust mites, mold

Relative air humidity is measured in the central part of the room at a height of 1.1 meters from the floor surface.

Decision on choosing and purchasing a humidifier should be taken after measuring the relative humidity in the apartment and comparing the obtained values ​​with standard indicators.

Humidity measuring instruments

To measure the relative moisture content in the air of a living room, various instruments are used, generally called hygrometers.

A hair hygrometer is a classic device and is not highly accurate. The active part of the device is human hair, which changes its length depending on the amount of moisture in the environment.

In a film hygrometer, hair is replaced by an organic film. The principle of operation is the same as in the previous version.

A condensation hygrometer measures the dew point - the temperature at which the air is maximally saturated with water vapor and forms condensation.

Using this value, special tables are used to find the density of saturated water vapor. In other words, the amount of water per unit volume of air that is maximally saturated with water. It should be noted that the warmer the air mass, the more water it can contain, and the colder the air, the less moisture it can contain.

Device for determining real air humidity
An electronic weather station provides accurate data on air temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity at the current time not only in the apartment, but also outside the window

A psychrometer is a more accurate and convenient device for determining relative humidity.It consists of two thermometers installed on a common indicator scale. One thermometer in contact with a wet cloth is cooled due to the evaporation of water.

His readings are going down. The device has a psychrometric table on the front panel. With its help, you can determine the relative humidity of the air from the readings of a dry thermometer and the difference in the values ​​of dry and wet thermometers.

The closer the readings of two thermometers are to each other, the higher the air humidity. If there is a large difference in readings, the ambient humidity is low.

Reasons why you need a humidifier

In autumn, when the air temperature drops below 8 degrees, heating is turned on in houses with a centralized heat supply. Heat energy suppliers are not interested in adjusting the coolant temperature in accordance with the outside air temperature.

Often, maximum heat is supplied throughout the fall and winter. As a result, the air in the apartments becomes completely dry, the relative humidity drops to 10-15%. Ask the question why the apartment needs humidifier during this period, it becomes completely unnecessary. The facts support its purchase and installation.

Dry throat and skin

Periodic ventilation through window openings is not enough to maintain standard humidity. This is especially noticeable after waking up in the morning. The mucous membranes of the larynx, which are responsible for supplying humidified air to the lungs, are subject to wear and tear and require constant replenishment of moisture.

Dry mucous membranes
The throat often becomes so dry after a night's sleep that it is necessary to drink a decent amount of water to bring the mucous membrane back to normal.

The same can be said about human skin tissue.Dry air draws moisture from the skin, it becomes dry, wrinkled, begins to peel and flake off.

Air dried skin
Dry skin is evidence of a lack of moisture in the epidermis, a violation of metabolic processes in the body. A sufficient amount of moisture restores one of the main functions of the skin - protection against the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.

Summer heat, dust, air conditioning

A decrease in air humidity in apartments is observed not only in autumn and winter, but also in summer. Air conditioners move air back and forth, while removing a certain percentage of moisture from it.

In recent years, global warming has been observed. Often in the summer there is sweltering heat for a long time, accompanied by low levels of atmospheric humidity.

Moisture particles in the air wet the dust and it settles down. As a result, apartment residents breathe clean air. Dust particles in dry air are in a state of free floating, which is clearly visible when sunlight hits them. Inhaling such a mixture does not contribute to good health and well-being.

Dust in confined spaces
House dust can contain dust mites. Their waste products cause allergies in people and cause asthma.

Many apartments are decorated with indoor plants and flowers, which in nature live only in tropical, humid and warm climates. In indoor conditions, they require constant irrigation, but this cannot create the necessary constant humidity.

Ultimately, ornamental plants die. A caring and thrifty owner must take care of creating for his pets an optimal environment for normal life.

Furniture and wooden structures

Not only living organisms, but also inanimate objects in houses and apartments require life-giving moisture. In rainy weather, wooden window frames absorb moisture and swell; a dry environment dries them unevenly. Windows stop closing and opening normally and require repair and adjustment. The same applies to door panels made of natural wood.

Expensive parquet is designed for use in certain climatic conditions to maintain its beauty and integrity. If there is a lack of moisture, the parquet boards will dry out, the parquet will begin to lag behind the base and creak. Wooden furniture and linoleum flooring also react negatively to a decrease in standard air humidity.

Comfortable humidity is vital for a person to maintain his performance, good health and well-being, proper sleep and rest.

Humidifier for children

Doctors recommend maintaining a humidity level of 50-60% for children; all systems of the child’s body will work normally, ensuring strong immunity.

Dry air can cause a child to lack water; the body will work in difficult conditions. The child will begin to feel unwell, the defenses will weaken, and illnesses will not be long in coming.

Air humidification in the nursery
The humidifier removes dust from not only the hard surfaces of furniture, but also the soft fabrics of curtains, bedspreads, carpets, and bedding.

If there is excess moisture and heat, the baby will have difficulty breathing. The optimal temperature in a children's room is 24 degrees Celsius. By creating optimal moist conditions for children using humidifier, we should not forget about regular ventilation and cleaning of the rooms in which children are located.

Main characteristics of humidifiers

Humidifiers will help maintain the required level of humidity in the apartment. Their design depends on the method of creating water vapor.

All devices are divided into two classes:

  • ultrasonic and steam humidifiers with forced evaporation;
  • traditional (cold) and air washes with natural evaporation.

Let's figure out together which option will be the most suitable for you personally.

Ultrasonic devices are top sellers

We deserve special gratitude from customers ultrasonic humidifiers. They use the opposite effect of piezoceramics: the conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy. These devices can be distinguished by the characteristic fog cloud blown out by built-in fans.

Humidifier operation
Ultrasonic humidifiers are equipped with water purification filters, hygrometers for measuring humidity, and hygrostats for controlling vapor formation. Each room requires an individual steam generator

The efficiency of such devices is 7-12 liters/day with a power of 40-50 W. Ultrasonic humidifiers consume much less electrical energy than steam devices.

Operating principle of an ultrasonic humidifier
An ultrasonic frequency voltage is applied to a piezoceramic plate immersed in water. It is converted into mechanical vibration of the plate. Alternating zones of high and low pressure appear in the water. In areas of low pressure, water boils at room temperature and begins to emit a fine water mixture

The devices have water level indicators. When there is a critical volume of liquid, they signal with light or sound signals. If there is no water in the container, the device automatically turns off.

 Pros of ultrasonic humidifiers:

  1. The main advantage of devices in this group is their affordable price, ranging from 3 to 20 thousand rubles. Among the inexpensive models, there are many that are not much different in their characteristics from expensive devices.
  2. Only in this segment there is a huge selection of humidifiers for every taste.
  3. The devices are small in size. Dimensions depend on the capacity of the water tank.
  4. Ultrasonic humidifiers are safe and have a built-in hygrostat that sets and maintains the desired humidity level.
  5. In devices with a built-in filter, fine water dust purified from foreign impurities is supplied into the air.
  6. The units operate very quietly.

Disadvantages of ultrasonic devices:

The main disadvantage is the need to fill in water purified from impurities. If the humidifier is filled with ordinary tap water, then all the salts contained in the tap water will be in the air along with the steam. They will ensure the appearance of a white coating on household items.

Cleaning the Ultrasonic Humidifier
To combat whitish deposits, only purified water is poured into the device or filters are used to reduce water hardness. The period of operation of the cleaning cartridge depends on the degree of contamination and water hardness

The disadvantages of an ultrasonic device are compensated by high performance, long service life, and the creation of comfortable living conditions.

Steam humidifiers

Evaporation of water in a steam humidifier occurs due to boiling water. The liquid is heated by an electric current passing through the water between two electrodes. Steam rises from the water boiling in the evaporation chamber and exits through the outlet hole.

Steam household air humidifying device
To control the humidification process, steam humidifiers are equipped with sensors (hygrostats) that turn off the device when the desired humidity level is reached.

The power of steam appliances is much higher than that of cold appliances, ranging from 350 to 600 W. Throughput in the range of 6 - 15 liters/day. Due to the high intensity of steam generation, the humidity level can easily go beyond comfortable limits.

Advantages of steam gadgets

The main advantage is the sterile steam coming out of the device. All infectious elements die at the boiling temperature of water.

The steam entering the air has a temperature of about 55O C tends to be evenly distributed in a space with a lower temperature. In terms of speed of coverage of the entire room, it is ahead of other models.

Scheme of operation of a steam humidifier
A steam humidifier can be used as an inhaler. It is enough to place the device next to you and breathe slightly cooled moist air, which has a healing effect on diseased bronchi. Couples with supplements of medicinal drugs will help enhance the healing effect

The devices do not take up much space; it is better to place them away from materials that can be damaged by hot steam.

Disadvantages of steam devices and their elimination

Negative qualities:

  • hot steam, which can burn if handled carelessly, the device must be installed in places inaccessible to small children;
  • no variety in models;
  • more expensive than ultrasonic devices;
  • When filled with hard water, scale deposits on the heating parts, which must be removed from time to time.

The problem of scale formation can be solved by using distilled or purified water and installing anti-lime discs.

Traditional (cold) humidifiers

In cold appliances, a fan drives air flow through the humidification cartridge. At the same time, the air temperature decreases due to heat transfer to water and its humidity increases.

With natural evaporation of water, air humidity will increase only to a certain limit set by the existing temperature. Replacement filters are designed for 2-3 months of operation.

The humidification rate in cold installations can be increased by placing them near heat sources. The efficiency of such humidifiers depends on the humidity level of the air entering the device. The higher the air humidity, the less water will evaporate from the device cartridge. There is a natural regulation of the amount of moisture in the air of the room and maintaining it at a constant comfortable level.

The advantage of this device is the natural method of evaporation.

Disadvantages of a traditional humidifier:

  • low productivity, its effectiveness is close to traditional methods of increasing humidity;
  • the humidifying filter has a short operating life, it quickly becomes clogged with lime impurities, and is quite expensive;
  • small selection, lack of variety of models.

The productivity of this type of humidifier is from 3 to 8 dm3 water in 24 hours. The declared power is 10 - 50 W. Air humidification can be accompanied by ionization and purification.

Air washers - multifunctional devices

A modification of the classic humidifier is air washing. It does not have a replaceable cartridge. Water is used as a filter element, into which rotating multi-disc drums are half immersed.The built-in fan circulates air over the disks and evaporates water from them, thereby humidifying the air in the room.

Complete air treatment device
NanoProtect Philips air washer with innovative NanoCloud technology works on the basis of cold evaporation. Dry air is purified, saturated with water molecules and supplied to the room, evenly distributed throughout the volume without the formation of steam. Guarantees the absence of pathogenic microorganisms and salt components in the air

Positive points humidifiers-purifiers:

  • lack of replacement parts;
  • use of water of any quality;
  • water impurities remain on the device parts and do not enter the indoor air;
  • cleaning the air from dust and dirt when passing through water;
  • natural version of water evaporation, system autonomy;
  • simplicity of the device, reliability of the design.

Negative aspects: high cost, much more expensive than other humidifiers. The price is due to the complex design of the device. The sink differs in volumetric dimensions; performance depends on the size of the moisturizing disc drums.

Refilling the air washer with distilled water
Washing maintenance consists of monitoring the water level and cleaning the tray and discs at least once a month

When buying a humidifier, you need to evaluate the noise level when the device is turned on. For different devices it ranges from 5 to 70 dB. A remote control function or the presence of a timer that sets the operating time of the device will not hurt.

Purpose of an air humidifier in an apartment

Summarizing the above, we can answer the question: why do you need an air humidifier at home?

A good device should:

  • create and maintain the most favorable humidity;
  • improve people's well-being and vitality;
  • provide moisture to the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, thereby protecting the body from the penetration of infections and harmful impurities;
  • help the skin remain elastic and soft;
  • promote proper rest, ensure smooth, free breathing at night;
  • relieve the unpleasant sensations of people who react to the presence of house dust in the air;
  • help in creating a microclimate for the full growth and flowering of indoor plants;
  • clean the air from dust and harmful impurities;
  • eliminate unpleasant odors;

It is also desirable that the device can eliminate conditions for the emergence of pathogenic factors and take care of comfortable air for pets.

General disadvantages and individual disadvantages

For objective conclusions regarding the importance and necessity of humidifiers, below is a list of their general and specific disadvantages:

  • the presence of an element of danger, like any electrical device, especially for small children;
  • steam humidifiers are dangerous due to the release of hot steam; families with small children should not purchase them;
  • require regular maintenance, cleaning and rinsing of containers;
  • operating efficiency is designed for a completely enclosed space; if humidification is combined with ventilation, humidity accumulates more slowly than indicated in the instructions;
  • the accumulated result is quickly lost if the door or window is opened slightly;
  • hot steam heats the air in the room, a specific smell may appear;
  • When operating at full power, the devices are quite noisy, but in sleep mode they are not efficient enough;
  • many models require replaceable cartridges and filters, they are not exactly cheap;
  • the need to additionally purchase measuring instruments to monitor humidity standards;
  • the need to buy distilled water or purify tap water.

Excess moisture is just as harmful as dry air. The apartment may smell damp and develop mold.

A humidifier is a device that you should not skimp on. It’s better to invest a large amount once and provide yourself with comfort for many years than to save and buy a new device in a couple of years.

Paths of distribution of humidified clean air
Manufacturers of climate control equipment produce multi-profile devices that combine the functions of air humidification, air purification, ionization, and aromatization.

Arguments for and against installing moisture generators

Opponents of humidifiers often say that their operation becomes stuffy. Indeed, if the apartment is hot, and humidity is added, a tropical effect occurs. Humid heat is much worse tolerated than dry heat. You can avoid stuffiness when the standard humidity is reached by maintaining the temperature in the house within 20-23 degrees and ventilating the room.

Another argument against a humidifier: humidity is an ideal condition for the growth of bacteria and germs, especially at elevated temperatures. If the devices do not have sensors and indicators of humidity levels, the corresponding indicators must be constantly monitored. To control, you need to have a hygrometer and turn off the humidifier when the desired result is achieved.

High temperatures (more than 23 degrees) in the room can be reduced by covering heating devices with protective screens and ventilating the room.

Option for fresh air supply
It is not recommended to ventilate simultaneously using an open door and window while the appliance is running. It is better to do this using a window. Having refreshed the air, close the window and continue humidifying the air.

Lack of control over the operation of moisturizing gadgets can lead to negative consequences:

  • creation of a “tropical climate”;
  • proliferation of pathogenic microbes;
  • the appearance of mold colonies;
  • damage to furniture and other items made of natural and artificial materials;
  • diseases of indoor plants;
  • poor health of apartment residents.

You should not turn on the humidifier for the whole day without a break. Before starting work, open the window slightly for 20 minutes to allow fresh air into the room.

Check the relative humidity before switching on. Control a comfortable room temperature of 20 - 23 degrees with a humidity of 50 - 60%.

Hydrating house plants
By growing plants on a windowsill, you can not only get a harvest, but also increase the air humidity in the room. This requires regular watering and irrigation of greenery.

In the absence of a humidifier, the dry air in the room can be humidified using traditional methods: spray water from a container with a fine spray nozzle. Regularly ventilate the room, place wet towels on heating radiators, decorate the room with an aquarium or decorative fountain.

These methods are attractive because they are free. But their productivity is very low.

On rainy, foggy, cloudy days, or with wet snow, the humidifier can rest; the required humidity can be easily obtained by ventilating the room.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The video justifies the need to install humidifiers. An overview of all types of installations is given, including automated systems. The advantages and disadvantages of humidifying devices of different models and modifications are noted:

The benefits of humidifiers are obvious and indisputable, but their operation is possible subject to certain rules, mandatory study and strict adherence to the instructions for the device. If you feel unwell, have diseases such as asthma, allergies, or have small children in the apartment, buying a humidifier is not just a whim or whim, but a vital necessity.

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