Refrigerators "Don": reviews, review of the 5 best models, recommendations for selection

When the Don refrigerator first appeared on the Russian market, it immediately became a popular and necessary product.The domestic manufacturer was able to create a high-quality product that is worth the money. Today this brand is proof that Russian companies can produce decent equipment.

But which model should you prefer? Before answering this question, we suggest you understand the features of Don refrigeration equipment and find out what parameters influence the choice of unit. The review of the best models given in the article will help you navigate the variety of offers and buy a suitable unit.

Unique features of Don units

The company's marketers claim that their household appliances are manufactured using innovative technologies and the latest developments. At the same time, it complies with environmental safety standards and is quite energy efficient. In particular, these words are confirmed in practice.

Domestic refrigeration equipment
Domestic household appliances are attractive due to their affordable prices, as well as the ability to easily find spare parts and components for repairs if necessary.

The list of unique features of Tula technology should include:

  1. Use in the production of Austrian compressors. These kinds of components are not high-tech stuffing, but they can cope with their work for many years.
  2. Extensive color range. The surface of the devices is painted using high-quality compounds brought from abroad. A luxurious design can also be applied to the body.
  3. High quality components. In production, the company never uses low-grade Chinese raw materials. All fundamental components are ordered exclusively from market leaders. For example, these could be components, housing and electrical components from manufacturers such as BAYER, ACC or BASF.

Due to the fact that DON is a full-cycle enterprise, management has the opportunity to control every stage and monitor the quality of products.

Refrigerators DON
Domestic refrigeration equipment has fairly good starting characteristics. At the same time, it withstands strong voltage drops and shows a high coefficient of specific cooling productivity

To finally make a decision whether it is worth ordering or whether it is better to refuse to purchase Tula DON refrigeration units, let’s consider their advantages and disadvantages using the example of two-chamber models.

This approach will provide an opportunity to get the most complete picture of the equipment of this brand.

Among the many advantages, the following nuances deserve special attention:

  • each of the models under consideration meets all modern requirements;
  • possibility of carrying out home renovation without the need to call a specialist;
  • all main components, fasteners and housing are resistant to mechanical damage and are distinguished by their reliability;
  • just a huge selection of colors;
  • a price that will be acceptable to a buyer with any income level;
  • mechanical control that can last for decades;
  • the ability to cool food at a decent level or use the deep freezing function.

There is no ideal household appliance - DON units also have their downsides. First of all, some models are not as economical as stated by the manufacturer. In addition, the user is offered a rather limited number of functions.

Double door refrigerator Don
Household appliances Don stands out among its analogues for its spaciousness. Thanks to the simply huge number of drawers and shelves, you can conveniently place a huge number of products

What should you pay attention to when choosing?

An impressive range of refrigeration equipment will undoubtedly create a lot of problems for an unprepared buyer. After all, looking solely at the price and hoping to buy first-class equipment is not an entirely reasonable and correct decision.

Before going to a hardware store, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the list of technical parameters, the values ​​of which should be used as a guide when choosing a refrigerator.

General characteristics of the model

Below we will consider four cooling units, the freezing compartment of which is located in the lower part of the body. Today, this design solution is optimal and will not create problems during operation. Especially if the device will be used in an apartment or private house.

The outer covering of the device is metal-plastic.In this case, the top layer is applied using the sublimation method.

This production technology allows the unit to be operated in absolutely any conditions. Its body is reliably protected from chips, scratches and other all kinds of mechanical damage.

Defrosting the refrigerator
The housewife will not have to defrost the refrigerator every few months. The water is collected in a special container and evaporates during operation of the compressor. This technique facilitates the operation of the unit

Device control method

Modern technology has two types of control - electronic and mechanical. In the case of units from the Don manufacturer, only the second option is used.

This choice was made due to the fact that domestic companies have not yet learned how to produce truly reliable electronics that will serve faithfully for at least 5 years.

Mechanical control, in turn, makes it possible to produce truly indestructible refrigeration equipment. It is not subject to failures, and its service life is calculated in decades.

Electromechanical control type
Don brand refrigeration units are equipped with electromechanical control systems - simple, rarely fail to work, and therefore rarely require repair or replacement

Energy efficiency of TM DON units

The amount of electricity required to operate refrigeration equipment depends entirely on the characteristics of the environment. If you constantly open the door or if it’s summer outside, the energy consumption will be higher.

As for refrigerators of the Don brand, they are characterized by class A. But, as mentioned above, some models are electricity consumption can be classified as category B.

Refrigerator in the kitchen
In terms of energy efficiency, Tula units are quite economical. For the price they are a good choice for your home. In this case, the amount in receipts for payment of electricity will not be excessive.

Type of cooling and performance

Models differ from each other in the cooling method, which can be dynamic, without frost formation, or static.

Dynamic cooling. The first variety received the technical term No Frost. In this case, refrigeration units do not form condensation and snow build-up during their operation. Due to the use of a fan inside the chamber, the temperature is equal in all zones, so there is no condensation and no freezing results.

Equipment operating according to the “no frost” scheme does not require mandatory defrosting. It can be carried out once a year purely for hygienic purposes. True, the energy consumption of such equipment is somewhat higher, since the fan is involved, but the shelf life of the products increases significantly.

Operating principle of a drip refrigerator
In refrigerators with a static cooling circuit, the condensate that settles on the evaporator flows in drops into the outlet channel

Static cooling option used in absolutely all models of devices manufactured by DON. The peculiarity of such a system is that the temperature differs in different zones of the unit. After all, air movement is not stimulated by a fan.

Due to the difference in temperature, condensation forms and settles on the walls of the device. From the walls, this moisture flows in drops from the evaporator into the condensate receiver along the rear wall, where it evaporates. That’s why the static freezing method is also called drip freezing.

In drip refrigeration units, an ice cap periodically builds up in the freezer, which should force defrost. However, due to the low cost of the device and economical energy consumption, Tula developers still prefer the drip version.

The freezer compartment of domestic refrigerators is well organized. Its interior space is divided by convenient shelves and drawers. Therefore, the housewife can always put away or, on the contrary, get the products she needs

Despite the use of a relatively outdated cooling scheme, the Tula manufacturer has many achievements.

For example, worldwide famous Indesit refrigeratorsAs a rule, they can freeze no more than 4 kg of food per day. Don brand devices manage to achieve a productivity of 7 kg, which is more than enough for domestic use.

Compressor brand and refrigerant type

Compressors manufactured in Austria are responsible for the operation of the devices. Isobutane is used as a refrigerant. This combination makes it possible to achieve an impressive coefficient of specific cooling productivity. In addition, the service life of the equipment is significantly increased.

But Austrian components are quite noisy. On average, their volume is about 45 dB. Accordingly, if this parameter is important for the buyer, then it is better to give preference to units from another company.

Compressor for Tula refrigerators
Secop brand compressors are used in domestic and industrial domestic refrigeration units, adapted to traditional power surges, and work with refrigerants used in Russia (+)

List of additional features

As a rule, the functionality of refrigeration equipment from the Don company includes only a few basic and most necessary modes.Only some of the most expensive models can offer the user unique options or useful properties.

Most often, Tula refrigerators are equipped with:

  1. Antibacterial coating. Thanks to this, the growth and reproduction of harmful microorganisms will be stopped.
  2. Possibility of reversing the door. This design feature allows you to install the unit in any convenient location in an apartment or private house. Detailed instructions for reversing the door are presented in this article.
  3. Temperature control. To create an optimal microclimate inside the device, there is a special lever.
  4. Durable steel shelves. This significantly increases the service life of the device. In addition, some models allow you to rearrange the shelves as the owner wants.

All models come with some useful accessories built into them. For example, many users respond positively to the oiler and the presence of a compartment for storing eggs.

Storing foods with strong odors
Certain Don brand refrigerators are equipped with a special container where you can put products that have an unpleasant or pungent odor. Now you don’t have to worry about the aroma spreading to other dishes.

The secret to the success of DON refrigeration technology

If the buyer has a limited budget, the choice must be approached even more responsibly in order to select the most reliable, but at the same time inexpensive unit.

If you need refrigeration equipment with the best price-quality ratio, then devices from DON are the best choice.

The manufacturer's model range is represented by products whose height varies from 0.9 to 2.2 m. In addition, the freezer compartment can be located both in the upper part and in the lower part.Thanks to these features, you can choose appliances for any size kitchen.

Refrigerator made in Tula
Refrigeration equipment with the Don logo is represented by a fairly extensive line, making it not at all difficult to choose a device that is suitable for price, design, functionality and size

Review of the best refrigerator models

Finding a device that would satisfy all the wishes and requirements of the buyer is not easy. Especially if the family budget is limited. At the same time, many consultants only advise a solution that is beneficial for the store, which is why you have to rely only on yourself.

In such situations, it would be a good idea to first familiarize yourself with the best models offered on the market.

Internal arrangement of Don refrigerators
Before purchasing a unit, you should familiarize yourself with its functionality and organization of internal space.

Model #1 - two-chamber standard with DON R 295

For those who need a classic white refrigerator with a freezer located at the bottom, the DON R 295 is ideal. It has won customer recognition due to its practicality and ergonomics of the interior space.

The cooling compartment is divided into several parts using tempered glass shelves and two vegetable drawers. There are 5 trays in the door. If necessary, the shelves can be rearranged, which allows you to use the volume of the device in the most efficient way.

When purchasing a model, the user gets the opportunity to set the temperature from 0 to +10 degrees Celsius. However, the unit is different decent package and first-class LED lighting.

Among the many distinctive features of the DON R 295 refrigeration unit, the following are particularly noteworthy:

  • quite large capacity;
  • reasonable price for any buyer;
  • ease of use;
  • ergonomics of the internal space of the compartments;
  • set includes an oiler, a pair of egg cups and a bottle holder;
  • performance of the cooling and freezing compartments;
  • ease of maintenance.

The model has practically no downsides. The only inconveniences are the noise, as well as a rather modest set of functions and operating modes. But all this is completely offset by the low cost.

Model #2 - compact DON R 291 B

If you have low ceilings in a private house or apartment, then when choosing a refrigerator you should pay attention to DON R 291 B. This two-chamber model with bottom freezer It has a small internal volume, which is due to its dimensions.

Each of the two compartments is thought out to the smallest detail. For laying out food and dishes, the user is offered 4 door trays and the same number of shelves. There is also an area where you can place vegetables and fruits. The freezer compartment, in turn, consists of three plastic drawers.

As for functionality, the model is equipped deep freeze mode. The control is mechanical, which increases the maintenance-free service life significantly. The device also shows pretty good performance and is distinguished by decent quality of all its components.

If we structure all the positive aspects of DON R 291 B, we can highlight the following advantages:

  • “delicious” price;
  • perfectly organized refrigerator and freezer compartments;
  • classic design that will fit into the interior of any kitchen;
  • acceptable technical characteristics;
  • mechanical control that will not require repair even after 10 years of operation.

The disadvantages of the model are the noise of the compressor and the presence of certain assembly flaws. Some of them have to be completed independently before turning on and using the unit for its intended purpose.

Model #3 - ergonomics + spaciousness in DON R 297

Many buyers spoke positively about this model. DON R 297 is a refrigerator equipped with two chambers. In this case, the freezer compartment is located at the bottom of the case.

Low cost did not in any way affect the quality of the device. The case is made of high-quality steel, which guarantees long-term and trouble-free operation.

The cooling compartment is overflowing with shelves. One of them can be removed with peace of mind and practicality will not suffer from this. In general, the compartment is well organized and problems with placing products are unlikely to arise.

The freezer is divided into four parts using drawers made of transparent and thick plastic. Its performance is more than enough for home use. Besides deep freeze is not something supernatural for DON R 297.

The advantages of the above model include the following factors:

  • quiet operation of the compressor;
  • excellent technical characteristics;
  • impressive capacity of both compartments;
  • reasonable price for any buyer;
  • mechanical control;
  • a well-thought-out design, thanks to which you will rarely have to defrost the refrigerator.

There is only one drawback - it is a minimal set of functions. But this “feature” is found in the vast majority of cooling equipment in this price segment.

Model #4 - solid usable volume in DON R 299 B

The DON R 299 B unit has two chambers - cooling and freezing. In this case, the last compartment is divided into four parts using spacious drawers.

The dimensions of this refrigerator deserve due attention. Its height is about 2.15 m, depth and width are 61 and 58 cm, respectively. These dimensions make this model an excellent device that boasts impressive capacity - 399 l.

The interior space is thought out to the smallest detail. Every square centimeter is put to good use, making the model even more practical.

To store food in the cooling compartment there are 5 shelves and a pair of spacious containers for fruits and vegetables. The shelves are made of tempered glass and can withstand impressive weight.

Speaking about the advantages of DON R 299B, the following should be especially highlighted:

  • the ability to rearrange the shelves in height;
  • the presence of 5 solid balconies in the door;
  • high energy efficiency;
  • impressive capacity;
  • performance of the freezer compartment - fast and high-quality freezing is no longer something supernatural;
  • use in the production process of reliable materials that have been proven over the years;
  • electromechanical control type.

But even such an amazing refrigerator has a number of disadvantages. Among them, the need for manual defrosting of the refrigerator and freezer compartments, as well as the absence of any additional capabilities, in particular, a super-freezing mode, stands out.

Model #5 - the union of price and quality in DON R 216

A two-chamber refrigeration unit with a top-mounted freezer is only 141.5 cm high. At the same time, the usable space for placing food is 205 liters. The freezer is allocated only 50 liters.Relatively small model Excellent for cottages and small apartments.

The refrigerator is controlled using a simple and reliable electromechanical device. The model can freeze up to 3 kg of meat per day. The minimum temperature set in the freezer is 18ºC.

In terms of energy saving parameters, the unit is assigned class A, which is not bad for drip technology. Defrosting the freezer and refrigerator compartment will have to be done manually.

Advice for buyers of DON equipment

In terms of their technical characteristics, all previously presented models are almost identical. But if you need to choose the most inexpensive, but most efficient refrigerator, then the optimal solution would be DON R 291.

Refrigerator DON R 295
Also a good choice is a unit marked DON R 295. It has an impressive usable internal volume. However, it does not have any obvious disadvantages. Therefore, there is no reason not to buy it

For those who need maximum usable volume, it is better to give preference to DON R 299 refrigeration equipment. It has proven itself well on the market and is quite productive.

But when buying such a device, you need to take into account that it offers limited functionality. Therefore, if the number of modes and gadgets plays a significant role, then it is better to give preference to devices from other manufacturers.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Tips for choosing cooling equipment:

Refrigerators from the Don company are a striking example of high-quality equipment. Yes, they do not have impressive functionality.But such units will faithfully serve their owner for decades and adequately perform their main function - creating optimal conditions for storing food.

Do you have experience using domestic Don refrigerators? Tell readers about the features of operation and maintenance of such devices, share your general impression of the operation of the equipment. Leave comments, ask questions, add product reviews and tips for buyers - the contact form is located below.

Visitor comments
  1. Semyon

    "Don" is a normal refrigerator at an adequate price. There are not many functions, but the main thing is that it freezes well. I have come across opinions that these refrigerators are made of poor quality, shelves and doors break, the rubber on the door breaks, etc., but I have had the Don model R291 for more than 2 years and have not had any problems. Either I’m just that lucky, or people use their refrigerators carelessly.

  2. Michael

    I have had a Don refrigerator at home for two years now, it works properly, there are no problems with it. When my wife and I were choosing, she looked at the color, I at the functionality. We chose a two-chamber one (I just don’t remember the model now), with a bottom freezer. An ordinary working refrigerator does its job perfectly. The downside is that it makes a little noise when it works, and it needs to be defrosted once every couple of months. But this is all nothing compared to the fact that it is inexpensive and serves exactly what it was released for - it cools food.

  3. Anna

    Are there small refrigerators in the Donov line? Even if they are single-chamber, but with a freezer. We want to take something inexpensive and compact to the dacha.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello.Yes, for example, single-chamber ones - DON R-405 with a freezer or DON R-407 without a freezer. The volume of both models is 148 liters, DON R-50 B without freezer is 50 liters, DON R-70 B is 70 liters without freezer. There are also 2-chamber models with a capacity of 91 liters.

  4. Natalia

    Are there any models with a no-frost system in the freezer?

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. These are refrigerators of the TOTAL NO FROST R-... B series with a bottom freezer. They are already archival, but can still be found in stores. Also Side-by-Side and Multi-Door. Here link to official websiteto guide you in choosing the appropriate model.

      • Tatiana

        Hello! Tell me, are the dynamic cooling system and know frost different methods?

  5. Yura

    The refrigerator is not even a year old and has broken down 3 times

  6. Svetlana

    DON 297 mahogany. Purchased in 2018, the main drawback is the very fragile plastic of the balconies on the door. This is not my first refrigerator in my life, but I have never had balconies break, and here already twice. I was able to buy it only by contacting the factory directly with delivery by Russian Post. Now I try not to put bottles on these balconies, especially glass ones.

  7. Artem

    Good afternoon.
    Please advise on the internal volume of the DON R-407 refrigerator: I am interested in the internal dimensions, the presence of a narrowing in the lower part for the compressor, if it exists, then its dimensions.
    Thank you in advance.

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