Bosch refrigerators: reviews, selection of TOP models + selection tips

Functionality, reliability, visual appeal and impeccable build quality are the items that distinguish the Bosch refrigerator from the extensive range of household cooling equipment on the market.

True, the price sometimes makes the buyer bite his lip in annoyance. But those who have already acquired a unit from a German company do not regret it one bit and claim that the costs are 100% justified. What is remarkable about Bosch appliances, what are the design and functional features of refrigerators of this brand?

You will find answers to the above questions in our article. In addition, we have prepared a list of the best models, told what users think about the equipment, and also provided practical recommendations for choosing a suitable refrigerator. The information presented will help you decide on the advisability of purchasing a unit from Bosch.

Bosch production standards

Since its inception, Bosch has adhered to the highest production standards. All factories of the brand, including the St. Petersburg branch, have undergone the certification procedure and received a document of compliance with standards from the authoritative and respected Union of German Electrical Engineers in Europe.

Freon, which destroys the ozone layer and has a negative impact on the environment, is not used as a coolant at Bosch enterprises.

Almost no models use FKW substances that provoke the “greenhouse” effect.

Company logo at the entrance to the headquarters
The headquarters of the concern is located in Gerlingen, Germany. At the entrance to the territory there is a logo recognizable in the world - a schematic engine enclosed in a circle. This design has symbolized the quality and reliability of Bosch products for over 100 years.

R600 refrigerant is used as the working fluid circulating in the cooling circuits. It is an environmentally friendly element, decomposes almost instantly in air and almost does not burn.

VDE marking on Bosch refrigerators
All the company’s refrigerators are marked with the VDE mark, which means full compliance of the products with European directives on standards adopted for electrical equipment

Robert Bosch once said that he would rather lose all his money than lose the trust of his partners and clients. It was this postulate that became the main foundation on which all the achievements of the concern were built.

Bosch factories have always produced only high-quality, technologically functional products that meet the requirements of the time and the wishes of customers.

Each person purchasing a unit from a German brand received a progressive, reliable and attractive device that copes with its duties perfectly.

Colored Bosch refrigerators
Aesthetics, sophisticated design and elegance distinguish Bosch refrigeration appliances from similar products from competing brands

Distinctive features of the units

When creating products, the concern primarily pays attention to such parameters as energy efficiency, innovative progressiveness, impeccable casting and assembly quality, operational comfort, visual appeal and environmental safety.

Reliability of Bosch refrigeration machines
An impressive design is not the main quality characteristic of a refrigerator. Its main task is to preserve food and semi-finished products in a high-quality manner, which Bosch units do “excellently.” In addition, they serve flawlessly beyond the years promised by the manufacturer.

Refrigerators are manufactured in Germany, Russia, Greece, Turkey and Korea. All factories are equipped with modern automatic equipment, and the process is under the control of German engineers. This makes it possible to ensure the same high quality of products regardless of the manufacturer.

Energy efficiency classes of equipment

Statistics say that a typical household refrigerator consumes approximately 25% of all electricity used in a household. That is why the cost-effectiveness of this device is of key importance.

Bosch refrigerator in the interior
Many two-chamber units equipped with the No Frost system are included in the line of economical “A++” models. It is possible to reduce energy consumption by equipping it with one working compressor rather than two

The Bosch company pays great attention to this issue and mainly produces devices with energy consumption classes “A” and “A+”.

Some more advanced refrigerators are marked with the abbreviation “A++”. This means that they consumed by electricians 20% less than A-class units.

Refrigerator energy efficiency class
The range of refrigerators proposed by the concern includes models marked according to energy efficiency criteria with the signs A, A+ and A++.This is an indicator of the lowest energy consumption when generating 1 kW/h (+)

Design features of the equipment

All Bosch products have optimal wall thickness and improved thermal insulation. This allows for more efficient use of internal space and economical consumption of electricity.

Most models are available with two doors. The only exceptions are single-chamber free-standing or built-in units without a freezer. They are equipped with one tightly closing door, available for hanging on both the right and left sides.

Bosch three-door refrigerator
In addition to the standard one- and two-chamber options, the range of Bosch refrigerators presented to consumers includes three-door units with a pull-out compartment, as well as side-by-side models

An excellent option for those who like to cool off is the box, which allows you to get crystal clear water at a low temperature or a portion of ice cubes for a cocktail without opening the door of the refrigerator.

Refrigerator model with ice maker
Two- and three-door refrigeration machines from Bosch, equipped with ice makers, are premium products, but they work many times better than mid-priced South Korean competitors from LG, Daewoo, Samsung

Nuances of arranging a freezer

The freezer in single-chamber Bosch brand refrigerators is located at the top, in two-chamber models it is located at the bottom, and in products like Side-by-Side - From the left side.

Low Frost system in a Bosch refrigerator
Despite the presence of the Low Frost system, the freezer will still have to be defrosted manually from time to time, but not for the purpose of getting rid of frost and ice, but only for the sake of ordinary hygienic cleaning

The concern offers units with three different cooling systems, the specifics of which determine the operating rules and defrosting features.

Available options:

  • Low Frost. Refrigerators of this category are equipped with specific evaporators that reduce the difference in temperature backgrounds in adjacent chambers to a minimum. There is no need to defrost them. In addition, an optimal level of humidity is maintained inside the compartments, which improves the quality of the refrigerated products.
  • NoFrost. The equipment is equipped with fans that create a uniformly circulating air flow. Due to the uniform movement of the air mass within the chamber, moisture does not accumulate. Such refrigeration units do not require defrosting.
  • Direct cool. The so-called drip option. Due to the use of “crying” evaporators in the design, such refrigeration machines require periodic maintenance - perform defrosting the refrigerator should be done at least once every six months.

According to the technological requirements of the Low Frost system, the evaporator is mounted over the entire area of ​​the freezer behind the inner walls.

Cooling of products is carried out more evenly, natural humidity is preserved and the “fur coat” inside the chamber does not grow.

Refrigerator with No Frost function
A refrigerator with the No Frost function does not require regular manual defrosting. This process happens automatically. However, the energy consumption with this feature is slightly higher, which buyers should definitely keep in mind

The NoFrost option guarantees non-freezing of the walls in the chambers, timely defrosting in automatic mode and complete cooling of the products. This occurs due to forced circulating air flows, which are dispersed inside by a special fan.

Having reached the evaporator, the cold air partially loses its moisture. Turning into condensation, it settles on the walls in the form of frost.

The heating element of the evaporator is activated, causing the frost to melt and flow into the pan, from where evaporation occurs. Ice and snow “coats” do not form, and products are stored longer and do not lose their natural qualities.

Innovative cooling system
Due to the use of innovative cooling and ventilation systems for the internal space, frost and snow build-up do not form in refrigerators, and the shelf life of products placed in the equipment is significantly increased

Specifics of the internal space

For better and longer-lasting storage of products, Bosch applies a special coating to the walls and inner surface of the doors of its units. antibacterial coating, containing silver ions.

This innovation prevents harmful bacteria, fungi and other irritants from settling inside refrigerated compartments, prevents microorganisms from spreading and reduces the possibility of formation unpleasant odor.

The coating has an advanced formula. It destroys the outer shell of the bacterial cell, blocks vital activity and prevents possible reproduction at the DNA level. Products and dishes remain fresh for a long period of time and do not lose their external qualities and taste characteristics.

Bosch refrigerator shelf for bottles
The bottle shelf is made of anodized metal, does not rust or sag even when storing liquids in glass containers

Containers and boxes are made of environmentally friendly plastic, remain transparent for a long time, and are resistant to mechanical damage.

Removable shelves make it possible to optimize the internal space for yourself and evenly distribute the load throughout the chamber, taking into account personal needs.

Super Cool Mode allows you to quickly reduce the temperature in the cooling chamber to approximately 2 °C. Activated by pressing one key. Relevant for processing large quantities of fresh products. 6 hours after switching on, it returns to normal temperature automatically.

Super Freeze Option helps to freeze a large amount of food in the shortest possible time, without allowing the temperature in the freezer compartment to rise. It is advisable to enable this function 24 hours before loading a large batch of fish, meat, etc.

Bosch refrigerator interior
The internal space of the refrigeration and freezer chambers of Bosch units is clearly organized, for all products the location with the most favorable area for their storage has been thought out

Turbo cooling is provided by an internal fan. It begins to work simultaneously with the connection of the compressor, promotes intense heat exchange and forces air to circulate throughout the refrigeration space.

As a result, the cooling process is accelerated, the temperature is distributed more evenly, the load on the compressor is noticeably reduced and energy is saved.

Products in the Bosch refrigerator
Bosch units provide the possibility of individual independent adjustment of temperature and humidity. This allows you to choose the most comfortable storage conditions for different types of products.

Availability "Vacation" positions allows you to set the operating temperature of +15 °C in the refrigerator for a certain time, thus reducing to a minimum the level of energy consumption for the period when the owners go on vacation or a business trip and do not use the unit in full mode.

Zone VitaFresh provides the possibility of storing meat and sausage products, dairy products, cheese, fish and seafood at 50% humidity. For herbs, salads, vegetables and fruits there is a compartment that maintains 95% humidity. Under these conditions, the contents of the refrigerator remain fresh, nutritious and juicy three times longer.

Products in the VitaFresh zone
When placed in the VitaFresh zone, fish, meat, vegetables, fruits and other products do not lose their vitamin content and retain their natural shape and color for a long time

The presence of the VitaFresh compartment allows you to purchase products less often and in larger quantities, while saving money and time on trips to the store.

Controls and sounds

The refrigeration equipment of the German concern Bosch provides four control options:

  • mechanical;
  • electromechanical;
  • electronic;
  • sensory.

Using plastic turn signals, buttons and sensors, you can set the desired temperature mode and control other parameters.

Bosch refrigerator control panel
Depending on the model and its cost, Bosch refrigerators are equipped with push-button or touch control panels located above the door or directly mounted in the door

The digital or electronic panel displays operating parameters and errors that occur during operation.

Products from the latest lines are equipped with an audible alarm, which turns on when the door is open or not tightly closed for a long time.

Review of popular models

It is wiser to get acquainted with the technical features of refrigeration equipment from the Bosch concern using examples of popular models, the quality indicators and reliability of which have been tested by consumers in practice.

Model #1 - Bosch KSV36VL21R

Single-chamber unit without freezer. Controlled by an electronic system, defrosts automatically by drip.

Additional features include super cooling And temperature display, showing the cooling temperature.

The main advantage of this refrigerator is its small width with a large capacity of 346 liters. This refrigerator with dimensions of 60x65x180 cm can be placed even in a small kitchen or studio apartment.

Model #2 - Bosch KGE49AI31

Two-chamber unit, in great demand. Despite the presence of a spacious freezer, it consumes only 255 kWh per year.

Defrosting of both the freezer compartment and the refrigerator compartment is carried out manually, because cooling is carried out using a drip system.

The KGE49AI31 unit is capable of freezing up to 15 kg of food per day. Autonomously retains cold for up to 44 hours. Ideal for regions where electricity supply is intermittent.

Model #3 - Bosch KGN39NL14R

Model features compact parameters (60x65x200 cm) and can be easily placed in a narrow niche. The freezer compartment is located at the bottom and in autonomous mode maintains the level of high-quality freezing for up to 15 hours. Annual energy consumption does not exceed 383 kWh/year.

This model has a system No Frost, light and sound indication, notifying the user about a change in temperature and an open door.

Model #4 - Bosch KAD90VB20

Premium technology, which satisfies the highest level of requirements for high-quality freezing and cooling. Freezing and cooling compartments are located vertically on the sides - system Side by Side.

The dimensions of the refrigerator are 91x72x177 cm, the total volume is 533 liters, where 163 liters are allocated for the freezer compartment and 370 liters for the refrigerator compartment.

Water and ice supply is carried out on the external panel and does not require opening the door. Outside there is a digital information display.

The interior shelves of this refrigerator are made of high-strength tempered glass and are equipped with stoppers to prevent food from sliding off. The doors are equipped with elegant but practical elongated vertical handles. Additional features include super cooling, superfreeze, temperature display.

Customer reviews and impressions

The bulk of reviews about Bosch refrigeration units are divided into openly enthusiastic and restrainedly positive.

Customers note the following advantages of materials and components:

  • high and almost flawless build quality;
  • excellent casting of plastic parts without burrs, flaws or irregularities;
  • excellent external coating, non-staining, which greatly facilitates washing the refrigerator.

A very pleasant impression is caused by the spaciousness of the unit and the ability to optimize the internal space by rearranging shelves, containers and bottle department for personal needs.

The refrigerator easily withstands the test of the holidays, when it is necessary to qualitatively preserve a record large number of different products and dishes.

Bosch refrigerator with food
Some users emphasize that the Bosch refrigerator becomes much darker when the top shelf is entirely filled with food. It’s unlikely that this should be called a serious disadvantage, rather a shortcoming that can be reconciled with for the sake of other advantages

Owners of two-chamber appliances note that independent operation of the freezer and refrigeration compartments is ensured by individual compressors.

Despite their high power, the sound effect from functioning in active mode does not create problems even in a small-sized city apartment, and in a large house or modern cottage it remains almost unnoticeable.

Bosch refrigerator with overhead handles
The overhead handles on Bosch refrigerators seem fragile only at first glance. They are very securely attached to the doors and can easily withstand intense loads throughout their entire service life.

The freezer is located at the bottom and is equipped with three drawers made of environmentally friendly, high-strength plastic. The first of them is medium in size and has good capacity.

The dimensions of the second box are much larger in height, and the third is the smallest, but extends almost completely forward.

The door conveniently opens 180 degrees. This allows you to comfortably use the drawers and easily get the necessary products from there. The legs in all models are height adjustable. Thanks to this option, setting up the unit as conveniently as possible is easy.

The doors can be hung on both the right and left sides, depending on how convenient it is for a particular buyer. Detailed instructions for rearranging the refrigerator door are given in this article.

Box for fruits and vegetables
The box for fruits and vegetables is made of durable plastic. Additionally equipped with telescopic skids, thanks to which it can be easily extended and retracted even when fully loaded

Another undeniable advantage noted by customers is a 2-year warranty for any Bosch brand refrigerator. If during this period of operation a manufacturing defect of any level is discovered, the equipment will be exchanged for a new one or repaired free of charge at a service center.

The network of branded repair departments is extensive.Branches are scattered all over the world. In Russia they can be found in large and medium-sized cities of all federal districts. But, according to customer reviews, breakdowns are extremely rare and refrigerators, if the operating rules are followed, reliably serve for at least 10 years.

Useful tips for choosing

Bosch appliances are reliable and durable. By purchasing a refrigerator from this company, you can be sure that it will perform its service life efficiently and fully ensure the safety of food and prepared dishes.

Colored Bosch refrigerators
The model range includes units that are very different in size, functions and appearance, among which there are simple budget devices, spacious middle-class products and luxury units with an expanded range of useful options and touch controls

When choosing, you need to clearly determine how much inventory you plan to store, what options are absolutely necessary, and what you can safely sacrifice to save money.

If you don't host regular parties and rarely use the ice container, you shouldn't overpay for it.

Pouring water into the ice maker
It is recommended to use only filtered water in the ice maker. Only then will the ice be very transparent and free of foreign tastes, impurities and odors

If you are ready to manually defrost the device once every six months, then it makes sense to choose Low Frost and not spend money on a more expensive model equipped with the No Frost option.

For residents of small-sized apartments, where free space is worth its weight in gold, it is advisable to opt for a small unit that is built into the kitchen unit.

When you want to acquire not only a functional, but also a luxurious image device, then you should purchase a module Side-by-Side, equipped with a touch screen and a drinking water supply located on the external panel.

Such a unit will fit into the sophisticated design of the kitchen or dining room and will make the right impression on friends who come to visit or to a party.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

How to choose and purchase a Bosch refrigeration unit. Practical tips on what you need to pay attention to:

Purchasing a refrigerator from the Bosch concern is a reasonable decision for customers who want to combine reliability, capacity and durability with extensive functionality, operational comfort and visual appeal..

Of course, you will have to pay a little more than for other brands. But German quality is worth spending money on and getting a progressive and beautiful unit.

Which refrigerator did you choose for your home? Please tell us why you chose a particular model, and whether you are satisfied with the performance of the purchased equipment. Add reviews, comments and ask questions - the contact form is below.

Visitor comments
  1. Anastasia

    Bosch is a proven brand that cares not only about profits, but also about the environment. Which speaks volumes about their integrity. The only thing is that not everyone can afford such refrigerators. And an ordinary average family, with average or even modest incomes, will most likely buy something simpler. Up to 20 - 25 thousand and, most likely, she will be no less satisfied than having a refrigerator for 80 thousand rubles. After all, the main thing is not what kind of refrigerator, but that there is food in it!

  2. Svetlana

    I spent a long time choosing a refrigerator for my mother’s dacha, and I had my eye on indesit.The refrigerator is controlled electromechanically - it is very convenient for my mother and there is a display, and most importantly it is spacious.

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