How to clean a refrigerator: a review of the best care and cleaning products

Are you trying to figure out how and what to clean your refrigerator with in order to get rid of old stains and a specific smell? But to wash kitchen appliances you need special household chemicals without aggressive chemicals - the walls and shelves of the unit come into contact with food, right?

What's better - using "grandmother's" methods or buying detergents at the store? We will help you understand the issue of caring for your refrigerator - in this article we will analyze the rules for carrying out cleaning activities, consider the variety of folk methods, and also study the arsenal of purchased products.

Making a refrigerator cleaning schedule

Cleanliness is the key to health. This statement becomes an axiom when using household kitchen appliances. A clean refrigerator is the key to keeping food fresh and free from unpleasant odors.

To prevent the unit itself from causing food poisoning, it is necessary to monitor the condition of all compartments of the refrigerator and freezer.

In order not to risk the health of your household and not to neglect the condition of your kitchen assistant, experienced housewives recommend sticking to a simple cleaning schedule.

Features of daily care

Maintenance comes down to the timely removal of “fresh” drips and stains - removing dried stains is much more difficult.

It is advisable to wipe the refrigerator handle with a disinfecting cloth or treat it with an antibacterial spray after 1-2 days.

Cleaning the refrigerator
Do not underestimate minor contamination - pathogenic microorganisms and pathogenic fungi quickly develop, spread and infect stored products

Weekly task

Before the test purchase of products, an audit of the contents of the refrigerated cabinet should be carried out. You need to get rid of stale products and clean the shelves of traces of dirt.

General cleaning of the refrigerator

The frequency of cleaning depends on the frequency of use of the refrigerator, its load of food and the type of cooling system. The frequency of general cleaning of the refrigerator compartment is once every 3-4 months, the freezer is every six months.

Cleaning the refrigerator
In order not to spend half a day on cleaning, you can wash different parts on different days, for example: clean the vegetable boxes on Wednesday, clean the shelves on Friday, etc.

Traditional methods for removing contaminants

The internal walls of the unit come into contact with food and utensils, so when caring for the device it is better to avoid chemically aggressive preparations.

When thinking about how to wash and disinfect the refrigerator, do not forget about proven and safe folk remedies: baking soda; laundry soap; tooth powder; ammonia.

Remedy #1 - Baking Soda

Using baking soda as a household cleaner is nothing new.

Sodium bicarbonate will do an excellent job of removing many types of dirt, unpleasant odors, and will return the whiteness of the plastic elements of the refrigerator.

Cleaning with soda
Before you start cleaning, you need to prepare a slurry by mixing dry powder in warm water. Recommended proportion – 2 tbsp soda per 0.5 liter of liquid

The resulting solution should be applied to the stain, left for half an hour, and then lightly rub the contaminated area.

Remedy #2 - soap emulsion

A mixture prepared with laundry soap also has a similar effect as baking soda. Grate a small block and fill the shavings with warm water.

Shake the mixture, soak a rag in the solution and wipe the shelves. The soapy mixture is good for cleaning rubber seals. You can use cotton swabs to remove dirt from the folds.

Cleaning the refrigerator
At the end of cleaning, soap deposits must be washed off the surface. And then wipe the coating dry with gauze cloth.

Remedy #3 – toothpaste

Toothpaste can clean more than just your teeth. This hygiene product will help remove dried stains and restore shine to plastic. Apply a small amount of it to a sponge and treat the pallets and boxes with the mixture.

Clean the removable elements, rinse them under running water, and then wipe them with a dry cloth.

Removing stains
Tooth powder has a more effective effect. Due to the small particles, it will be possible to remove old stains.The powder is first mixed with water - the texture of thick sour cream should form.

Remedy #4 - ammonia

Ammonia can also be an effective option for cleaning refrigerators.

The product will help remove food residues, mold and yellowness. Contaminated areas should be moistened generously with ammonia, wait half an hour and rinse.

Mold in the refrigerator
When using ammonia as a means to combat mold, the surface treatment procedure should be repeated a couple of times

Review of the best household chemicals

Many housewives use dishwashing detergents to clean the freezer and refrigerator compartments. But these drugs are not always effective enough and require careful rinsing.

Manufacturers of household chemicals have developed a series of specialized products: gels, sprays and wipes. Among them are both universal hygiene preparations for all elements of the refrigerator, and disinfectants with an antibacterial effect.

Let's consider what is the best way to clean a refrigerator, which products require mandatory rinsing, and which do not. A user review will help you make your choice.

No. 1 - EdelWeiss product

EdelWeiss - a Russian-made cleaning substance. Suitable for cleaning microwaves, refrigerators and freezers.

EdelWeiss product
The sprayer operates in two modes: spray and foam. The emulsion is applied to a dry surface, and after half a minute it is thoroughly wiped with a soft cloth.

Distinctive features of EdelWeiss:

  • neutral PH, no alkalis or acids;
  • moderately aromatized - no chemical smell remains after treatment;
  • consistency is liquid, color is transparent;
  • economical spending;
  • resists many types of pollution.

During storage, the container should be placed vertically, otherwise the packaging may leak.

No. 2 - TopHouse set

TopHouse is a whole set from a German company for getting rid of various kinds of stains.

Development for quick removal of external and internal contaminants on automobile refrigerators, household refrigerators and food containers.

TopHouse set
The two-piece set includes a liquid cleaner and a cotton viscose napkin (32*32 cm). The “troika” set is supplemented with a helium odor absorber

The product is popular and has received many positive reviews from users.

Main advantages:

  • fights old fat and dirt;
  • suitable for rubber seals;
  • destroys bacteria and unpleasant odors;
  • does not require subsequent rinsing with water;
  • adds shine to plastic coatings.

Cleaning with the TopHouse set is not a hassle - the high-strength napkin has a special structure and removes remaining dirt from the surface well.

No. 3 – Refrigerator cleaner from Light House

Refrigerator cleaner. A universal product from Light House for cleaning the inside of the refrigerator and cleaning the outside.

Refrigerator cleaner from Light House
The product is relatively inexpensive, economical to use and effective. The foam is applied to the dirt, and after 2 minutes it is wiped off with a sponge. An additional plus is that it leaves an unobtrusive aroma and does not require rinsing with water.

No. 4 - EFSTO product

EFSTO is an affordable solution for quickly cleaning a refrigerator. Suitable for periodic cleaning without defrosting equipment.

The product does not contain abrasive components - it does not leave scratches on plastic drawers and glass shelves.

EFSTO for cleaning the refrigerator
EFSTO contains sodium laureth sulfate and chlorine derivatives, therefore, when spraying and cleaning, you should use protective equipment - rubber gloves

No. 5 - spray foam from Luxus

Spray foam “Clean Refrigerator” from the manufacturer Luxus for cleaning glass, metal and plastic elements of the refrigerator. Effectively fights food stains: grease, stains from fruits and vegetables, stains from fish and meat.

The basis of the product is plant extracts. Thanks to this composition, the drug decomposes into safe components.

Clean refrigerator from Luxus
“Clean Refrigerator” is produced in three flavor variations: lime, mint and grapefruit. Bottle volume – 500 ml

To remove heavy stains, the manufacturer recommends applying the product in the form of foam and leaving for 5 minutes. To “refresh” the coating and add shine, just spray the liquid and wipe the surface dry.

The Clean Refrigerator has mixed user reviews. Some praise the drug for eliminating odors and being safe to use, while others note that to achieve the effect you have to use a lot of product and exert physical effort.

No. 6 - cleaner from Limpiya

Inexpensive spray foam with bactericidal action called “My Sweet Home” from Limpiya. Thick foam should be applied to the stain and left for 3-15 minutes.

The duration of action depends on the age and stains. After treatment, wipe with a damp cloth.

Spray foam My sweet home
Cleaning foam does not leave streaks or strong odors and efficiently removes food residues. The only drawback that users note is that it is difficult to find on sale

No. 7 – Denkmit Feuchte napkins

Denkmit Feuchte wet disposable wipes are perfect for express cleaning and daily care.

Napkins Denkmit Feuchte
Denkmin wipes remove dirt, eliminate unpleasant odors, and are suitable for cleaning the interior chamber and facade of the refrigerator

All Denkmin (Germany) products are of high quality and are in demand among consumers. The disadvantage is that it is expensive; for one package of 25 napkins you will have to pay about 4 USD.

No. 8 - House Lux napkins

A worthy alternative to the German analogue is offered by the Russian company Avangard. House Lux napkins produced by this company are suitable for quickly cleaning microwaves, refrigerators, convection ovens and ovens.

House Lux copes with greasy, dried stains - a little foam forms on the surface during cleaning. After treatment with a napkin, it is advisable to wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

Napkins House Lux
The fabric is safe for hands, the material does not have an irritating odor and is used sparingly. Shelf life – 3 years, approximate price – 1 USD.

Effectively combats unpleasant odor

Untimely cleaning and improper storage of food often cause foreign odors in the refrigerator. The smell may appear if the unit has been turned off for a long time with the door closed, or if the drainage system is clogged. Regardless of the source, general cleaning of all equipment is required.

To prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor, specialized household chemicals are used or traditional proven methods are used.

Store-bought fresheners and aroma absorbers

Only devices designed for use in kitchen appliances are allowed for proximity to food products. It is unacceptable to place devices intended for refreshing rooms and furniture in the refrigerator compartment.

The following types of absorbent fresheners are available for sale:

  • gel granules;
  • indicator egg;
  • dispensary neutralizer;
  • ionizer

Gel compositions for the refrigerator

They are compact plastic containers with helium contents.

Gel absorber
The device does not change the natural aroma of products, and at the same time, effectively eliminates persistent odors of garlic, fish, and dairy products

The gel filler neutralizes odors for three to four months. The absorber can be installed on the shelf of the refrigerator door or attached to the wall - some models have Velcro.

Container with filter or indicator egg

Performs two functions: it absorbs unpleasant odors and signals a change in temperature in the refrigerator compartment. As the degrees increase, the container acquires a blue-violet color, and as the degrees decrease, it becomes white.

The carbon filter takes on the role of neutralizing odors. To keep the absorbent effective, the filler should be renewed every month and a half.

Dispensary odor absorber

The device consists of a plastic housing and a carbon filter. As a rule, it is sold complete with replaceable cartridges.

Dispensary absorber
The active effect of the carbon absorber is about 3-5 months, depending on the load of food in the refrigerator. The dispensary is absolutely harmless and can be placed as close as possible to the products

Ionizer to absorb foreign odors

The odor neutralizer runs on batteries and does not require constant presence in the refrigerator. To maintain freshness, it is enough to place the device in the chamber for 10-15 minutes a day.

Manufacturers of ionizers assure that the device not only removes extraneous odors, but also prevents premature spoilage of food.

Effective means at hand

Knowing the absorbent and deodorizing abilities of some products, you will be able to create an effective odor neutralizer yourself.

Natural freshener
Most often, housewives resort to lemon, rye bread, activated carbon, soda and coffee beans. The selected products are placed in an open container, and the container itself is placed in the refrigerator

Gives good results Apple vinegar. The concentrate must be diluted with water, and then wipe the shelves and walls of the unit with the solution.

You can use vinegar instead ammonia or lemon juice. The refrigerator must be completely dry before loading food.

Using available materials, you can create an aroma diffuser.

To work you will need:

  • orange or grapefruit;
  • soda or salt;
  • citrus essential oil.

Cut the orange in half and carefully remove the pulp, being careful not to damage the peel. Fill the improvised basket with a soda-salt mixture and add a few drops of aroma oil to the filler.

Odor neutralizer
Baking soda and salt absorb unpleasant, old odors well, and citrus fruits fill the interior of the refrigerator with freshness. It is better to install the basket in the door so as not to tip it over and spill the filling

We discussed more methods for getting rid of unpleasant odors in the refrigerator in next article.

Procedure for cleaning the refrigerator

Routine cleaning does not cause much hassle or difficulty, which cannot be said about a general wash with defrosting. The whole process can be divided into several stages.

Step #1 - releasing the cameras

Before washing the inside of the refrigerator chamber, the unit must be turned off or the thermostat must be switched to defrost mode.

Remove the contents of the compartment and place them in a bowl of ice.At this stage, it is appropriate to audit the products - throw out expired ones, take contaminated containers to the sink. Remove all removable elements.

Step #2 - defrost the unit

After turning off the refrigerator, you need to open the freezer door wide open and remove the food.

Defrosting the refrigerator
Some models of equipment have a tray for collecting melt water. If such a container is not available, then you should place a basin under the “ice” shelf or lay out a towel to absorb the liquid.

It remains to wait for complete defrosting. To speed up the process, you can put a heating pad in the chamber or spray the ice with hot water from a spray bottle.

We recommend that you read detailed instructions and rules defrosting the refrigerator.

Step #3 - cleaning the drainage and walls

Apply detergent to the inner surfaces of the chambers, leave for a couple of minutes and wipe with a soft sponge. If necessary, clean the drainage hole with a small brush.

Step #4 - washing the internal compartments and shelves

It is advisable to place heavily soiled elements in a soap solution or treat them with a cleaning agent and leave for 20 minutes. Afterwards, clean with a cloth and, if necessary, repeat the procedure.

The seal is wiped with warm water; when cleaning the element, you should avoid using vinegar and solutions based on it. If during the cleaning process you notice that the rubber seal has defects or does not fit tightly, you should choose a new one and install instead of the damaged one.

Step #5 - Cleaning the Door

At this stage, all external elements are cleaned from stains, stains, fingerprints and other types of dirt.

Cleaning the refrigerator door
The final stage of cleaning is washing the outside of the door. The refrigerator lid must be wiped clean of dust, and the door and handle must be cleaned of dirt.

In conclusion, you need to let the equipment dry, put the products back on the shelves and connect the unit to the network.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

A detailed video instruction on how to care for technicians will help you organize a “bath day” for your refrigerator:

Using an effective refrigerator cleaner, routine kitchen cleaning will no longer seem like an overwhelming task.

To prolong the operation of the refrigerator and maintain its attractiveness, you should promptly remove dirt, clean the drainage drain and periodically defrost the equipment.

Do you still have questions about caring for your refrigerator? Feel free to ask them under this article - our experts and other site visitors who understand this issue will try to help you.

If you want to share your secrets of cleaning refrigeration equipment, tell us about the effective products and methods you use in the comments section.

Visitor comments
  1. Elena

    I wash the refrigerator with regular dishwashing detergents like Gala, and I clean stubborn stains with baking soda. I fight odors by wiping with water and vinegar, it helps a lot. And to prevent this smell from arising at all, I try to stuff food as much as possible into plastic containers with airtight lids both in the refrigerator and in the freezer. I also use my grandmother’s method: I always have a gauze bundle with charcoal tablets in the refrigerator, which I periodically replace. There are no unpleasant odors at all.

  2. Evgenia

    I have never used odor absorbers for the refrigerator. My products are packaged as tightly as possible and there are no problems with unpleasant odors.And I tidy up my refrigerator with my favorite baking soda, a microfiber cloth and regular soap. This is the first time I’ve heard about a special detergent for refrigerators here, I’ll keep it in mind.

  3. Lesya

    I also didn’t know about special products for refrigerators - whatever they can come up with, just to rip off extra money from the buyer) All my life I’ve dealt with it with a soap solution, there’s never been a need for additional cleaning. You just need to remove the dirt that appears in time and not start the refrigerator, that’s the whole secret.
    There are no problems with unpleasant odors either, all products are in containers or bags.

  4. Anna

    I had to use a product for total cleaning of the refrigerator) While I was washing the surfaces, moving the food from shelf to shelf, I did not defrost the refrigerator. Afterwards there was no smell, even the butter did not smell like anything foreign.

  5. Masha

    One of the most effective cleaning products for household appliances is a melamine sponge. It is inexpensive and can be purchased at a household store, at Fix Price, or on Aliexpress. In addition to the refrigerator, it can also be used to wash other appliances/surfaces, provided that they do not come into direct contact with food.

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