Why a refrigerator can break down and what to do if this happens

Why a refrigerator can break down and what to do if this happens

Household appliances are an indispensable attribute of any modern home.At the same time, it is quite possible to do without one piece of equipment; managing the household without another is difficult, but possible. There is a third group of household equipment, the presence of which in the house is mandatory. We are, of course, talking about the refrigerator.

Its reliability and uninterrupted operation are extremely important. After all, any, even minor, breakdown leads to spoilage of products. In order for such troubles to arise as rarely as possible (and in an ideal case, not to occur at all), it is important to follow the operating rules and promptly respond to any changes in work.

Compressor vs absorption vs thermoelectric models

98% of the market is filled with compressor models, the cooling principle of which is based on the transition of the refrigerant from liquid to gaseous state. The motor-compressor is responsible for its circulation in the cooling circuit. The main structural components of refrigerators of this type are also the evaporator and condenser, as well as the capillary pipeline through which the refrigerant moves. The operating algorithm is simple:

  • The refrigerant vapor is pumped by the compressor into the condenser, where under pressure freon changes from gaseous to liquid state.
  • After passing through the condenser, the liquid refrigerant enters the capillary tube. As you move along it, its pressure gradually decreases.
  • Liquid freon enters the evaporator under low pressure.Here (under the influence of the heat generated in the refrigerator and/or freezer) it again turns into gas.
  • The cycle is repeated until the set temperature is established in the chamber. After this, the temperature sensor notifies the microprocessor unit about the need to turn off the motor-compressor, or the compressor turns off the thermostat (depending on the type of control).

In recent years, inverter models have appeared on the modern market. Unlike classic ones with a cyclic compressor operation mode, in inverter variations the compressor operates without shutdowns, thereby achieving several advantages: silent operation, energy savings and improved cooling quality (the temperature in the chambers is maintained at the same set level without any jumps ). The cost of models with inverter compressors is 30-40% higher than that of equipment with a traditional motor, but the difference in price quickly pays off due to efficiency.

Along with single-compressor refrigerators with one cooling circuit, there are also multi-compressor (in the domestic version, most often two-compressor) models, in which a separate motor-compressor is responsible for cooling each chamber.

Compressor units are the most economical per 1 liter of cooled volume. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the lack of mobility and the need for electrification. Compressor-type models have a complex design; during the repair process they require not only specialized knowledge, but also specialized tools and equipment. At the same time, some minor faults (for example, a clogged drainage hole) can be eliminated independently.

There are also absorption-type refrigerators, whose share in the household appliances market is about 1%. They do not have a compressor, and their operating principle is based on the cyclic evaporation and saturation of an ammonia aqueous solution under the influence of heat. The main advantage of absorption models is their noiselessness and the ability to operate not only from the mains, but also from a battery or gas. The disadvantage is strong toxicity and difficult repairs.

In thermoelectric refrigerators, cooling (or heating when the polarity is reversed) occurs due to the passage of current through the thermoblock, as a result of which one side of the block heats up while the other cools. This type is not widely used due to the fact that the temperature inside it is directly dependent on the temperature outside, and the maximum delta is about 30 degrees.

That is, if in the summer it is +40 outside, then inside the refrigerator it will be +10 at best. Despite the fact that this equipment is useless in everyday life (compared to traditional refrigerators), thermoelectric models have become an excellent solution for keeping food cool, so they are installed in cars and other vehicles (almost all models are made in the form of a small sealed box with power cable from the cigarette lighter).

Some models have a display that can display an error code corresponding to a specific type of failure. Error codes help to promptly determine the type of malfunction, which allows refrigerator repairs to be carried out much faster. Therefore, when choosing equipment, it is better to give preference to those models that are equipped with an electronic display.

Common malfunctions of compressor refrigerators

Let's look at the most common problems, possible malfunctions and ways to fix them.

Refrigerator won't turn on

First of all, the terrible thing that comes to mind is a breakdown of the motor-compressor. Replacing a compressor is one of the most difficult and expensive repairs, which is associated both with the high cost of spare parts and the complexity of repair work.

But the equipment may not turn on for other reasons:

  • Failure of the control module (if this unit is provided for in the design of the device).
  • Temperature sensor failure.
  • Thermostat malfunction.
  • Breakdown of the start-protection relay.

All of these problems can be resolved by a service center specialist within an hour.

Refrigerator won't turn off

Quite often, the diametrically opposite situation is observed, when the compressor operates without stopping. For models with a linear motor (not an inverter), this is a sign of a malfunction that can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Refrigerant leak
  • The door is not closed tightly.
  • The door seal is worn out.
  • Incorrect installation (close to the wall, next to the heating device).
  • Thermal sensor failure.
  • Clogged capillaries of the refrigeration circuit.
  • Failure in the control unit.

You can only replace the door seal on your own, and all other problems can only be corrected through a service center.

The refrigerator compartment is not cooling

If the refrigerator compartment does not work, the cause of the breakdown may be a failure of the compressor (for two-compressor models) or a breakdown of the solenoid valve (for single-compressor models).

Other reasons include a malfunction of the control module, a broken air sensor, a refrigerant leak, and wear on the rubber seal on the door. For refrigerators with a No Frost system, the cause of the problem may be a breakdown of the cooling fan.

The freezer does not freeze (does not work)

A freezer not working is not always due to a malfunction. Perhaps the reason for inaction is an incorrectly set temperature regime. Another reason is the accumulation of a large amount of ice on the walls of the freezer due to untimely defrosting. There are also many faults:

  • Motor-compressor failure.
  • Failure of the temperature sensor.
  • Refrigerant leak.

For refrigerators with a No Frost system, the cause of the malfunction may be a breakdown of the switch valve or defroster.

Water flows

The presence of moisture inside the refrigerator is permissible only in a small amount on the back wall (we are talking about models with a drip auto-defrost system). If you find an accumulation of water under the drawers, most likely the drainage system is clogged.

Compressor gets very hot

This is a normal process associated with the release of heat when current is applied to the motor windings. At the same time, if, along with strong heating, accompanying symptoms are observed (the compressor works without shutting down or turns on and immediately turns off, gets very hot, but does not start) - this already indicates the presence of a malfunction. Another reason for severe overheating is improper operation. So, the compressor begins to overheat if:

  • Super freeze mode is enabled.
  • Hot dishes were served.
  • The chamber door is not closed tightly (the compressor goes to maximum operating mode to reduce the temperature, which causes it to get very hot).
  • Incorrect installation (near heat sources or close to a wall).

Unpleasant smell

Three main causes of unpleasant odor:

  1. The refrigerator is new (there is a plastic smell, which disappears in a few hours or a day).
  2. There are spoiled products inside.
  3. Other malfunctions (smell of burning wiring, burning plastic, etc.).

You can prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors using special adsorbents and other professional products.

Beeps when the door is closed

Modern models are equipped with a sound (or light) indication that notifies you if the door is not tightly closed. An alarm accompanied by a squeak will warn the owner that the door is not closed, which in turn will prevent serious problems from occurring.

But it happens that the alarm goes off when the door is closed. This may be due to loading a large number of products at the same time. In a new refrigerator (and after defrosting), the sound signal is associated with the temperature rise.

When the door is closed, a squeaking sound can warn of the following malfunctions:

  • Freon leak.
  • Seal wear.
  • Problems with the compressor or control module.
  • Thermal sensor failure.

An alarm will always sound if the refrigerator cannot reach the set temperature.

Makes a lot of noise during operation

Before troubleshooting, you should check whether the transportation bolts have been removed and whether the refrigerator is installed correctly.If the equipment is used for a long time, noise during operation may indicate wear on the compressor (pistons or piston rings have worn out, which has led to play in parts). With severe wear, decompression is also observed, as a result of which, in addition to loud sounds, the refrigerator stops cooling. Another reason is weakening of the compressor shock absorbers.

Very cold

It happens that food in the refrigerator compartment turns out to be frozen. If this happens, you need to first pay attention to the temperature regulator. Perhaps the temperature was set incorrectly or the super freeze mode was activated.

The cause may also be a malfunction of the temperature sensor, which begins to send a signal to the control module that the temperature in the freezer is above zero, which is why the compressor begins to pump in as much cold as possible.

Ice freezes on the back wall

In most cases, this indicates a lack of tightness in the refrigerator compartment.

  • Reasons for depressurization:
  • Wear of the sealing rubber on the doors.
  • The doors are not closed tightly.
  • There is damage to the body.

Due to the influx of air from outside, the compressor begins to work more intensely. This leads not only to increased energy consumption, but also to premature wear of the motor. Therefore, the problem cannot be ignored.

DIY equipment repair

A number of minor faults can be eliminated independently, without the help of specialists. Minor problems that the user can fix themselves. Without resorting to customer service:

  • Replacing a burnt out light bulb.
  • Cleaning the drainage system.
  • Replacing the seal on the doors.
  • Reduced compressor vibration.

In case of problems associated with complete or partial disassembly of equipment, it is better to contact a service center.

Cleaning the drainage (refrigerators with a drip system)

To clean the drainage system, use a rubber medical bulb. Hot water is drawn into it, after which the tip of the bulb is inserted into the drain hole (located on the back wall of the refrigerator) and pressed sharply.

If it is not possible to clean the system in this way, take a piece of soft copper wire, bend one end into a loop and place it in the drainage hole. Use a back-and-forth motion to push the dirt toward the collection tank. After this, it is advisable to flush the drainage system using a medical bulb.

Replacing a light bulb

Replacing a lamp, what could be easier? To do this, just remove the lampshade, unscrew the burnt-out lamp, clean the terminals and screw in a new one. Work must be carried out with the device de-energized.

How to replace sealing rubber yourself

The sealing rubber determines the tightness of refrigeration chambers, and therefore the quality of cooling, the durability of the motor-compressor, and energy consumption. Over time, the seal cracks, stretches, and becomes damaged. Despite the apparent simplicity of the work, it is better to entrust the replacement of sealing rubber to a specialist with the necessary skills. But since the process does not require disassembling the case, you can handle it yourself.

To replace the seal you will need a screwdriver, hair dryer, spatula, silicone sealant and solvent. Work order:

  1. Purchase a similar seal at the store (to do this you need to know the serial number and brand of the refrigerator).The purchased sealant must be left indoors for a day to adapt to the microclimate.
  2. Unplug the equipment and remove the food.
  3. Remove the old rubber, do it carefully: if the seal is screwed on with self-tapping screws, you will need to unscrew them with a screwdriver or screwdriver. If the seal is glued, it must be carefully peeled away from the metal, and then thoroughly clean the surface with a spatula.
  4. Install a new seal (in some cases you will need to use a hair dryer to heat shrink the rubber).

The fastening method should be chosen similar to that used earlier: if the old seal was glued, it is recommended to “seat” the new one with “Moment” glue or use silicone sealant. If it was inserted into the grooves, the new one is attached in the same way.

Eliminating compressor vibration

If severe vibration is due to compressor wear, a complete replacement will be required. This is a complex and time-consuming job that cannot be done with your own hands. You can fix minor problems yourself. For example, you can get rid of vibration from the suspension of the compressor casing by placing a piece of rubber under the bolts, and vibrations arising from loosening the fastening of the compressor shock absorbers are eliminated by tightening these fastenings.

What malfunctions require contacting a service center?

If troubleshooting requires disassembling the refrigerator, it is better to contact a service center. Qualified specialists have not only the necessary knowledge, skills and experience, but also special tools and components. Without special equipment, it is impossible to carry out independent repairs. Not only can this make the damage worse, but it can also be dangerous.

Serious faults include:

  • Refrigerant leak.This is one of the most difficult breakdowns, which not all specialists undertake to eliminate. In many cases, if there is a refrigerant leak with swelling of the rear wall of the refrigerator, repairs are impractical.
  • Control module malfunction. In some cases, the breakdown can be eliminated by re-soldering the board, and in some cases a complete or partial replacement of the module will be required.
  • Damage to the thermostat and temperature sensors.
  • Compressor failure.
  • Problems with the No Frost system.

Compliance with operating rules is the key to trouble-free operation

No matter how reliable the equipment is, sooner or later it fails for various reasons. Moreover, 90% of all malfunctions occur due to the fault of users due to violations of operating rules. For example, if you do not close the refrigerator door completely or keep it open for a long time, warm air enters the chamber.

In turn, this leads to an increase in the operating time of the motor-compressor, increases the load on it, which contributes to its premature wear, and increases energy consumption. A similar situation, when the motor-compressor works non-stop, is observed if the refrigerator is installed close to the wall or even next to the stove or heating radiator.

It happens that malfunctions arise during the transportation stage. Remember that manufacturers recommend transporting equipment in an upright position. This will help prevent oil from entering the cooling circuit and, as a result, clogging the capillary pipeline.

Long-term operation at low voltage is the main cause of failure of the electrical part of the motor-compressor. Using a voltage stabilizer will help protect against imperfections in household electrical networks.

Freon leakage is one of the most common faults. And one of the reasons why it can occur is the use of sharp objects to chip ice when defrosting the freezer - this is strictly prohibited.

Remember that following the operating rules specified in the instructions, careful handling and keeping the device clean will allow you to maintain reliable and trouble-free operation of the equipment for many years.

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