Review of the Polaris PVC 0826 robot vacuum cleaner: a real assistant in cleaning hair

The help of home robots greatly simplifies the lives of housewives and busy people.Diligent machines automatically wash clothes and wash dishes, prepare dinner and do cleaning.

The robot vacuum cleaner Polaris PVC 0826 was no exception - a neat household appliance, shaped like a tablet. It does an excellent job of dry and wet floor cleaning without external guidance.

Expert rating:
/ 100
  • Collects debris well, including animal hair
  • Drives onto the carpet, overcomes small thresholds
  • Almost silent - you can talk in the room while he is cleaning
  • Powerful battery
  • Doesn't clean corners
  • Doesn't recognize black furniture
  • Does not clean within a radius of 1-1.5 m around the base

We invite you to understand together the technical characteristics of this unit and the features of its operation, as well as compare it with similar models from other manufacturers.

Automatic cleaner Polaris PVC 0826

Modern home robotic vacuum cleaners are similar in shape and size to each other, but there are still slight differences. Sometimes even 1-2 centimeters of height or a separate function when choosing an assistant is a decisive factor.

To choose a suitable device, it is better to first study the capabilities of the vacuum cleaner and compare it with similar models.

Complete set and packaging of the vacuum cleaner

The full name of the model is Polaris PVCR 0826 EVO.Polaris designers did a great job and came up with bright and compact packaging for the household appliance. It is roomy enough and convenient for transporting the vacuum cleaner.

All sides of the box carry a payload: they contain information about the technical characteristics and features of the model that the manufacturer considered the most important.

Packaging of robot vacuum cleaner PVCR 0826
Two distinctive qualities of the model are displayed on the front of the packaging: information about the filter, which traps almost 100% of dust, and a relatively long continuous operation time - 3 hours 30 minutes

Inside the box there is an insert with compartments containing the vacuum cleaner itself, a charger, accessories and spare parts.

The elegant design of the vacuum cleaner body, painted in soft pink metallic, immediately catches your eye. The shape of the device resembles a tablet, but this is not an original idea - many robotics manufacturers have come to such an ergonomic configuration.

Appearance of the robot vacuum cleaner
The plastic surface is reinforced with a layer of transparent glass. There is nothing superfluous on the top panel, only the “Start” button and the dust container eject lever

In addition to the partially disassembled device, the box contains the following items:

  • rechargeable battery with a capacity of 2600 mAh with a voltage limit of 14.8 V;
  • charging device;
  • a pair of containers – a dust collector and for water;
  • synthetic fabric for wet cleaning – microfiber;
  • HEPA 12 filters – working and spare;
  • brushes for attaching to the body;
  • robot maintenance brush;
  • documentation package - receipt, warranty card, instruction manual;
  • remote control.

Already at the first inspection you can see how compact and functional this robot is. Height – only 76 mm.

This parameter allows the device to easily climb under beds and closets and clean places where previously you had to move furniture first.

Weight of the model with and without packaging
The weight of the package with filling is more than 5 kg, but the vacuum cleaner itself weighs much less - only 3 kg, which has a positive effect on its functionality

The diameter of the wheels is 6.5 centimeters. They are small, but at the same time very tenacious. Thanks to the textured rubber tires and spring-loaded hinges, the device easily overcomes small obstacles such as a flat threshold or the edge of a carpet.

The lowest part of the device is at a height of 17 mm - obstacles of this height are not scary for an energetic assistant.

The vacuum cleaner cannot be called fragile, since the plastic is quite durable, and the elastic front bumper creates a protective buffer zone that softens impacts.

Rubber bumper for crash protection
A thin layer of rubber along the edge protects both the device itself and the furniture it collides with during cleaning.

Dust container design and volume

The process of collecting garbage is ensured by the interaction of several parts of the simple design of the vacuum cleaner. The cleaning technology is that two side brushes collect dust from the sides and move it under the body, to the central part of the device.

Thanks to the suction effect, dust gets inside through a special hole with a vortex air flow into a special container.

In addition to the two main brushes, there is also a main one, which is fixed under the body. With its help, you can not only remove debris from smooth surfaces, but also clean low-pile carpeting.

She carefully picks up sand, crumbs, wool and hair - everything that then falls into the dust collector with a stream of air.

As a detailed review of the PVC 0826 model, we offer a detailed story and video from a housewife blogger:

Technical characteristics of the household appliance

No matter how attractive the design of a vacuum cleaner, when choosing, you must rely on the technical characteristics declared by the manufacturer.

Among them there are exact parameters, for example, dimensions, and average values ​​​​identified during testing, such as operating time. For the convenience of comparing the capabilities of the PVC 0826 model with representatives of competitive brands, we present a table.

Specifications table
This shows the main characteristics that are important to the user.For example, one of the main properties of robotic vacuum cleaners is the maximum possible cleaning time for a room - for PVC 0826 it is about 200 minutes

By the way, it was the battery capacity and long operating time that made it top-notch and allowed it to take first place in the ratings of household robotics in 2017.

The table does not indicate such a parameter as the noise level - it is equal to 60 dB. The figure is average for this type of device - there are quieter and louder models on sale. In terms of sound perception, 60 dB can be compared to loud conversational speech.

The noise of the vacuum cleaner does not interfere with work
Since the noise is monotonous and only occasionally changes intonation, for example, when changing the floor covering or when colliding with furniture, it is background and allows you to work or do homework in peace

Charging is done in two ways, as with most modern robotic cleaners. The main device for recharging is a docking station - a stationary device that usually has a permanent location.

The smart vacuum cleaner is programmed to return to the station on its own when the battery is completely discharged. Therefore, it needs to be installed in a convenient place for equipment access.

In addition to the station, the kit includes a network adapter, lightweight and comfortable to carry. If necessary, you can use an ordinary outlet and charge the vacuum cleaner from a 220 V network.

This is convenient when you need to clean a room where there is no station connected directly to the network, or simply in another house.

Overview of functions and operating rules

Let's consider the useful capabilities of the robot, which help not only to correctly perform the functions assigned to it, but also to find a common language with a smart machine.

One of the main options that made the model popular is wet cleaning.If necessary, a universal vacuum cleaner brings the floor to a state of perfect cleanliness.

Possibility of cleaning various floor coverings
The unit cleans smooth hard surfaces such as laminate or tiles until they shine. However, it cannot be used for wet cleaning of carpets; in this case, only dry cleaning is possible

A compact aquabox is inserted inside the case. Its volume is enough to wipe the floor surface for half an hour. Water poured into the container drips onto the napkin attached to the bottom of the vacuum cleaner.

While the device is moving, some of the moisture remains on the floor, but the napkin immediately gets wet from the new portion of incoming water. A wet mark left on linoleum or laminate disappears without a trace in just a couple of minutes.

It is prohibited to add floor detergents to water - this is the manufacturer's requirement. If it is necessary to treat some area more thoroughly, then simply turn on the “spiral” mode.

The existence of several programs simplifies cleaning. For example, “local” cleaning of a room does not involve full-scale cleaning, but tidying up only a small area of ​​the floor, approximately 1.0x0.5 m in area.

While brushing around the perimeter helps get rid of hairballs, regular vacuuming is useful when you need to clean the entire room.

Moving the vacuum cleaner to the charging station
There is also a special program for a small room. It proceeds at a normal pace, but the robot works for only half an hour instead of 3.5 hours, and then heads to the station

You can control the assistant either using a button on the body or from the remote control. The second option is convenient when the user is in the same room with the robot. Using the remote control you can change operating modes and operating times.

The feedback tool is the elements of the security system - sensors.At the bottom of the case there are 3 IR monitoring devices, the cleanliness and serviceability of which must be constantly monitored.

Step detection sensor
Step detection sensors save the device when it approaches the edge of a surface - floor, table or other plane - and force it to turn in a different direction

A whole set of self-diagnosis sensors reacts to problems that arise and stops the operation of the device if threads are wound on the wheels, the battery charge runs out, or the dust container is filled to maximum capacity.

Also, the robot will not work “idle” if an important part, for example, a fan, stops functioning.

When forced to stop, the cleaner gives a signal, requiring one of the following actions:

  • empty the garbage container;
  • replenish the battery charge;
  • add water for wet cleaning;
  • fix the error;
  • help overcome obstacles, etc.

It is also convenient that the AUTO button is illuminated, and the display tells you about the status of the vacuum cleaner: green – operating mode, red – error, orange – it’s time to recharge the battery.

Not only this, but also other models of this brand are popular among users. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rating best Polaris models and the characteristics of their choice.

Positive and negative reviews

Manufacturer advertising is sometimes impressive and encourages you to buy a new model, but the modern buyer is accustomed to relying on the experience of users who have already tried the device.

You can find both positive and opposite reviews about the Polaris PVC 0826 robot cleaner on the Internet. Let's first look at the functions that have the most good ratings.

The manufacturer also mentions some shortcomings in the manual. Suppose it is recommended to start charging the battery only after it is completely discharged.

At the end of cleaning, both containers with water and dust should be emptied. If you decide to clean the carpet, then the side brushes need to be removed, but if the house is predominantly carpeted, it is better to pay attention to following models. Otherwise, the device is fully consistent with the price tag - 17-18 thousand rubles.

Comparison with similar models

If a certain amount has been allocated for the purchase of a home assistant, then you need to look for competitors in the same price segment.

Has approximately the same cost cleaning robot Philips FC8776. Its positive side compared to Polaris is its compactness, however, it is not intended for wet cleaning and can operate without recharging for only 2 hours 10 minutes.

Robot vacuum cleaner Philips FC8776
A skillful and low competitor with a height of only 60 mm loses in the volume of the dust collector: a container designed for only 0.3 liters of garbage fits into a flat body

Another analogue - iRobot Roomba 616. It charges the battery faster, but the operating time is reduced to 2 hours.

A positive quality is the larger dust container (0.9 l), but in general the vacuum cleaner weighs about 6 kg, that is, 2 times heavier than Polaris.

Review of competing vacuum cleaners

Comparison is an excellent method for assessing the real advantages and technical capabilities of the robotic vacuum cleaner discussed in the article. Let's consider three miniature automatic cleaners that solve similar problems, i.e. performing wet and dry cleaning. To evaluate, we will take “representatives” from different price categories.

Competitor #1 - iLife V5s Pro

An inexpensive option for automatic floor treatment will not amaze you with a wide range of programs. However, its functionality has all the modes necessary for good cleaning. With a charged battery, the device works continuously for 2 hours, after which it returns and is installed on the charging station to restore energy.

iLife V5s Pro is controlled using buttons located on the front of the unit and a remote control. It is possible to program the model to perform cleaning by day of the week. It makes 55 dB noise during the process.

The dust container has a capacity of 0.3 liters, which means it will have to be emptied quite often. The model comes with a napkin holder necessary for wet floor treatment. Attached are the napkins themselves in the amount of 2 pieces, a brush for cleaning the filter and replacement elements.

Competitor #2 - AltaRobot B350

A robot from the middle price class can work without recharging for up to 2 hours, after which it rushes to the base to receive a fresh dose of energy. During a session it can treat floors up to 80 m².

AltaRobot B350 is controlled by touch electronics, the display is backlit for convenience.The device can be programmed to activate by day of the week. To postpone the start, the system has a timer.

The unit retracts quite quietly, the noise is only 45 dB. The body is protected from impacts by a bumper made of shock-absorbing material. The volume of the dust collection box is 0.5 l.

Competitor #3 - REDMOND RV-R500

The REDMOND RV-R500 vacuum cleaner is capable of not only dry cleaning, but also wet cleaning. It works with a charged battery for 120 minutes, after which it is installed in the parking lot to receive a fresh portion of electricity. Charges in just 240 minutes. It has a Li-Ion battery with a capacity of 2150 mAh.

On the front side there is a backlit display and a built-in clock. You can delay the launch using the timer. Noisy at 60 dB.

The REDMOND RV-R500 case is protected by a soft bumper. To detect objects that appear along the way, 10 infrared sensors are installed. The volume of the dust container is 0.5 l, and the kit also includes accessories for wet cleaning - a combined container for wet cleaning 0.25 + 0.2 l.

The vacuum cleaner is equipped with a replaceable filter fine cleaning.

Conclusions and best offers on the market

The Polaris brand has proven itself well in the market of household robotic vacuum cleaners and has already released several popular models. In terms of sales, the PVC 0826 washing cleaner turned out to be one of the most successful representatives of the company. Indeed, the functionality, appearance and technical capabilities of the vacuum cleaner make it one of the best robotic devices for floor cleaning.

Looking for a robot vacuum cleaner for your home? Or do you have experience using such devices? Please share your impressions and tell us about the nuances of using the device. Write your comments, participate in discussions - the contact block is located below.

Visitor comments
  1. Anatoly

    Polaris, in principle, is a good brand, their equipment is excellent, and their prices are average. I bought it for 16 thousand; there were cheaper models from other companies, but with a smaller set of functions. So, I think the price is reasonable. Cleans carpets well, the washing function works without misfires. The noise is tolerable, the battery life is also normal, because I never set the timer for more than an hour. A good device.

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