Review of the Polaris 0610 robot vacuum cleaner: is it worth expecting a miracle for that kind of money?

When venerable manufacturers of robotic home appliances actively began producing compact “independent” vacuum cleaners, competition arose in the market.Some models quickly went out of production as more advanced “colleagues” appeared.

The Polaris 0610 robot vacuum cleaner was no exception, which was remembered by customers for its budget price and promotional promotion in the Lenta chain of stores.

Expert rating:
/ 100
  • Low cost
  • Compact dimensions
  • Easy to operate and maintain
  • Good quality floor cleaning
  • Sound warning about low battery
  • No charging base
  • Lack of control panel and "virtual wall"
  • Operates on a single charge for less than 50 minutes
  • No floor cleaning function
  • Charging time
  • Significant noise during operation

Let's take a closer look at this model and compare it with similar devices from other manufacturers.

Getting to know the Polaris PVCR 0610

Modification 0610 became one of the manufacturer’s working, trial options. It did not last long on the market, as flaws in both the design and the set of functions immediately became clear. This is a budget device designed for a buyer with a below-average income. According to the promotion in Lenta, it was offered for 4990 rubles - at a tempting price.

Even those who did not plan to purchase a vacuum cleaner became interested in the interesting offer.But the very idea of ​​​​buying a useful and functional toy appealed to many, and the remaining goods were sold out with a bang. Subsequently, new models appeared, but some Polaris 0610 robotic cleaners still continue to work, as evidenced by reviews on the Internet.

Polaris 0610 - promotional item
Promotions in chain supermarkets are a great opportunity to purchase, albeit budget, new, modernized devices for everyday life. Of course, reducing the cost by 50% is just a publicity stunt

Description of appearance and design

The new vacuum cleaner is packaged in a rectangular box made of thick cardboard. Inside there are lightweight foam inserts that house the assembled robot. The largest cell is occupied by the body; the smaller compartments contain a charger-adapter, plastic side brushes (2 pairs), and a spare mesh filter.

The flat, round, tablet-shaped body is a common design option for an automatic vacuum cleaner model. Thanks to its limited height and the absence of sharp corners, it moves freely throughout the room, climbs into the furthest areas under beds and cabinets, and carefully moves around chairs and armchairs.

Appearance of the robot vacuum cleaner
For the color design of the case, Polaris designers chose a combination of black and bright red. Perhaps the tinting is different from a more restrained interior, but the eye-catching device will always be in sight

The front part of the robot is a movable spring-loaded bumper made of elastic polymer, which softens impacts and protects the body from early wear. Three roller-type wheels are attached to the bottom side: the front one is swivel, and the two rear ones are also slightly spring-loaded.

On both sides of the front wheel there are mounts for side brushes. If necessary, they can be removed and reinserted after cleaning.

Brushes that look similar are actually different. In order not to confuse them, before fixing it is necessary to check the markings: on the left there is a sign “L”, on the right - “R”.

Fastening the brushes to the body
Letter designations are also applied to the lower part of the case. To secure the brushes, you need to put them on the fasteners and press lightly until they click.

Brushes are bundles of thin fishing line; over time they wear out and become deformed. In case of replacement, the kit includes another pair of brushes. Of course, the polymers used to make budget models are not as durable as their expensive counterparts, so spare parts may be required. And since the model is “temporary”, the lack of spare parts is a noticeable weak point of almost all inexpensive devices.

The video clearly introduces the Polaris 0610 model:

The nuances of cleaning the dust collector

The dust container is a small container made of translucent plastic with a volume of 0.2 liters. If you take it in your hands, you will immediately see the degree of fullness. The dust collector is very easy to find - it is located immediately under the top cover of the vacuum cleaner.

Cleaning proceeds as follows:

  • fold back the top plastic panel;
  • take out the container;
  • open the lid;
  • remove the filter;
  • shake out the trash;
  • install the filter in place;
  • close the container lid;
  • place the dust collector in the compartment;
  • lower the lid of the vacuum cleaner.

In reality, everything happens quickly, since all the elements are not additionally secured, and the container is taken out with a slight movement.

Dust container volume
The small volume of the container catches your eye. This means that dust will have to be shaken out quite often, especially if pets live in the apartment.

The compact size of the dust container is a disadvantage of the robot.For rooms where cleaning is rarely done, it is better to use another model with a dust collector that can hold at least 0.5 liters of garbage.

The fact is that the robot can stop working even if the container is not completely filled. Usually there is some kind of critical threshold that is signaled by sensors. That is, the real, “working” volume of the container is even less than 200 ml.

Caring for the dust collector of a vacuum cleaner
The dust collector is easy to care for: it can be rinsed occasionally with clean tap water. The filter is also washed and dried at room temperature

The manufacturer does not recommend using aggressive detergents for care, but laundry soap is quite suitable for more thorough washing.

Overview of main functions

Robotic vacuum cleaners are designed for independent, autonomous cleaning of premises, therefore they immediately perform several main functions:

  • collect dust into a special container from the floor covering of a room (or several rooms);
  • move slowly across the entire area of ​​the room, serving even the most inaccessible places and corners;
  • They operate on a battery, so they require regular recharging;
  • in the process of functioning they completely free the owners from control.

Simply put, they are full-fledged cleaners.

Dry cleaning of the premises
Model 0610 is not intended for floor cleaning; its functionality includes only dry cleaning. If you are used to more thorough cleaning of linoleum or laminate, then it is better to pay extra and purchase a more expensive model

One of the disadvantages of dry cleaning is that some of the dust during the rotation of the brushes rises into the air and, as a result, remains on the floor. Wet cleaning solves this problem, and after multi-stage cleaning there is practically no hair, small debris or dust left on the floor.

It is already clear from the design of the vacuum cleaner that this is one of the primitive models, designed for minimal functionality. There is no need to place high hopes on it, since neither the manufacturing material nor the battery capacity are intended for long-term and active use.

The robot is more like an expensive toy that moves along the floor and additionally performs a useful task - it removes dust accumulated in inaccessible areas.

Technical characteristics of the robot cleaner

To get acquainted with the technical parameters of the vacuum cleaner, it is not necessary to study the instructions - the list of characteristics is printed directly on the box. Based on the numbers, it is easy to determine whether the machine can handle cleaning the apartment. Based on some indicators, it is immediately clear why the robot costs not 11-14 thousand rubles, like other vacuum cleaners from the same category, but only 5 thousand rubles.

Technical characteristics of Polaris 0610
In terms of size, the device does not lag behind other Polaris models: the body height of 75 mm is average, if we take into account models for dry cleaning

The built-in battery is a sign of autonomous operation with regular charging. However, pay attention to the type of battery - nickel-metal hydride, with a limited capacity of 1000 mAh. This is an outdated model of battery, which is used less and less in modern models due to the lack of ability to hold a charge for a long time. They have been replaced by lithium-ion batteries, which are more capacious and productive for the same size.

It is precisely because of the weak battery that the device costs 5 hours to recharge and only works for 55 minutes in normal mode.

Operating mode of Polaris 0610
By the way, the vacuum cleaner has only one mode; it consists of moving the device in a straight line until it encounters an obstacle. The robot then turns around and moves in a different direction

The kit does not include a charging base, there is only an adapter operating from a 220 V network. Therefore, as soon as the battery is completely discharged - and this happens after 55 minutes or earlier - you must manually set the device to recharge. The robot always “absorbs” dust with the same power – 14 W, it is not adjustable.

The noise level is much higher than that of subsequent models - 65 dB. This can also be associated with the design features, which are equipped to a minimum.

Customers' opinions about the home assistant

The model did not last long on the market, but thanks to promotional sales it quickly sold out among buyers, so you can find many reviews about Polaris 0610. They are divided into positive and negative, for the sake of fairness we will consider both. First, the advantages of the model, which were often noted by users.

Users also positively note the careful removal of wool from the carpet, the thorough removal of dust from corners, and the overall quality of cleaning. But there are also plenty of negative reviews.

Among them you can find comments on both technical characteristics and missing functions:

  • It’s inconvenient that there is no base for self-charging;
  • makes a lot of noise, interferes with rest and work;
  • you have to clean the dust container often;
  • lasts less time than stated by the manufacturer;
  • takes too long to charge.

An analysis of the characteristics and reviews of device owners allows us to conclude that the vacuum cleaner is worth the money, but you don’t need to expect miracles from it. For everyone who is lucky, it still helps to put the house in order, and some users have long ago replaced an ineffective model with a more spacious and multifunctional one.

Before purchasing a robotic cleaner, we also recommend reading our other material, in which we collected expert advice and opinions from equipment owners. It will help you make your choice faster. Read more - read Further.

Comparison with similar vacuum cleaners

It makes no sense to compare Polaris 0610 with popular models from the middle price segment (15-20 thousand rubles), so let’s look at the two closest vacuum cleaners (according to M-Video): Polaris PVCR 0116D – 5190 rubles and HEC МН290 – 9690 rubles . The main characteristics are presented in a summary table.

Feature/ModelPolaris 0610Polaris 0116DHEC MH290
Type of room cleaningdrydrydry
Dimensions27*27*7.5 cm31*31*7 cm34*34*9 cm
Guarantee1 year1 year1 year
Digital displayNoThere isNo
Charging indicationThere isThere isThere is
Number of modes144
Dust container volume0.2 l0.6 l0.25 l
Charging time5 hours2 hours5 hours
Battery capacity1000 mAh1300 mAh1700 mAh
Automatic operation. mode55 min45 min60 min
MicrofilterThere isyes + HEPAThere is
Obstacle sensorinfraredinfraredinfrared
Noise level65 dB65 dB65 dB
ProgrammableNoNodelayed start, on timer
Remote controlNoNoThere is

As can be seen from the table, there are fundamental differences between the models. Let's assume that two current vacuum cleaners have the ability to operate in 4 modes, and HEC additionally has a control panel and a programming unit. You can set the device to turn on at a more convenient time, for example, when all residents are at school or work.

HEC robot vacuum cleaner
Despite the increased battery capacity - 1700 mAh - HEC works without recharging for only 1 hour, and it charges the same as Polaris 0610 - that is, as much as 5 hours

The improved Polaris model has the largest volume of dust container. Among other things, it is the lowest and has a convenient digital display showing information about the operation of the vacuum cleaner - the selected mode, the specified time interval.

If you are interested in this model of robot vacuum cleaner, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rating of the best robotic cleaners from Polaris.

Detailed review of competing models

Let's consider models of automatic cleaners that can compete with the unit disassembled in the article. As a guideline, on the basis of which we will compile a selection of products, we will take dry floor treatment. In order to appreciate the difference in functionality and equipment, we will review products of different price categories.

Competitor #1 – Clever & Clean 004 M-Series

The vacuum cleaner, the most affordable in terms of price, does not return to the parking lot on its own. When the charge is depleted, the owner of the device will have to install it manually.It can work continuously for only 50 minutes, and will be charged for 4 hours.

Clever & Clean 004 M-Series is protected from the consequences of accidental collisions with objects encountered along the way by a bumper made of soft material.

At the request of the future owner, the robot cleaner can be supplemented with a panel designed to wet wipe the floor covering.

Competitor #2 - PANDA X500 Pet Series

The device, classified as a product in the mid-price segment, is suitable for processing all types of coatings currently used in finishing and arranging floors.

The PANDA X500 Pet Series is controlled by touch buttons on the front side of the unit or by remote control. The volume of the dust collector is small, only 0.3 liters. An LED light indicates when the dust collection container is full.

The model is ideal for apartments and country houses where pets are kept. Excellent for cleaning hair and stubborn dirt. The device is equipped with a soft bumper that compensates for accidental impacts and collisions with the environment.

Competitor #3 - iRobot Roomba 895

The most expensive model in our short review can clean the floor within 1 hour without recharging. When the charge is depleted, the robot will independently return to the parking lot to receive a new portion of electricity. A vacuum cleaner of this brand takes 3 hours to charge.

The iRobot Roomba 895 comes with a soft bumper. A virtual wall is used to limit the area for processing. To reschedule the start of cleaning, a timer is set; the robot can carry out its duties according to the days of the week programmed by the owners.

Of the vacuum cleaners given as an example, this is the quietest unit in operation.

Conclusions and best offers on the market

The conclusion is disappointing: budget models like Polaris 0610 are only suitable for undemanding owners. If you are interested in truly high-quality cleaning, then pay attention to expensive, but spacious and reliable devices from well-known brands. These are vacuum cleaners with a wide range of useful functions and the ability to wet clean.

Do you have personal experience using the Polaris 0610 robotic vacuum cleaner? Please share it with our readers and tell us if you are satisfied with the operation of the device. Leave your comments, share your experience, ask questions - the contact block is located under the article.

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