Review of the Samsung SC4520 vacuum cleaner: the ideal assistant for the garden - simple, powerful and cheap

Budget household systems - such definitions are often given to equipment whose market value satisfies the majority of consumers.So, the Samsung SC4520 vacuum cleaner belongs specifically to the budget category of devices whose function is to clean residential premises.

Expert rating:
/ 100
  • Excellent suction power
  • Affordable price
  • Easy to use
  • Compact dimensions
  • A light weight
  • Clumsy floor/carpet brush
  • Inconvenient design of the dust collector - a cloud of dust rises when cleaning
  • The hose is prone to kinks and kinks

The specific purpose of the machine is the processing of carpets or hard floor surfaces. In a short review, let’s look at what attracts or repels a potential owner of Korean-made equipment.

Independent review of Samsung SC4520

As is expected in cases of technical and operational reviews, let’s start with the operating parameters stated directly by the manufacturer. This will allow you to get a general picture of the characteristics of this model.

Technical parameters of the vacuum cleaner

Considering its market value (4 - 5 thousand rubles), this budget cleaning machine looks very attractive compared to more expensive ones. At this price, the technical power parameters correspond to models that are priced three or even four times more expensive.

Let's take a closer look at the model specifications.

Table of main technical and operational parameters of Samsung SC4520

Mechanism typeCyclone
Supported types of cleaningExceptionally dry
Power consumption/suction1600 W; 350 W
Type of dirt collectorCyclone filter volume 1.3 liters
Overall dimensions of the case400x280x240 mm
Set of working elementsTubular rod assembly; nozzles

The Korean-made vacuum cleaner motor is connected to a standard household network (220V, 50/60 Hz) via a cord with a total length of 6 meters. The power cord is associated with the automatic winding mechanism. The mechanism for pulling/twisting the power cable is identical to many other models of household vacuum cleaners.

Budget vacuum cleaner Samsung SC4520
Modern design equipment, produced by the Korean company Samsung, from a series of budget designs for household use. A simplified but quite effective cleaning machine

The Korean vacuum cleaner, with its relatively small dimensions, is light in weight (4.3 kg), which is a positive factor especially if cleaning is done by women.

The body has a streamlined shape, quite attractive from a design point of view. On the top panel of the case there is a button to turn on/off the electric motor and a “hidden” transport handle.

Two-in-one push-button handle
A kind of “trick” of the Korean design is a transport handle with two-in-one functionality. In the “extended up” position there is a transport handle, in the “recessed down” position there is a button for the cable winding mechanism

By the way, the transport handle in the pressed (recessed) position simultaneously acts as a release of the latch at the moment of winding up the power cable.

Operational accessories and supplies

The range of accessories and supplies is relatively small, considering the budget version of the vacuum cleaner:

  • connecting corrugated hose,
  • large working nozzle,
  • small working nozzle (for hard-to-reach places).

However, this set, as noted in practice, is quite sufficient for high-quality cleaning of premises, including those points on the floor (as well as furniture) that are quite difficult to reach.

Vacuum cleaner accessory set
Unpacking the purchased device. A classic set of working accessories, including operating instructions - nothing superfluous, but quite enough to organize the production of full-fledged home cleaning

The corrugated hose connecting the rod pipe and the suction pipe of the vacuum cleaner is made of high-quality material. Even after strong physical impacts on crushing, the structure of the hose does not lose shape and does not collapse. True, the length of the hose is somewhat short, which creates certain inconveniences during the cleaning process.

Strength of corrugated hose
Corrugated hoses of this strength are not found in kits of all brands of household vacuum cleaners. At the same time, being in a free state, the corrugated hose completely restores its original state

The large nozzle, equipped with rubber rollers and a silicone strip, is made almost entirely of plastic. Some small parts of the nozzle body are quite fragile, so careful actions are required from the user.

In practice, it is simply unrealistic to operate the nozzle extremely carefully during the cleaning process. For this reason, some of its parts break after 2-3 cleanings, as evidenced by the notes of the owners of this vacuum cleaner model.

However, this does not affect the main function of the accessory to effectively pass air flow. For ease of use, the nozzle is “parked” on the body of the vacuum cleaner.

Parking a large nozzle
It would seem that an insignificant detail of a Korean vacuum cleaner is the “parking” hook for a large working nozzle. However, during the practical use of the machine, the presence of the nozzle at hand increases the convenience for the user

The nozzle is small, designed for cleaning hard-to-reach places, and is also completely plastic. However, due to its small size and two-in-one configuration, this accessory is more reliable in terms of possible structural damage.

Characteristics of the filtration system

Module cyclone filter The vacuum cleaner in question has a simple design. It is removed from the main body and inserted back using a convenient handle. The filter module (container) forms part of the front area of ​​the vacuum cleaner body structure. To remove it, simply pull the handle lightly.

Removing the cyclone module
Main work container with cyclone function. Detachable from the machine body or attached using a convenient handle, using little physical effort

Like everyone else bagless vacuum cleaners, the removable module of the container for collecting contaminants is made in the form of a plastic container. For this model, it is designed for a volume of no more than 1.3 liters.

Practical application shows that this volume is enough for about two or three cleanings, after which the container needs to be cleaned of debris. The design of the container provides for the presence of an element (glass) that forms a cyclone effect.

The lower part of the area of ​​the vacuum cleaner body, where the container is placed, contains a recess for a reusable filter element. Actually, the element itself is a polypropylene frame containing foam cellular and sheet gaskets.The frame along with the gaskets is removed by lightly lifting it using the handle.

First stage filter
When the container module is pulled out, underneath it in the bottom area, access to the first fine filter opens. The user only needs to pull up the polypropylene handle to remove the frame

However, the design of the vacuum cleaner is not limited only to this fine filter. A filter element of a similar class is also located on the rear, opposite side of the machine body.

This second module is made in the form of a box-shaped insert in the rear panel of the case, equipped with a foam rubber sheet filter. The filter box is simply inserted into a niche on the body and secured with a latch.

Second stage filter
Second level filter element. Installed by insertion with fixation on the opposite (rear) side of the device body. As in the first filter, it contains a foam insert

All components used by the filtration system can be cleaned and washed using traditional methods. The durability of foam filters is quite long. Replacement if necessary is not particularly difficult. It is enough to select the foam rubber according to the class and cut out the element of the desired shape.

Chassis system overview

The movement of equipment during the cleaning process is marked by an action that is quite convenient and comfortable for the user, despite the use of a three-wheeled chassis system in the design.

The main support wheels are a pair of large-diameter plastic disks installed at the rear of the structure. The wheels are equipped with rubberized “tires”.

Samsung 4520 chassis wheels
Vacuum cleaner chassis system. Built on two types of wheels: 1 - a pair of large-sized disc wheels with rubber “tires”; 2 - one roller wheel on a disk base with 360º rotation

There is one front support wheel for motion control.The small front roller is attached to a disc-type structure, which provides 360-degree free rotation. Despite the small diameter of the control roller, the stability of the vacuum cleaner remains stable due to the original design of the balancing plate.

Design pros and cons of the model

Considering the budget performance of Korean technology, unique “sophisticated” functions and properties remain behind the scenes. Simple functionality rules the roost here.

Design of the Samsung 5420 cyclone
View of the container module from the inside. The central part of the container contains a glass that creates a cyclone effect, and the periphery behind the glass serves to collect contaminants. The top of the container is closed with a lid

The main advantage is the cyclone effect, in general, a traditional function of many budget models. Meanwhile cyclone model cleaning equipment saves the user from using an inconvenient “bag” and in this regard, the advantages of the system are obvious.

Another, albeit insignificant, plus can be considered the presence of a manual air suction regulator, which is located directly on the handle of the corrugated air hose.

The regulator is made in the form of a kind of damper. The user can open the flap if necessary, thereby slightly reducing the suction force on the side of the working nozzle.

Manual suction power control
A simple but quite effective manual suction power control. The regulator valve opens or closes with a slight movement of your thumb. There is a valve (the arrow points to it in the picture) on the handle of the working hose - always “at hand”

Most owners call the negative design features the main disadvantage of this brand of vacuum cleaner. They note the relatively low quality of the plastic from which the machine body is made.

After only a short time of use, operational damage appears on plastic surfaces - scratches, abrasions, abrasions. As a result, the original colorful appearance of the car is lost.

The disadvantages also include:

  • somewhat inconvenient rod design;
  • short length of the connecting hose;
  • low quality of material (foam plates) of fine filters;
  • Difficulty turning the brush into the desired position during the cleaning process.

An insignificant, but negative effect is the static effect on the body of the vacuum cleaner. For this reason, a thick layer of dust accumulates in the area where the corrugated hose is connected during cleaning.

Reviews of the Samsung SC4520 practical test

The practice of real use of household appliances is characterized by a demonstration of advantages and disadvantages. The owners of the Samsung SC4520, as well as a review video, briefly but succinctly talk about how well (or poorly) the Korean vacuum cleaner functions.

An overview video clearly demonstrates the technological performance of a household product for cleaning indoor areas. The video gives a more complete understanding of the technique.

As for user reviews, they are different: both positive and negative. Thus, a budget model does not allow you to count on perfect service, but such equipment is quite enough for standard cleaning, as confirmed by other reviews.

But one of the buyers took the device for a rented apartment. The equipment turned out to be quite powerful and convenient, despite the budget price. According to the user, you should think carefully before buying expensive vacuum cleaners with aqua filter.

Most owners confirm effective cleaning. People like a light and compact device, low noise and powerful.True, there are complaints about noise when using a nozzle with a narrow neck. Obvious disadvantages include the “clumsiness” of the brush and cleaning of the container.

Quite a few owners of Korean cars recall the consequences after cleaning with this model. It is mentioned that the vacuum cleaner sucks up fine particles well. Only now, after cleaning, even if you carefully open the lid of the container, a cloud of dust is still thrown out.

There are users who are satisfied with everything in terms of service. They write that the Samsung SC4520 can be stored vertically. So the device does not take up much space.

Comparison with competitors by class

Competitors in class and, accordingly, in price are the same Samsung equipment, represented by a fairly massive model range. Of course, there are competitors from other companies. However, we will consider several devices from the range Samsung vacuum cleaners, which can compete with the model under consideration.

Competitor #1 - Samsung VC18M21A0

The first competitor on the list, the Korean development Samsung VC18M21A0, looks a little better technically, but these improvements are accompanied by an increase in price by 1.5-2 thousand rubles. compared to the Samsung SC4520 vacuum cleaner.

Technical perfection, in this case, is the implementation of the bar in a telescopic version. The Samsung SC4520 has a simple metal section of two tubes. There are also increased power parameters (1800/380 W) and a larger volume of the assembly container (1.5 liters).

Competitor #2 - Samsung SC4326

The second development, also acting as a competitor, is essentially a complete analogue of the Samsung SC4520 vacuum cleaner. Even all the technical parameters of this model correspond, as well as the price.True, there are a couple of points that you can pay special attention to. This is the presence of a HEPA11 filter.

And also the best range of 9.2 m (slightly more than the SC4520).

Competitor #3 - Samsung SC4181

The third design, Samsung SC4181, looks interesting in terms of competitive price and some technical aspects. However, this vacuum cleaner is somewhat different in class, since it is equipped not with a cyclone filter, but with a bag filter, which has lost its modern relevance.

But at the same time, offering up to 1 thousand rubles. economy, model SC4181 has the best power parameters (1800 W) and a convenient telescopic rod. The set of working elements includes a turbo brush. And another attractive detail is the resistive power regulator on the top panel of the case.

Competitor #4 - Samsung SC4140

Finally, the fourth competitor is the Samsung SC4140, which is similar in basic technical parameters to the Samsung SC4520 (power 1600/320 W). It is cheaper by almost 2 thousand rubles. At the same time, it has 5 stages of filtration, a telescopic rod and weighs almost 1 kg lighter.

For this model, it is worth noting the improved rotation design of the working hose - it provides a 360º rotation of the hose. The range is 9.2 meters. The only negative in comparisons is the use of the “bag” system. However, this criterion should be considered “for an amateur.”

If you are interested in practical and popular products from a Korean manufacturer, but are not too attracted by the described models, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the best washing vacuum cleaners and proven in practice robot vacuum cleaners this brand.

Conclusions and best offers on the market

Overall, the Korean household cleaning machine looks quite decent.For a budget option, the design justifies both the market price and the presence of minor flaws.

Based on the details of the review and practical examples, the following conclusion suggests itself - buying a household vacuum cleaner from a Korean company will not leave the user indifferent.

Would you like to talk about how you chose a vacuum cleaner for regular cleaning in your own home/apartment, or about how you use it? You have useful information on the topic of the article that is worth sharing with site visitors. Please write comments in the block below, ask questions, post photos.

Visitor comments
  1. Ivan

    A good inexpensive vacuum cleaner that does its job well. This one has been working for me for ten years without any problems. Moreover, neither the vacuum cleaner itself nor its components broke down - the hose, nozzles, everything was original. True, my kit is slightly different from the one in the photo - the pipe is not folding, but telescopic and made of metal. The only noticeable disadvantage of this vacuum cleaner is the very loud sound of operation, as if an airplane is taking off.

  2. Igor

    We bought the same vacuum cleaner. The fact that the hose is short is really a minus, but not for my wife - height 165, it’s enough for her eyes. It’s convenient that the dirt is collected in a plastic container and not in a removable bag. I washed it, wiped it down and got back to work. The price is quite low, in my city it’s about 5,000 rubles with a discount. The suction power is sufficient to suck in both small debris and some construction debris (may my wife forgive me).

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