Defoamer for vacuum cleaner: types of products and rules of use + best manufacturing companies

Washing vacuum cleaners with water filters are a real salvation for lovers of impeccable cleanliness.The use of advanced technology is especially indicated for people who suffer from constant allergies and asthma attacks.

By retaining even microscopic particles of allergens and dust in the water, aquafilters make the air in the room clean, fresh and moisturized. However, servicing this category of devices has its own nuances.

To ensure comfortable and safe operation, a vacuum cleaner defoamer is required - a chemical agent that suppresses excessive foam formation. What it is, why it is needed and how to use it - we will consider further. We will also talk about popular manufacturers of foam absorbers and what can be used to replace the product.

Why is a defoamer necessary?

A foam damper is a chemical substance on a powder or liquid basis, which contains special components that can suppress the foaming process.

Many users are perplexed: why extinguish the foam at all if it does not interfere with anything? The fact is that when liquid and soap composition come into contact with dust particles penetrating into the vacuum cleaner, a large amount of foam is formed.

Gradually increasing in size due to intense circulation of air masses, the foam eventually reaches the motor filter, which protects the engine of the device from dust and dirt. A wet filter makes it difficult to clean the air.

Dirty vacuum cleaner filter
Constant dampness leads to the rapid proliferation of fungus, mold, pathogenic bacteria, and provokes the appearance of a sharp unpleasant odor. As a result, all this, together with the air, enters the room.

If foam floods the engine, vacuum cleaner breakdown inevitable. Such a nuisance is fraught with expensive repairs, or even complete unsuitability of the device for further use. A defoamer will help solve these problems.

It performs several useful functions simultaneously:

  • protection of the structure and electric motor from the negative effects of foam;
  • support stable performance and suction power of the vacuum cleaner;
  • ensuring filter functionality.

In addition, the product prevents contamination of the surrounding air with harmful microparticles that are dangerous to the health of household members.

Types of mixtures for extinguishing foam

There are two types of chemicals that are used with cleaning liquids to block foam.

They differ in composition and have different bases:

  • organic;
  • silicone.

Organic defoamer made from oils. It is considered absolutely harmless to the health of people and pets, but is used much less frequently.

It is difficult to find such defoamers in stores. Only individual companies are engaged in their production, since the manufacturing process requires the use of complex formulas and many different components. The price of organic products is not cheap.

Silicone defoamers are much more popular. It is made on a silicone basis.

Different types of defoamers
Typically, antifoaming agents include silicone oil and silica, supplemented with softening elements, flavoring additives and other chemicals.

The principle of operation of the components contained in the mixtures is as follows:

  • silicone destroys the foam structure;
  • organic elements increase the surface tension of the liquid, knocking dust particles into clumps;
  • the fragrance imparts an unobtrusive aroma.

As a result, the amount of splashes in the water container is significantly reduced and there is virtually no foam.

In conditions of high competition, manufacturers are trying to make their own mixture recipes, find special effective formulas and unique technologies, and select the most optimal proportions.

In general, the compositions of various brands are similar to each other, although each company positions its product as the best on the market.

Rules for using defoamer

Almost all antifoam agents are used in a similar way. They are used for washing machines, steam vacuum cleaners, devices with aquafilters.

For the composition to start working, just follow a few simple steps:

  1. Shake the bottle with the mixture before direct use.
  2. Add one measuring cap to the vacuum cleaner container filled with liquid. The optimal dosage and cap volume may vary, depending on the manufacturer and the specific type of product.
  3. If there is an excessive amount of foam, add another dose to the reservoir.

Defoamers should not be stored at low temperatures. As a rule, modern products do not contain hazardous compounds, formaldehydes, or heavy metals. Nevertheless, it is still worth observing ordinary safety measures.

Checking the vacuum cleaner instructions
You should be aware that the foam suppressor is not used for all vacuum cleaners with a water filter. It is better to clarify the need for its use in a specific model in advance with a sales consultant or in the instructions

It is important to avoid contact of chemicals with skin, respiratory organs, and eyes. In case of accidental inhalation of the product, the room should be well ventilated, providing access to fresh air. If the substance gets on your skin, it is recommended to promptly rinse it with plenty of running water.

More detailed rules for the use of the chemical composition can be found in the manufacturer's instructions, which should be included with the product.

For the first time after purchasing a washing vacuum cleaner A defoamer must be used. After six months, the amount of foam produced generally decreases on its own.

Users claim that in this case you can do without special chemicals by taking certain measures to prevent foaming:

As an option, you can completely abandon shampoos and detergents and use only plain water, without adding products with a cleaning effect. It is also important to monitor the cleanliness of the container and filters. Detailed instructions for operating washing units are presented in this article.

The most active foam formation occurs in the first few minutes after turning on the device. Then the process gradually stabilizes. Even if a damper is used, a minimal amount of foam will likely appear. This largely depends on the detergent chosen.

The best foam dampener manufacturers

Chemical mixtures intended for extinguishing foam in a vacuum cleaner are sold in specialized online stores, household chemicals departments, and household appliance supermarkets.

It is not necessary to use chemicals from the same brand for a vacuum cleaner from a certain manufacturer. Often, defoamers are universal and can be used in all devices that require it.

In the range of accessories for vacuum cleaners you can see many offers from different companies. They differ in composition, volume, consumption and price category. Let's consider popular products in this area, presented by domestic and foreign brands.

Places in the ranking are distributed according to the demand for a particular product and the ratings it received from real buyers.

1st place - Karcher company

German company Karcher pays special attention to the introduction of innovative technologies in the field of cleaning and cleaning solutions for the home.

FoamStop defoamer from Karcher
One bottle of liquid mixture with a volume of 125 ml is enough for six months of quite active use - that’s about 70 cleanings.The product is designed for Karcher equipment, but is suitable for all washing vacuum cleaners and devices equipped with a water filter

The brand produces the most expensive, but also the highest quality chemicals for vacuum cleaners. Its main advantage is its very economical consumption: for 2 liters of water you need only 2 ml of product.

A foam damper costs from 500 to 700 rubles. The citrus or fruit flavors included in its composition leave a light, pleasant smell in the room. The product is made from hypoallergenic substances.

The use of FoamStop defoamer guarantees long-term performance of the intermediate filter.

2nd place - Huber Schaumstopp

The product from this manufacturer is produced in different volumes - in a liter bottle with an average cost of about 1,600 rubles and a small 125 ml bottle at a price of up to 250 rubles.

Antifoam Huber Schaumstopp attracts users with an affordable price and environmentally friendly composition. By preventing intense foaming, it maintains the suction power of the vacuum cleaner at a consistently high level.

Huber Schaumstopp anti-foam agent for Karcher vacuum cleaners
To a greater extent, the product is designed for washing units and vacuum cleaners with an aqua filter from Zelmer and Karcher, but is also used in devices of other brands

3rd place - Grass Antifoam

Anti-foam agent from a Russian company Grass positioned as an analogue of Karcher. The product is sold in 250 ml plastic bottles and costs much less - about 150-300 rubles. The concentration of the active substance in the liquid is 60%.

Antifoam Grass Antifoam
Grass Antifoam is a universal defoamer. It is used in washing vacuum cleaners, floor polishers, carpet extractors, dishwashers and other devices where foam interferes with the normal operation of the work process.

According to users, the Grass defoamer copes with its functions no worse than the original. The only caveat in its operation is the residual residue on the container after using the product.

To avoid this, you need to thoroughly rinse the vacuum cleaner tank after cleaning.

4th place - Zelmer company

Foam neutralizer from a well-known manufacturer of household appliances Zelmer It is not used very often because it is very difficult to find in stores. Basically, it is delivered only upon order.

Defoamer Zelmer
Zelmer's product blocks foam and ensures proper functioning of the vacuum cleaner. The product is recommended for use in conjunction with washing units of the same brand. You should check with a specialist about the possibility of using it in other devices.

Zelmer's product blocks foam and ensures proper functioning of the vacuum cleaner. It is produced in limited quantities.

5th place - ACG ANTIFOAM

Neutral concentrated emulsion for extinguishing foam from a Russian manufacturer A.C.G. prevents the onset of foam-forming processes in any washing equipment: vacuum cleaners, steam machines, vacuum cleaners with aqua filters, treatment plants.

ACG ANTIFOAM is used as a functional defoaming additive to various acidic or alkaline detergents. The liquid does not affect the cleansing effect of these products.

ACG foam control compound is sold at an affordable price. The average cost of an economical liter package is about 270 rubles.

ACG products
ACG ANTIFOAM is a product for extinguishing foam in vacuum cleaners (in the picture above and on the right). In addition to defoamers, the company produces products for various types of cleaning activities, for example, for cleaning particularly dirty floors

6th place - REIN Antifoam agent

Concentrated liquid REIN with specially selected components helps to effectively prevent foaming of solutions in washing equipment. The defoamer can be purchased at a price of 630 rubles.

The product from REIN is produced in plastic liter bottles. This volume is enough for about 400 cleanings, which equates to 1.5-2 years of active use. The mixture improves the cleaning ability of acid-base substances.

Antifoam liquid REIN
The REIN company, in addition to defoamers, produces a range of products for washing various surfaces. Among them is a floor cleaner that can be used in washing models of vacuum cleaners without the risk of damaging the equipment.

Since the product contains a surfactant, it should be used with caution, making sure in advance that it is safe for the vacuum cleaner. If possible, it is better to take a branded defoamer instead.

Making defoamer from improvised materials

To save on expensive specialized chemicals, some users make a product with similar functions on their own at home. In online reviews there are several popular folk recipes used in practice.

The simplest option for replacing the defoamer is salt, which prevents foaming when added to water.

By analogy, vinegar or vinegar essence is used: pour ½ tablespoon of the first or 2-3 drops of the second product into the reservoir with liquid.

Another recipe “from the people” is sunflower oil combined with soda in a 1:1 ratio. These products stabilize the foam production processes and prevent it from penetrating the container.

Preparing a solution for extinguishing foam at home
The method with sunflower oil has a significant drawback.After using it, it is quite difficult to clean the container. You can completely get rid of greasy deposits on the walls only with the help of detergents.

For the same purpose, starch is added to the liquid. It slows down water vibrations and neutralizes the formation of foam by binding its molecules.

Another little-known method of replacing defoamer is mentioned on the forums, which involves the use of acacia gum (gum arabic). The substance is combined with a small amount of alcohol and water.

Of all the listed methods for extinguishing foam, the most effective is considered to be the one with vinegar. But you need to understand that the safety of the effects of the considered folk remedies on the structural parts of the equipment has not been 100% proven. They are used, as they say, at your own peril and risk.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

What is a defoamer, how can it be replaced at home - practical recommendations and instructions:

To protect a washing unit or a vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter from the harmful effects of foam, you need to take care of the safety of the equipment in advance. When purchasing cleaning equipment, ask the seller whether a particular model requires the use of a defoamer during operation.

If yes, then choose the most reliable tool based on your budget. Anti-foam compounds will help maintain the functionality of the main parts of the device - filters and engine.

Are you looking for a high-quality defoamer for your vacuum cleaner? Or do you have experience using a good product? Please leave comments on the article, ask questions and participate in discussions. The contact form is located below.

Visitor comments
  1. Eve

    I want to buy myself a washing vacuum cleaner, it’s good that I’m a very meticulous person and I started reading all about them.I would never have thought that there were so many nuances, like defoamers. Most likely, I will buy a vacuum cleaner from Karcher. A friend from work has it and she praises it. It would probably be logical to buy and use the defoamer from the same company. Moreover, they are in first place in your rating.

  2. Tatiana

    Do I need a defoamer if I don't use detergents? I only wash laminate flooring with clean water and a Bosch vacuum cleaner?

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