Dismantling a concrete screed: instructions for removing the screed yourself + expert advice

During major renovations, it is often necessary to dismantle the concrete floor screed.Many people turn to specialists for help. But, you see, it’s illogical to spend money on hiring a team of craftsmen if you can disassemble the structure yourself? It is better to use the saved funds to purchase better quality building materials.

In this article we will present an algorithm for self-removal of concrete floor screed. Let us list and characterize the methods for disassembling the structure. We'll tell you when and which method is best to use. We will give useful recommendations.

When is it advisable to disassemble the screed yourself?

Dismantling a floor screed is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process. Therefore, construction and repair companies set high prices for such work. The price, depending on the thickness of the screed, the presence of a reinforcing layer, the complexity of the technology used, the type of tools and equipment used, varies from 150 to 1200 rubles per sq.m.

If you have experience working with construction tools and have a couple of free days, then it makes sense to dismantle the concrete structure yourself. This will save a considerable amount of money.

In addition, not all companies employ conscientious and qualified craftsmen.It is easier to control the quality of dismantling if you do it yourself.

Concrete screed with a crack in the middle
If the screed is partially replaced, then all cracked blocks are removed. Whole areas are tapped. A dull sound indicates detachment of the screed from the underlying surface and its imminent destruction

But, if a person has never done repairs, then he should not try to disassemble a concrete screed on his own. This is associated with a high risk of injury and damage to utilities.

General algorithm for removing concrete screed

When removing old concrete screed, you need to follow a certain sequence of actions. Otherwise, the process of disassembling the structure may be delayed, and you will have to do extra work.

Dismantling of the concrete screed should be carried out in a number of stages:

  1. Preparing the premises.
  2. Selecting a dismantling method.
  3. Preparation of necessary tools and personal protective equipment.
  4. Removing the screed using the selected technology.
  5. Removal and removal of construction waste.
  6. Carrying out cleaning.

Following this algorithm is the key to successful dismantling.

We bring to your attention the article: Sanding concrete floor.

Features of room preparation

Before you begin dismantling the screed, you need to completely empty the room. All personal belongings, furniture, and equipment should be removed to avoid damage. This is also important in the case of partial dismantling of a concrete structure. Be sure to remove baseboards, linoleum, parquet and other floor finishing materials.

First, it is worth studying the layout of technical communications. On the screed you should mark the places where the water pipes pass and electrical cables.

Empty room with concrete floor screed
Preparing the room for screed dismantling is very important.If everything is done correctly at this stage, then the removal of the concrete structure will take place quickly and without serious problems.

It is also necessary to notify residents of upcoming work. It is especially necessary to inform those who live nearby on the site and on the ground floor. After all, removing the screed, regardless of the method chosen, will be accompanied by noise.

It is also possible that the load on electrical networks may increase due to the use of powerful tools.

Methods for removing concrete screed

You can remove a concrete screed using different technologies.

The following methods are most in demand today:

  • shock;
  • cutting out;
  • drilling;
  • use of special compounds.

The method is selected based on the characteristics of the screed - its thickness, the presence of reinforcing mesh, available tools and experience working with them.

Option 1 - impact dismantling technology

The essence of the method is that an impact force is applied to the surface of the screed. As a result, the concrete begins to crack and break. They pull it out in parts and throw it away.

To remove the screed using the impact method, different tools are used. It is recommended to use an electric demolition hammer. With its help, you can dismantle about 50 sq.m of an old structure in just 8 hours. It is important to choose a device with the right power. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the concrete layer.

You can also use a hammer drill. It is equipped with a chisel and a special lance. The drilling mode is turned off, leaving only the impact function.

A man dismantles a floor screed with a hammer drill
If the concrete screed is removed using a hammer drill, it is recommended to work for 15-20 minutes. Breaks are needed to ensure that the tool cools down and does not fail.

If there are no electrical appliances, then you will have to use a crowbar, chisel and hammer.Break the concrete surface into fragments of 3-5 sq.m.

This method is quite effective. But you will have to put in a lot of physical effort. The disadvantages of the impact method also include strong noise, vibration and intense dust in the room.

Option 2 - dismantling the screed by cutting

To implement the cutting method you will need Bulgarian, equipped with a special coated diamond wheel for stone and concrete. A hand chain saw and joint cutters can also be used.

First you need to determine the thickness of the screed so as not to touch the base when cutting. In rooms located on the first floors, this parameter is approximately 25 cm, on the second and subsequent floors - 10 cm. Using a circular saw, the entire area is cut into sections of 0.5 sq.m. Each fragment is undermined with a crowbar and removed.

Concrete floor screed is cut with a joint saw
Electric and gasoline floor saws are expensive. Renting them is also expensive. Therefore, in order to save money, they use hand tools

The advantage of this method is the low level of dust and noise. But using power saws alone is difficult and dangerous. You need to have experience working with such a tool.

The downside of the technology is the risk of damage to the floors if the saw is used carelessly.

Option 3 - removal of concrete screed by drilling

To implement the drilling technology, a hammer drill or a diamond drill or a pick are used. First, a large number of holes are made across the entire area of ​​the screed. Then, with a pike, the drilled areas are beaten off from all sides. When drilling, it is important to maintain a right angle. Otherwise the drill may break.

This method of removing old screed is characterized by a low noise level. But it is quite difficult to use.Equipment for implementing the drilling method must be of high quality. It is important to be able to work with it correctly.

Option 4 - dismantling using special means

There are compounds that, when in contact with concrete, contribute to its cracking. These include NVR-80 and NRS-1M. Under their influence, the slab simply crumbles.

Cracked concrete floor screed
Compositions NRV-80 and NRS-1M are usually used for dismantling severely cracked surfaces. The principle of their destructive action is based on the use of quicklime modified lime

NRV-80 and NRS-1M products are poured into cracks and chips of the screed. Within two days, the concrete structure is destroyed and removed. This method is simple and silent. When using it, no dust is generated.

Which method should I choose?

The impact method of screed dismantling is recommended for high-strength coatings. For example, this is an ideal option for dismantling floors made of concrete with topping. But this method is not suitable for structures containing reinforcing mesh.

It is recommended to choose impact screed removal technology for private structures. In multi-storey residential buildings, this dismantling method is also often used. But it causes a lot of inconvenience to neighbors due to the high noise level.

For old buildings, impact technology must be used carefully to avoid causing damage to the house, reducing its performance characteristics and service life.

A man breaks a floor screed with a hammer drill
Most often, a hammer drill is used to remove concrete screed. This device is found in almost every home. It is convenient and easy to use

Cutting removal is suitable for different types of concrete surface. The technology is recommended for use in apartment buildings.Removing the screed using this method will not create as much discomfort as the previous method.

The use of drilling is advisable if dismantling of part of a concrete structure is required.

Preparation of tools and protective equipment

To dismantle a concrete screed, crowbars, chisels, ordinary hand and jackhammers, hammer drills, sledgehammers, grinders, joint cutters, chain saws, etc. are used. What set of tools will need to be formed depends on the chosen method of dismantling the concrete screed. Before use, it is recommended to inspect electrical appliances for integrity and check their proper operation.

To collect dust and small particles, screeds will be required vacuum cleaner. To store waste, you need to buy durable polymer bags or prepare special containers.

As part of your overalls, you should have glasses for construction and repair work. They will protect the mucous membranes of the eyes from fine dust and fragments of material.

Personal protective equipment for screed dismantling
When removing the screed on their own, few people worry about their own safety. This often leads to accidents. Therefore, it is important to use protective equipment

To prevent head injury from concrete fragments flying out from under the tools, you should use a helmet. To protect the hearing aid and nervous system, you need to purchase special headphones.

Gloves will help prevent damage to the skin of your hands. They will soften accidental falls of screed parts. Protects against cuts and bruises. You should also take care of your feet. Pieces of concrete may fall on them during dismantling. Wearing thick rubber boots will help prevent serious injury.

Another important personal protective equipment is a respirator.It will prevent fine dust from entering the respiratory tract.

Removing concrete screed and cleaning

Removing the floor screed should begin from the far corner of the room. As parts of the structure become detached and accumulate, they should be taken out of the room and placed in special bags or containers. Removal of construction waste is the responsibility of the owners of the premises in which renovations are being carried out.

You cannot leave a disassembled screed near the house. She is taken to designated places. You can use the services of a specialized company.

Garbage containers in the courtyard of a residential building
Construction waste must not be disposed of in containers used for household waste. For this, Article 8.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation establishes punishment in the form of a fine from 1000 to 2000 rubles

After completing the dismantling work, you need to remove small particles of screed and dust. To do this, vacuum the surface and wipe it with a damp cloth.

Recommendations from specialists for screed dismantling

Often the process of dismantling a concrete floor structure is accompanied by a number of difficulties and problems. In order for dismantling to proceed as quickly, easily and safely as possible, you should adhere to basic recommendations when performing the work.

Experts advise, first of all, to take into account the type of floor and assess the risk of its destruction along with the screed. You can accidentally make a hole in it.

A lot of dust when dismantling the screed
When removing the screed, especially by impact methods, a lot of dust is generated. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically wipe the surface with a damp cloth during dismantling.

Dismantling should be carried out carefully to avoid injury. Safety rules cannot be ignored. When using a power tool, only hold it by the insulated part to avoid electric shock.It is imperative to work in protective clothing. After completing the disassembly of the structure, utilities should be inspected to ensure their integrity.

We also recommend reading our other article, where we talked in detail about dismantling cement-sand screed with your own hands.

Before using the tool, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of its operation and care. For example, if you use an electric jackhammer for dismantling, you should remember to lubricate it every few hours. It is recommended that before you begin removing the screed with your own hands, watch a training video on the relevant topic.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Technology for removing concrete screed by drilling in practice:

Recommendations from a specialist for dismantling screeds with your own hands:

There are different ways to remove concrete screed. Dismantling can be done faster using power tools. In financial terms, it is more profitable to use sledgehammers, hammers and crowbars. When choosing a method for dismantling a concrete structure, you need to take into account the parameters and features of the house, the residence of elderly people and families with small children in the neighborhood.

If you have experience in dismantling concrete screed yourself, then share it with us. Leave your comments in the form below.

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