Infrared heating panels: types, operating principle, installation and operation features

The operating principle of infrared heating devices is so simple that one can only wonder why this heating method has become widespread only now. Plus, he energy efficient and economical. However, many still do not know what infrared heating panels are or what the principle of their operation is.

You will learn everything about the types of IR panels, the specifics of their operation and advantages and disadvantages from the article we presented. We have described in detail the features of their installation and operation. Arguments were given to convince people to purchase infrared heating equipment for decorating their own home.

Operating principle of infrared devices

Heating a room with infrared radiation is a revolutionary method that treats not so much the air itself as the objects in the room. The IR source acts on space like the Sun on our planet.

All other heating methods (radiators, oil heaters etc.) work on the principle of convection heating of air masses. That is, cold (unheated) air flows around a hot surface and receives heat from it. An increase in temperature entails a decrease in density, as a result, according to the law of physics, air rushes upward.

But we don't live on the ceiling. It is important for us that the comfortable air temperature is in the central and lower third of the room.

Infrared heating panel diagram
There is nothing complicated about the design of IR panels - it’s surprising how humanity didn’t think about their invention earlier! The infrared heat emitted by heaters is similar in power and structure to solar rays

A device that heats not the air, but floors, furniture and even your skin, is an infrared panel. Only after heating of these surfaces is heat transferred to the surrounding air. Heating of the room begins from below, thereby ensuring a comfortable temperature in the area of ​​human activity.

And now those people who are at least a little familiar with physics will have a logical question - why are the heat rays of IR panels not immediately absorbed by the air? This is the whole “trick” of these devices!

In the infrared region there are a kind of “black holes” where heat rays are weakly absorbed. The widest such “window” is located in the range of 8-13.5 microns. If thermal radiation has a wavelength close to it, the air throughput in this case is 80-85%, so IR rays reach the surface unhindered.

Classification of IR heating panels

Depending on the criterion that is taken as the basis for division, all infrared heating devices are divided into many classes of groups and subgroups.

  1. According to the method of installation and design, they are divided into:
  • Built-in. Their basis is drywall, on which a heater (graphite filament) and thermal insulation are applied. A decorative protective screen is installed on top of it.
  • Mounted. Made of metal, glass, heat-resistant plastic. The heater is encased in anodized aluminum or ceramic.

Built-in models are, as it were, “tied” to building structures or furnishings; wall-mounted types can be used as an independent interior element.

  1. By type (location) of installation we can distinguish:
  • Skirting. They have a long narrow shape, so they are mounted at the bottom of walls (at the border with the floor), under window sills, in niches, etc.
  • Wall-mounted. They have a larger heat transfer area than baseboards. They are usually installed in the center of the wall. Moreover, they can be used not only in dry, residential areas, but also in outbuildings – even with high humidity. IR panels are not afraid of moisture and can even be placed in open outdoor gazebos, on verandas, etc.
  • Ceiling. They are mounted, as you guessed it, into a suspended ceiling system, and this is their significant advantage. Firstly, they do not spoil the design of the room. Secondly, nothing interferes with the passage of infrared radiation, thus the heat is distributed evenly.

According to the principle of operation, all of the listed types do not differ. They are chosen based on the goals set for the arrangement and the tasks solved during the renovation of the premises.

Built-in infrared heater
IR panels built into the suspended ceiling structure are not “conspicuous”, do not take up a single centimeter of usable space, and do not affect the interior design
  1. Based on wavelength they are distinguished:
  • Shortwave. It is characterized by heating above 300 ºС, therefore it is usually used at large-scale production facilities.
  • Long wave. “Softer” ones provide a comfortable temperature in living spaces without harming the health of others.

Regardless of the type, infrared heating panels must be installed in such a way that the flow of infrared radiation does not encounter obstacles in its path.The best place for installation will be a section of the wall next to which there is no furniture or decorative items.

Scope of application and specifics of operation

IR panels work best with spot heating of a specific place indoors or outdoors. They work great in areas equipped for recreation near dachas and private houses, areas owned by cafes and small restaurants.

Most often, IR panel heaters are used as an additional heating source when it is necessary to increase the temperature in a specific place. For example, when it is necessary to “insulate” a recreation area in a large house or a work space somewhere in a warehouse or industrial facility.

Scheme of action of infrared heat waves
The IR panel allows you to create an “island” of heat in large rooms. Their action is focused, aimed at a certain zone, or more precisely at objects located within it

As for heating commercial buildings in this way, it is very economical and convenient. With the help of panels, it is possible to create conditions for the most comfortable stay of a person in any specific area, without spending money on heating the entire room.

Weather conditions such as humidity or wind do not affect the radiation efficiency, so the panels perform excellently even outdoors.

In offices, infrared panels are often used as the main heat source. This solution is cheaper than installing your own mini-boiler room with solid fuel or gas equipment, if the office is not connected to the central heating system.

IR heaters are more economical than oil heaters, electric heaters, etc., since among all types electric heating radiant – the most economical. It is most profitable for offices to combine heated floors with IR panels mounted in the ceiling. Then you can maintain the room temperature at +20⁰С even in frosty weather.

Infrared heater and lamp
Infrared heaters emit more than just heat waves. they can easily serve as lamps in the area of ​​entrance areas and in corridors, night lamps

Recommendations for installation

To install infrared heating panels, you do not need special knowledge or experience. The tools needed for installation are at the disposal of every owner. The documents for the device must contain step-by-step installation instructions. If you haven’t found it, go to the panel manufacturer’s website, there is definitely such information there.

Fastenings for panels are already included with them. If you have your own vision on this matter, you can choose the fasteners yourself. However, be sure to make sure that it can support the weight of the panel you choose to install.

Here are a few more nuances that it is better to know about in advance, that is, before installation begins:

  • A larger percentage of manufactured panels are ceiling panels. Many of them are equipped with corner brackets, however not all. Therefore, pay attention to this point when purchasing. Swivel models are better because their working surface can rotate 30°.
  • For rooms with high ceilings, models are produced that are suspended on chains. This allows you to control the radiation intensity and select the heated area.
  • To calculate how powerful the heating system should be to warm the room with IR panels, proceed from the calculation - 1 kW per 10 m2.
  • Mount the panels at the recommended mounting height, as most lower wattage panels heat the room more efficiently and evenly by eliminating blind spots and hot spots.

During installation, do not allow the heating surface to come into contact with flammable or flammable substances.

Infrared ceiling heater
Ceiling infrared devices are supplied with a complete mounting kit. The package includes brackets, hooks and chains depending on the model

Take care of high-quality insulation of electrical wiring contacts when installing the device. Use plastic caps or electrical tape for this.

Arguments for and against IR panels

Those who plan to install infrared heating panels at home naturally want to know not only about their advantages, but also about the points that may cause inconvenience. Therefore, below is an objective assessment of both the positive aspects and disadvantages of this heating method.

The following arguments in favor can be given in favor of infrared panels:

  1. Impact resistance and increased strength. IR panels are not afraid of even shocks and falls. And all thanks to its shockproof body and heavy-duty materials.
  2. Easy installation and simple operation. You just need to fix the panel on the wall or ceiling and plug it into a power outlet. This does not require any special knowledge, a welding machine, etc.
  3. Low energy consumption. Firstly, there are no energy losses to heat the air. Secondly, IR radiation reduces the overall temperature of the space by 3-5 ºС, which allows saving energy up to 25%.That is, the air temperature is felt on average 5 degrees higher than the one shown by the thermometer when measured. And all because not only the air that is being measured heats up, but also the objects in the room and even the person himself.
  4. Quiet operation. Such heaters will not “crack” or “gurgle”, which means they will not interfere with sleep and other vital processes.
  5. Independence from power surges. Even if the voltage changes, this will not affect the operation of the heater.
  6. Maintaining normal air humidity. IR thermal panels do not dry out the air like others electric convectors, which make breathing difficult and dry out the mucous membranes. They do not allow air mixing (cold/warm), so dust caused by heated air masses does not rise.
  7. Compact dimensions and lack of associated equipment. There is no need to install bulky pipelines, radiators, boilers.

However, quite often on the Internet you can find information about dangers of infrared radiation and negative effects on the human body. Such myths have no scientific basis.

Operating principle of an infrared device
Radiant heating benefits from the fact that it evenly warms the room without creating zones of “stagnation” of warm masses

On the contrary, in this sense they are “more useful” than other common heating methods, because:

  • do not dry out the air or burn out the air;
  • do not raise dust, since there is no convection;
  • keep the body in good shape due to the slight temperature contrast.

In addition, such heaters are even recommended for people suffering from joint diseases, since they warm up the human body well, as a result of which inflammation and pain soon go away.

When long-wave infrared rays hit the skin, its receptors are irritated, to which the hypothalamus reacts, the smooth muscles of the blood vessels relax, as a result of which they expand.

Thus, IR rays help stimulate and improve blood circulation. Please note that they are completely harmless to the skin, unlike UV rays, which can even cause pigmentation changes. If you approach the use of IR radiation rationally, it will be difficult to find shortcomings.

The benefits of infrared heating
Infrared heating panels are not harmful to health. On the contrary, they help cure joint diseases, and it’s not for nothing that they are used in medicine

In cases of poor quality maintenance and negligent use of devices, the following not very pleasant consequences are possible:

  1. If installed incorrectly, the space will warm up in a different area that would need to be treated first. Infrared radiation is characterized by a clearly limited segment of action.
  2. System IR heating does not always fit harmoniously into the surrounding space.
  3. Excessive radiation can negatively affect electronics (TV, computer and other electrical appliances). However, it all depends on whether operating standards are met and what dimensions the room has.

Infrared panels are a new generation heating system. It provides safe and efficient home heating with minimal financial costs. You will not encounter any significant drawbacks when installing or using the panels, since they simply do not exist.

“Question-answer” section

On the topic of infrared panels, you can find a lot of identical questions on the Internet, which are the first thing that comes to a person who decides to install them at home. We have consolidated the most common of them and prepared a kind of TOP questionnaire with detailed answers.

— How long will IR panels last me?

— Their average service life is 25 years. Whether they will work for you more or less depends on the mode in which you operate them and whether you follow the care rules.

— What is sold complete with the IR panel? Are any other materials or components needed for its installation and operation?

The standard configuration of the device includes the heater itself and a wire with a plug. For subsequent installation and connection, electrical wires are also required, thermostat in socket, if it is not structurally provided, automatic switches, magnetic starters and possibly other automatic devices (depending on the characteristics of the heating system).

You will also need brackets, dowels, screws, self-tapping screws for fastening, but in most cases they also come as a set.

— Do panels from different manufacturers have different dimensions or are the standardized dimensions the same for all?

— The length may differ - 1 m and 1.5 m. The first is on models with a power of 0.6 kW, the second is for 1 and 1.3 kW. The width and thickness are the same for all devices - 16.5 cm and 4 cm, respectively.

- What acts as a heating element in panels?

- It is low temperature heating element, mounted in an aluminum plate, which acts as an emitter.

— How much does the ceiling IR panel weigh?

— It all depends on the power of the model.For configurations at 0.6 kW, the weight is 3.5 kg, for power 1 and 1.3 kW - 4.5 kg.

— My ceiling is covered with plastic. Will the panel light it up? Does it get very hot?

Its body practically does not heat up, since thermally insulated. Therefore, installation is possible on surfaces made of any materials. You don't have to be afraid of fire.

Infrared heating panel on the wall
Infrared heating devices can be mounted on any surface. They work well with any building and finishing materials without the risk of fire

— Is it possible to leave the plates turned on unattended?

— Yes, if they are equipped with a thermostat. If not, it is not recommended to leave it unattended for a long time to avoid overheating of the room.

— How many thermostats do you need?

— One thermostat per room.

— How much electricity is consumed with such heating? If a model with a power of 1 kW will it “wind up” 1 kW/hour?

— If you approach operation wisely, then, of course, no. The whole secret is that to maintain a comfortable temperature, it is enough for the panel to work for 20-30 minutes per hour.

Infrared panel and thermostat in a socket
It is not necessary to monitor the operation of an infrared heating panel equipped with a built-in thermostat or similar device in the outlet. It will turn off automatically when it reaches the temperature selected by the owner.

If you install a thermostat, the heater will not work constantly. It will turn on as needed. If the heating operates for 20-30 minutes per hour, electricity consumption will be from 1/3 to 1/2 of the device’s power.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The following video will introduce you to the operating principle of infrared heating panels:

Video presentation of ceramic IR panels made in Italy:

The following video will introduce you to the advantages of infrared panel heaters:

Operating the device in accordance with the instructions will ensure rapid heating of the room to a high temperature and the creation of comfortable climatic conditions, which are regulated by built-in or additional automation.

Would you like to talk about how you selected an IR heating panel for your own home/office/apartment? Share your criteria that determined the choice of device. Please leave comments in the block below, ask questions and post photos on the topic of the article.

Visitor comments
  1. Boris

    Just like that, these panels have nothing but advantages (except for the situation when they are installed incorrectly). However, this is not the first year I have been trampling the earth and I know that everything has its downsides. I would like to know them. I am interested in the situation when the panels are used as the main heating.

    • Expert
      Alexey Dedyulin

      Good afternoon, Boris.

      IR panels have two disadvantages:

      1. Fragility. Ceramics require careful handling; even a slight blow can render the panel unusable.
      2. Power.

      The vast majority of infrared panels range from 500 to 800 watts.

      Averaged required equipment power for infrared heating relative to the area of ​​the room is expressed in relation to:

      — 12-17 sq. m - 1250-1500 W;
      — 18-19 sq. m - 1750 W;
      — 20-23 sq. m - 2000 W;
      — 24-27 sq. m - 2500 W.

      We can conclude that to heat a bedroom, it is necessary to install from 2 to 3 IR panels, and for a living room to be fully heated, it will require the installation of at least 3 pieces and up to 4-5 IR panels, depending on the area.

      The number of IR panels as the main source of heating is determined by accurate calculations and depends on the quality of insulation of the house or apartment.

      Purpose first of all:

      - temporary heating of living space in the autumn-spring period. Due to its appearance, it is one of the best options on the market.
      — office premises, when it is not possible to connect to centralized heating or install individual heating.

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