How to make soundproofing of partitions with your own hands - the best options

A partition divides the space into separate rooms or zones.The comfort and convenience of living in the home of family members depends on its ability to absorb noise, preventing sound from spreading further. By properly soundproofing the partitions, you can calmly go about your business without disturbing loved ones in neighboring rooms.

Types of partitions

Based on their design, partitions are divided into two classes:

  1. Single layer. They can be made from different materials - brick, expanded clay concrete, reinforced concrete, plaster. They are always based on a dense building material and a rigid binder - mortar. The greater the mass of the wall, the better the sound absorption of such a structure.Single layer partition
  2. Multilayer. In such a partition, hard and dense layers alternate with soft and light ones. The former act similarly to single-layer partitions, increasing sound insulation with increasing material density. The latter absorb noise, reducing and weakening sound vibrations due to air friction in the pores.Multilayer partition

Soundproofing of these types is carried out in different ways. In single-layer ones, the width of the wall comes to the fore, and in multi-layer ones, the sequence of layers and the correct ratio of densities and masses of materials are important.

Soundproofing materials

For these purposes, different materials are used in construction:

  • gypsum board;
  • isoplat;
  • cotton insulation;
  • isotex.


This is about drywall, which is a plaster filling wrapped in a layer of construction paper.Today it has become widespread not only in the design of premises, but also in the soundproofing of partitions.


On sale you can find special acoustic plasterboard with increased noise absorption. It is inexpensive, easy to use, and practical. The advantage of the material is that it can be attached in different ways, for example, on a lathing or using gypsum mastic.

Soundproofed plasterboard partitions are made like this: vertical bars are installed in a zigzag pattern, and the space between the sheets is filled with glass wool.


We are talking about soft fiberboard (MFB). This is a material that is unique in its properties and has a windproof, heat-insulating, sound-proofing and vapor-permeable effect.


Lignin acts as the main binding element in the board. In addition to it, the composition may contain artificial latex, bitumen, and paraffin. Isoplat is produced in separate slabs with a thickness of 10, 12 and 25 mm, providing sound insulation from 23 dB. They are easy to install, because they can be glued or attached to staples or nails.

Cotton insulation

Mineral wool, linen insulation - all these materials can be used for sound insulation. The porous texture dampens sound waves inside, preventing them from spreading further.

Cotton insulation

There are several ways to use these materials:

  • on the outside of the partition under the cladding;
  • installation inside the partition;
  • installation in a place where engineering equipment is located - pipes and other structures that create sound vibrations.

Special acoustic wool differs from regular wool in density. The coefficient of sound conductivity depends on the thickness of the material.


We are talking about ready-made panels that are suitable for soundproofing walls.They can be painted, covered with fabric or covered with wallpaper, which opens up wide design possibilities.


Isotex is made from coniferous trees without harmful impurities and chemicals, so the material is considered environmentally friendly and safe for health.

The panels have a small thickness - 12 mm, which is a plus in relation to small rooms where every centimeter matters. They are attached with glue, screws or a construction stapler.

Soundproofing of a single-layer partition

A single-layer partition is massive in itself, so to soundproof it, choose materials that cannot “eat up” a significant area of ​​the room. Thin slabs and panels save space and are therefore considered the most preferable.

Two methods of soundproofing partitions have become widespread:

  1. Isotex.
  2. Isoplat and isotext.

Option 1 - isotex

If you want not only to protect yourself from noise coming from outside, but also to adjust the acoustics in a room, for example, a living room where there is a home theater, then you cannot find a better solution. Isotex panels are thin, but at the same time have a sound insulation coefficient of 23 dB. This is one of the few types of materials that comes already with decorative finishing.

Isotex has another useful property - thermal insulation. It does not let heat out, which can reduce losses during the cold season. The panels are supplied in packs of 4 pieces, and there are 40 packs in a pallet. One such pallet is enough to decorate a room with an area of ​​235 m².

Option 2 – isoplat and isotex

With such sound insulation of a single-layer partition, isoplat slabs are first installed, and then decorative isotex panels are attached to them.Due to the wide range of sizes of MDVP boards, you can adjust the thickness of the soundproofing layer at your discretion.

These two materials combine perfectly with each other. The thing is that isoplat plates have a high absorption capacity. Regular primer simply soaks into the surface. Other liquid materials such as paint give the same effect, and isotex panels already have the desired decorative effect and eliminate the need for any additional work.

Soundproofing of a single-layer partition

Sound insulation of multilayer partition

There are many options for making a multilayer partition. Here everything will depend on the free space of the room, which the owner is willing to sacrifice, the level of sound insulation that he wants to achieve, and material capabilities. The type, thickness of materials, their weight and filling - everything matters.

Three methods of sound insulation have become widespread:

  1. Adjacency.
  2. Plate, isoplat and gypsum board.
  3. Gypsum board, isoplat and insulation.


With this method of construction, the partition is in contact with other structural elements of the room. Usually this is the floor, ceiling, and other walls.

If the interior partition is represented by a gypsum tongue-and-groove slab, then it makes sense to install an elastic connection between it and the load-bearing wall, for which an isoplate slab is used. It is mounted between gypsum tongue-and-groove slabs and the floor, walls and ceiling. Mounting adhesive is used for fastening. This option allows you to increase the sound insulation coefficient of the entire structure to 41 dB.

Joining a partition on a single frame

Plate, isoplat and gypsum board

The basis is a tongue-and-groove slab. It is covered on both sides with MDVP boards, and then plasterboard is installed.This method has several advantages: gypsum board reflects sound, and isoplat absorbs it.

If you need to increase sound insulation, you can install several isoplat slabs, of course, provided that the space of the room allows. But it is not recommended to increase the number of plasterboards instead of wood-fiber ones. A hard material will not dampen sound as well as a soft isoplat.


Gyprok, isoplat and insulation

This is the best soundproofing of partitions. To bring this method to life, you must first mount a hollow frame, and fill the space inside with soft insulation, such as cotton wool. Increased demands are placed on its naturalness and ability to “breathe”, that is, to allow air to pass through, otherwise the material will not be able to effectively dampen sound.

Afterwards, the frame is covered with isoplat slabs, and drywall is attached to them. The result is a structure with low weight but good sound absorption properties.

Multilayer partition made of isoplat, insulation and plasterboard

It doesn’t matter whether the soundproofing of wooden partitions or any other is carried out, it is possible to enhance the achieved effect with the help of isotex panels. They can be supplemented with any of the above methods, providing additional acoustic comfort and making the surface decorative. You can even soundproof partitions in your own house or apartment yourself. You don't need any special skills for this.

Which method did you choose? Share your tips in the comments. Perhaps they will be useful to someone who is looking for the best and most reliable material for absorbing noise. Save the article to bookmarks and share it on social networks.

We also recommend watching a selection of videos that will reinforce your knowledge and answer any remaining questions.

Everything about soundproofing an apartment. Installation of interior partitions.

Soundproofing of plasterboard partitions.

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Visitor comments
  1. Sergey

    I bought an apartment in a new building, and now I’m wondering what material to use for soundproofing the partitions - aerated concrete or gypsum board?

    • Administration

      Better, of course, gypsum board. Make two layers on each side of the partition, and lay soft sound insulation inside

  2. Andrey Kirsanov

    Better yet, use weatherstripping tape, regular drywall, and gypsum board on each side. Such a partition will be strong, smooth and quiet.

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