Antiseptic for toilets in the country: a review of chemicals and bioactivators

Sooner or later, all owners of country houses are faced with the problem of recycling wastewater, waste, and feces.A properly selected antiseptic for the toilet in the country will help solve this problem, getting rid of harmful microorganisms and stench.

The article provides a detailed overview of different types of antiseptics, describes their application features, advantages and disadvantages. To make it easier for you to choose the right drug, we have listed the main criteria for a smart purchase, and also identified the best manufacturers of biological and chemical agents.

The role of antiseptics in sewage systems

The accumulation of wastewater and feces not only produces an unpleasant odor, but can cause soil contamination with toxic substances or become a breeding ground for harmful microorganisms.

Various types of antiseptics for country toilets
Various types of modern antiseptics can effectively solve the problems of maintaining a cesspool or local sewer network of a country house

To get rid of them, various methods of waste disinfection and recycling are used, which can be used in different types of sewer systems.

Products for cesspools and septic tanks

For a long time, residents of small settlements have used street closets equipped with drainage pits, which require periodic pumping using sewerage machines. Antiseptics can significantly facilitate this process by reducing the frequency of waste removal.

Nowadays, homes are often equipped with local sewer systems with septic tanks - special modules where waste is accumulated and disposed of.

There are many septic tank options for cottages and houses that can be located both in the ground and on the ground. They usually consist of several chambers, one of which is a sump, where sewage water coming through the pipeline accumulates.

Schematic illustration of a septic tank
Chemical or biological products process waste that accumulates in a special septic tank chamber, decomposing the wastewater into water, gas, compost or sludge

In the module compartments, primary filtration of the accumulated masses occurs. An antiseptic is added here through the drain hole, as a result of which the waste decomposes, from which only a mineral residue or sludge remains.

Types of antiseptics for country toilets

All means for disinfection and waste recycling can be divided into two large categories:

  • chemicals based on various components;
  • bioactivators, the active agent of which is bacteria.

Antiseptics differ in their composition, mechanism of action, properties, and scope of application.

According to lovers of country life, the following drugs are recognized as the most effective:

Fast and effective: chemicals

Aggressive chemicals have long been used to disinfect and eliminate sewer odors. Such preparations allow you to destroy microbes, smooth out odors and partially liquefy the mass of feces, cellulose and other organic substances, which makes it easier to pump out.

At the same time, most chemical compositions are not capable of completely decomposing waste, the remains of which must be regularly removed from the summer cottage.

Types of household chemicals

The classification of chemicals depends on the active substance, which determines the characteristics of the composition. The most common drugs are the following.

Bleaching powder
Chloride of lime is inexpensive and highly effective. It allows you to disinfect a large volume of sewage in a short time

Bleaching powder. An affordable, cheap drug that has long been used to disinfect latrines. The composition effectively disinfects tanks, preventing the spread of pathogenic bacteria. Although this substance is quite toxic, it continues to be used today, taking appropriate precautions.

Formaldehyde products. Despite the proven toxicity and carcinogenicity of such compounds, they are often used to clean toilets because they combine low cost with high effectiveness.

To avoid soil contamination and other negative consequences, you should handle such preparations carefully, following all accompanying instructions.

Ammonium agents. Compositions for cleaning drain pits, the main component of which is ammonium, are characterized by rapid action and high efficiency.

However, there is a significant drawback: they are extremely sensitive to external environmental influences and react with other household chemicals. For example, with a solution of washing powder, which can end up in the sewer after washing.

Nitrate oxidizers
Nitrate preparations are the most environmentally friendly means: as a result of their action, a liquid is formed that can be used to produce compost

Nitrate preparations. Such products for cleaning septic tanks and pits are considered the most environmentally friendly. The compositions contain surfactants that can dilute waste, radically eliminating unpleasant odors.

Of all types of chemicals, nitrate preparations are most often used in septic tanks. In addition, waste treated with certain drugs of this group may not be removed from the site, but used for watering compost pits. Nitrate compounds have only one drawback: high cost.

Advantages and disadvantages of chemicals

A variety of chemicals for drainage pits and toilets in the country have strengths and weaknesses.

Let us first list their positive qualities:

  • Speed ​​reaction. Sewage cleaning begins immediately after applying the drug, while waste processing with the help of bacteria requires time for the microflora to adapt and the proliferation of microorganisms.
  • Variability of operating temperatures — cleaning agents can operate over a wide temperature range.
  • Big choice. The market offers a wide range of chemical compositions with various active elements.
  • Action in any environment. The effectiveness of such antiseptics practically does not depend on the quality of water, so they can be used regardless of the hardness index.

As we see, such antiseptics have quite a lot of advantages, but they also have significant disadvantages, namely:

  • Some drugs are highly toxic, which creates a risk of soil poisoning if hazardous substances get into it.
  • A number of such products have an aggressive effect on metal, so it is better not to use them in systems made of cast iron. It is better to replace such equipment with tanks and pipes made of polymers.
  • Chemicals destroy both harmful and beneficial microflora. Colonies of pathogenic bacteria can settle in the vacated space.

It is important to note that many negative factors can be avoided by taking precautions and acting in strict accordance with the instructions.

Features of the use of chemicals

For the effective and safe use of chemical antiseptics, it is important to follow the following rules:

  • All contents of the pits and compartments of the septic tank must be removed from the site (with the exception of wastewater treated with nitrate compounds).
  • It is necessary to regularly and thoroughly inspect the contents of the septic tank, preventing them from overflowing and promptly clean out the cesspool. Increased runoff levels can lead to contamination of the topsoil with toxins.
  • When processing cesspools, it is necessary to use special protective equipment: closed clothing that prevents substances from getting on the skin, a mask (respirator), and thick rubber gloves.
  • The disposal chamber of the septic tank must be equipped with a ventilation hole to remove the resulting gases. In its absence, a spontaneous release can destroy the tightness of the structure, and gases penetrating through the cracks will create a danger of explosion.

To treat sewer systems, it is better to use products from well-known manufacturers, which must be used in strict accordance with the instructions.

Choosing a drug: what factors need to be taken into account

To decide on the purchase of chemical antiseptics, it is important to take into account factors such as the mode of use of the sewage system (permanent, seasonal, periodic) and the type of system used (cesspool, various models of septic tanks).

Toilet in the country
Properly selected chemical antiseptics for country toilets will eliminate dangerous microbes, get rid of unpleasant odors, and help maintain cleanliness

Need to know that cesspools without bottom, septic tanks with liquid discharge into the ground are not suitable for compositions containing toxic substances, since there is a risk of harmful components entering the ground. For this option, nitrate and ammonium compounds are better suited, and for septic tanks - bioactivators.

The best manufacturers of chemical antiseptics

Specialized stores offer a variety of chemicals from Russian and global manufacturers.

Among the most reputable companies are:

  • Reakor LLC is a large Russian supplier of all kinds of chemicals, including compositions for cleaning pits and septic tanks.
  • "Khimoptovik" – a company specializing in the production of industrial and household chemicals, including disinfectants and sewage cleaning products.
  • Septifos Vigor is a well-known French company that supplies organic/inorganic chemical products intended for cleaning drain pits.
  • "Eco-Chem-Vostok" – a manufacturer of environmentally friendly chemicals that are used to treat sewerage facilities.
  • Roebic is an American laboratory company, a major supplier of household and industrial chemicals.

In addition to the listed companies, you can also find high-quality products from other manufacturers on sale.

Bioactivators: bacteria serve people

A more modern method of cleaning sewer facilities is bioactivators. Such preparations contain colonies of specially grown microbes, which, when released into drains, ensure the decomposition and fermentation of organic substances, and also displace pathogenic bacteria.

Composition of biological products for the garden

The biological agents used for country toilets have a rather complex composition.

Bacteria contained in bioactivators
The active component of bioactivators are bacteria. By combining different types of microflora in one preparation, you can achieve fast and uniform wastewater treatment

First of all, they may include different types of bacteria:

  • Anaerobic bacteria, which thrive in the absence of oxygen.They are distinguished by their high productivity, which allows them to be used both for cleaning drains of dachas and country houses, and in local sewer systems of guest houses and campsites.
  • Aerobic microbes. Since they are able to exist and reproduce only in the presence of oxygen, the sewer system should be equipped with means of forced ventilation. With constant air injection, such bacteria do an excellent job of cleaning pits/septic tanks, but in the event of technical failures, their productivity drops sharply.

As a rule, modern biological products simultaneously use several types of microflora, belonging to both aerobic and anaerobic groups. This allows you to increase the efficiency of the products and promote uniform cleaning of the entire volume of the sewer system.

In this case, bacteria that require oxygen process waste located on the surface, while anaerobic microorganisms corrode the compacted bottom masses.

In addition to bacteria, biological products for toilets in the country include enzymes that accelerate the processes of fermentation and decomposition, as well as enzymes that enhance the effect of microflora on organic matter, and auxiliary substances.

Types of bioactivators for toilets and septic tanks

Biological products can be produced in different forms: liquid, powder, capsules, tablets, granules.

Liquid bioactivators
Liquid bacterial preparations do not require preliminary infusion. They are economical and efficient, allowing you to effectively treat large volumes of wastewater

Liquid formulations. They are ready-made solutions containing a large number of bacteria.Such preparations do not require additional preparation; they can be used immediately by simply pouring the liquid into a pit or septic tank disposal.

Bioactivators in powder
Compact powdered products are convenient for storage and transportation, but before use they must be diluted with water and left for the time specified in the instructions.

Dry preparations. Bioactivators can also be produced in the form of granules, powder, tablets, where the bacteria are kept in a “dormant” state. Such products are compact, economical, easy to store and easy to recycle.

Powders and granules should be dissolved in water before use (the amount and temperature, as well as the holding time, are usually indicated in the attached instructions). After the bacteria awaken, the drug is poured into the sewer system, where the microflora immediately begins to multiply, conquering new spaces.

Bioactivators in tablets
Bioactivators in the form of tablets have a complex composition. To clean the sewer system, simply throw a dry disc into it.

Bioactivators in tablet form include a maximum of various components. They are the most convenient to use: you can simply flush the disc down the toilet or throw it in a hole.

Tips for choosing biological agents

In order for biological products for cesspools and country toilets to act quickly and effectively, you need to choose the right bioactivator.

It is necessary to take into account the features of their action:

  • Liquid concentrates well suited for processing large volumes of wastewater. They are quickly and evenly distributed in large pits and large drains.
  • Powders and granules, diluted with water, it is advisable to use it for treating a small sewer system.
  • Bioactivators in tablet form usually have a universal spectrum of action, as they have a complex composition.

When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the recommendations given by manufacturers. Some drugs are universal, others are aimed at solving specific problems.

It is also important to find information on the packaging about the lifespan of microorganisms: once they enter the nutrient medium, they begin to multiply on their own, without requiring the addition of drugs. However, bacterial development may be inhibited by frost or interruption of ventilation supplying oxygen to aerobic microbes.

Advantages and disadvantages of bioactivators

Among the strengths of bacterial antiseptics are:

  • Safety for people and animals: the products are non-toxic, do not cause allergies or irritation.
  • No aggressive effects on pipes and tanks made of metal, concrete, polymers, which guarantees correct and long-term operation of the local sewage system.
  • Efficiency of action. Almost complete destruction of the unpleasant smell of sewage: the microflora included in such products can almost completely displace putrefactive microorganisms responsible for the occurrence of stench.
  • Reduced pumping frequency cesspools due to the complete processing of a certain proportion of fecal matter. When they decompose, water, gases, as well as compost or sludge are obtained, which can be used as organic fertilizers.
  • Elimination of pathogenic microflora, including pathogenic bacteria.

The environmental friendliness and safety of such products will please consumers, however, biological products also have disadvantages.

Among them are:

  • Demanding conditions. Possibility of use only at positive temperatures: already at +3 degrees, bacteria die, stopping waste processing activities. If the septic tank is not insulated, after the winter season you will have to think about updating the population of microorganisms.
  • Chemical sensitivity: wastewater containing soap solutions, alkalis, acids, aldehydes or other substances can slow down the decomposition process or even provoke the death of microflora.
  • The need for accurate calculation. Each bioactivator package is designed for a certain volume of wastewater. To get a quick and long-term effect, it is important to strictly calculate the concentration of bacteria per unit volume, as well as strictly follow the instructions for the drug.

If you strictly follow the instructions, all these troubles can be avoided.

Rules for the use of bacterial agents

The active component of the bioactivator are living microorganisms, to ensure their vital activity it is important to follow a number of rules:

  • It is necessary to observe the temperature regime, since microflora can exist at temperatures ranging from +3°C to +35°C. When using sewerage in winter, it is necessary to consider an insulation system.
  • Since most chemicals cause the death of bacteria, it is important to prevent them from entering the drain pit.
  • It is necessary to organize ventilation of the toilet, and also monitor the level of liquid in the drainage hole: it should be 20 cm above the accumulated solid sediment.
  • The packaging of the biological product is designed for a certain volume of waste. If an insufficient number of microbes are introduced into the sewer, they will not cope with the task of processing waste and will die.
  • Leaving toilets unused for a long time can cause the death of bacteria, so this method is not very suitable for country houses with periodic visits by the owners. If you plan to be away for more than 10 days, it is better to feed the microflora in advance by adding manure or other organic matter to the sewer.

It should also be remembered that modern bioactivators are designed to process not only fecal matter, but also other organic matter: paper, fallen leaves, fabric.

The most popular bioactivators

On sale you can find a large assortment of modern bacterial preparations from Russian and foreign manufacturers. As an example, let's name several popular formulations.

"Atmosbio" - a French powder product designed to decompose bottom sediments. The composition is an excellent compost activator, which can be used as a valuable fertilizer. The disadvantage is the short validity period (only 6 months).

Bioactivators Sanex
"Sanex" is a popular line of biological products that can be used for various purposes: from cleaning plumbing surfaces to decomposing waste

"Sanex" - a popular product from a Polish manufacturer. Orange powder has a wide spectrum of action. The product is suitable for cleaning surfaces, removing blockages in pipes, disinfecting, neutralizing odors, and cleaning toilets.

"Green Pine" – Belgian bioactivator made from freeze-dried bacteria that can decompose feces and fats. The resulting sediment can be used as fertilizer. An undoubted advantage is the pleasant aroma of pine needles that fills the country toilet after treatment.

An excellent product for cleaning sewers is the domestic bioactivator “Tamir”, which contains aerobic, anaerobic microorganisms and enzymes

"Tamir" – an excellent domestic product containing more than 80 varieties of microflora, as well as enzymes that accelerate their action. The bioactivator copes perfectly with the most difficult tasks: thanks to it, in just two weeks you can turn the contents of a drainage pit into useful compost.

Bio Favorite – a liquid produced in the USA for cleaning toilets in country houses and cottages. The product radically combats unpleasant odors, guarantees effective safe care, and breaks down feces, fats, and paper.

Microenzyme SEPTI TRIT. The biological product of the Russian company RSE-trading is created on the basis of corn flour, supplemented with saprophytes and enzymes.

The product processes organic matter, phosphorus and nitrogen compounds, which allows you to completely eliminate stench. As a result of the action of this bioactivator, sludge is obtained from waste, which serves as an excellent fertilizer.

In addition to the listed funds, they are popular among summer residents bacteria "Doctor Robik". The product line includes preparations for starting a septic tank, cleaning cesspools and sewer pipes.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Below we provide a video that allows you to get to know modern antiseptics better:

Which antiseptic should be chosen depends on a number of factors in each specific case. You should take into account the mode of using the toilet in the country, the features of the sewer system, and personal preferences.

Share with readers your experience of using drugs to maintain country sewerage systems, recommend an effective antiseptic for country toilets.Please leave comments on the article and ask questions that interest you. The feedback block is located below.

Visitor comments
  1. Marina

    Antiseptic is an important component of an outdoor toilet in a country house. For example, we add an antiseptic to eliminate odor and make it easier to pump out the contents from the storage tank. But our neighbors don’t, their toilet smells terrible. Such that it is impossible to be inside, and they often take out their contents and bury them in the ground. It’s much easier for us to live with an antiseptic; we take it in powder form.

  2. Anatoly

    The time when you couldn’t go into the country toilet because of the stench, and then you had to ventilate for half an hour in order to re-enter the house and not frighten your household with your “aroma”, is long gone. We use biological products. Yes, they don’t start working right away, but it’s absolutely safe for the environment. We usually take it in liquid form, it’s most convenient.

  3. Staruy Lis

    Bioactivators are not suitable for me. Our winters are harsh and it is not possible to insulate a toilet to such an extent that it is -30 outside, but not below +3 inside. I’m interested in whether chemical-based antiseptics will work in winter?

    • Expert
      Nikolay Fedorenko

      In general, I’ll immediately express my admiration for your courage to go to the toilet outside at a temperature of -30*C :)

      I can offer several options for resolving your issue:

      1. Make a deeper hole, significantly below the freezing area of ​​the soil, so that the temperature in the cesspool does not fall below +3*C in winter, at which bacteria die;
      2. An alternative is a peat toilet. Attached is a diagram of the implementation of such a project.

      In any case, you just need to insulate the toilet; this can be done quickly and inexpensively using foam plastic sheets, for example.

      Attached photos:
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