Flexible solar panels: overview of typical designs, their characteristics and connection features

Solar energy is one of the most promising and rapidly developing alternative sources of electricity.This is a limitless resource that can be used anywhere on the planet without polluting the environment. Agree, it would be nice to have your own alternative source of electricity.

It turns out that you can now convert solar energy into electricity right at home. Instead of bulky and fragile frame panels, flexible solar panels are now increasingly being used. But how can this be implemented in practice?

We will help you understand the structure of flexible solar panels and the principle of their operation. Useful recommendations for the selection and installation of structures are presented in our article. And for ease of perception of information, the article contains thematic photographs and videos.

What are solar panels?

To understand whether flexible panels are right for you to generate electricity, you need to understand the theory.

What is a solar battery, how does the structure of flexible models differ from others? It is also very important to find out the advantages and disadvantages of this particular type of solar cells before purchasing.

Structure and principles of operation of flexible panels

The operating principle of a solar battery is based on the concept of photovoltaics.Light, as is known, can be considered both as a wave and as a flow of particles - photons. The ability to convert the energy of photons into electricity is photovoltaics.

Solar panels on the roof
The first prototypes of modern solar panels were invented back in the 50s. Since then, they have changed significantly both in appearance and in the principle of operation. The photovoltaic effect is made possible by the use of semiconductors

A semiconductor is a material that has a special atomic structure. An n-type semiconductor has extra electrons, while atoms in a p-type semiconductor lack them. To assemble a photocell, 2 types of materials are combined to form a two-layer structure.

Individual photocells are combined into panels. The panels can be rigid, in a durable metal frame. Now there is a tendency to lighten the design of photo panels. Flexible and lightweight solar cells are gaining popularity.

The operating principle of a solar battery can be described as follows:

  1. Sunlight hits the surface of the photocell from the n-layer side.
  2. Photons collide with semiconductor atoms, “knocking out” extra electrons.
  3. Free electrons move towards the p-layer and end up in atoms with a lack of particles.
  4. As a result, the top layer acts as a cathode, and the bottom layer acts as an anode.
  5. A direct current is generated that can easily charge the battery.

Silicon, selenium and many other more expensive materials are used as semiconductors.

Solar battery operation diagram
The direct current received from the solar panel must be converted to alternating current, since most electrical appliances run on it

For flexible film solar cells, polymer coating with aluminum conductors is also used.This structure makes the panels surprisingly thin and light.

This technology is just beginning to develop, but there is no doubt that it has great prospects. But we will look at flexible panels in the broad sense of this definition.

You can read more about the principles of operation of solar panels by clicking on link.

Advantages of flexible solar cells

The advantages of flexible solar panels make this method of generating electricity one of the most promising:

  • weight;
  • size;
  • elasticity;
  • performance;
  • versatility;
  • efficiency;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of operation.

The geometric and physical parameters of the panels, such as size and weight, are of great importance, since to provide electricity to an entire residential building, a large number of panels will be required; when using heavy models, it may be necessary to strengthen the building structure, which will significantly increase installation costs.

Flexible roof panel
Lightweight and compact flexible elements will not significantly affect the distribution of load on the building frame. They do not pose any danger to the roof covering

The performance of silicon batteries is quite high. It is difficult to estimate the efficiency in this case; semiconductor panels are capable of converting light into electricity by 20% on average.

That is, if the solar radiation power is 200 W, about 40 W of electricity will be received.

Flexible amorphous solar panels are much more tolerant of cloudy weather than conventional rigid silicon-based structures.

For comparison, a standard solar panel can only operate at 10% of its capacity in cloudy weather, while a flexible panel produces about 50% of its rated output.

Solar panel on roof tiles
The flexibility of the solar battery allows it to be equipped with roofs with uneven surfaces, tiled roofs, and coverings of complex shapes. At the same time, they are quite versatile, suitable for installation on the roof or facade of a building

Sunlight is a free and unlimited resource. This is its undoubted advantage, which reflects the unconditional efficiency of solar panels.

In addition, this method of energy production is completely environmentally friendly and does not in any way affect the environment or harm it. Moreover, by abandoning the popular alternative to solar energy - thermal power plants, humanity is reducing the level of air pollution.

Disadvantages of flexible solar panels

Flexible solar panels also have a lot of disadvantages. Firstly, this technology is just developing and has not yet reached the peak of its capabilities. In terms of performance, flexible amorphous batteries are inferior to rigid poly- or monocrystalline ones.

Flexible solar panel
The structure and operating principle of flexible panels is quite complex, but everyone can use them. It is enough to correctly install and connect the equipment

Secondly, thin foil and a minimal coating layer fail relatively quickly. The warranty period for such panels is about 3 years.

After this, the photocells begin to gradually break down and require replacement.

Solar panels on the roof of a house
The good news is that this industry is developing rapidly and more durable and powerful examples of flexible solar panels based on amorphous silicon are already appearing

Other disadvantages are inherent in all types of solar panels:

  • payback period;
  • high price;
  • a large number of expensive equipment, in addition to the batteries themselves;
  • dependence on weather conditions.

A flexible panel with a power of about 150 W costs approximately 40 thousand rubles. or more, depending on the manufacturer. 20 batteries, a set of batteries and additional equipment will cost a tidy sum. Taking into account the cost of 1 kW hour of electricity, you will have to pay for the system for more than one year.

Where and how is solar energy used?

Flexible panels are used in various fields. Before drawing up a project for powering your home using these solar panels, find out where they are used and what are the features of their use in our climate.

Application area of ​​solar panels

The use of flexible solar panels is very wide. They are successfully used in electronics, building electrification, automobile and aircraft manufacturing, and space facilities.

In construction, such panels are used to provide residential and industrial buildings with electricity.

Connecting solar panels
Solar energy can be the only source of electricity, or it can duplicate the traditional power supply scheme, so that in case of insufficient efficiency during a certain period, the house does not remain without power.

Portable chargers based on flexible solar cells are available to everyone and are sold everywhere. Large flexible tourist panels for generating electricity in any corner of the globe are very popular among travelers.

A very unusual but practical idea is to use the road surface as a basis for flexible batteries. Special elements are protected from impacts and are not afraid of heavy loads.

Flexible panel on a yacht
Flexible batteries are also good because they can be used in almost any situation. They can be easily placed on the roof of a car or the hull of a yacht.

This idea has already been implemented. The “solar” road provides energy to the surrounding villages without taking up a single extra meter of land.

Features of the use of flexible amorphous panels

Those who plan to start using flexible solar panels as a source of electricity for their home should know the specifics of their operation.

Solar panels with a flexible metal base are used where increased demands are placed on the wear resistance of mini-power plants:

First of all, users are concerned with the question: what to do in winter, when daylight hours are short and there is not enough electricity to operate all the devices?

Yes, in cloudy weather and short daylight hours, the performance of the panels decreases. It’s good when there is an alternative in the form of the possibility of switching to a centralized power supply. If you don't have it, you need to stock up batteries and charge them on days when the weather is favorable.

An interesting feature of solar cells is that when the solar cell heats up, its efficiency decreases significantly.

Flexible solar cell
In the summer heat, the panels get hot, but they work worse. In winter, on a sunny day, photocells are able to capture more light and convert it into energy

The number of clear days per year depends on the region. Of course, in the south it is more rational to use flexible batteries, since the sun shines there longer and more often.

Since the Earth changes its position relative to the Sun during the day, it is better to place the panels universally - that is, on the south side at an angle of about 35-40 degrees.This situation will be relevant both in the morning and evening hours, and at noon.

Instructions for installing solar panels on the roof

If you decide that flexible solar panels based on amorphous silicon are what you need to provide electricity to a private home, start planning the work.

Select the appropriate equipment and estimate the approximate number of panels. Then read the rules for installation and subsequent maintenance of solar cells.

But remember that the use of traditional silicon poly- and monocrystalline analogues is still much more productive.

Step 1. Calculation of the number of panels

Any work begins with a project. For design you need to make the necessary calculations, namely:

  • daily electricity consumption;
  • total required power of photocells;
  • battery capacity;
  • number of panels.

The simplest thing is to calculate electricity consumption. To do this, you need to take into account absolutely all electrical appliances that you use or theoretically can use.

Simple example:

  • refrigerator – 200 W;
  • computer - 300 W;
  • TV – 150 W;
  • economical light bulbs - 5 pieces of 20 W each.

The power of each device must be indicated in its documentation or on the housing. After adding all the data we get 750 W. Based on this value, it is selected inverter - a device that converts direct current into alternating current at the required frequency.

Be sure to make a small margin and choose an inverter 0.5 kW more powerful than the calculated value. That is, for a total power of 0.75 kW, a device no weaker than 1.25 kW is suitable

Solar panel connection diagram
For proper connection, solar panels are connected to batteries through a controller.Do not mix up the contacts - plus to plus, minus to minus. From the battery, current is sent to the inverter, and then to electrical appliances

Then you need to select batteries. The battery capacity (for example, 200 A∙h) shows how much current will be produced at a given voltage for an hour.

You can calculate the required capacity by dividing the total power of consumers by the output voltage of the solar battery. In our example we use 12 volt batteries. 750 /12 = 62.5 A∙h.

But this formula is not entirely correct, since most batteries cannot be discharged to 0. There is a certain limit, for example 40%. If the charge level drops below this, this significantly affects the service life and performance of the battery.

This indicator also needs to be added to the formula:

750 W/(12Vx0.4)=156.25 A∙h.

To achieve such a capacity, you can combine a group of 2 batteries of 100 Ah each into the system.

The number of panels is calculated based on the power of the selected model and the region in which they will be installed. The importance of the region is difficult to overestimate. Ideally, you need to find the daily solar radiation levels for your area. For reliability, the minimum value for the year is taken, approximately at the end of December.

Insolation level
Schematically, the level of insolation in different regions can be depicted as follows. Numerical values ​​can be found in specialized reference books or on the Internet

Multiplying this figure by the number of calendar days of the month, we obtain the number of kilowatts per 1 m2 of flexible solar battery for December. For example, in Moscow it is 0.33x31=10.23 kW/m2, and for Sochi – 1.25x31=38.75 kW/m2. This figure is called the number of pico-hours.

Then, from the conditional maximum 0.75 kW consumed by all devices simultaneously, we calculate the average monthly consumption - about 25 kW. In a month, our flexible batteries should produce at least 25,000 W, but it is better to make a small reserve and round up to 30 kW.

Therefore, for 1 pico-hour in Moscow it should be 30/10.23 = 2.93 kW. If the selected panels have a power of 150 W, then it is not difficult to calculate their number: 2.93/0.15 = 20 pieces.

After such simple calculations, you can choose a suitable inverter, controller, battery and flexible photovoltaic panels themselves in the required quantity.

Step #2. Installation rules

Installation of flexible solar cells can be done by you yourself.

To do this, you need to decide where exactly you will place your panels:

  • on the roof of a building;
  • on the facade of the house;
  • on a free-standing structure;
  • combined scheme.

The most popular option is on the roof. If the shape or configuration of the roof does not allow this, it is better to build an additional frame on which to place the batteries. This is more expensive, but if the roof is shaded or difficult to access, this option becomes rational.

Flexible panel
The location on the facade is used when there is not enough space on the roof. Panels can become part of the design idea and play the role of home decoration

Flexible solar photovoltaic cells have a sticky resinous layer on the underside.

It is enough to remove the protective film and glue the panel in the chosen place. Of course, the surface must be cleaned and washed before installation.

Installation of flexible batteries
No specialized tools are needed for installation. The main thing is to take care of your safety while working on the roof.It is also very important to follow the equipment connection diagram and not break the sequence

On one side, the solar battery module has 2 cables. Each panel is positioned so that these wires can later be combined into one bus for serial connection.

We also recommend reading our other material, which describes in detail installation diagrams and methods for connecting solar panels. More details - Here.

Step #3. System care after installation

Once flexible solar cells are installed, they will need to be constantly maintained and monitored, otherwise their efficiency may drop dramatically. The main thing is to keep the panels clean. Dust, dirt, bird droppings - all these factors reduce the performance of the system because they limit the absorption of sunlight by the solar cells.

Solar panels need to be wiped when they become dirty. That is why it is not recommended to place them in hard-to-reach places on a complex roof.

If your system cannot be serviced by you yourself, you can always find a contractor with the appropriate technology and equipment. Of course, it will cost more.

Solar Panel Care
You can wash solar panels based on amorphous silicon, like their hard counterparts, with a regular damp sponge or microfiber cloth. The panel is not afraid of water (after all, this equipment is installed outdoors); if you wash them regularly, they will last longer

Another problem that is relevant for our regions is snow. In winter, the batteries are covered with snow and stop functioning. Sediment must be constantly cleaned off, but not too roughly, otherwise the equipment itself may be damaged.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Videos and reviews that discuss flexible panels from popular manufacturers will help you make the right choice. You will be able to see what your home will look like after installing the equipment; specialists will help you choose the right number of batteries and review the installation rules.

How flexible solar panels work and what they are made of:

You can install a flexible battery in an apartment on the facade of a high-rise building, why not:

A little more about the production and advantages of flexible elements:

Solar panels make it possible to become energy independent and not have to monitor prices for gasoline and utilities. If you invest a certain amount once, you will be able to consume unlimited energy to use household electrical appliances, home heating and recharging the battery of an electric vehicle. More and more people are switching to alternative energy because it is the future.

If you have the necessary knowledge or experience on the topic of our article, please share it with our readers. Or maybe you have had to install solar panels yourself? Tell us how you did it. You can supplement your comments with photographs.

Visitor comments
  1. Vyacheslav

    Although flexible solar panels have disadvantages, I think they are the future. Energy production in this way is constantly evolving. The main thing is that they are easy to use and install. Unlike solar collectors, they are not bulky. As for the short service life or the quality of spraying, all this will be modernized. Experimental foreign samples capable of serving for more than 10 years have already been presented. So this segment of alternative energy has excellent prospects.

  2. Ivan

    Flexible solar panels were installed in the country cottage. We chose them because they do not take up much space, are lightweight, flexible, and easy to install. The savings are enormous; we use centralized power supply only in winter, and not all day, but only when the solar panels run out of charge. One “but” - the batteries need to be constantly looked after, cleaned of dust, and in winter also of snow!

    • Oleg

      What region do you live in? I really want to try it, but I have doubts about the effectiveness. And another question - how are flexible panels impact resistant? Ordinary ones have protective glass, but here?

      • Expert
        Vasily Borutsky

        I already asked a question about efficiency Here. You can be guided by it, focusing on your latitude and the power of solar panels.

        Regarding impact resistance, the manufacturers also provide everything here. In particular, the German brand produces excellent solar panels CentroSolar S-Class Vision with a 30-year warranty, combining impact-resistant qualities and power retention of at least 87% over the entire warranty period. This manufacturer has a video of crash tests showing how solar panels are tested for strength. Thanks to modern technologies, even large hail is not dangerous.

        The panels are tested according to three criteria: vandal resistance, mechanical load and hail resistance.

  3. Eugene

    Good day. I have a question, if possible. There is a protective film on the surface of the panel - is it necessary to remove it or not if the panel is located outdoors? And does the film affect the performance of the panel?

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