Which air purifier to choose for an apartment: classification of models and review of the best manufacturers

Polluted air is a problem that has a detrimental effect on our health.In conditions that exacerbate atmospheric problems, it is necessary to improve the quality of life for people suffering from asthma and allergic diseases.

A reasonable solution is to use an air purification device that will eliminate negative components from the air mass. Let's look at which air purifier to choose for your apartment, based on the operating principle and capabilities of the device.

Operating principle of the device

An air purifier is a reliable assistant in the fight for ideal health and a clean environment. The small-sized device allows you to create an optimally favorable environment for a metropolis resident. Indeed, according to the conclusions of experts from healthcare organizations, polluted air in residential premises is a dangerous risk factor for human health.

The main purpose of the device is to purify the air, removing from it impurities, substances and toxic fumes that can irritate the bronchi and lungs of a person.

The operating principle of such units is based on a standard filtration mechanism:

  1. The air flow is sucked through the receiver into the chamber.
  2. Passing through the filters and auxiliary elements located in the chamber, the directed flow undergoes multi-stage cleaning.
  3. Air purified by 80-99% is discharged outside the housing in the form of a directed flow.

If the device model provides additional functionality, then the output result is more productive and complete.

Many models are equipped with auxiliary elements designed to break down and oxidize contaminated impurities at the molecular level into harmless components.

Creating comfortable conditions
Regular processing of the air circulating inside the room allows you to create the most comfortable microclimate for health

In addition to the main function, most models on sale have a complex effect:

  • humidify the air;
  • ionize and ozonate;
  • capture mold microspores;
  • kill the pathogenic microflora floating in it.

But when purchasing an air purifier, it is worth considering that it is still not able to fully replace traditional ventilation, much less an extensive modern system. After all, the main purpose of the equipment is to eliminate allergens and impurities, but certainly not to saturate the air with oxygen.

Unit operation diagram
Inside the unit body there are filters that capture the smallest inclusions, as well as plates that attract harmful impurities and possible allergens.

Advantages and disadvantages of the device

Persons suffering from allergic diseases who have tried the use of the device will confirm how much their quality of life improves from the moment it is first turned on.

Some of the undeniable advantages of using air purifiers include:

  1. Neutralization of harmful components contained in the air.
  2. Creating a clean and fresh microclimate within an enclosed space.
  3. Removing even minimal allergens from the air.
  4. Destruction of pathogenic bacteria and viruses, hazardous toxins and chemicals, unpleasant rotten odor and tobacco smoke.

People using the devices note that at the stage of exacerbation of the disease, the devices help reduce the frequency and severity of asthma attacks, as well as the clinical manifestations of cough.

Low-power mobile device
A significant advantage of air purifiers is their low energy consumption, which does not exceed 35-70 W

Devices of this type have only one disadvantage - high cost. The price of simple budget models starts from 5 thousand rubles and above, and semi-professional devices in the middle price segment start from 15 thousand rubles. The final cost is also determined by the number of auxiliary options provided in the device.

Air purifiers should be used with caution by people who suffer from the following types of ailments:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • increased sensitivity to the slightest irritants;
  • persons with reduced immunity who often exhibit viral diseases.

Among the disadvantages of budget models, some users include the noise level, the source of which is the built-in fan.To eliminate this flaw, manufacturers have released devices that provide a night mode, which involves reducing blade speed.

Mid-price segment unit
The cost of air purifiers in the mid-price segment, depending on the type of filters installed and the set of functions, varies from 15 to 45 thousand rubles

The most effective types of cleaners

Today there are hundreds of different models on the market, varying in functionality and configuration. And it’s easy to get confused in the variety of air purifiers. But if we take as a basis the operating principle of the device and the type of filter element used, then the following air purifier options are most suitable for asthmatics and allergy sufferers.

Appliances with air wash

Units of this type are distinguished by the fact that the aqueous environment created inside the unit is responsible for air purification. For this purpose, the housing contains one or more “wet” drums equipped with special plates. These structural elements attract particles of debris and harmful impurities, passing already purified water further through them.

Operating principle of the equipment
The operating principle of the device is based on catching the smallest harmful impurities, moistening them and then collecting them on the surface of the filter

Modern models are equipped with electronic displays and special sensors that monitor and signal the owner about the degree of contamination of the device

Devices with HEPA filter

These models are rightfully considered the best option for asthmatics and allergy sufferers. Indeed, thanks to a multi-stage purification system, they are able to remove up to 99% of allergens from the air.

Scheme of operation of the fine cleaning system
Fine cleaning systems can be safely used not only in everyday life, but also installed in rooms where increased demands are placed on the air condition

The fine cleaning effect is achieved due to the special HEPA fabric laid inside the filter on thin corrugated strips, the caliber of the holes ranges from 0.3 to 6.4 microns.

In cheaper models it can be replaced with a synthetic analogue. But it is worth considering that in terms of performance parameters, synthetic substitutes are inferior to the original.

The efficiency and speed of cleaning depends on the size of the working surface. But the structure of the corrugated fabric is also important.

Corrugated HEPA strips
When choosing, keep in mind that solid corrugated HEPA strips should not be too sparse, but not too dense, which is optimal for high-quality filtration

Such devices are easy to operate, thanks to which even people who are “not particularly friendly” with technology can easily master their operation.

Devices with ionizing effect

The principle of operation of devices of this type is similar to traditional analogues. The only difference is that the mechanically cleaned directed air flow enters the ionization chamber, in the cavity of which it acquires a positive charge.

After this, it enters a chamber with plates installed inside that have a negative charge. As a result, positively electrified dust simply settles on the surface.

Unit design with ionization function
During operation, a large number of negative ionic particles are created inside such a device, which destroy unsafe components and allergens floating in the air

Devices of this type can be used repeatedly.To clean the contents, you just need to unplug the device, remove the plates from it, and then wash them in a soapy solution.

Cleaners with an ionizing effect are chosen for people with insufficient immune defenses and allergy sufferers. Devices that capture solid impurities, the size of which reaches 0.1 microns and above, are installed in living rooms and bedrooms.

Models of purifiers with ozonizers

Devices equipped with ozonizers are essentially triatomic oxygen generating devices. The operating principle of such purifiers is based on the synthesis of ozone, in which oxygen molecules are converted from diatomic to triatomic when passing through an electric arc. Synthesized ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent.

Model with ozonizer
Ozone can have a detrimental effect not only on microscopic mites, but also quickly deal with microspores of mold fungi

Units that create modified oxygen perfectly fight pathogens and destroy toxins. Their only drawback is that you must leave the room while the equipment is operating. After all, an increased level of ozone in a room can negatively affect your well-being.

Air purifying devices with photocatalysts

In addition to the main function, units of this type are capable of disinfecting the air in the room, effectively destroying substances harmful to the human body. This result is achieved through the interaction of ultraviolet radiation and a photocatalyst.

Unit with photocatalyst
The size of contaminated particles destroyed by such a device is minimal and comparable to the size of the smallest molecules

Photocatalytic models are safer than other types.This is due to the fact that due to ultraviolet radiation, bacteria simply do not multiply on their surface. Therefore, if the “cartridge” is not changed in a timely manner, the harmful substances accumulated inside the device will not be released into the air one day.

Types of Medium Efficiency Models

Models that do not provide such a high level of cleaning, as a rule, have replaceable cartridges. Among these types of purifiers that are recommended to be used to improve the quality of life for asthmatics and allergy sufferers, there are three main ones: carbon type, electrostatic systems and options with a humidifying effect.

Filters for active collection of microparticles

Devices of this type are equipped with filtration fabric pads, the hole size of which ranges from 1 to 6.5 microns. The principle of their operation is simple: the fan directs air flows to a mesh filter, on the fabric surface of which all particles settle.

Active microparticle filter
The only drawback of such filters is their limited service life, not exceeding 12 months, after which the device will have to be replaced with a new one.

Due to their limited service life, such filters are turned on only when seasonal allergies worsen, for example, when rhinitis occurs at the time of flowering plants.

Electrostatic cleaning devices

Air purification in units of this type is carried out due to the formation of stable electromagnetic fields created under the influence of the converter. Thanks to the electrostatic filtration method, the system “selectively” snatches out “magnetized” inclusions floating in the air.

Electromagnetic field action diagram
Due to electrical charges, allergens and harmful substances are attracted and retained inside the device, and purified air is removed outside of it.

The only drawback of this type of equipment is the insufficient degree of purification, which does not exceed 80%. This is due to the fact that the plates are able to capture only those particles that have the ability to acquire a charge. Therefore, electrostatic devices are far from the best option for people suffering from asthma or allergies.

Cleaners with a moisturizing effect

Humidifying models are equipped with wet drums, which, at the moment of rotation, capture and collect dust and wool particles.

How the humidification mode works
In the humidification mode, the air is saturated by passing through a moistened sponge on the drums, which is impregnated with an antibacterial composition

Devices of this type, in parallel, driving the air mass through a housing equipped with wet drums, perform two tasks:

  • purify the air;
  • maintain optimal humidity within the room.

The degree of cleaning of devices with a humidification function is on average 90%. The output is clean and well-humidified air.

You can read more about how to choose a humidifier-air purifier in this material.

Models with carbon filter

Models of this type are chosen for rooms where work processes are accompanied by the release of harmful evaporating substances. They are equipped with mechanical filters that absorb large dust particles and carbon filters that adsorb molecules of harmful gases.

Activated carbon filters
Activated carbon, due to its porous structure, is capable of adsorbing not only the smallest particles, but also molecules of harmful gases

The active element of carbon filters perfectly purifies the air from semi-volatile and volatile organic compounds. Thanks to this, the air in the room is freed from burning and smoke, the smell of nicotine and the aromas of cooking food.

The power and efficiency of coal models is determined by the size of the granules. The smaller the granules, the better the quality, but the absorption is slower. If coarse-grained coal is placed inside the chamber, then during the same period of time it is able to pass through a larger volume of air.

Animal hair remover
Coal-type devices are ideally suited for homes with pets, as they can effectively destroy the unpleasant odors characteristic of them.

The air volume and service life of models for asthmatics and allergy sufferers is determined by the dimensions and capacity of the structure. The more coal is placed inside the chamber, the more suction pores there will be, absorbing harmful substances.

Criteria for choosing wisely

Air purifiers help improve the well-being and quality of life of people suffering from allergic and asthmatic diseases.

But to avoid disappointment, it is important to consider a number of points when choosing a cleaner:

  1. Impact spectrum of the device. To determine the best option for filter equipment that can eliminate a specific allergen, before purchasing it, consult with an allergist or find answers on thematic medical forums.
  2. Living space area. Each model is designed for a specific area, which is indicated in the product passport. To get a higher quality of cleaning, it is better to choose devices with a reserve that cover a larger area.
  3. Humidity level in the room. If the room has dry air, the humidity level of which does not even reach 50%, you should consider purchasing a model with humidifier and washing options.
  4. The patient's health status. For people with weakened immune systems, models with ionizer and ozonizer options are the best option. If the patient has frequent asthmatic attacks, only devices with HEPA filters will help alleviate the condition.
  5. Frequency of equipment use. Any type of model is suitable for permanent use. But if you plan to use the unit only during exacerbations of diseases, it is better not to use options with air washing and a humidification effect for this purpose, since during periods of inactivity the liquid inside them will stagnate.

The purifier can be purchased for each room separately, or you can purchase one device for the entire apartment.

Powerful unit for a large room
When choosing one general powerful cleaner for the entire apartment, you should focus on the area of ​​the largest room

Allergy is a disease of our time, which is always provoked by external factors, the causative agents of which can be mold microspores, house dust, waste products of dust mites, plant pollen, toxic fumes from cleaning products and animal hair.

Therefore, the type of air purifier model must be selected for each specific case. After all, it must be aimed at combating a specific irritant.

So, if a person is allergic to animal fur, it is worth choosing models that, in addition to mechanical cleaning through a mesh filter that keeps particles within 10 micrometers, are equipped with a moisturizing option.

This decision is explained by the fact that when dry, wool fibers weigh minimally, but when wet they become heavier and therefore retain better on the filter.

Units with washing function
Cleaners equipped with wet drums, as well as devices based on electrostatic filtration methods, work well with animal hair.

For people who are allergic to plant pollen, it is better to choose models with this type of filtration:

  • air washing;
  • HEPA filters;
  • devices of electrostatic operating principle.

If dust mites are the culprit of the allergic disease, when choosing devices you should focus on those that are aimed not only at detaining, but also at destroying living microscopic organisms.

Elimination of pathogens
Microorganisms that enter the system must be completely destroyed so that they no longer pollute the air in the room with the products of their vital activity.

In the fight against dust mites and other microscopic living organisms, devices with an electrostatic mechanism of action and models with an ultraviolet effect have proven themselves well. Thanks to the presence of an emitter in the design of the purifier, all microorganisms that enter with the air flow simply die.

Review of leading manufacturers

The range of affordable air purifiers on the Russian market is represented by devices of domestic and Chinese production. But devices of this type are not durable, and the external design of budget models can hardly be called presentable.

Higher-class equipment is presented by European companies, as well as manufacturers from Japan and Korea.The most widely used brands are: “Vectra”, “Electrolux”, “Philips”, “BIONAIRE”, “Sharp”, “Air-O-Swiss”.

All of them are equipped with two or three powerful filters of different operating principles and offer several cleaning modes, which are convenient to select depending on the degree of contamination. Most models are equipped with sensors for the degree of contamination of filter elements.

Each company that creates such equipment strives to add something of its own to the traditional scheme. And be prepared for the fact that when choosing similar models from different manufacturers, you discover that they call the same technology differently.

The best offers on the modern market are offered by the Euromate and Daikin brands. The Dutch company Euromate BV, specializing in the development and creation of professional cleaning systems, is today a leader in the production of highly efficient equipment.

And the Japanese company Daikin is considered a recognized world leader in the production of household and industrial climate control equipment. And the products of these giants, created using high-tech solutions, combine reliability and efficiency.

If funds allow, then when choosing a model it is better not to skimp on your family’s health.By purchasing powerful equipment equipped with several degrees of purification, you will have the opportunity every day to enjoy fresh and clean air, free of any kind of impurities.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Overview of several types of models for household use:

How to choose an air purifier for allergy sufferers, watch the following video:

An air purifier is a real salvation for asthmatics and allergy sufferers, as well as people concerned about their health. Having become the owner of such a device, you can safely count on a comfortable and safe atmosphere within the walls of your home.

Do you have personal experience using air purifiers? Please tell our readers which model you prefer, are you satisfied with the performance of the device? Leave your comments, ask questions, share your experience in the block below.

Visitor comments
  1. Evgenia

    As I recall, we had three air purifiers in our family. The first one was small and hung on the wall. Its main task was to extract dust from the room, the second function, the ionizer, required active operation, which required the absence of people in the room. The second purifier is Korean, it still works, it cleans the air of harmful microorganisms; when there is a large accumulation of them, the indicator changes color from blue to red. And the third purifier-ionizer did not work even a day; it broke down. Choose trusted brands.

    • Elena

      For a well-known brand, you simply pay extra money, and not a small one, but it can break in the same way as a device from a know-name company.

  2. Svetlana

    An air purifier is relevant when a person has asthma and allergy attacks.This is rather a necessity for them to reduce the frequency of unpleasant symptoms. For a healthy person, I think such devices are useless. They only undermine the immune system, protecting it from various types of bacteria and preventing it from naturally forming protection against all types of harmful microorganisms. As soon as a person leaves his “greenhouse”, a huge army of viruses and microbes awaits him in the external environment.

    • Egor

      And there is another opinion that if the immune system is constantly “under load”, then its protective functions, on the contrary, are reduced.

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