Stinol refrigerators: reviews, rating of the best models + advice for buyers

A refrigerator is one of the most necessary appliances in the kitchen, so its choice should be taken with great responsibility.Do you agree? More recently, the most popular among buyers were Stinol refrigerators. They were considered prestigious and operationally comfortable, and a large number of people wanted to buy them.

However, the brand did not last long. Economic difficulties put an end to the successful plant, and the enterprise eventually became the property of the Indesit concern. Investors re-equipped the workshops and introduced several technological innovations, but promised to preserve the spirit and traditions of their beloved brand.

In this material we will talk about the features of refrigeration equipment of the Indesit concern, consider the product lines produced by the plant, and also name the TOP 5 best models of the manufacturer. In addition, in the article you will find expert advice to potential buyers and reviews from owners of refrigerators of this brand.

Operating principles of the Lipetsk plant

Buyers have always been wary of equipment produced under popular global brands, but at Russian factories. However, there is nothing to fear here. Devices assembled and equipped by local craftsmen are almost in no way inferior to equipment made abroad.

The Indesit Corporation, which bought the Stirol plant in Lipetsk, completely reorganized the internal premises. The Italians equipped the workshops with modern automatic lines, and built a progressive logistics center next door.

Workshop of the Lipetsk refrigeration equipment plant
At the former Stinol plant in Lipetsk, now owned by the Indesit corporation, three-level quality control has been introduced. Thanks to such a system, a faulty, defective product has virtually no chance of ending up in the store and reaching the buyer

The process of manufacturing and assembling refrigeration equipment was taken under strict control by Italian engineers. Training was organized for the staff and provided the opportunity to improve their skills through special courses.

Additionally, it was decided to import main working units, original replacement parts and technological components from abroad.

In the workshops of the Lipetsk enterprise, comfortable conditions were created that made it possible to assemble a turnkey refrigerator, test it for potential breakdowns, and promptly eliminate any detected shortcomings and problems.

This made it possible to launch the production of devices that meet the most stringent standards, but are somewhat cheaper than similar products manufactured in Europe.

The interests of Indesit in the Russian Federation are represented by Indesit International CJSC. This organization keeps under control all issues related to the production of refrigerators and carries out active logistics activities to ensure the distribution of products throughout the country.

Refrigerator assembly workshop in Lipetsk
Now the Lipetsk plant is on the list of leaders presenting high-quality refrigeration equipment for domestic needs on the Russian market. Inexpensive, roomy budget models are the most popular

Today the following devices are produced in Lipetsk:

  • built into a niche or under a countertop;
  • single-chamber and double-chamber free-standing;
  • household freezers.

Sales are handled by the official representative of the brand in Russia - a subsidiary of Indesit RUS LLC. It also organizes the possibility of purchasing refrigerators manufactured at the former Stinol plant throughout the country.

Products are distributed through online stores and popular networks specializing in the sale of household appliances.

The products of the Lipetsk plant, manufactured on Italian equipment, taking into account the traditions of Stinol and the latest innovative developments, attract buyers with a reasonable price, high level of reliability, practicality and European quality.

Models from Indesit representative in Russia

The Lipetsk refrigeration equipment plant, which once produced Stinol, now produces Indesit and Hotpoint-Ariston equipment. Both brands belong to the international concern Indesit International.

The units are equipped with reliable and modern compressors from such companies as:

  • Danfos (Denmark);
  • Sicop (Slovenia);
  • ACC (Italy);
  • Jiaxipera (China).

Fitting elements, internal containers and drawers are made from high-quality materials. The glass for the shelves is highly durable and can withstand a load of 35 kg. This guarantees absolutely safe storage of any products and prepared dishes.

Hotpoint-Ariston in the interior
Not only Italian artists, but also the famous Japanese designer Makio Hasukite worked on the concept of the exterior design of the Lipetsk Hotpoint-Ariston line. Thanks to his influence, the products managed to harmoniously combine the clarity of simple lines with the sophistication of shapes

Lipetsk products marked with the inscription Indesit belong to the segment of cheaper, budget equipment, and Hotpoint-Ariston series includes middle and high class models.

Features of refrigeration equipment

The units created at the Lipetsk plant represent a fundamentally new level of household appliances that meet all modern requirements. Along with progressive Italian technologies, the production uses developments made by Stinol engineers.

Thanks to this integrated approach, reliable and high-quality devices come off the assembly line, attracting the attention of buyers with their pleasant appearance, progressive functionality and a reasonable, balanced price that does not put too much strain on the family budget.

The advantage of Stinol refrigerators
The main advantage of refrigerators with the Stinol logo and products produced by the Lipetsk plant under foreign brands is the affordable price, because it is not affected by customs duties

Technological “chips” of products

Indesit Corporation is constantly improving and regularly introduces innovative technologies and progressive ideas into production to improve the functionality and operational comfort of units.

Among the most popular options available in refrigerators made at the Lipetsk plant are the following:

  • Air Tech Evolution No Frost – revolutionary cooling system. Stimulates the circulation of air flows through the internal space of the chambers and creates ideal conditions for storing products.
  • AristonIntegratedRefrigeration – the newest type of ventilation. Rationally distributes temperature and optimal humidity throughout all compartments.
  • Vacation – an option that puts the device into standby mode. Provides a single cooling level for the entire period of absence of the owners with minimal electrical consumption.
  • Rapid cooling/freezing – allows you to cool and deep freeze a large batch of food in a short time.
  • Cool Care Zone – allows the freezer drawer to be used in four different cooling options.
  • Ice Party – exclusive option. Correctly cools champagne bottles in a special bucket with refrigerant.

All models have a different set of the above options. The buyer can choose for himself what he will actually use, and for which there is no point in overpaying.

Cooling of chambers using the No Frost system
The cameras of new models supplied by the Lipetsk manufacturer to the domestic market are cooled without the formation of frost and snow. Refrigerators are equipped with the latest advances in the production of household appliances

Energy efficiency and climatic features

Russian-assembled refrigerators manufactured at the Stinol plant under the Hotpoint-Ariston and Indesit brands have several energy consumption classes - from B to A++. The most economical appliances are priced somewhat more expensive, but over time this pays off with a significant reduction in electricity consumption.

The products include models of all classic climate classes and units with more subtle settings that allow for operation in mixed climates, for example, SN-T or SN-ST.

After reviewing the characteristics, the user can choose the most convenient and comfortable product for himself.

Refrigerator produced by Stinol
Among the sales offers of the Lipetsk plant there are units with the middle and highest class in terms of economical energy consumption. Because refrigerators are used almost continuously, then you should prefer models of class A to A++. Class B is quite enough for a dacha

Product lines produced by the plant

Today the production complex in Lipetsk is fully loaded.The plant assembles the following lines of refrigerators:

  • "Evolution" - Hotpoint-Ariston;
  • "Basic", "New Line", "Icon" and "Giugiaro" - Indesit.

Most of the products enter the domestic Russian market and are partially sent to neighboring countries.

General description of Russian Hotpoint-Ariston

Under the Hotpoint-Ariston brand, the Lipetsk plant produces refrigerators marked Ecotech. This means that the models pose no danger to either the environment or the user.

They have high technical parameters, demonstrate excellent performance characteristics and are distinguished by an attractive design.

Refrigerators Hotpoint-Ariston
The capacity of cooling chambers for refrigerators made in Lipetsk varies from 80-300 liters, and for freezers - from 40 to 150 liters

Among the wide range of offers, customers have access to free-standing and built-in one- and two-door modules with different locations of the freezer compartment. In terms of dimensions, the gradation is very wide. Small (about 40 cm in height) economy options and full-fledged 2-meter units are available.

In the series H.B.M. The freezer is downstairs. The average volume of the cooling compartment is 233 liters, and the freezer compartment is 85 liters.

The set includes a container for meat and a stand for eggs, made of high-strength environmentally friendly plastic. Inside there are removable tempered glass shelves and a compartment for storing herbs.

Representatives of the line E4D offer customers more options for storing food supplies. The capacity of the refrigerator is 470 liters and allows you to load a large amount of food and prepared dishes.

Four-door Hotpoint-Ariston E4D AA
The E4D appliance with the additional marking AA is equipped with a freezer compartment with two independent compartments, each of which can be opened separately

In addition to a niche for eggs, the E4D has convenient stands for bottles and special trays for vegetables and fruits, equipped with humidity sensors. Externally, the unit looks discreet and elegant, thanks to which it easily fits into any design solution implemented in the kitchen or dining room.

Modules with an icon HF equipped with a practical and convenient No Frost system. Modern technological developments create optimal conditions inside the cooling compartment that allow you to maintain the original freshness of products for 9 days.

The antibacterial coating protects the internal surface of the unit from the formation of harmful microorganisms, fungi and mold. The active super-freezing option makes it possible to freeze more than 2 kg of products per day without losing their gastronomic qualities.

Devices BCB They are a classic version of a household refrigerator. The freezer is located at the bottom and requires manual defrosting. The cooling compartment has removable shelves, allowing you to optimize the space for your personal needs.

Hotpoint-Ariston refrigerator from the BCB line
The peculiarity of BCB modules is their excellent capacity with a compact width (only 54 cm). This unit is suitable for a small-sized kitchen and can easily fit into a pantry.

Devices HBT equipped with reversible doors. Containers for meat, fruits and vegetables are conveniently located, easy to remove, wash and are resistant to minor mechanical damage. The plastic from which they are made has excellent transparency and maintains it throughout the entire operational period.

When the electrics are turned off, the freezer maintains the set temperature for 13 hours.Of course, this is not the most impressive indicator, but the presence of such a function will help preserve reserves at least for some time in the event of a force majeure situation.

Distinctive features of Lipetsk Indesit

At the plant in Lipetsk, under the Indesit brand, budget models are mainly produced. They are characterized by good energy efficiency (class B and higher), are controlled electromechanically, have ergonomic compartments for different types of products and cost reasonable money.

The exterior design is in a classic style. This moment allows you to harmoniously fit the refrigerator into any interior.

Unit NBS 20AA from the Basik series is spacious, but at the same time has a small width and easily fits into small and medium-sized kitchens. Electrical consumption is only 294 k/W per year. When the power is turned off, the freezer remains at a low temperature for 19 hours.

Refrigerator Indesit NBS 20 AA
The inner drawers of NBS 20 AA are made of highly transparent plastic. Thanks to this, when you open the refrigerator, you can immediately see where what products are located.

Simple and inexpensive two-chamber RAA28 or the New Line line is suitable for use in all climatic conditions. The freezer is located on top and defrosts using the drip method. Handles recessed inside allow you to carefully use the door without putting additional stress on it

Indesit RAA28
The RAA28 device is very economical and belongs to class A. By purchasing such a unit, owners will be able to efficiently cool, freeze and store food without overpaying for electrics

BIAA 20 UA from the Icon series is made in a discreetly elegant style. Particular elegance is given to it by the extended overhead handles located on the door. The interior space is cleverly divided by impact-resistant glass shelves with white metal sides.The freezer is located at the bottom and is equipped with three plastic drawers.

Double-chamber Indesit BIAA 20
The main advantages of the BIAA 20 UA model are its capacity with relatively small dimensions, quiet operation of the compressor and an 18-month warranty from the manufacturer

Main feature of the refrigerator Prime Giugiaro PBAA 34 NF X D is a unique appearance designed by Giugiaro Design studio. The “filling” does not lag behind these parameters. The functionality and capabilities are very wide and raise the comfort of use to a very high level.

Indesit with No Frost system
The PBAA 34 NF X D has a No Frost system installed, which prevents the formation of frost and ice on the walls. There is no need to defrost the freezer. The process occurs automatically and does not require user participation

The Pure Wind function promotes uniform cooling of food supplies in all compartments, and the control panel promptly informs the owner of problems, malfunctions and interruptions in the electrical supply with sound and light signals.

The rating of the best Indesit models can be found in this material.

The best models of the Stinol brand

Let's look at 5 advanced models produced by the Lipetsk plant under the Stinol brand. The list of their advantages traditionally includes an extremely attractive price and innovative technologies borrowed by the engineers of the Lipetsk plant from Italian employees.

Refrigerator #1 – Stinol STN 200

The two-meter two-chamber refrigerator is made in a classic white tone.

The unit offers potential owners a useful volume of 359 liters, of which 106 liters are occupied by the freezer located below. The model can ideally freeze up to 2.5 kg per day.

Both Stinol STN 200 chambers are cooled in accordance with the principles of No Frost technology, which means they do not require regular defrosting to remove ice and snow build-up.

Electromechanical control, simple and reliable, insensitive to difficult operating conditions. After turning off the power supply, the unit is able to keep the cold for another 13 hours. Based on energy consumption data, the model received class A.

Refrigerator #2 – Stinol STS 200

The Stinol STS 200 refrigerator does not differ from the previous model in external dimensions, but is somewhat ahead in useful volumes.

The total displacement of the internal space is 363 liters, of which 128 liters are allocated for the freezer compartment. The unit can freeze up to 2 kg per day.

Both chambers of the model are cooled using the static method, i.e. snow and frost will periodically appear inside. Defrosting is carried out manually at the frequency specified in the manufacturer's instructions.

An electromechanical device is installed for control. Not as convenient as its electronic counterpart, but rarely malfunctioning and well protected from possible exposure to moisture. The model can keep cold after turning off the power for up to 19 hours. According to energy consumption data, the unit received class B.

Refrigerator #3 – Stinol STS 150

The height of this two-chamber refrigerator is 1.5 meters, which does not fail to affect the size of the usable volume.

The model will offer future owners only 263 hp. Of this, the freezer located below occupies 72 liters; you can freeze up to 2 kg in it per day.

Cooled by Stinol STS 150 using the drip method. This means that owners will have to periodically defrost the unit manually.True, a microclimate is formed inside the chambers of such refrigerators, helping to preserve the freshness and elasticity of greens/fruits/vegetables.

Controlled by an electromechanical system. After disconnecting from the power supply, the unit will independently maintain the temperature background required for the products for up to 15 hours. In terms of energy efficiency, the refrigerator received class B.

Refrigerator #4 – Stinol STN 185

The two-chamber unit with a height of 185 cm offers a useful space of 333 liters.

106 liters are allocated to the freezer located below. You can freeze up to 2.5 kg per day in it.

Both the freezer and refrigerator compartments of the Stinol STN 185 are cooled according to the No Frost system. There is no need to forcibly defrost the chambers of the unit, because... Stable air circulation inside eliminates the formation of condensation and its freezing products. They are defrosted no more than a couple of times a year in order to put the equipment in order.

The model is controlled by an electromechanical device. If the power supply is interrupted, it will be able to maintain operating temperature for up to 13 hours. In terms of energy efficiency, this option received class A.

Refrigerator #5 – Stinol STD 125

The single-chamber model is ideal for lovers of country life, owners of dorm rooms and owners of studio apartments.

The height of the unit is only 125 cm, while the volume of its usable space is 225 liters. 28 liters are allocated for the low-temperature compartment located on top.

Cooling Stinol STD 125 drip type. You will need to defrost it manually, but this is done much less often now than in the years when the first crying refrigerators appeared.

The single-door cooling device is controlled by an electromechanical system, which rarely causes problems for owners. Its cost is more than reasonable.In terms of energy efficiency parameters, the model received a B class.

What to look for when choosing a refrigerator?

In order to buy a refrigerator correctly and not overpay, you need to decide in advance under what conditions the unit will be operated and how much food will be stored in it.

For a family of 2-3 people living in a small city apartment, devices that are compact in width and do not take up much space are suitable.

Two-door refrigerator in the interior
If there are interruptions in the electrical supply in your region of residence, it makes sense to take a unit that can autonomously maintain the optimal temperature for storage in the freezer for a long time

Those who often travel on business trips and do not keep large supplies of food at home should pay attention to products with the “Vacation” function. Thanks to it, you can set the refrigerator to operate in “sleep” mode while the owners are away. This will save a significant amount on utility bills.

Technological functions of the refrigerator
It is not at all necessary to buy a device packed with an extended package of functions. It is better to choose a model with options that you plan to use constantly, and not occasionally

For large, high-power refrigerators, an important criterion will be the energy consumption class. To save food and consume electricity wisely, you should take an A+ or A++ level unit. For small household appliances, this point is not so significant, so you can save on it. Learn more about how much electricity refrigerators consume. read more.

Customer reviews about products

Buyers respond differently to products made at the former Stinol plant under the Indesit and Hotpoint-Ariston brands.Among the advantages is a loyal price, for which you can purchase not only a basic unit with a minimum of functions, but also a rather “sophisticated” device.

Refrigerator built into the kitchen unit
The ability to integrate a refrigerator into a kitchen unit is one of the significant advantages of equipment produced at the Lipetsk plant. This helps save useful space

Customers positively evaluate the interior arrangement, the presence of strong and durable removable shelves, spacious containers for different types of products and the possibility rehang doors.

Among the disadvantages, the most often cited are not very good build quality and instability to the active use of flagella and seals. These elements wear out very quickly and require regular replacement, as do thermal relay sensors.

Experts note some problems in electronically controlled refrigerators. The internal board often burns out without serving its intended life, and it has to be reflashed or replaced with a new one.

Poor soldering of circuit pipes, which Russian devices often suffer from, often leads to freon leakage. The replacement process itself is not difficult, but it requires time and skill. The technicians from the service center fix the problem quickly, but you will definitely have to pay for it.

Most of all, potential buyers fear the failure of the compressor, but such a breakdown occurs extremely rarely in refrigerators. Even models equipped with a Chinese device work efficiently and are not afraid of intensive use.

Refrigerator compressor
Some Indesit lines are equipped with compressors from the Chinese company Jiaxipera. This is a reliable manufacturer that has been on the market for 30 years. Its models operate on freon and progressive refrigerant R-600.The only disadvantage of the devices is the noise during operation.

To protect equipment from power surges, Indesit engineers advise clients to acquire voltage rectifier. This element will save equipment from sudden combustion in the event of an unexpected power outage and will reduce the load on the compressor, thereby extending its service life.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Recommendations for choosing the optimal refrigeration equipment:

How refrigeration equipment is created in Lipetsk. Excursion to the production workshops of the enterprise.

Many customers complain that they can no longer buy a refrigerator called Stinol, and remember how convenient and inexpensive Russian units were.

Considering this point, the Indesit corporation, which bought the plant, emphasizes that it uses Stinol’s developments in production and, complementing them with European innovations, produces high-quality devices that are superior in all respects to the once popular Stinol models.

If you have anything to add to the material, or have any questions about the topic of the article, please leave your comments, participate in discussions, share your experience - the contact form is located below.

Visitor comments
  1. Andrey

    The Italians re-equipped the plant there in such a way that almost every Indesit is defective and lasts only 5-7 years. Many decent stores do not deal with this equipment due to numerous defects.

    • Alexander

      Maybe you can name the names of these decent stores? Because Indesit accounts for more than 30% of sales of large household appliances in Russia. Which, it seems to me, is quite a lot. The decline in quality could be associated with the launch of a refrigerator production plant in Lipetsk.But 15 years have passed; if there were any problems at first, now the build quality is no worse than in Italy.

  2. Rita

    We have Stinol STN 185. We are happy with everything, if we don’t really find fault with little things, like the lack of a lattice for eggs and a mold for freezing ice. As it is, everything is pretty standard - four glass shelves that can be rearranged to a convenient level, there are two containers for vegetables and fruits. There are also 4 shelves on the door. There are three normal sized drawers in the freezer, everything fits in ours. It is possible to re-hang the door. The refrigerator operates almost silently.

  3. Hope

    I bought a Stinol refrigerator model RF NF 345A.008 in November 2001 and it still works flawlessly. The only drawback is that the freezer drawers are falling apart, apparently from old age.

  4. Expert
    Evgenia Kravchenko

    Based on reviews from a former factory foreman, I can tell you that the refrigerators are very well assembled, both in terms of their quality and the quality of the materials used. The weakest point is the compressor and, as noted above, we do not know how to make boxes in refrigeration equipment.

    In general, they are quite repairable models at a budget price. I have been using the Stinol reassembly for many years and everything is fine.

  5. Olga

    I bought a Stinol-RF-305A refrigerator in 2005. In 2007, there was a fire in the house - everything burned down, and my Stinolchik only melted a little at the top and the rubber band was very damaged, but it’s 2019, and it works! True, his appearance has become rather bad, but I can’t buy a new one, my pension doesn’t allow it.

    I would like to say a huge thank you to the people who made this refrigerator for their conscientious work! I would be very happy to buy another refrigerator like this, but I haven’t seen Stinol in our Engels yet. Thanks again to the manufacturer.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Indeed, refrigerators of this brand have always been known for their quality. We also have Stinol at our dacha now, and this is a real Stinol “Frankenstein”, when a master assembled one functional one from 2 dead refrigerators and a new motor, which survived terrible operating conditions already during the “second” life and is still practically indestructible.

      • Lyudmila

        We bought our Stinol in 1996, when we moved into a new apartment. It still works, has never broken down, now at the dacha, and we are buying an STN200 for home, I want this one to last for a long time.

  6. Sergey

    Why did they ever release it? Your data is outdated. They still produce Stinol. Since 2016, Stinol refrigerators began to be produced again. Just this Saturday, I myself purchased a freezer of this brand - “Stinol” model STZ 150 F. And yes, the plant already belongs to the American concern “Whirlpool”, which bought the company “Indesit” in 2014.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      This is no longer the same “Steel of Novolipezk”. In fact, everything has changed, only the brand remains.

    • Irina

      I would also like to thank the manufacturer and those people whose hands assembled my Stinolchik... Health to them and their loved ones. It has been working since 2001, now it’s already 2021... It’s really a problem with the rubber bands, but we have a three-chamber one... We haven’t found it yet, and as it turns out, our model has rubber bands soldered into the door body, difficult to replace...

  7. Love

    I have been using Stinol 103 since 1995!!! Looks like new and has never broken down! Freezer with 4 compartments. There is nothing better than this refrigerator! They probably don't make them anymore. I would like to change it to a fashionable color like coffee or something else, but my friends’ new ones break all the time! So a huge thank you to those who made it! It turns out he will soon be 30 years old

    • Alexander

      thank you very much to those who assembled my refrigerator Stinol 104, produced in 1995, it broke only today, but maybe I’ll repair it, it’s a pity because it served the truth for 26 years and did not break

  8. Natalia

    Stinol RF 305 was purchased in October 2002, it has worked so far without any problems, unfortunately it started to act up, and almost reached 20 years. Thanks for the quality

  9. Tatiana

    My Stinol245 El is a veteran! He has been working since 1988, 35 years! WITHOUT A SINGLE REPAIR! Survived 2 moves. Only now, in 2023, “retired.” Thank you for the quality! I’m proud of our Russian production workers! In the most difficult time for the country, they worked for pennies, sat without salaries for months, but continued to produce high-quality products!

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