Battery-powered handheld vacuum cleaners for the home: top ten + tips for choosing

Recently, battery-powered handheld vacuum cleaners for the home have become quite an effective addition, and sometimes an alternative, to traditional units.This indicates that they are quite reliable, productive, and the batteries provide the necessary autonomy.

At the same time, the market is saturated with a large number of models, which makes it very difficult to choose, so below we will tell you how not to get confused in all this variety and choose the right option for your home. For this reason, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the criteria for choosing a cordless vacuum cleaner and consider the rating of the best models.

TOP 10 best vacuum cleaners

All cleaning equipment belongs to different price categories and has different performance characteristics, so the main criterion for participation in the rating was demand among buyers. This indicator indicates functionality, efficiency and reliability.

1st place - Kitfort KT-529

It is designed for dry cleaning, and, if necessary, can cope with cleaning a table or other surface from a small amount of spilled liquid.

Main characteristics:

  • suction power - 40 W;
  • filtering - performed using cyclone filter capacity 550 milliliters;
  • operating time - 360 minutes;
  • charging time - 6 hours (models from other manufacturers charge much longer);
  • battery type - Li-Ion.

One should not be surprised that a unit from a little-known domestic manufacturer has become the leader, because it is deservedly on the first line of the rating. This is evidenced by numerous positive reviews. In them, users indicate excellent price/quality ratio.

It should be remembered that hand-held vacuum cleaners of this type are battery-powered. This indicator is very important and you should not be afraid that they only work for a few minutes. This time is enough to perform local cleaning.

You also need to know that the device from Kitfort belongs to the category of inexpensive, but quite functional and is capable of cleaning at the level of more expensive competitors. It is also important that its performance characteristics fully correspond to the declared ones.

This model will be the best option for everyone who wants to make life more comfortable, and for little money. It will also be an ideal purchase for anyone who wants to get acquainted with the manual variety of vacuum cleaner for the home.

And if there is a feeling of disappointment, it will be mitigated by the small amount of money spent on the purchase.

2nd place - Philips FC6142

This vacuum cleaner is capable of handling dry cleaning, and additionally has a function that allows you to remove spilled liquid.

Main characteristics:

  • suction power - 9 W;
  • filtration - performed using an effective cyclone filter, the volume of which reaches 0.5 l;
  • operating time is 9 minutes, which is quite enough to perform the necessary manipulations;
  • charging time - 960 minutes;
  • Battery type - NiMH, which features environmental friendliness and a long charging procedure.

The presented model from Philips, like the vacuum cleaner that took first place, is a favorite of users.The reason for this is a large number of advantages.

So, it has high suction power, so in a few minutes it can cope with dirt in the car interior, hallway, and kitchen. But it costs 2 times more than the leader vacuum cleaner.

Having weighed all of the above, we can come to the conclusion that the device will be the best option for those who want to become the owner of a reliable, fairly productive unit, with an excellent “pedigree” and an impressive design. Without any shortcomings or hidden unpleasant surprises.

3rd place - Bosch BHN 20110

It is capable of effectively performing dry cleaning, and copes with dust, small debris, and animal hair.

Main characteristics:

  • suction power - not specified;
  • filtration - performed using a modern cyclone filter;
  • operating time - up to 16 minutes, which, without exaggeration, is a good result;
  • charging time - up to 960 minutes
  • battery - NiMH;
  • weight - 1.4 kg.

The basic package of the device includes a crevice nozzle, which allows you to cope with cleaning in hard-to-reach places and crevices.

The described model from Bosch is distinguished by sufficient power to perform high-quality cleaning, as well as excellent build quality and a reasonable price.

The model that took the high 3rd place is also characterized by relatively low noise. As a result, we can say that this vacuum cleaner will be the optimal solution when cleaning needs to be done quite often or when you are used to doing everything comfortably.

4th place - Dyson V7 Trigger

This model is designed for dry cleaning of all indoor surfaces from dust and large particles of debris.

Main characteristics:

  • suction power - 28 W;
  • filtration - performed using a modern cyclone filter with a volume of 0.42 l;
  • operating time - 20 minutes sufficient for any procedure;
  • charging time - no more than 210 minutes;
  • battery type - Li-Ion.

The main advantages of the device from Dyson are its impressive power and an extension hose, which significantly expands the functionality of the unit. For example, with its help it is easy to reach the most inaccessible places (under furniture, on the closet).

But you should understand that you will have to pay for the listed characteristics, because this model is not cheap.

The productive Dyson is the best option for rooms where frequent cleaning is required. It will be an indispensable assistant in a home where there are small children or animals.

5th place - BLACK+DECKER PV1020L

Such a vacuum cleaner is capable of cleaning the room, cleaning the car interior from dry dust and dirt particles. It is also possible to remove debris from crevices and other hard-to-reach places.

Main characteristics:

  • power consumption/suction - 20 W/ not specified;
  • filtration - performed using a productive cyclone filter, the capacity of which reaches 0.44 l;
  • operating time is 10 minutes, which is quite enough to perform cleaning of any complexity;
  • Charging time: approximately 240 minutes;
  • The battery type is Li-Ion, which is the reason for the fast charging procedure.

A productive device from BLACK+DECKER will become an indispensable assistant if you need to cope with significant amounts of dirt. In addition, people who are not indifferent to the aesthetic qualities of things should take a closer look at this model.

6th place - Clever & Clean HV-100

Designed to clean a room from dry dirt particles of various sizes, it can cope with wet cleaning.

You can even use it to clean windows. To do this, you need to apply detergent to the surface, and then collect it with a special nozzle that comes with the device.

Main characteristics:

  • power consumption/suction — 100 W/not specified;
  • filtration - performed using an effective cyclone filter, the volume of which is 0.5 l;
  • operating time is 15 minutes, which is quite enough to perform the necessary manipulations;
  • Charging time: approximately 360 minutes;
  • battery - NiCd.

The main advantages of the device are sufficient power and versatility, which is ensured by a large number of attachments included in the package. Cleaning can be done using a glass cleaning device or a nozzle for collecting all kinds of loose debris.

It is convenient to collect dust with a long nozzle with a special brush placed on it, and a separate replaceable design element will help to collect spilled liquid.

The above indicates that the device from Clever & Clean will be an excellent choice for anyone who approaches the work thoroughly or wants to get the maximum effect from its use in a moderate amount of time.

7th place - Xiaomi SWDK KC101

This model is designed for high-quality dry cleaning of surfaces from debris of various sizes. And also for disinfecting air flows using a UV lamp.

Main characteristics:

  • suction power - not specified;
  • filtration - performed using a modern cyclone filter;
  • operating time - 25 minutes, which is one of the best indicators;
  • charging time is 180 minutes, and half the capacity is charged after 25 minutes;
  • battery type - Li-Ion.

The model is equally capable of cleaning various surfaces and even soft things - pillows, blankets, outerwear. This is facilitated by a high-tech brush, the special elements of which will help remove fur and long hair.

In addition, the Xiaomi device has quite high aesthetic qualities, so together with the stand it will fit into any room design.

This option can be recommended to everyone who wants to purchase a handheld vacuum cleaner for the home that runs on batteries.

8th place - Gorenje MVC 148 FW

This model is capable of cleaning dry dust, large particles of debris, and can also remove a small volume of liquid from the surface.

Main characteristics:

  • power consumption/suction — 100 W/not specified;
  • filtration - performed using a productive cyclone filter with a volume of 0.7 l;
  • operating time does not exceed 20 minutes, which is quite enough for many tasks;
  • charging time is 720 minutes, and half the capacity is charged faster;
  • weight - 1.1 kg.

This device is quite powerful for its category and is able to cope with local cleaning of crumbs, dust around the dining table, bird cages, and it’s also cheap. Therefore, the model simply must be present in the rating.

This creation of a well-known brand will be the best option for users who are not inclined to exaggerate the capabilities of hand-held cordless vacuum cleaners for the home, but simply want to quickly collect crumbs from the table after eating.

9th place - Bomann AKS 713 CB

Designed to clean the room and car interior from dust and small household debris. This vacuum cleaner is good for everyone.It is durable, reliable, has sufficient performance, and looks great.

Main characteristics of the unit:

  • suction power - the manufacturer did not officially indicate this parameter;
  • filtration - performed using an effective cyclone filter;
  • working hours - not specified;
  • battery capacity - 1400 mAh;
  • battery type - NiMH;
  • weight - 1.7 kg.

The set includes a fine filter; the design includes a filling indicator. This vacuum cleaner from Bomann will be an excellent helper for any user and its price is more than reasonable.

A number of users are satisfied with the purchase of this model; they like the compactness and excellent performance of the device.

If you are interested in a Bosch brand manual vacuum cleaner, but this model does not suit you according to some criteria, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the best hand models this manufacturer.

10th place - Clatronic AKS 827

It is capable of efficiently cleaning dust, even fine dust, and any larger particles of debris in a room or car interior.

Main characteristics of the unit:

  • suction power - not specified;
  • filtration - performed using a modern cyclone filter;
  • operating time does not exceed 20 minutes, which is quite enough for cleaning;
  • charging time - up to 13 hours;
  • battery type - NiCd.

This model does not have the highest cleaning power and duration. In addition, it is one of the noisiest among those presented in the rating. It also does not differ in the variety of configurations or high aesthetic properties.

Nevertheless, 9th place in the presented TOP is well deserved. The reason is that the Clatronic vacuum cleaner is quite reliable and very cheap. You can buy it for only 1.5 thousand rubles.

For comparison: some of its analogues from the rating only have batteries that cost 2-3 times more. In addition, it is lightweight and compact. And this is all that is needed to achieve bestseller status in a number of retail chains.

We can recommend Clatronic to anyone who wants to get decent results at minimal expense.

Recommendations for selection

If you want to get a battery-powered vacuum cleaner, you first need to find out whether it is needed at all. The reason is that users have little understanding of the capabilities and purpose of such technology.

The feasibility of purchasing a manual model

The bottom line is that a vacuum cleaner called a manual one is in no way an analogue of its classic variety and is intended to solve completely different problems.

For example, all cleaning equipment is capable of cleaning small surfaces from dust and dirt particles, while a stationary device can easily cope with cleaning an area of ​​several tens or even hundreds of square meters.

Cleaning with a handheld vacuum cleaner
The buyer needs to understand that the main advantage of lightweight, compact hand-held vacuum cleaners is efficiency, autonomy, the ability to clean in hard-to-reach places, and they cannot match the power of classic analogues

At the same time, a lightweight manual unit, whose power is several times less, cannot handle such tasks, but it will prove its effectiveness if there is a need to quickly clean a small area several times a day. For example, a sofa from cat fur, a hallway from sand, a table from spilled tea.

The battery-powered version is also self-sufficient, so you can clean your home and then tidy up the interior of your car. In addition, it is possible to reach hard-to-reach places.

This is convenient, since there are no wires and the unit itself is always at hand on the stand that is included in the delivery package of any of them.

If you need a vacuum cleaner exclusively for your car, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the best models for cars.

The versatility of a handheld vacuum cleaner
An important feature of battery-powered units is functionality. They are able to remove dust and debris from any surface. For example, from shelves, tables, floors with different coatings. And with extension tubes, it becomes possible to reach under the furniture, to the ceiling, where cobwebs often appear

The above information should be taken seriously. If you ignore it, there is a high probability that the user will be disappointed in the purchase. Hundreds of reviews on the Internet confirm this. Moreover, they do not talk about the low quality of vacuum cleaners; negative opinions indicate a lack of awareness of the people who made the purchase.

If you are not completely sure about the advisability of purchasing a battery model, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rating best upright vacuum cleaners, among which are network-powered equipment.

Battery capacity and service life

Another important point is the fragility of batteries. To understand what we are talking about, you should remember how long similar devices in smartphones or tablets last. Many people know that it’s only for three or four years.

And since the load on vacuum cleaners is higher, these structural elements are destroyed even faster. As a result, in a couple of years you will have to look for a replacement, which will cost you at least half the cost of the entire vacuum cleaner.

Using a handheld vacuum cleaner
A modern vacuum cleaner equipped with a battery can cope with cleaning any materials.These can be hard floor coverings such as linoleum and laminate, carpet, or shag carpets. And they can clean textiles and bedding without even sucking it in

The presented rating contains a sufficient number of inexpensive models for the reason that a product costing 2-3 thousand rubles can often successfully compete in terms of cleaning quality with an analogue costing 5-8 thousand. In addition, their durability is approximately the same.

Important parameters are battery life and charging time. In many cases, even 10 minutes is enough to keep the apartment clean, even for a couple of days.

But it’s better when this indicator is 15-20 minutes. User experience suggests that charging time should not exceed 3-6 hours, otherwise the device will not be very convenient to use.

If you need equipment with a larger battery capacity for cleaning the house, we recommend that you consider purchasing robot vacuum cleaner — these assistants are battery-powered and do not require the presence of a person in the room at all. Some models are capable of docking themselves to recharge or automatically emptying the waste bin.

Suction power of a compact vacuum cleaner

As a result, you should trust user reviews and characteristics more when choosing. So, the suction power should start from 15-20 W.

It should be borne in mind that this power is enough to cope with cleaning hard surfaces (tables, floors, etc.), and when trying to clean carpet, difficulties will certainly arise. Therefore, if they are available, it is better to buy units with a suction power of 40-60 W.

Often manufacturers, especially well-known ones, do not indicate Watts, but the volume of air passed through the filter every minute, which should be 1.1-1.4 cubic meters or more. In this case, the vacuum force indicated in the instructions should not be lower than 40-60 kPa.

Almost all experts agree that such parameters are more accurate than suction power in Watts.

Cleaning handheld vacuum cleaners
Vacuum cleaners of this type are easy to use. So, thanks to their compactness, you can always keep them at hand, ready for cleaning. In addition, they are easy to maintain, easy to clean and wash

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The first video will help you understand the issue of choosing a device for cleaning your apartment:

Modern battery-powered vacuum cleaners can become indispensable assistants and cope with maintaining cleanliness in the house and the interior of any car. But you should always remember that the expected result can only be obtained with the right choice of technology. Otherwise, the user will be disappointed, and the purchased unit will simply gather dust in the pantry.

Are you looking for a battery model and can’t decide on the right option? Ask our experts for advice in the comments to this article.

If you want to supplement our publication with useful information or think that the rating is missing another, no less worthy model, please write your comments in the comments block.

Visitor comments
  1. Svetlana

    We have a Bosch handheld vacuum cleaner at home. I think that for such a small and powerful vacuum cleaner, a charge of 4 hours is an excellent result. It makes it very easy and simple to clean furniture from animal hair.Also easy to clean if something small, such as crumbs, spills. Since we have a one and a half year old baby at home, we have to use a vacuum cleaner every day. I am pleased.

  2. Anna

    We have a BLACK+DECKER handheld vacuum cleaner. I like that it is lightweight and has a lot of power. With him, I remove crumbs from the children’s highchair and clean the table after meals. I charge it once every 2 weeks for the whole night, so I don’t make much effort. These 2 weeks I have been using the vacuum cleaner every day, but you need to keep in mind that cleaning up crumbs only takes 2 minutes. Therefore, I can conclude that when charged, the device works longer than 16 minutes. I believe that such a vacuum cleaner should be in every home.

  3. Natalia

    My husband and I fell for the advertisement and purchased a cordless vacuum cleaner. Honestly, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Its only convenience is that it is compact. I will never take one like this again in my life. From the first day of purchase, the battery lasted for 40 minutes and this despite the fact that it takes about 15 hours to charge! After 4-5 months, the operating time was reduced to 20 minutes, and after 1.5 years it finally failed and the battery no longer charges. I spat and bought a regular one with a cyclone filter.

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