Review of the Oriflame robot vacuum cleaner: how to become the owner of the assistant for almost free

The Oriflame robot vacuum cleaner became famous thanks to the fact that representatives of the cosmetics company of the same name did not want to lag behind the times and made it a participant in all of their numerous promotions.

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  • Low cost, and for the participants of the action the price is completely symbolic
  • Good equipment - the robot comes with a set of necessary accessories
  • It makes moderate noise during operation and does not interfere with your business
  • Easy to empty dust bin
  • Can wipe floors with a damp cloth
  • There is no navigation system or at least traffic limiters
  • There are no control buttons on the case and there is no remote control
  • The height of the robot does not allow it to climb under low furniture
  • The floor cleaning cloth may come loose spontaneously.

And the tradition of using this device during promotions has not changed for almost 3 years. Therefore, the Internet is full of information about this unit. As a result, he became one of the most famous in his class in our country. Let's take a closer look at this device and compare it with similar models from other manufacturers.

Characteristics and features of the model

A robot under the Oriflame brand is nothing more than a marketing ploy for the company and it has no intention of conquering this market niche.We invite you to get to know it better, because the advertisement promises a lot of useful things for the owners of this vacuum cleaner.

Features of the robot from Oriflame

The main feature of this equipment is that there are no developers, production site and everything else needed for release. This means that the right to the vacuum cleaner was purchased from a company specializing in them.

Moreover, its name is not hidden - this is the Chinese Sharp Crown Development, which is one of the many manufacturers from this country.

Vacuum cleaner promotion
A significant advantage of the Oriflame robot is the ability to buy it with significant discounts on one of the promotions, of which there are many. The photo shows an advertisement for one of them; by the way, it also shows the date when the company began offering such a product to customers. And this means that it is no longer the first freshness

On the Internet you can find information indicating that the vacuum cleaner is assembled according to the technologies of the legendary Japanese concern with a similar name, but this is not so.

Representatives of the Chinese manufacturer say that they use only their own developments. That is, there is no relationship between enterprises or even simple working connections.

It is easy to find out that Sharp Crown Development is a small organization with only a few hundred employees.

And the production of robotic vacuum cleaners has been their main activity since its founding. Which happened quite a long time ago - in 2004.

The video will help you better understand the capabilities of the unit:

What is the unit?

The robot, produced under the Oriflame brand, belongs to the class of the most affordable. He is able to keep the home in order between general cleanings.At the same time, performing dry cleaning of the premises or supplementing it with wet wiping, which improves the quality.

Robot on a hard surface
This robot vacuum cleaner is capable of cleaning a variety of surfaces, but it only performs best on hard surfaces.

But to obtain the best results, the robot needs to create some conditions that cannot be ignored, since the efficiency will decrease or, in general, the meaning of use will be lost.

These include:

  • suitable area - it should be relatively small, up to 30 square meters. meters;
  • transportation - this vacuum cleaner, like all the others belonging to the elementary class, is not capable of overcoming obstacles whose height exceeds a couple of centimeters.

This feature does not guarantee that the robot will be able to move even along a gentle slope, which will require even more attention from the owner - you will have to regularly move it from one room to another.

The reason for limiting the cleaning area lies in the fact that the battery life does not exceed 50 minutes and if cleaning is not completed within the specified period, then you will have to repeat the installation, charging, starting, and carrying procedure several times.

As a result, the main advantage is lost - cleaning with minimal human effort.

The surface is also an important condition - if it is hard, it can be anything, for example, wooden or tiled.

When covered with carpet, the height of the fleecy part should not exceed even a couple of centimeters. Since the product will not cope with movement and simply will not be able to perform cleaning.

If you need a carpet cleaning device, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following rating of robot vacuum cleaners.

Floor cleaning
When buying this robot vacuum cleaner to clean all kinds of hard surfaces, you should make sure that there are no height differences or other obstacles, for example, folds of linoleum. If you do not pay attention to this point, you will have to become a constant assistant with such a technical tool

If any of the above conditions are not met, you will not be able to obtain the expected result. As a result, one day you will get tired of it and the vacuum cleaner will sit idle because it is not needed in the pantry.

Technical characteristics of the robot from Oriflame

Since it belongs to the most accessible class, the user will encounter some restrictions that affect autonomy.

First of all, the lack of a charging base, to which more expensive models return after completing a program or discharging the batteries.

Moreover, recharging occurs automatically, and after its completion a new cleaning cycle can be performed. That is, only more expensive vacuum cleaners fully justify the name “robot”.

And Oriflame, like other most affordable models, is able to perform its functions only after the owner puts it on recharge, which lasts 4 hours.

Then the vacuum cleaner must be disconnected from the network and press the “Start” button. It is the only one on the body, so the user cannot confuse it. And only after this the unit begins to automatically perform its duties.

Characteristics of the Oriflame robot
The Oriflame robot has an important limitation compared to more expensive models - the lack of the ability to schedule cleaning

Therefore, Oriflame often moves chaotically, as a result of which it passes through each place more than once. Which makes the procedure less effective and economical.

Vacuum cleaner box
An important advantage of the Oriflame robot is its ease of use and control. Everything is intuitive, and if any questions arise, you can solve them using the information provided in the instructions and on the box

If the potential buyer is not afraid of the listed features, then the model is quite suitable for him. Especially considering that she has everything she needs to perform her duties.


  • high efficiency filter (HEPA) — it allows you to retain even the smallest particles of contaminants;
  • Quite powerful suction (23 W) — this allows you to successfully cope with dust, wool, and other small dry elements;
  • acceptable appearance.

To increase cleaning efficiency, the manufacturer has provided several modes of moving the robot indoors. Interestingly, it is impossible to select any of them - this is the prerogative of the navigation system, as evidenced by the absence of controls and a remote control.

But this same feature makes the Oriflame robot easy to operate. Since the presence of just one button minimizes the need to have any special skills or knowledge.

Driving modes:

  • arbitrary or chaotic - in this case, the navigation system of the vacuum cleaner chooses the direction completely independently, making adjustments when obstacles are detected;
  • in a spiral - this method of moving will be optimal if it is necessary to clean not the entire housing, but only its contaminated part;
  • along the walls - makes it possible to maintain order in the most difficult to reach places, such as corners and the space along baseboards.

As mentioned above, the Oriflame vacuum cleaner is capable of wet cleaning.For this purpose, a special panel is attached to its lower part, and to it a microfiber cloth, which must first be moistened.

The following video describes how wet cleaning is performed with this model:

That is, wet cleaning is not complete, so many pockets of contamination cannot be eliminated. But it still makes it possible to collect dust and crumbs, which significantly improves the quality of the procedure.

In addition, people must understand that robots cannot distinguish between types of pollution—the owners must do this instead. If this rule is ignored, then some piece of cream dropped on the floor will be smeared by the robot throughout the room.

Trajectory of movement
Like all entry-class robots, Oriflame has a mediocre navigation system, so cleaning is not carried out according to a plan, but chaotically. As a result, the vacuum cleaner is not economical

Advantages of this model

The most important thing is that the presented model, despite all the features and limitations inherent in its class, is capable of making housing cleaner. Moreover, replacing difficult manual labor.

The functionality of the robot is enhanced by a decent set of equipment - the buyer will have at his disposal 2 replaceable filters, 3 microfiber cloths, a double set of special brushes that help clean on hard surfaces and in corners. All of the above may be enough for the entire service life.

It is also noted for its unpretentiousness, so the owner will basically only have to empty the garbage container. But do this quite often, since it is small (200 ml).

A significant advantage of the Oriflame vacuum cleaner is its low noise level during operation. It does not disturb the comfort when watching TV.And also this procedure will not interfere with the rest of the person in the next room.

Contents of delivery
The robot's delivery kit is not the richest, but it contains everything you need to perform effective cleaning. Moreover, several sets of brooms and microfiber cloths are included, so they will last, if not forever, then guaranteed for a long time

Cost can also be an important advantage. So, for all citizens not associated with the Oriflame company, it is set at around 7 thousand rubles.

A person who becomes a member of the system will be able to receive a 20 percent discount. And if certain conditions are met, the price may become even lower. If 12 friends are invited to the company, then the robot will be received almost free of charge.

Disadvantages of the Oriflame robot

The delivery set does not contain motion limiters, and this, together with a low-intelligence navigation system, does not make it possible to clean a separate contaminated area, rather than the entire room.

That is, when it is necessary to clean the pet’s feeding area, a person will have to transport the robot to the desired area of ​​the room.

And then hope that the navigation system will select the spiral movement mode and wait until the task is completed in order to take the vacuum cleaner to the place of storage or charging.

At the same time, more modern robots, after appropriate programming, can independently turn on at the right time, arrive at the animal’s feeding place, perform cleaning and leave for the charging base.

And everything is done without any human participation, that is, against this background, the Oriflame unit does not quite live up to its name and looks more like an electric broom.

In addition, owners are often dissatisfied with the fact that they cannot influence the progress of cleaning at all, since there are no controls provided for this, for example, buttons or a remote control.Therefore, you will have to rely on the robot for everything, and this does not increase efficiency or profitability.

Another important drawback is the height, it reaches 10 cm, which is a lot today. Since this characteristic reduces, and significantly, the ability of the vacuum cleaner to clean under furniture.

This happens because he often gets stuck and asks for help with loud signals.

Robot Clever & Clean 002M
If anyone thought that the photo was a robot belonging to Oriflame, then they were mistaken - this is its double from the famous manufacturer Clever & Clean. They are not only almost identical in appearance, but also have the same performance characteristics and even cost.

There are problems with overcoming obstacles with a height of 5 mm or more. An important design flaw was also identified in the form of poor fastening of the microfiber cloth, so wet cleaning often cannot be done the first time.

Information LEDs, with their constant blinking, also cause few positive emotions in a number of owners.

Comparison with closest competitors

The main competitors of the Oriflame automated vacuum cleaner are Clever & Clean 002 M and Kitfort KT-511. They are in the same price range as the model under consideration, so it is advisable to compare these units with each other.

Competitor #1 – Clever & Clean 004 M-Series

If you compare photographs of a product produced under the Oriflame brand and its analogue called Clever & Clean 004 M, significant similarities will immediately be revealed. And this model is also one of the most popular in the inexpensive niche. Therefore, it will be interesting to compare the characteristics against its background.


  • type of cleaning - dry;
  • dust container volume - 0.15 l;
  • battery life - up to 45 minutes;
  • charging time - 240 min;
  • dimensions (WxDxH) - 27.4x27.4x7.4 cm;
  • weight - 1.5 kg.

And the Oriflame robot is practically in no way inferior to its more famous analogue, and, possibly, to its clone. That is, in addition to appearance, they have similar cleaning quality, dimensions, cleaning modes, equipment and even cost. The Clever & Clean robot can be additionally equipped with a washing panel for wiping the floor.

It has the same shortcomings as the vacuum cleaner from Oriflame, so the competitor also has a hard time coping with obstacles. It is also used primarily only on hard surfaces, although it can also handle carpet cleaning.

The competitor lacks programming capabilities. Which essentially makes 004, like Oriflame, an automated vacuum cleaner rather than a robot. And every buyer needs to take this into account when choosing.

Since there is no significant difference between these robots, we can consider that Oriflame is one of the best models in its class. Especially considering the fact that it can cost several times cheaper than any of its competitors, subject to participation in shares from the company.

Competitor #2 - Kitfort KT-531

Another popular competitor to the robot in question from Oriflame is Kitfort KT-531. It has almost the same capabilities as the models described above, but with one exception.

The KT-531 moves much more quickly and is able to easily cope with low obstacles; for example, it easily climbs onto low-pile carpets and cleans them thoroughly. And this significantly expands functionality.


  • type of cleaning - dry;
  • dust collector volume - 0.2 l;
  • battery life - 60 minutes;
  • charging time - 360 min;
  • dimensions (WxDxH) - 29x29x7.7 cm;
  • weight - 1.75 kg.

Kitfort is also capable of solving all cleaning tasks in half an hour. In this case, human participation is required in fewer cases.

Another advantage is the low cost, ranging from a modest 5 thousand rubles.

Competitor #3 - iRobot Roomba 616

It will take 3 hours to charge the iRobot Roomba 616 cleaner, after which it will be able to work continuously for 2 hours. When the charge is depleted, the robot will independently return to the parking lot to receive a new portion of energy. No manual installation required.


  • type of cleaning - dry;
  • dust container volume - 0.5 l;
  • battery life - 120 minutes;
  • charging time - 180 min;
  • dimensions (WxDxH) - 34x34x9.2 cm;
  • weight - 3.6 kg.

To control the vacuum cleaner and program the operating algorithm, the package includes a control panel. Unlike the above models, this battery has XLife, this type holds a charge much better.

Dust container volume 0.5 l. To improve the treatment of floors in corners and to collect large particles of dirt, the device is equipped with a side brush. A virtual wall and a bumper made of soft shock-absorbing material are used as safety features.

A detailed review of the iRobot Roomba 616 is presented in this material.

Conclusions and best offers on the market

At its core, Oriflame is not a robot in the full sense of the word, since human presence is necessary at any stage of cleaning, that is, almost always. But it is still capable of maintaining cleanliness in the room, is reliable, and in addition, the cost can be much more attractive than that of its analogues. All of the above indicates the well-deserved popularity of this robotic vacuum cleaner.

Perhaps you have experience using a robot vacuum cleaner from Oriflame? Please share it with our website visitors. Tell us, are you satisfied with the operation of the device? Write your comments and share your experience in the block below.

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