Glue for PVC pipes: review of the best compositions and instructions for use

Polymer products are replacing metal and ceramic pipes.They are becoming increasingly popular due to their obvious advantages - durability, lightness, resistance to corrosion and the effects of aggressive substances. If handled with care, a plastic pipeline can last at least half a century.

The main thing is to ensure high-quality, hermetically sealed joining of elements. To assemble the parts, use a special glue for PVC pipes. The so-called “cold welding” allows you to build a water supply system with minimal labor costs. However, the use of glue has a number of nuances that must be studied before starting work.

The article outlines the advantages of the adhesive method of joining plastic pipes, provides an overview of the best manufacturers, and also provides recommendations for choosing the appropriate composition. Step-by-step instructions for gluing PVC products will help you assemble the pipeline yourself and avoid possible mistakes.

Advantages of adhesive pipe joints

Polymer pipes are welded, glued or mechanically connected to each other. The first method is the most popular. For welding, special equipment and nozzles selected according to the diameter of the pipeline are used.

It is better to entrust such work to professional craftsmen. Option – rent or buy welding machine. It's expensive, but it will help you learn another useful skill.

Polymer water pipes
Materials for polymer pipelines are safe. They do not emit toxins into the atmosphere, do not enter into chemical reactions, so they can be safely used for the installation of water supply and sewer systems

The glue connection method is less common, but no less effective. It is commonly called “cold welding”. Adhesive seams are just as (and sometimes even more) reliable as welded ones.

The only caveat: almost all types of adhesives for plastic pipes are designed for cold water supply systems and can quickly lose their properties when exposed to high temperatures.

Pipe gluing scheme
Polymer pipelines with adhesive joints remain absolutely smooth from the inside. There is no damage or roughness on the surfaces, which could cause blockages in the future (+)

Advantages of gluing PVC pipes using special compositions:

  1. Reducing the risk of leaks. When gluing sections of pipeline, the parts are connected at the molecular level. The seams are absolutely sealed, and they can only begin to leak under the influence of high temperature or pressure.
  2. Minimum labor costs. Gluing pipes does not require any additional complex processes. This is a simple method that does not require special skills.
  3. Fast and cheap installation. All operations can be performed with your own hands. You just need to buy the materials and choose the right adhesive composition. No need to look for a welding machine.
  4. Low energy consumption. The machine for welding polymer pipes runs on electricity, and no equipment is required for gluing parts. This is additional savings on materials and energy resources.
  5. Versatility. The method is suitable for connecting pipeline parts of any diameter - from 6 to 400 mm. It can be used when installing water supply and sewer systems.

Cold welding is a cheap and convenient way to install a pipeline.To use it, you do not need anything that could lead to an increase in the cost of work: you do not have to spend money on additional connecting elements or special equipment.

Pipeline installation using glue
Taking into account the low cost of the polymer pipes and adhesives themselves, piping systems are relatively cheap and can be installed in a matter of days

The principle of operation of all types of glue for polypropylene pipes is approximately the same. The compositions partially dissolve polyvinyl chloride and firmly bind the particles.

The compositions contain additives that improve adhesion. When gluing, the solvent quickly evaporates, and the composition hardens and gains strength. The result is a high-strength connection.

Connection using glue and fittings
The connection with glue is hermetically sealed, but for greater reliability you can use a combined method of attaching pipes - with adhesive and fittings

On the market you can find products for creating high-strength joints from both foreign and domestic manufacturers.

Review of the best brands

Brands are leading in all ratings of adhesives for PVC pipes Tangit (Germany), Genova (USA), Griffon (Netherlands), Gebsoplast (France). Buyers respond well to adhesives "Phoenix", "Vinylite", "Mars" and others, but they are not so in demand and popular.

All types of glue for polymer pipes operate on the same principle, are available in packages of various sizes, and the appropriate composition should be selected depending on the purpose and technical characteristics.

Rules for working with adhesives

When working with glue, you should always read the manufacturer's recommendations. Many compounds cannot be left open for more than a few minutes, because... they set quickly, making their further use difficult. The average time during which the glue can remain open is 4-5 minutes.

Application of glue in summer
In summer and winter, the compositions harden the fastest: at high ambient temperatures, the glue may become unusable after 1-2 minutes, and at low temperatures, the viscosity increases. Therefore, you should pay attention to the manufacturer’s instructions regarding operating temperature conditions.

When purchasing a specific brand of glue, you should pay attention to its preparation for use. Some types are easy enough to mix, but two-component compositions have to be combined correctly and their consistency must be monitored.

There is a risk of incorrect mixing, which leads to loss or change in adhesive properties.

Glue and solvent from the same company
You should pay attention to the solvent for degreasing surfaces. It is best to choose a composition from the same company as the glue. Even if the packaging of the adhesive composition states that degreasing is not necessary, it still makes sense to wipe the surfaces to be glued with a high-quality solvent.

Color and viscosity matter. Experienced plumbers prefer compositions of medium viscosity. They are easy to apply, and when joining parts, such glue does not spread, so you do not have to remove it with napkins.

As for color, the colorless composition is suitable for white and colored pipes. It is not visible, even if the drops protrude beyond the glued area and freeze.

Criteria for choosing pipes and type of glue

When purchasing pipes and fittings, pay attention to the purpose of the products, diameter, and wall thickness of the products. The brand is of fundamental importance.

A good brand is not only money invested in advertising, but also real quality, thanks to which the product does not lose its position in the market. It is always better to choose reliable manufacturers, even if their products are a little more expensive than unknown analogues.

PVC pipe marking table
Pay attention to the markings. It indicates many technical and operational characteristics: diameter, nominal pressure, purpose and scope of application of pipes (+)

When choosing components, it is worth reading the technical documentation, which indicates the purpose of the product, the temperature conditions at which it remains functional, the safety margin and service life, and manufacturer’s warranties.

You should carefully examine the pipes and fittings. Their internal and external surfaces must be smooth, and their structure must be uniform, without signs of delamination, streaks, cracks or other defects.

Packings of pipes of 12 pieces
The condition of the packaging indicates how the product was loaded, unloaded, transported and stored. If its appearance leaves much to be desired, you should once again make sure that the pipes themselves are not damaged

When purchasing glue, consider not only the characteristics of the composition itself, but also the following nuances:

  • Pipeline installation location. Working conditions in different areas can be very different in terms of the degree of contamination, the temperature of the liquid in the pipes or the environment, and other important parameters. It is possible that adhesive compositions will have to be selected separately for different zones.
  • Fluid pressure. All manufacturers make sure that there are no unnecessary claims against them from customers, so they must indicate what pressure the pipe glued with their compound can withstand. The higher this characteristic, the more reliable and expensive the glue. Saving is irrational. Need to compare water pressure with the value indicated on the adhesive packaging.
  • Features of loads. Often, pipelines can move due to mechanical stress from the outside or due to pressure from the inside.If severe shear loads are possible at the joint, a more durable adhesive should be selected.
  • Temperature. Some types of glue are excellent for arranging a cold water system, but will be ineffective for a sewer pipeline, because... the temperature of the wastewater is different.

When choosing an adhesive, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the compositions. They usually contain volatile toxic substances. People prone to allergies are better off not working with toxins: they will either have to entrust the installation of the pipeline to specialists, or choose another method of connecting the parts.

Sewer pipeline assembly
Adhesives for plastic pipes should be worked outdoors or in well-ventilated areas, where access to unauthorized people, children and pets should be prohibited.

Pipes, fittings, and adhesives should only be purchased at specialized retail outlets. You should not save money by choosing “the same” products on a spontaneous market.

Popular products are often counterfeited, so it is better to contact sellers with a good reputation who monitor the reliability of their suppliers and are ready to provide guarantees or exchange low-quality goods.

Step-by-step instructions for using the composition

Before you start gluing plastic pipes, you should make sure that there is normal air circulation in the room and the temperature is between 5-35°C.

In addition to materials, the work will require some tools:

  • for marking - marker and measuring tools;
  • for cutting pipes – pipe cutters, jigsaw or hacksaw;
  • for cleaning surfaces - sandpaper;
  • for degreasing – solvent;
  • for applying the composition - the glue itself, a brush made of natural bristles (some adhesives, incl.Tangit, immediately equipped with a suitable brush) or glue gun.

Surface preparation is an extremely important stage in gluing parts. They should be perfectly smooth and fat-free. If contaminants remain on the pipe, the glue will only stick on top of them and form a film, but there will be poor contact with the surface itself. This may cause leaks to develop over time.

PVC pipes are prepared for upcoming gluing in several steps:

Pipeline bonding technology:

  1. Pipe marking. Before starting the installation of the pipeline, a design and detailed diagram must be prepared. The pipes are measured and marked using them.
  2. Pipe cutting. The next stage is preparing sections of the required length. It is best to use pipe cutters, but other tools will work. The main thing is that the cutting areas are level. The edges are cleaned with sandpaper.
  3. Bonding system elements. The most convenient way is a glue gun. With its help, you can evenly and accurately distribute the composition over the surface. If you don't have a gun, you should use a brush. The glue is applied so that in the selected area there are no areas free from it.
  4. Connecting parts. To connect, the system elements are pressed against each other for at least 20-30 seconds. During this time, the composition thickens and becomes more viscous. Then the part can be put aside for a day. It is important that the compression force is sufficient, otherwise the joint may leak during operation.
  5. Pipe cleaning. No matter how carefully the glue is applied, it may extend beyond the intended area. It is removed immediately before it hardens. A damp cloth, rag or sponge is suitable for this.
  6. Polymerization of the composition. It takes 20-24 hours for the glue to harden, so it is better not to touch the system before. You cannot move, separate or reconnect parts, or run water through pipes.

When the glue polymerization process is complete, you should check the efficiency of the system. It is launched in operating mode and all joints are carefully examined.

If it doesn't leak anywhere, everything is fine. If leaks are detected, the connections are additionally sealed.

An important nuance: when gluing parts you need to work extremely clearly. The pipeline section is inserted into the fitting in one motion. It should not be sharp, but fast. When the pipe is inserted, it should not be wiggled or twisted so as not to reduce the strength of the connection.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Using cold welding, truly high-quality water and sewer pipelines are assembled. Moreover, the method can be used equally effectively when laying communications in a private and multi-storey building.

If you don’t have confidence in your own abilities, it makes sense to hire professionals. But home owners who know how to use tools will not have any difficulty completing the work themselves. We offer useful video materials to help craftsmen.

Why is it better to glue PVC pipes? An experienced master answers:

How and with what you can cut polymer pipes is described in the following video:

The ideal choice is a multi-tool that cuts pipes smoothly and immediately chamfers:

The choice of glue directly depends on the type of pipes, so you should pay attention to them:

There is no simpler technology for connecting polymer pipes than gluing. The method is cheap, convenient, and is not inferior in efficiency to welding. Almost anyone can install a pipeline using glue, because... he will not need any special skills.

The main thing is to choose the right pipes, glue and tools, and be careful and careful when working.

Share with readers your experience in gluing PVC pipes, tell us what kind of glue you used in your work. Please leave comments on the article and ask questions. The feedback form is located below.

Visitor comments
  1. Alexander

    I'm looking for high-quality glue for heating repairs, tools, and a degreaser. Tell.

    • Expert
      Amir Gumarov

      Why are you not satisfied with the recommendations for glue for PVC pipes from the article? Or do you need advice from personal experience? If so, then based on personal use experience I can recommend several options:

      — Glue for PVC pipes Griffon UNI-100;
      — Strong Seam.

      The first option needs no introduction, the second is Ukrainian-made glue.The price is much lower, but the quality is in no way inferior (I will attach a photo). As for the degreaser, I use ERA PVC pipe cleaner 500 ml (primer). As for me, it is the optimal price/quality ratio (I attach a photo).

      As for the tools, everything is standard here: sandpaper, pipe cutter, adjustable wrench, pliers. This is often sufficient in 80% of cases.

      Attached photos:
  2. Vitaly

    There was a case, once they called me to an accident, to fix a leak in the water supply. I arrived, and they had adhesive plastic everywhere, they installed it about 15 years ago, and it broke at the connection.
    I went to look for glue, it turned out that it was not so easy, now few people are interested in such things. Of course, I found a kit, glue + degreaser.
    The first time I encountered this technology was in the early 2000s. Okay, there were instructions, I degreased both parts and coated them with glue, after a while I connected them, nothing complicated.

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