TOP 5 energy-saving heaters for the home - selection criteria

When current becomes the only source of energy, the question arises of purchasing devices whose operation allows you to minimize costs.Energy-saving home heaters were developed taking into account the requirements of owners of non-gasified housing. But the scope of their application has become wider, since other groups of buyers also liked economical models.

Energy-saving home heaters – which ones are better?

Saving energy resources is a pressing issue today. If earlier technology was chosen based on beautiful design and ease of use, now the guidelines have changed.

First of all, the question is about the rational use of the energy source, and only then about additional options. You can understand which home heaters are the best by studying:

  • features of energy-saving models;
  • the principle of their operation;
  • criteria for selecting devices;
  • types of existing systems.

What is an energy saving heater

The efficiency of technology depends on several factors. The first is the rate at which the room is heated to a given temperature. The shorter this period, the less current is needed to achieve maximum temperature. But high-power models allow you to reduce the time, and this is not related to saving energy consumption.

Finding a middle ground in this matter is a task for manufacturers producing energy-saving heaters for housing of any type. It can be solved by offering easy-to-use devices. Among the proposals are devices whose functioning is based on different operating principles:

  • forced air circulation;
  • heat radiation;
  • natural gravity;
  • systems that present a combination of the above principles of operation of electric heaters.

Every year, new generation energy-saving appliances appear on sale. The range of useful options is increasing. The structures are equipped with humidifying systems and cleaning filters.

Modern energy-saving heaters effectively heat rooms in dachas and apartment buildings. They help dry walls in rooms with a high moisture threshold.

Energy-saving heaters can look different in appearance. But many of them are based on a system consisting of a box, inside of which a heating element is placed, which operates after the current is turned on. There are holes on the top and sides of the box. Through them, warm air comes out into the room, which then spreads throughout the room, also participating in its heating.

The heating element in energy-saving models is made of materials that heat up faster than alternative tubular elements. Some of them emit waves of different lengths. Such energy-saving heaters do not heat the air, but objects that are “in its field of vision.” And only then they release heat to the environment.

Infrared heaters do not dry the air, do not burn oxygen, and do not emit hazardous chemical elements.Their use is safe for human life and health. The principle of operation of the devices is similar to the principle of heating the Earth by the Sun.

Each of the existing systems has its own advantages and disadvantages. Their study forms a complete picture of existing proposals.

We bring to your attention an article on how to choose heater for children's room.

Types of energy-saving heaters

There are several criteria underlying the classification of energy-saving systems. These are the materials from which they are assembled, or the operating principle of the devices. Taking into account the latter, all energy-saving heaters are divided into:

  • oil;
  • convector;
  • quartz;
  • ceramic;
  • infrared.

In terms of technical characteristics, oil heaters are similar to a regular resistor connected to a central heating system. The only difference is the coolant.

In the electric model, oil with mineral additives circulates inside. It heats up to boiling temperature, and then the regulator operates. The device turns off temporarily. The power of the heater depends on the number of sections. The buyer can, based on this technical feature, select a suitable unit.

Energy-saving models of the new generation are equipped with a thermostat. He is responsible for automating the operation of the device. This is protection against overheating and short circuit.

The metal body heats up to 120 degrees. Expensive models are equipped with a timer. Using it, the time for turning the heater on and off is programmed.

Among the advantages:

  • compactness;
  • mobility;
  • ease of operation;
  • high efficiency;
  • silent operation;
  • affordable price.

There are also disadvantages.At maximum heating, an oil heater becomes dangerous for children and animals - you can get seriously burned on it. The temperature rises quickly, but not immediately. This makes it inferior to other types of energy-saving heaters.

All inexpensive models have sparse equipment: no auto-shutoff, thermostat, or timer. Which complicates the control of the device. In this case, it becomes difficult to regulate the microclimate in the room. The air can become dry, which is dangerous for people with chronic diseases.


Convenient energy-saving convectors

The operating principle of convectors is simple: an electric heating element is placed inside a metal casing, and when switched on, it heats the radiator. There are holes around the perimeter. Hot air escapes through them into the room. It rushes upward in streams, cools there, descends, and is heated again by an electric heater. Convection vortices arise, due to which the set temperature inside the room is maintained.

This system has advantages:

  • low price;
  • safety of use;
  • no noise during intensive work;
  • stable work.

Energy saving is ensured by installing an automated thermostat and overheating protection. Another important circumstance is that when the maximum level is reached, the body of the device heats up to 60 degrees. This is half the size of oil-based appliances. At the same time, the efficiency of heating the room does not suffer.

This advantage can also become the main disadvantage - it will not be possible to heat a large room with a convector energy-saving heater. The air takes longer to warm up than when installing an oil unit.

There is also no mobility - the device is most often hung on the wall under the windows, where it remains to work. There are also models with legs, but moving them from place to place is inconvenient - they weigh a lot. Despite this, convector energy-saving models are in great demand among buyers. They become indispensable where water heating is impossible for technical reasons. It is convenient to connect devices and create a central system.

Convector energy-saving models

Interesting energy-saving innovations

Quartz energy-saving heaters They are just conquering the market. The principle of their operation is slightly different from previous types. Inside, the body is filled to the brim with a composition that includes quartz sand and white clay. Dolomite is used as a binder. All filler components are environmentally friendly.

A chromium-nickel spiral is hidden in the filler. When switched on, it begins to heat up and heat the filler. The surface of the case warms up to 100 degrees. It gradually accumulates heat and then releases it. Even if you turn off the device, it will maintain the temperature in the room for another 40 minutes. This is the energy-saving component of the new product.

The operating principle of a quartz energy-saving heater is similar to heating with a Russian stove: it takes a long time to heat up (20-30 minutes), then releases heat for a long time. During this time, natural convection occurs. Hot air rushes to the ceiling, cools down there, and falls to the floor.

The design of a quartz energy-saving heater provides a number of technical advantages:

  • safe design (no leaks);
  • fire safety;
  • high heat capacity;
  • ability to accumulate heat;
  • cooling time 1.5 hours;
  • modern design;
  • large selection of color offers;
  • the cost is 40% lower than analog systems;
  • operation up to 25 hours;
  • energy consumption is low (to heat a room of 15 square meters you will need 0.4 kW/hour).

Every technical innovation provokes a stir among buyers. But this is not the case with heating appliances - know-how in this area causes caution. Many are waiting for the first reviews, which identify the shortcomings of the proposed systems.

So the operation of quartz energy-saving heaters immediately identified their main disadvantage. It concerns the unsafety of the device. One panel, filled with sand and clay, weighs a lot. Reinforced brackets are needed to secure it. They are always included.

But this technical feature narrows the scope of application of quartz energy-saving heaters. They can be mounted on strong load-bearing walls. If you imagine this feature in your head, you can realistically evaluate the criteria for choosing an energy-saving model.

Manufacturers recommend connecting devices directly to machines. This reduces the load on the electrical network at home. During installation, keep the unit away from flammable materials. The minimum distance is half a meter.

If you want to buy an energy-saving quartz heater, choose a manufacturer with a good reputation. Do not skimp on options that ensure safe operation of the device. Then you can avoid the disadvantages and enjoy the advantages of quartz models.

Quartz energy-saving heaters

A market overview helps to understand that traditional oil and convector energy-saving models are being replaced by ceramic heaters.They allow you to use electricity more economically, but at the same time efficiently heat your house, cottage, or apartment.

Externally, quartz and ceramic devices are similar. The body is a ceramic panel. A resistive tape or a ceramic block made in the form of a tube or monolith is used as a heating element. This unit is tightly attached to the body. The back is protected by a screen. It does not heat up above 40 degrees. Therefore, when attaching the unit to the wall, the finish of steep surfaces does not suffer.

When turned on, the heating element begins to generate heat. It heats the ceramic front panel. The back part prevents heat loss from the inside. The front one gradually gives off heat. It is distributed evenly throughout the room.

Different energy-saving models work differently. Some are like infrared heaters, some are like convector. It all depends on the type of heating element.

There are wall-mounted ceramic heaters, floor and ceiling heaters on sale. They can be used as a backup heat source or as the main one. This diversity ensures the popularity of these systems.

Versatility is not their only advantage. There are other advantages:

  1. Greater energy efficiency. To heat a room of 10 square meters, a heater with a power of 600 W is sufficient. For comparison, the power of an oil radiator for the same volume is 2.5 kW.
  2. Optimal price/efficiency combination. It is cheaper to buy ceramic radiators than to install a solid fuel boiler at the dacha in regions where there is still no gas supply.
  3. Possibility of installation in rooms with a high moisture threshold (baths, indoor pools, saunas, bathrooms, balconies, gazebos). The room heats up quickly, so condensation does not form. To create the open surfaces of the heater, materials that are not subject to corrosion are used.

There are models on sale, the design of which is specially designed for wet rooms. They are additionally equipped with a heated towel rail.

Environmental friendliness, modern design, ease of installation, ease of operation and maintenance. All these are advantages. But there is also a minus - the difficulty of repair. The ceramic front panel is vulnerable. It can be broken by dropping a sharp object. A strong blow will cause a chip or crack to appear. They can be masked using repair mixtures, but a broken panel must be replaced. Its cost is comparable to the cost of a new device.

If the heating element is flooded and hidden in the “body” of the ceramic panel, it cannot be replaced in case of failure. The only thing that can be easily changed in this design is the power cable. In fact, any breakdown is a big headache.

Quartz energy-saving heaters

Advantages of infrared energy-saving heaters

The operating principle of this group of devices is radically different from other models. Oil-based energy-saving electric registers, convectors, quartz appliances and ceramic panels heat the air in the room. An infrared heater creates waves of a specific length. They heat objects located in the area of ​​operation of the unit, and they then give off heat to the environment.

This is how the Sun “works”, this is how it warms the Earth. The waves are not absorbed by the air, they do not encounter obstacles in their path, so a comfortable temperature is achieved quickly.A person feels good, even if the room temperature is a couple of degrees below standard values.

In conventional air systems, the coolant is heated. It heats the air around it. Its warm masses are taken up, cool down, and sink, creating vortex flows that reduce efficiency. This does not happen with infrared heaters. Therefore, their use saves 30-40% energy.

Heat supply to the room begins already 30 seconds after turning on the infrared energy-saving heater. A person feels it instantly. The oxygen in the air is not burned, and all because the surface of the coolant is not heated to critical temperatures. A decrease in humidity also does not occur for this reason.

The lamps operate silently. Their radiation, as scientific research shows, has a beneficial effect on humans. IR therapy is now actively used in the treatment of seasonal colds. It helps stimulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

The operation of energy-saving infrared heaters does not create unpleasant odors or emissions of hazardous chemical elements. The likelihood of poisoning by decay/combustion products is minimized. A constantly turned on device does not provoke the appearance of weakness, headaches, or other ailments.

Physicists point out that by trying to buy and install an energy-saving infrared heater in your dacha or home, you can achieve uniform temperature distribution throughout the room and eliminate heat loss. This also helps reduce energy consumption. Heating occurs zonally (pointwise).Thermostats, temperature sensors, auto-shut-off options - all this increases resource savings.

From an environmental point of view, infrared heating systems are considered favorable for the living environment, since their operating principle is similar to natural solar heating. Their installation does not require expensive installation and does not require major wiring replacement.

Each system includes special fasteners that can be assembled and installed by anyone with basic construction skills. Ease of installation and operation is another advantage in favor of purchasing this type of heating.

In terms of efficiency, infrared heaters powered by electric current are comparable to convectors and electric boilers. There are different types of infrared systems you can buy. Each has its own characteristics:

  1. Halogen energy-saving heaters use carbon fiber or tungsten filament as a heating element. After switching on the current, it heats up and emits a pleasant golden color. To protect the human eye from radiation, the body of the devices is treated with special compounds. Such an economical heater is not suitable for a dacha, but you can choose it for heating a large hangar or garage.
  2. Carbon models are equipped with quartz tubes. There is a vacuum inside them. After connecting the unit to the network, heating begins within 2 minutes. The devices have high power, so the current consumption is high. Of all the infrared heaters, these are the most energy-consuming models, but the presence of a thermostat and auto-shut-off option helps save on electricity consumption.
  3. Ceramic infrared heaters are suitable for a summer house or a permanent country house. They are economical, do not glow at night, and look great.The body is a panel. There are several color options, so it will not be difficult to choose a device that can perfectly fit into any design style.

Before purchasing an energy-saving infrared heater, it is important to study not only the advantages of devices of this type, but also the disadvantages. They exist too. The most economical models are expensive. Their price exceeds the cost of analog units.

Another feature is the likelihood of strong heating of objects located in the focus of radiation. This can be eliminated by equipping the model with a thermostat. Buying it will increase the already high price.

Diversity infrared energy-saving heaters the market is large, it allows you to find a device suitable for specific tasks.

Infrared heater

Criteria for choosing energy-saving heaters

There are several conditions for assessing the efficiency of heating systems:

  • proportions of the power of the unit and the area of ​​the heated room;
  • presence or absence of central heating;
  • quality of home insulation;
  • the need to maintain a given temperature;
  • speed of achieving a certain heating parameter.

Following the listed criteria, everyone can independently choose the heater of the desired model, which can help save on energy consumption.

There is no need to skimp on purchasing safe equipment. Safety is directly related to the possibility of accidents and loss of property.

The type of system must correspond to its purpose. If the house does not have central heating, an oil radiator will not cope with the task. You need to buy units with heat guns or infrared ceramic panels.

Power consumption is calculated in advance, taking into account the area of ​​the room.It is important to make adjustments for the region of residence, glass area, cardinal directions and location of the house in accordance with them.

The design of an energy-saving heater, its thermal power, system class, programmability, purpose of application - the more options, the higher the cost of the device. But sometimes high expenses are paid off by the achieved savings in electricity consumption. The rating of systems will help you build the right guidelines.

Top 5 energy-saving heaters

During the prolonged cold season, additional heating is necessary. It can be provided by economical electrical appliances that produce heat at low current consumption. The power of most of them does not exceed 1000 W, but it is enough to heat a room up to 15 square meters.

The top 5 energy-saving models include different types of systems.

Nikaten NT 200

The leader of the rating is a ceramic infrared energy-saving heater. Its power consumption is 2 times less than that of converter or oil models. Energy consumption is 40% lower with continuous operation of 6-8 hours.

The body is a ceramic plate, 60x30 cm in size, into which a nichrome thread is mounted and poured. The back part is a heat-insulating screen.

Its surface does not heat above 40 degrees, which eliminates the possibility of damage to the finish of the surface on which the device is mounted.

When plugged in, the heating element gains temperature and heats the front ceramic plate. It, in turn, gives off heat in the form of infrared radiation. It does not heat the air in the room, but the objects in it. Excess heat is released into the environment.

Nikaten NT 200 has enough power to heat a room of 7 square meters.Its operating efficiency is comparable to that of an oil heater. In this case, energy consumption is 3-4 orders of magnitude lower. If you correctly place the panel and calculate its radius of action, you can easily create a comfortable microclimate even on the coldest day.

There are certain difficulties with installing the Nikaten NT 200. Its body must be attached to the wall. But to connect it you do not need to lay pipes or buy additional equipment. The kit includes all the necessary fasteners.

The instructions in Russian will allow you to install and connect the energy-saving heater in a few minutes.

The manufacturer provides a 5-year warranty. Such a long service life indicates the high reliability of the device and the quality of its performance.

The presence of electronic filling allows you to program the operation of Nikaten NT 200. It can turn on independently when you work and create a comfortable temperature in the room when you arrive. Can be turned off when heating is not needed.

The front surface is an all-ceramic panel. It can withstand temperature changes and is difficult to break or scratch. The occurrence of cracks in the maximum heating mode is excluded. The appearance of the battery has a modern design. It won’t be difficult to fit an energy-saving device into the overall interior concept.

The manufacturer determines the service life and designates their duration as 25 years. Nikaten NT 200 does not require additional maintenance and does not need repairs. Using this unit for heating helps save up to 5 thousand rubles. Over 10 years, the amount can be 400,000 rubles.

Additional benefits include:

  • versatility;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • degree of protection IP 24;
  • country of origin: Russia;
  • average price 3000 rubles.

Among the disadvantages is the large weight of the battery. The stove weighs 7 kilograms. Mounting type: wall. It will not be possible to attach the device to a light partition.

You can buy Nikaten NT 200 in the online store. It is sold retail and wholesale. There is a model in the line of all large stationary retail outlets. If you follow the promotions, buying an infrared energy-saving heater will cost less.

Nikaten NT 200

Convector Hyundai H-HV15-10-UI617

The power of this energy-saving convector model (1000 W) is enough to heat a room with an area of ​​up to 30 square meters. It looks modern - the thin metal body is painted with white enamel. One third of the front panel is perforated. Hot air escapes through the holes. It does not encounter any obstacles on its way, so heat loss is minimal.

There are no sharp corners. There are 2 legs at the bottom to ensure a stable position of the device. It can be used as a floor model, or the case can be hung on the wall. All the necessary fasteners are included in the Hyundai H-HV15-10-UI617 package.

To protect against overheating, an auto-shutdown option is provided when the set temperature is reached. As soon as the critical point is reached, the heater turns off, and then turns on again when it drops and the device cools down.

Heating element type: needle. There is a thermostat and temperature control option. Mechanical control - the energy-saving device turns on and off by pressing a button.

The manufacturer offers proven developments and proprietary approaches to creating energy-saving convectors. Performance corresponds to the declared power.

Among the advantages of the purchase:

  • safety;
  • ergonomics;
  • versatility;
  • mobility;
  • compactness;
  • weight 2.8 kg.

Hyundai H-HV15-10-UI617 comes with an instruction manual in Russian. Buyers cited the high price as a disadvantage. The national average is 6,000 rubles.

Convector Hyundai H-HV15-10-UI617

REDMOND SkyHeat 7003S

Model – smart energy saving convector, which can be controlled remotely. This is a new facet of consumer freedom, created and proposed by a domestic manufacturer.

The device can be turned on by hand by pressing the knob, or you can control the device via a smartphone or tablet while in the next room or while driving a car on the way to the dacha.

Four operating modes allow you to quickly warm up the room or maintain the already set temperature. Convenient if a country house is visited by raids. An advanced protection system will protect against overheating, fire, and unwanted switching on of the REDMOND SkyHeat 7003S in the absence of the owners.

The model operates on the principle of a convector. Maximum power – 600 W. It is enough to heat a room up to 10 square meters. The body looks like a plinth. Its length is 2 meters. The surface does not heat up above 75 degrees, which eliminates the risk of getting burned when touched.

The features of the device do not allow the formation of a high-speed convective flow. This eliminates the occurrence of vortex flows that can raise dust. The air remains clean, and moisture will also remain in it. This has a positive effect on the condition of patients with chronic respiratory diseases.

The long length of the energy-saving device ensures rapid heat dissipation. The heat transfer area is large, making it easier to maintain heat in the room.

REDMOND SkyHeat 7003S operates on low energy consumption, but this does not affect the quality of heating. All this is ensured due to the unusual design of the device. It can act as an independent heat source, but works better with a central heating system. This tandem reduces the level of dampness, which means it prevents the growth of fungi and mold on the walls, and condensation does not form on the windows.

REDMOND SkyHeat 7003S looks like a baseboard. It mounts to the bottom of the wall and heats it up, helping to create a large heat shield. In this case, the air in the room does not stratify, but warms up “according to the principle of the sun” - natural convection.

This system has its advantages:

  • uniform air heating;
  • possibility of remote heating;
  • low energy consumption;
  • electronic control type;
  • data transfer via bluetooth;
  • voice assistant Alice;
  • steel 2 colors (black and white);
  • there is a delayed start;
  • 5 year manufacturer's warranty;
  • price 2800 rubles.

Customer reviews helped identify the objective shortcomings of the REDMOND SkyHeat 7003S. The connection type does not imply the choice of a convenient installation option (right/left). It’s not convenient to install a unidirectional heater everywhere; you have to pull an extension cord to it, but it prevents you from moving freely around the room.

The device supports 2 operating systems: IOS and Android. You cannot control the battery from an iPhone. The manufacturer took these comments into account and promised to fix the problems. That is why REDMOND SkyHeat 7003S was included in the top of the best energy-saving heaters in advance.

REDMOND SkyHeat 7003S

Timberk TOR 51.2009 BTX

The review would not be complete without a description of this oil-filled, energy-saving, electrically powered radiator. Its appearance is traditional.

The device consists of 9 separate hermetically sealed sections filled with technical oil. Its power is high - 2 kW. It is enough to heat rooms of 20 square meters.

The quality is high. STEEL SAFETY technology is used. It prevents the formation of possible leaks.

A distinctive feature of Timberk TOR 51.2009 BTX is the presence of a built-in air humidifier. It eliminates the main drawback of devices of this type - the humidifier works simultaneously with heating, preventing dry air. There is a panel built into the side of the metal radiator. Everything on it:

  • container for filling humidifier water;
  • volume 0.4 liters;
  • automatic timer;
  • bracket;
  • allowing you to wind the cord;
  • mechanical control units (on/off buttons).

Other benefits:

  • stylish design;
  • reliable design;
  • timer for automatic operation of the humidifier.

The main disadvantage of Timberk TOR 51.2009 BTX is the lack of a battery shutdown function when tipping over. If there are children or animals in the house, you should not leave her unattended.

Customer reviews help identify another significant drawback. The device does not have an indicator of the minimum water level in the humidifier tank. This makes it difficult to control the operation of this node.

The cost is high - the average price is 5,200 rubles.

Timberk TOR 51.2009 BTX

Polaris PMH 2085

The model works on the principle of convection-thermal wave radiation. It has the advantages of convector and infrared energy-saving heaters.Heat is generated quickly, evenly distributed throughout the room.

There are 2 heating modes. The thermostat allows you to control and set the desired temperature. Mechanical control. The power is enough to heat 30 square meters.

The body is made in black. Convenient legs with wheels make the device mobile. Polaris PMH 2085 is an option for rooms temporarily disconnected from central heating. There are other advantages:

  • heating immediately after switching on;
  • micathermic type of heating element;
  • there is an antifreeze mode;
  • interesting design;
  • intuitive controls.

The disadvantages are noise during operation, high price (about 8,000 rubles). Otherwise, this is the best solution to the problem of emergency heating.

Polaris PMH 2085

Energy-saving home heaters are widely available. Their main quality is saving on electricity. Buying a model helps create a comfortable environment at home.

Before purchasing, they look at various factors: the power of the device, its dimensions, controls, safety and fire protection levels, additional options.

I would like to hear in the comments the feedback from our readers about the energy-saving heaters that you purchased. Save the rating in your bookmarks, perhaps it will be useful to you in the future.

Visitor comments
  1. Oleg

    We have a corner apartment, a concrete panel house. In cold winters the apartment is cold. What we didn’t do: we insulated the end walls from the inside, changed the windows - it’s still damp in winter. I recently came across a description of the Redmond SkyHeat RCH-7003S. I persuaded my husband to buy it and install it in the bedroom. We did this along the end wall – the coldest one. And how everything has changed!!!! It really became drier and warmer.Condensation no longer accumulates under the ceiling, and drops do not drip onto your head. The plinth works silently. I control it from my phone - it’s convenient!!!!! I recommend it to everyone!!!!

  2. Vadik

    I recently insulated and renovated the attic at the dacha. The question of heating it became acute. I didn't want to bend the pipes from below. On the advice of a friend, I decided to purchase a Hyundai H-HV15-10-UI617. The sales consultant advised me to take two devices at once, so I did so, and did not regret it: they were compact, matched the color of the walls, blended in with them and became completely invisible. They've been working for a month now. The room heats up quickly. The attic is well insulated (walls, floors, and roof), the power of two Hyundai H-HV15-10-UI617 is enough for comfort. I haven't identified any shortcomings yet.

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