Balcony insulation: how to choose thermal insulation


High-quality insulation of the balcony will help increase the usable area of ​​the apartment.You can carry out the work yourself if you take into account the advice of specialists and select thermal insulation materials with high technical and operational characteristics. Also, before installation, you need to familiarize yourself with the technology and some nuances.

Is it legal to insulate a balcony?

According to legal standards, only a loggia can be insulated, but not a balcony. The reason for this limitation is that these two rooms differ in design. So, the loggia is supported by the walls of the building, so it can withstand the same loads as the rest of the rooms in the apartment.

A balcony is a small room that has a fence and is located outside the walls of the house. Therefore, the load on it must be low or moderate so that the structure does not collapse.

To properly insulate a balcony, you need to install glazing. But a window system with heat-saving properties weighs a lot, and the balcony slab may not withstand its weight, which will lead to destruction of the latter.Therefore, before planning insulation and ordering materials, the owner of an apartment with a balcony needs to obtain permission to carry out such work.

The law prohibits carrying out the following actions with a balcony room without obtaining appropriate permission:

  • install 2- or 3-chamber double-glazed windows (due to their large mass);
  • carry out electrical wiring;
  • install heating appliances;
  • demolish the partition between the room and the balcony;
  • engage in redevelopment of the heating system and carry out radiators without authorization.

All this can cause not only the destruction of the balcony slab, but also disruption of the heating system of an apartment building.

What kind of insulation is there?

You can insulate the balcony from the outside and inside. External from a technical point of view is a more optimal solution, since it eliminates the possibility of condensation forming on the inner surface of the walls. But most of the population prefers to insulate the balcony from the inside.

Insulation of the balcony from the outside

External insulation of a balcony room is carried out using two methods:

  • wet. The thermal insulation material is fixed to the facade using an adhesive composition. A reinforcing mesh is fixed on top. Finishing – plaster;
  • ventilated. First, a profile frame is fixed to the surface of the facade. Thermal insulation material is placed in it. The top of the structure is covered with siding. Another type of cladding can be used. The trim is attached to the profiles.

Such thermal insulation has only one drawback - it is difficult to do it yourself, especially if the balcony room is located above the 2nd floor. For installation, you will need to hire professional builders with the necessary equipment.

Insulation of the balcony from the inside

The most common and economical way to create an optimal microclimate in a balcony room. The advantage is that all work is carried out inside. In addition, the installation of the thermal insulation layer and all subsequent ones can be carried out independently.

But internal insulation also has several disadvantages:

  • the insulation system can “take away” useful space, which is already small on the balcony;
  • The outer wall is not protected by anything, so it will remain cold, which increases the likelihood of condensation.

To minimize the possibility of such manifestations, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the technology for attaching the heat-insulating material.

Is it worth insulating a balcony?

Insulating the balcony will help create another room in the apartment with a comfortable microclimate. The owner will have the opportunity to equip there, for example, a small office or a creative corner.

Advantages of an insulated balcony:

  • additional space for year-round use;
  • high noise and heat insulation;
  • functionality. A cold balcony can only be used for storing things, but an insulated one will become a full-fledged additional room;
  • reducing the likelihood of a fire. Often rubbish is stored on the balcony, which can cause a fire. To eliminate this, it is necessary to use materials with a low degree of flammability for insulation.


  • increasing the weight of the structure;
  • the insulation can “take away” part of the free space on the balcony.

What materials are used for thermal insulation?

There are many materials on the construction market today that can be used as insulation. They differ from each other in technical and operational characteristics.To buy the right option, several factors are taken into account:

  • resistance of thermal insulation to unfavorable conditions, such as high humidity, sudden temperature changes, frost and others;
  • price;
  • climate in the region where the apartment is located;
  • type of house;

Before insulating a balcony in an apartment building, it is worth studying the features of each thermal insulation material and assessing the pros and cons.

Expanded clay

The material is made from clay, which is why it is considered the safest and most environmentally friendly of all insulation materials. Only cork can compete with it. Externally, expanded clay looks like small, light brown granules. Due to the use of special firing technology (heating up to 1000 degrees) during the production process, they are porous.
Expanded clay is suitable for insulating balcony floors.

  • Small mass of granules
  • Low price
  • Long service life
  • High degree of fire safety
  • Resistance to microorganisms, fungi and mold
  • With its help you can only insulate the floor on the balcony
  • Increased moisture permeability
  • It is difficult to install insulation yourself
  • Possible radioactivity


In terms of weight, this is the lightest thermal insulation material, therefore it is ideal for insulating a balcony room. Externally, polystyrene foam is a mass that is 90% filled with air.


  • liquid;
  • sheet;
  • in balls;
  • foam formwork;
  • extruded polystyrene foam.
  • Easy DIY installation
  • Affordable price
  • Resistance to microbes and fungi
  • Light weight
  • Can be used to insulate ceilings, floors and balcony walls
  • Service life, subject to installation technology, is up to 30 years
  • UV rays destroy foam
  • Releases hazardous substances at high temperatures
  • Requires additional vapor barrier
  • Hygroscopic
  • Destroys under intense mechanical loads and does not withstand contact with chemicals

And if ordinary polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam has several disadvantages, then the new generation material LOGICPIR Balcony from TECHNONICOL has practically none. It has high thermal insulation properties, does not support combustion and does not emit harmful substances at elevated temperatures. It is also distinguished by an increased service life (more than 50 years) and environmental friendliness, which has been proven at the Institute of Solution Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is a synthetic foam with a cellular structure. Rigid (sprayed insulation) is more suitable for creating excellent noise and heat insulation in a private or apartment building.

  • Possibility of installation on any type of surface. Polyurethane foam fits equally well on glass and concrete
  • Low material weight
  • Possibility of creating a one-piece structure, which eliminates the possibility of gaps and cracks
  • Does not collapse when changing weather conditions or temperature conditions
  • Fire safety
  • Under the influence of UV rays, the process of destruction begins
  • The material smolders in an open flame (flammability degree G3-G4). It is not advisable to use it in rooms with high temperatures.
  • The need to work in PPE during the spraying process
  • It may be difficult for an untrained person to independently apply a sprayed type of insulation


The material consists of 2 parts - foamed self-extinguishing polyethylene and a foil (aluminum) layer. It “works” on a slightly different principle.Due to its shielding properties, penofol does not absorb the heat coming to it, but reflects it back into the balcony room.


  • “A” – one-sided foiling;
  • “B” – double-sided foiling;
  • “C” – the sheets have a self-adhesive insert.
  • Penofol is suitable for external and internal insulation of balconies. It can also be used to insulate floors, walls, ceilings
  • Environmental friendliness
  • Low vapor permeability
  • Fire safety
  • Easy installation
  • Light weight
  • Thin sheets (do not “eat up” the useful area of ​​the balcony)
  • It will not be able to protect the room from severe frost, therefore in the central and northern regions of the country it is better to combine it with other insulation materials
  • Not suitable for insulating walls that are finished with plaster.

Insulation with LOGICPIR Balcony slabs from TECHNONICOL

The TECHNONICOL company produces polymer thermal insulation material based on modified polyurethane foam. The LOGICPIR thermal plate can be used for insulation of both residential and non-residential premises, since the thermal insulation has a low coefficient of moisture absorption and thermal conductivity, does not burn, and can withstand increased mechanical loads (installation even under a concrete screed is possible).


Thermal plate LOGICPIR Balcony from TECHNONICOL is designed specifically for insulating balcony rooms and loggias. The peculiarity of thermal plates is that they do not absorb or allow moisture to pass through, which eliminates the possibility of condensation and mold formation.

Technical and operational characteristics of LOGICPIR Balcony

Plate materialClosed cell rigid polyurethane foam
Thermal conductivity at a temperature of 25 °C (±5), W/m K0,022
Water absorption,%1
Operating temperaturefrom -65 °С to +110 °С
Slab edge shapeL-edge
Thickness of 1 slab30-50 mm
Slab dimensions in mm1190x590x30-50
Compressive strength at linear deformation 10%, kPa120


The advantages of LOGICPIR Balcony thermal plates are due to the special manufacturing technology and characteristics of the thermal insulation material:

  • quick and easy installation without vapor barrier;
  • additional effect of reflective insulation
  • saving space due to the minimum thickness of the thermal plate;
  • does not absorb moisture, is resistant to the formation of mold and mildew;
  • light weight, which does not weigh down the balcony structure.

Installation instructions LOGICPIR Balcony

The TECHNONICOL company produces 2 versions of LOGICPIR for insulating balconies: with foil lining (LOGICPIR Balcony) and fiberglass lining (LOGICPIR SХМ/СХМ). Each type has its own advantages. Internal insulation of a balcony room using LOGICPIR thermal plates. The balcony can be carried out by a person with minimal knowledge in construction. To do this, you need to study the technology, the system, and also collect materials and tools for the work.


Before work, carefully plan actions to insulate the balcony room. You cannot deviate from the established order. The standard sequence looks like this:

  • prepare the balcony surfaces;
  • carry out repair work if necessary;
  • clean the walls, floor, ceiling from remnants of old plaster, paint, dust, dirt;
  • treat surfaces with antiseptic compounds to protect them from colonization by fungi and mold;
  • glaze the balcony;
  • arrange waterproofing;
  • seal cracks and seams;
  • install electrical wiring;
  • start installing the insulation from the ceiling to the floor;
  • finishing of the balcony, decoration;
  • installation of furniture.

Experts recommend starting to lay LOGICPIR Balcony thermal tiles from the coldest wall of the room.

Required tools and materials

Insulating a balcony is not difficult. But before starting the main work, you need to prepare all the tools and materials. The standard set looks like this:

  • thermal plates LOGICPIR Balcony;
  • material for external finishing;
  • TECHNONICOL adhesive foam;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • waterproofing materials (if needed);
  • beams made of wood or metal for the frame;
  • aluminum tape for sealing joints;
  • dowels, screws.

This set can be supplemented with other tools that will help facilitate installation:

  • scissors or construction knife for cutting thermal slabs LOGICPIR Balcony;
  • drill;
  • perforator;
  • hammer;
  • building level;
  • rollers;
  • a brush with medium-hard or very hard bristles;
  • broom, dustpan, etc.

Surface preparation

Any repair or other construction process begins with surface preparation. All the things that were previously stored there are taken out from the balcony. Remove everything that may interfere with inspecting the walls, ceiling, and floor.

If large gaps or cracks have been identified in the balcony structure, they are sealed using polyurethane foam or putty. After this, the room is cleaned of accumulated debris, paint residues, etc., using a brush, broom, or dustpan. To make the task easier, you can purchase a construction vacuum cleaner.

Material calculation

To calculate the required amount of materials, measure the area of ​​the balcony or loggia that they plan to insulate. Next use the formula:

S rooms / S slabs LOGICPIR

To determine the area of ​​the slab, they are guided by its initial data. TECHNONICOL produces products with L-edge with dimensions of 1185x585 mm, 1190x590 mm.

The result obtained is divided according to the formula by the number of slabs in one pack. The value is rounded up. This will be the number of LOGICPIR Balcony packages needed for insulation.

Overview of the TN-WALL insulation system Balcony PIR

An option for insulating a balcony, in which the sheathing is mounted on top of LOGICPIR Balcony thermal plates. The work is completed by applying the final finish. The system is suitable for small spaces where every centimeter is valuable. To construct it, you will need to purchase LOGICPIR Balcony, aluminized tape for sealing seams.

Features of the insulation system:

  1. There is no need to install a layer of vapor barrier materials, since LOGICPIR Balcony thermal plates have a foil lining.
  2. Since the plates are foil-coated and the joints between them will be closed with aluminized tape, the result will be a one-piece sealed structure that is resistant to moisture.
  3. The thermal circuit will be continuous, since the frame made of wood or metal will be fixed on top of the LOGICPIR Balcony thermal plates.
  4. The insulation system TN-WALL Balcony PIR expands the possibilities for applying the finishing coating.

Balcony insulation with LOGICPIR slabs with foil lining

The first stage is cleaning the surfaces from old paint, plaster, protruding fittings, and old nails. Then a lathing is formed from wood or metal (the size of the bars is 2x4 cm) in increments of 40 cm. It is attached to the wall that is planned to be insulated. To level the floor, 3 options can be used - wooden lathing with different heights of bars, cement-sand mixture (not used in winter) and dry screed. It is better to make a dry prefabricated screed from 2 sheets of OSB, ACL, GVL and others.

Insulation of a balcony with LOGICPIR thermal plates begins with the walls, then moves to the ceiling.The last thing to insulate is the floor.

The formed frame is attached through LOGICPIR Balcony thermal plates. An important point when installing heat-insulating material is that it is laid with seams spaced apart. This is necessary to prevent heat loss and the formation of cold bridges. PIR panels are attached to facade dowels or TECHNONICOL adhesive foam. To create a sealed structure, the joints between the plates are covered with aluminized tape.

The finishing finish is attached to the sheathing using adhesives, dowels and self-tapping screws. This could be lining, drywall, wallpaper, decorative plaster.

Insulation of a balcony with PIR panels with a fiberglass lining for plaster

Insulation with LOGICPIR thermal plates will help turn a loggia or balcony into a work office, relaxation area, or children's play area. And all this at low cost. If painting or stone imitation is chosen as the finishing coating for the balcony, then in this case it is worth giving preference to PIR panels with a fiberglass lining.

Installation instructions:

  1. Cleaning and preparing balcony surfaces.
  2. Using a building level, check the evenness of the walls, floor and ceiling. The permissible difference is no more than 20 mm on a 2-meter rail. If the error is greater, then the surfaces are leveled with plaster mixtures.
  3. Calculation of the number of LOGICPIR SХМ/СХМ thermal plates. Such a coating will not only reliably attach the insulation to the walls, but also ensure maximum adhesion to the adhesive compositions on which the finishing coating will be fixed.
  4. Installation of LOGICPIR СХМ/СХМ starts from the ceiling, then moves to the walls. They are fixed with TECHNONICOL adhesive foam. It is applied intermittently - without creating a closed contour on the surface of the insulation.
  5. The plates are fixed to the surface.To achieve greater tightness, the joints between them are filled with TECHNONICOL adhesive foam.
  6. Leave the structure to harden for 24 hours. After this time, the slabs are additionally secured with facade dowels (at least 2 pieces per 1 slab).
  7. A reinforced base layer is applied to the insulation. It will create a continuous and even coating for applying the finishing touch. First, a plaster mixture is applied to the surface of the insulation using a spatula. Then an alkali-resistant facade mesh is embedded into it. Finally, grout is done.
  8. The base reinforced layer is left until completely dry. Only after this can you begin to install the decorative coating.
  9. If any unevenness remains on the surface, they need to be puttied and sanded.
  10. The next layer is primer.
  11. The last stage is the installation of decorative plaster or artificial stone (finish coating).

Mistakes when insulating a balcony

When people plan to insulate a balcony, most people do not imagine what this process entails. For many, this is simply installing a radiator, replacing double-glazed windows and filling the cracks with foam. But to prevent heat from leaving the apartment, you need to insulate the wall, ceiling and floor on the balcony, and not just close the cracks and install a heating device.

The next mistake is replacing expensive materials with cheap ones. You can’t skimp on insulating your balcony. Cheap materials do not have the necessary heat-insulating and moisture-repellent properties, so with their help it will be difficult to achieve an optimal microclimate in the room.

Work not according to plan can also cause the insulation to be carried out poorly and the heat will still be lost to the street.Therefore, before installing the heat-insulating material, you need to plan in advance in what sequence and what the person will do. For example, it is not practical to install wiring until surfaces are cleared of debris and paint residues.

Thermal plate LOGICPIR Balcony from the TECHNONICOL company is a heat-insulating shielding material that not only does not allow heat to pass through, but also reflects it back (due to foil cladding). As a result, heat loss on the balcony will be reduced to 10%. Installing the slabs inside and making the frame is not difficult, so anyone can carry out the work.


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