Checking gas in an apartment: how and how many times inspections of gas equipment should be carried out

It is difficult to imagine an apartment without gas today. Blue fuel guarantees heat and the availability of hot water in the house.However, you must admit that in addition to the benefits of civilization, gas is fraught with danger.

Even a minor leak can lead to tragedy. The only way to prevent an emergency is to regularly check the gas in the apartment, as well as competent maintenance of gas equipment and strict adherence to operating rules.

We will tell you how often gas equipment should be inspected, what the responsibilities of the inspection service are, what rights the consumer has, and how much this service costs. You will also learn everything about the rights and responsibilities of subscribers and whether it is possible to prevent gas workers from entering the apartment.

Changing the frequency of technical inspection of civil defense

Most domestic apartments are equipped with gas stoves, and in houses up to five floors high, housing is also equipped with water heaters or floor-standing boilers. In Soviet times, maintenance of gas processing equipment was carried out free of charge. This scheme was maintained in Russia until 2006.

Later, a separate tariff was allocated for maintenance (MOT) of gas equipment, which was established on the basis of an agreement with residents.The innovation caused a negative reaction from users who did not want to pay for the imposed services.

As a result, no contracts were concluded, and the lack of documents led to the fact that practically no preventive inspection of gas equipment was carried out.

GO check
In 2017, unscheduled inspections of gas equipment (gas equipment) began to be carried out on an emergency basis. Such measures are caused by a series of domestic gas explosions in the country and increasing cases of leaks

On September 20, 2017, changes were made to the rules for the use of gas (resolution dated September 9, 2017 No. 1091). One of the most important changes concerned the frequency of civil defense inspections in houses and apartments.

If previously a scheduled inspection of civil defense was carried out once every three years, now, according to the appendix to Rules No. 410, the inspection must be carried out annually. As a result, the cost of services has increased in proportion to the frequency of technical inspection of gas equipment.

According to Article 9.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, for avoiding signing a contract for maintenance and repair of in-house and intra-apartment gas equipment, or refusing access to the premises of representatives of the control service to carry out maintenance, an administrative fine of 1,000 to 30,000 rubles is imposed.

In the absence of documentation confirming conclusion of an agreement for the supply of fuel and maintenance of gas units, the supplier is authorized to shut off the gas supply.

Contract for technical inspection
Concluding an agreement is the responsibility of the subscriber. Without a contract, maintenance is not carried out, which can lead to leaks, accidents, explosions and other disasters

If gas equipment has not passed maintenance, gas supply is prohibited. The resumption of fuel supply occurs after signing a contract for technical inspection of the civil waste.But you will have to pay to reconnect.

What is included in the contract?

The civil engineering maintenance contract specifies:

  • basic criteria for the safe operation of gas devices;
  • list of works and their cost;
  • responsibilities of the inspection company.

Additional information displayed in the contract:

  • subscriber information;
  • address of the service facility;
  • list of civil defense in the apartment;
  • information about the company that carries out inspection and repair of civil defense;
  • amount and deadline for payment of fees for services provided;
  • date of signing.

A document for servicing the total property of residents is concluded by a partnership or cooperative. According to the contract, the gas pipeline on the facade of the building and the internal gas pipe are checked.

Intra-house and intra-apartment civil defense
The owner of the property enters into an agreement for the maintenance of in-house civil defense independently

The inspection company can be chosen at its discretion.

What is included in civil engineering maintenance?

When an inspection is planned in an apartment building, the regulatory authorities act according to the following plan:

  • the quality of pipe fastenings is checked;
  • looking around painted surface of gas pipes;
  • external gas communications are bypassed;
  • the integrity of structures through which gas pipes are routed is studied;
  • the tightness of the fastening and fitting components of the gas pipeline is checked (using a soap solution or using special devices);
  • the installation of the gas pipeline network is inspected, the quality of installation of equipment is inspected (checked with the standard);
  • valves are tested (lubrication is checked), as well as the functionality of gas taps;
  • if necessary, seals are replaced;
  • ventilation draft is checked and adjusted;
  • tests are carried out for the presence of combustion air, as well as the quality of the mounting smoke tunnels and exhaust pipes.

During the inspection of gas equipment in the apartment, the following is also carried out:

  • identification and elimination of leaks;
  • checking the GO and its installation in accordance with the requirements of the project and regulations;
  • checking the availability of access to civil defense, as well as gas pipelines located in attics and basements;
  • lubrication of locking devices, cleaning of corrosion and lubricant;
  • setting up the correct operation of gas equipment;
  • cleaning heat exchangers;
  • instructing subscribers on the safe operation of GO.

The entire range of work is specified in the agreement. If a service employee discovers serious violations in the operation of gas units, the gas is turned off and draw up a document confirming the actions and explaining the reasons.

Checking gas equipment
All additional work is carried out at the request of the subscriber and is paid at a separate rate

If repairs or replacement of components of gas equipment are necessary, payment is made by its owner. Spare parts are also paid for by the consumer.

Self-repair of gas equipment deprives the owner of the opportunity to take advantage of the manufacturer’s warranty. The technical documentation for the units stipulates that all operations for which the casing will have to be removed must be performed by representatives of the gas supplying organizations.

Frequency of checking gas appliances

According to the regulations, the frequency of gas testing in the apartment and outside is:

  • annual inspection by bypassing gas pipeline routes (underground and aboveground);
  • once every three years, inspection of the technical condition of gas pipelines;
  • annual maintenance of household gas equipment (if the manufacturer recommends a different traffic flow, in this case exceptions are allowed);
  • Cylinder stations are checked every three months.

During the Maintenance of gas stoves, speakers and floor-standing boilers, the gas supply stops. Residents of apartment buildings are informed about this in advance.

Who should conduct a civil engineering inspection?

Full responsibility for the condition gas pipes and equipment, as well as operational safety, lies with the subscribers. Users are required to enter into a GO verification contract with any licensed company.

An organization engaged in servicing gas equipment must have:

  • agreement with a gas supplier;
  • 24-hour emergency dispatch service;
  • certified specialists;
  • transport gas to the point of connection to gas equipment.

To avoid misunderstandings with the gas service, the subscriber is recommended to demand from representatives of the inspection service a detailed description of all actions.

In-house civil defense check
During the inspection, it is recommended to closely monitor the actions of representatives of regulatory authorities and not leave the gas worker alone in the room with gas equipment

It is advisable to carefully read the inspection report and ensure that all results and actions are reflected reliably. Since the act is drawn up in triplicate, it is recommended to check their identity. If some points are not clear, the client has the right to request clarification.

Gas equipment inspection report

Upon completion of the inspection of gas equipment, the inspector draws up a report indicating the following information:

  • date and place of inspection;
  • subscriber data;
  • position and personal data of representatives of the gas industry;
  • assessment of the current technical condition of civil defense;
  • identified defects (if any);
  • recommendations for further operation of gas equipment.

If, as a result of the inspection, a malfunction of the gas equipment is revealed, an act is drawn up prohibiting the use of the device, and the user’s access to the gas supply is also limited.

Monitoring results
Replacement of equipment, parts, as well as repair work are carried out at the subscriber's expense if the manufacturer's warranty has expired. Cleaning of units is always paid by the user

The supply of blue fuel is resumed after all faults have been eliminated.

What do subscribers need to provide?

During scheduled maintenance, a representative of the gas testing service may require the following documents from the homeowner when checking the gas:

  • agreement on the provision of gas supply services;
  • gasification project for the premises;
  • act of checking the technical condition of ventilation ducts (if there are devices with the removal of combustion products);
  • subscriber and payment book.

After the maintenance, the subscriber must sign the inventory sheet, thus confirming the fact of the inspection.

Cost of maintenance

Prices for all services are shown in the GO maintenance agreement.

Payment for civil inspection
Payment for services is made only by receipt. Money is not handed over to the gasman

The total cost of maintenance is calculated individually for each consumer.

The following factors influence pricing:

  • the number of gas equipment in the room;
  • technical condition of civil defense.

The cost of services changes frequently. The consumer must independently seek information about current prices.

Unscheduled civil defense inspection
Payment for unscheduled inspections, which have been carried out since 2019, is not charged. The purpose of such an inspection is to prevent accidents and disasters.

Prices are published on the official website of the company, which is responsible for the distribution of blue fuel in the house. Payment must be made no later than the date specified in the contract. In case of delay, payment must be made no later than the 10th of the next month.


Users often have questions regarding the legality of annual scheduled maintenance of gas devices and the need to conclude an agreement. Subscribers are also interested in how to distinguish gas service representatives from scammers. Below are answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Is it possible not to let the inspector into the house?

Paragraph 29 on the “Rules for the provision of gas supply services to the population” states that consumers are required to provide access to representatives of the gas supply company to the premises where gas appliances and a gas meter are located.

In addition to the scheduled inspection of the technical condition of the civil defense, gas workers can visit for:

  • emergency warnings;
  • eliminating gas leaks;
  • installation or dismantling of gas meters;
  • replacement of gas appliances;
  • turning off the supply of blue fuel;
  • elimination of violations in the work of civil defense;
  • checking the meter and the integrity of the seals on it.

Employees must present appropriate identification and report their visit in advance.

Is it possible to cancel a contract for civil engineering inspection?

Legal refusal is provided in three cases:

  • the agreement has already been concluded by the management organization (cooperative, partnership);
  • if there is already an agreement with another organization;
  • if the apartment (house) has not yet been gasified and there is no supply agreement.

Citizens of the Russian Federation bear responsibility for avoiding signing a maintenance agreement, as well as for refusing access to residential premises to carry out civil maintenance work. For violators, a fine of up to 30,000 rubles or disconnection from gas supply is provided.

How to distinguish gas service representatives from scammers?

You need to be wary if gas workers persistently try to get into the premises even before concluding a contract or begin to demand advance payment for services. Also, scammers often try to oblige residents to buy specific equipment from them (for example, gas analyzers).

If they refuse, they threaten to turn off the gas or impose large fines. Employees of the company with which the contract is concluded warn in advance about their visit, and also present identification when requested.

Where to go in case of an accident?

Regardless of the company with which the contract is concluded for checking the gas, in case of an emergency you should call the emergency gas service. Elimination of gas leaks, localization of emergency areas, prevention of large-scale accidents is carried out around the clock.

Only representatives of the gas distribution organization come to the call, and not employees of intermediary companies. The emergency crew's visit may be made without warning.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

How gas equipment maintenance was carried out until 2017:

What you need to know about mandatory maintenance of gas equipment:

Today the state is forced to take measures to ensure the safety of the use of gas equipment by the population. More frequent inspections and stricter standards are a necessary measure due to the increasing frequency of accidents.

It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the operation of gas equipment and timely conclude an agreement for regular technical inspection of gas equipment. This is a guarantee of safety not only for you, but also for your neighbors.

Have you concluded a maintenance agreement for gas equipment? How often do gas workers “visit” you, and what format does the inspection take? Or maybe you know of cases where untimely maintenance led to tragedy? Write your stories in the comments. You can also always get advice from our website staff.

Visitor comments
  1. Michael

    It's a one-goal game everywhere. All responsibility lies with the consumer. Well, then the agreement itself is not bilateral, but unilateral for collecting money, because There is no warranty period for the quality of work, and it is normal that the nut will fall off after the mechanic leaves.

    The feeling of a robbed person is constantly present in the soul. And words about citizenship are perceived without pride.

    • Expert
      Vasily Borutsky

      Good afternoon, Mikhail. No, a nut that falls off after the locksmith leaves is not the norm, but a violation of your rights as a consumer of his services. Performers, along with sellers, are responsible for quality: only the former are responsible for their work, and the latter for the product. Having completed the work, the mechanic should have drawn up and given you a report for signature, which should indicate everything he did.

      Read the text of the documents carefully before signing them. The contracts spell out your rights and detail the responsibilities of the service provider, and indicate warranty periods. The nut has fallen off - call again until it is tightened properly.

      And say goodbye to your “feeling of a robbed person”; it’s better to read the CPZPP (Consumer Rights Protection Law), which the state developed specifically for you.The text with all the edits can be easily found on the Internet. Pay attention to paragraphs 12, 13... Yes, in principle, rather than blaming someone or something, it is better to read the entire document.

      And the state is not obligated to screw in light bulbs in your bathroom and take care of your nuts. It is only a guarantor of your rights, which are set out in the constitution and in accompanying documents regulating the interaction of citizens with each other and various organizations.

      If you don’t know what the constitution guarantees you, contact a lawyer. Better yet, study the legal rules yourself. It's cheaper and healthier.



        • aleftina

          how right you are We pay for the well-fed and rich life of the oligarchs from Gazprom And all these contracts work for the fat top of Gazprom Although they scream at every corner that gas is a national treasure Do they even believe in this nonsense?

      • Michael

        Dear expert! You refer to the PZPP, but you yourself apparently did not read it to the end. Article 16 of this law states that the gas supplier has no right to impose maintenance and the gas consumer has the right to refuse to pay any additional payments other than the actual cost of the gas consumed. Explain this article to me 16. How to understand???

  2. Anatoly

    The scheduled annual inspection took place in the second half of December 2019, and no violations were found. A month passed, and in January of this year. apply for verification again. How can I explain to them that the check is done not in a month, but in 11-12 months?!

  3. Anatoly

    What is the minimum interval between annual, scheduled gas service inspections in apartments? The previous inspection found no violations.

  4. Irina

    I've been living in an apartment for 20 years. Gas water heater and stove, Not even once. no one checked the gas equipment. Stalin's house, there is a management company. I will sort this out. Apparently they take money for service, but do not serve.

    • Stanislav

      Irina, it’s very simple to figure it out - come to your gas organization, show them a payment slip with the amount for the maintenance performed and ask them for the Certificate of Maintenance Work Completed by you, signed by you - they won’t find it. Therefore, you will immediately write to them, under their own dictation, a statement with verbiage about canceling this payment, and it will be removed from the payment slip. but after this, threats and demands will begin to allow them into your apartment for mandatory maintenance once a year - they will not appear and will begin to accuse you of not allowing them and threaten to turn off the gas. There is only one point - to force you to pay for maintenance as a subscription fee without doing the work and signing the acts.

  5. Natalia

    All these checks are a piece of paper. Another imposition of services. Next, will we pay for checking the wiring in the apartment or the condition of the sockets, or for maintaining the cleanliness of the air in a particular apartment? I’m more interested in why, in the midst of a pandemic, when a self-isolation regime is announced, inspectors go door to door? They have a plan, yes. And no one cares about the fact that they spread the infection after being in the patients’ apartments. Everyone writes off with standard phrases. Our law can be interpreted in any way. On the one hand it is impossible, on the other hand it is possible.At the entrance to the MFC, the temperature is measured, and the gas workers wander around the apartments because they have a scheduled inspection of the apartment building. Circus, and that's all.

  6. Alexander

    In 2019, a routine inspection of the civil water risers in the apartment buildings of the village was carried out. I was told that the entrance tap was faulty and that I was using an unauthorized connection (new Italian certified in Russia). If I don't pay for a replacement, the gas will be turned off. I have paid. During the replacement, the foreman tried to hand over my “old faucet” to his partner with the words: take it away, we’ll install it for someone else. At the same time, he cursed that during the replacement he ruined the thread on the meter. These are our “masters” and Laws.

  7. Alexander

    By the way, during that inspection it turned out that in almost all the apartments inspected (except for management company employees) in the village the taps and water supply were “faulty”. Like this!

  8. Hans

    I would like to join Anatoly’s question: how often can checks be carried out? In less than eight months this year, they have already visited me three times, and now they are again threatening to sue me for not allowing me into the apartment, although they did not bother to warn me about the fourth inspection this year.

  9. Valentina

    Also, during the period of strict quarantine, gas workers came to me with a scheduled inspection, saying that it was necessary to change the valve at the inlet, they removed the valve and installed their own with a plastic handle. To the question: Why change it, it doesn’t leak?” Answer: “He’s old.” And they put my tap in their pocket. To my question: “Why a faucet?
    are you picking it up?" answered: “But it’s brass, an expensive metal.” In addition, I asked to adjust the operation of one of the burners, which does not light up from electric ignition, like the other burners, but requires holding matches. Instead of repairing or offering to repair the electrical part, the gas worker lit it with his piezo lighter with the words: “Here, you see? It's burning! Well, what can I say? This is the truth: “Until the thunder strikes... After all, something irreparable can happen. Out of habit, you put the pan on, turn on the gas and the ignition, which does not work, the gas comes out but there is no fire. Here comes the explosion. And then they will figure out who is to blame. In this case, the gas workers are to blame. They would only like to take money for the faucet and for the work that they came up with, but they don’t really want to work.

  10. Tanya

    Over the past six months, we have had about five inspections, despite the pandemic. We called the service organization with a request to replace the gas tap. At first they answered that they did not have the technical capabilities, and then they called back and said: buy a crane, we will deliver it. How can I, a woman, know which faucet to buy?!
    And recently there was some gas worker who advised me not to dry a wooden board near the stove. A day later, the GO check again! And then I couldn’t stand it, I was indignant. How long can you walk! Well, these guys, in response to my noise, gave me a prescription………I’m shocked. Before this, everyone was walking around - everything was normal... and then here... everything is wrong!!! Mayhem!

  11. Julia

    In the village of Dvurechensk, Sverdlovsk region, they go for checks every three months and for each visit they issue a receipt for 600 rubles!!! “And if you don’t pay within a month, we’ll turn off the gas” - that’s the dialogue. Is this legal??

  12. Vladimir

    Hello. Krasnodar. After Mezhregiongaz came to the region, it took over the payment for the consumed gas, leaving the maintenance to Krasnodargorgaz. Since then, the payment for maintenance has increased three times. The specialists were in such a hurry to send out payment receipts for maintenance that they drove in the hot water column - 909.17 rubles. They could just write in a boiler and I have to pay for such a receipt? Since Soviet times, maintenance was carried out formally, mainly by asking “Is everything normal” and writing out a receipt. They have already forgotten what a soap solution is and what to do with it. In September, a receipt for 1,535 rubles arrived and so far I was digesting this, they called me back asking why I didn’t pay 1,700 rubles? Who controls such tariffs for maintenance if the subscriber pays for repairs and replacements? Constant threats of shutdown and court action. I pay for the consumed gas carefully on a monthly basis according to the meter. Why are devices with different verification periods included in the payment receipt for gas equipment maintenance for the year? How is maintenance carried out on a gas meter - 209.81 rubles if its verification period expires on July 17, 2022 and this column is entered annually in the receipt from the date of its installation? Thank you.

  13. Lily

    I agree with Mikhail, the feeling of a robbed person is always present, it’s a one-sided game. They try to carry out inspections as often as possible to collect money. Why is there a fee for technical inspection? We pay for gas. Isn’t the seller interested in people buying gas? More and more often, my friends are leaning toward electric heating. This is probably justified. There is less risk and no technical inspection is necessary.

  14. Tatiana

    My apartment in the HOA is checked three and four times a year.
    And not once to the management company since 2010.

  15. Eugene

    Tomorrow I'll go to the gas service. The gas man came, moved the stove, coated the fitting with foam, put the stove in place, filled out the papers. When leaving, he said about payment of 1,200 rubles. He said that he would come in January 2022.
    And then the government is offended that the people are increasingly supporting Novalny. GAZPROM is a beggar here and is forced to rob pensioners as well.

  16. Andrey

    I think that all this is a banal robbery of the people and the government does not think about any security. If they were concerned about this situation about the increasing incidence of explosions of gas equipment, then they would first of all establish the production of domestic gas stoves and water heaters that would meet all safety requirements and would prohibit the sale of imported equipment whose heat exchangers are designed for a maximum of a year of operation and are made almost from tin foil and when they burn out, water from the tubes gets onto the gas and an explosion occurs, and their electrics are generally like in a madhouse and their minus is fed to the red wire and the plus to the black. Therefore, this madness can only be stopped by eliminating the madmen.

  17. Anna

    Hello! I have no patience anymore!!! In my apartment, maintenance costs more than what I burn gas in a year. Who sets and approves such tariffs for them?

    • Nikolai

      Wow! THAT costs 1080 rubles in my case personally! They came with an inspection in October, when we bought a house with a mortgage, and for soapy water and a certificate that everything was OK they charged 1080 rubles (the service was stated on the receipt), but that’s okay! I re-signed the contract with the gas service at the beginning of the year, and the inspection came again! 3-4 months have passed! And again 1080 rubles went for soapy water! And today my wife calls and says: “The gas workers came to check!” And again they issued an act for 1080 rubles! AND THIS IS IN ADDITION TO TIMELY PAYMENT FOR GAS! I gave 3,240 rubles to the guys, and not even a year had passed since they bought the house! Well, 100-200 rubles - to hell with them! But to give a thousand for soap?!. I'm not sleeping with Rockefeller's daughter! I live in poor, wretched Russia, and I’ll earn pennies! To receive 22 thousand a month and give away a WHOLE THOUSAND is already an emergency for the family budget! (Two little ones under 3 years old and my wife sits with them, she doesn’t work!) Soon they’ll be doing this every month!!!

    • Anonymous

      Gas meters were installed in the apartment at the request of the gas supply organization. Now the meter has been included in the gas equipment, although its verification is in 2024. Is this legal?

      • Administration

        Good afternoon. Sorry for delay. Maintenance of the gas meter is indicated in its passport. This is not a standard time slot. It is determined by the manufacturer taking into account the materials from which the device is made. There is a table in the passport that contains the line “Interverification interval”. This is the required maintenance period. In this case, the meter is removed and taken to a special laboratory, where it is checked for correct operation.
        Gas equipment: boilers, cookers, etc., is checked by gas service representatives annually. The counter is not included here.But they check it for the presence of a seal, whether it works when consuming gas, and whether the device is working properly. If any point is not confirmed, then you may be fined. If an obvious malfunction is found that cannot be repaired, the meter will be written off after drawing up a report.

  18. Vlad

    The bastard gas workers in Russia take money for nothing. Although they should repair gas equipment for free, why in Moldova do gas workers do everything for free. And here we are ready to skin you, so Russia is a rich country

  19. Tamara

    THAT is 14,900 rubles in the Ruza region for a year! I don’t burn that much in a year! Please turn off the gas for me. You zealously began to gasify villages... so that everyone would pay for it!!! And this is a lot! People themselves will ask to turn it off.

  20. Anonymous

    Gas workers are scammers in law; we pensioners who don’t have enough money for medicine and food are charged 1,200 rubles for a 5-minute test with soapy water. We are pensioners who lived in the USSR, mostly law-abiding people, and we pay with all our might, while others, for various reasons, are not allowed to enter the door. This undermines our trust in the state.

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