Gas pipes are being replaced in the house: nuances of replacing gas pipes in an apartment building

In theory, this is very good when the utilities in the house replace the gas pipes with new ones.You get reliable, modern communications and pay nothing for it. At first glance, these are all advantages, right? But in order for the process to go smoothly and not end in damage to personal property, you need to carefully prepare for it.

We have found out how the repair/replacement of gas pipes in an apartment building takes place and we will tell you in detail everything that will help you go through the repair work calmly.

For what reasons are gas pipelines changed?

The official program developed by government agencies provides for major repairs and free replacement of gas pipes in old apartment buildings.

The reasons for carrying out work may be:

  • recorded gas leak (in this case, the equipment is changed in the apartment where the problem was discovered);
  • visually noticeable damage to the outer coating of the pipes, which can lead to a violation of the integrity of the gas pipeline (changes in the area of ​​the welding joint, thinning of the walls beyond the norm);
  • expiration of service life of communications (relevant for houses built more than 50 years ago).

Utility gas services report that replacing gas supply equipment is a scheduled procedure and is carried out according to an approved schedule. During the renovation period, each apartment owner undertakes to provide free access to his home at a clearly designated time.

It is strictly prohibited to interfere with the work of the craftsmen, since they do not work with the personal equipment of each resident, but with public communications that are on the balance sheet of the utility company.

The gas man turns off the gas
If the owner, for personal reasons, refuses to allow workers onto his property, it is not possible to completely replace the riser in the entrance. Then the technicians shut off the gas supply to the problem housing until the situation is clarified or permission to access the apartment is obtained through the court.

Typically, in anticipation of the start of repairs, residents are notified through announcements or a telephone call. Additionally, relevant information is posted on the website of the gas service organization. The text clearly indicates the date and time of the work.

Regulations and rules of work

Current legislation states that only employees of the gas supply company have the right to repair gas communications. To determine the scope of work, a preliminary check is carried out. The technicians visit all apartments, inspect communications and make notes regarding the level of wear of networks and locking elements. Based on this information, a decision is made regarding the purchase of materials and the upcoming scope of work.

When visiting the site, the team is provided with an order sheet, which clearly indicates the list of planned activities. All masters carry company employee identification cards with a photograph and a hologram.

Utility workers call the apartment
Residents in apartment buildings are prohibited from installing/dismantling gas supply lines themselves. If such a case is detected, an administrative fine will be imposed on the apartment.

The work is carried out at public expense in accordance with current regulatory requirements.Old pipes are removed and heavy-duty new ones are installed in their place. They are selected depending on the pressure level in the city network. At the same time, all shut-off valves are changed. There is no charge to residents for this.

Requirements for materials used

The contractor purchases everything necessary to replace gas communications independently. To ensure the proper level of fire safety, three types of pipes are suitable:

  • steel;
  • copper;
  • polypropylene.

These materials have the necessary physical characteristics and a high level of strength. In the process of connecting into a single network, they ensure proper sealing of the seam and completely eliminate the leakage of blue fuel from the system. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Allows you to safely use the gas network for domestic purposes.

There are some additional requirements for steel pipes. According to SNiP information, for organizing the supply of domestic gas to apartments in multi-storey buildings, products made of low-carbon mild steel grades St2, St3 and St4, capable of withstanding powerful hydraulic shocks, are suitable. These properties must be confirmed by special certificates. You can read more about gas pipes Here.

The foreman installs a steel gas pipeline
Subject to compliance with building codes, basic installation requirements and operating rules, steel gas pipes will reliably last from 30 to 40 years. Repair of a steel gas pipeline may only be required as a last resort

All fitting elements must strictly comply with the requirements of current GOSTs.

The following types of factory-made parts are suitable for work:

  • cast iron couplings, elbows and tees with cylindrical threads;
  • steel locknuts and cylindrical threads;
  • metal transitions and plugs.

When overhauling gas networks in apartment buildings, shut-off valves made of malleable gray cast iron, alloy and carbon steel, brass and bronze can be used. The choice of the desired option depends on the ambient temperature and gas pressure level.

Polypropylene pipes for gas
In networks where gas pressure does not exceed 1.2 MPa, the installation of polypropylene pipes with a diameter of 20 to 400 mm is allowed. Such communications are very durable and can last up to 80 years.

Gas service technicians are required to strictly follow the requirements of regulations governing major repairs and replacement of equipment. In case of improper performance of work, problems or leakage occurs, the entire responsibility falls entirely on the contractor.

How are gas pipes replaced?

Typically, the process of replacing pipes in a multi-story building lasts from 3-4 days to a week. At this time, the apartment owners are in the house and provide the craftsmen with access to communications. Before starting work, employees of the repair company turn off the gas supply and only then begin to replace the pipes.

At the first stage, old communications are cut off using special equipment. The gas pipeline is purged for 2-5 minutes to completely remove remaining gas.

A mechanic unscrews a gas pipe
Gas workers use special tools and equipment to cut pipes. The work is carried out in strict accordance with regulatory requirements and safety rules

At the next stage, the craftsmen begin preparing the site for installing new communications. The edges of the outgoing pipes are thoroughly cleaned of dirt and corrosion.

If products with a wall thickness of more than 4 mm are used for installation, special slopes are made in the edge area. This treatment makes it possible to achieve rapid melting of steel.

Welder processes gas pipe
The connection of new communication elements to the main gas pipeline is carried out using gas or electric welding. The joining area remains visible and is not covered by decorative elements, so that it can be checked for leaks at any time

Next, move the torch counterclockwise, passing over areas that have not yet been welded. When the connection is completed, the seam is carefully examined. After processing there should be no scale or metal splashes on it. Burns, cracks and undercuts are strictly excluded on the surface of the pipe.

If defects are found, gas workers should replace the pipe again. Any violation of the integrity of communication products leads to the formation of a leak, jeopardizes the operation of the gas pipeline as a whole and threatens the safety of apartment owners.

Landlady and gasman
At the end of the repair work, the owners of the apartment sign an act with a list of changes made to the system. This procedure should be approached carefully and each item should be thoroughly checked. The signature will mean full acceptance of the work and agreement with the quality of its implementation.

According to the rules for the technical operation of household networks, after replacing pipes, a safety check is carried out. Gas workers treat weld areas with a concentrated soap emulsion and evaluate their tightness.

Then check for the presence of plugs, gas taps and evaluate the serviceability of communication connections in each apartment. If no problems are identified at the site, gas is released through the new communication system.

We also recommend reading our other material, where we talked in detail about how to move a gas pipe in an apartment. Read more - read Further.

Some tips for residents

Access to gas pipes to be replaced must be convenient and free. Furniture or interior fragments blocking access to communications must be dismantled by the owner of the premises on his own.

It is this moment that often causes the most complaints. Property owners who have completed a major renovation in the kitchen do not want to disassemble kitchen units, move household appliances, or disturb the finishing of walls and ceilings. However, this cannot be avoided if the repair of gas pipes in an apartment building is already planned.

Master welding a gas pipe
During the period of work, it is better to remove most breakable items and small household appliances from the kitchen. This will avoid accidental damage to property during repairs.

To minimize the negative aspects associated with replacing gas communications, you need to properly prepare the room for the visit of the experts. It is better to cover the front part of the cabinets with something thick so that workers do not accidentally scratch the doors. If a glass hob is installed in the kitchen, it must be protected especially carefully.

Rugs, table and chairs should be taken out for a while. The same applies to fragile decorative items, vases and table lamps. Of course, this is not very convenient, but in this way you will reliably protect your property from any surprises.

It is not advisable to leave the team unattended for a long time. The owner constantly appearing in the doorway will force the craftsmen not to delay the process and do their work much more carefully.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Gas leakage is one of the most compelling reasons for replacing gas supply lines. Why should you not use the services of amateurs?

How communication networks are tested to determine the need for major repairs:

How to repair intra-house gas supply lines in Moscow. All the details and nuances of professional work:

The planned replacement of gas pipes in a residential apartment building is an excellent government initiative. It makes it possible to increase the safety of using gas in everyday life and improve the quality of living conditions of citizens living in old houses.

If you have recently made repairs and are worried about the safety of your property, just carefully prepare for the arrival of the craftsmen and provide them with convenient access to the place of work. Then the event will take place without any problems and will not cause significant inconvenience.

And if you have already had to deal with replacing gas pipes in your house, please tell other visitors to our site about it. Perhaps there are nuances of replacing equipment that we did not mention in this material? Share them with our readers - leave comments in the block below.

Visitor comments
  1. Andrey

    I consider replacing gas pipes in apartments absolutely pointless and a way to make money from the population. In outdoor conditions, I admit the possibility of replacement, but there is practically no wear on the pipes. There is no oxidizing agent (oxygen) inside the pipe, the outside is dry and painted. Gas shut-off valves are practically never used, maybe once a year when going on vacation.

    Annoying... They should replace the sewer pipes, this was overripe 100 years ago. No, they change gas ones. I try not to swear, it seems to have worked out... Well, you understand...

  2. Paul

    I don't understand what program it is. They charge us 30 thousand per apartment. The house has been without gas for a year now. 160 apartments!

  3. Eduard Nikolaevich

    Our house has had gas connections in the basement and throughout the house for almost 50 years using steel
    1/2″ pipes. They are all clean and painted. The shabatniks came and said that the pipes
    from the inside they wear out from friction with gas (?) and need to be replaced. Now on the facade of the house
    hang 3″ inch pipes on brackets and the house becomes like a homeless shelter
    built about 100 years ago. Moreover, they do it not at state expense (this is nonsense), but at the expense
    our taxes for major repairs.
    Last year a gang of Armenians came with crowbars and shovels and also “hateli de-
    perform major repairs,” and most importantly, “Hateli” plaster facades pasted over at slab factories -
    Coy. In short, overhaul is the appropriation of people's money by businessmen with the participation of migratory
    welts paying the lion's share to the organizers.
    We learned that the NGO Moskapremont, consisting of 7 people, acquires 7.5 billion rubles in a year with the wrong hands, while making a profit of 5.2 billion. At the meeting of housing
    tsov, we moved this “cap” to 22 years, for a longer period under the threat of criminal
    They didn’t give us anything to do with the riot police brought by the Armenians!

  4. Anastasia

    You write that the pipes are installed IN THE PLACE of the old ones. But we have old pipes running through the stairwell and they want to move this riser into the apartments. What can be done about this? We, the residents, are against this.

  5. Svetlana

    The gas pipes in our house are also being replaced today. The guys were great - they dismantled the furniture, they were polite and neat. But they install old pipes, not new ones! A pipe with peeling old paint and rust here and there - they removed it from a neighboring house and installed it for us, and ours for them.And this begs the question: what is all this fuss for? According to the documents, the pipes are probably new.

    Attached photos:
  6. Edward

    Why not check their condition with instruments before replacing gas pipes: the degree of wear and the amount of corrosion, and only then, based on the measurements, make a decision about replacing the pipes.
    This would be a civilized decision. In our house 14 building 1 on Novogireevskaya street
    none of this was done. Someone decided to go ahead and destroy the pipes.

  7. Alexander

    If possible, tell me, if when replacing pipes they put valves on gas risers, is this legal?

  8. Sergey

    And when replacing pipes, the gas furnace will not be changed

  9. Andrey


    I fully support you! The gas pipes in the apartments are in perfect condition, which cannot be said about the water and sewer pipes!!!

  10. Novel

    Gas pipes are in perfect condition. Once a year, gas and communications are checked and everything is always in perfect order and under control. Many have undergone major renovations. New fittings, floors, ceilings and everything must be dismantled (and restored) at your own expense. There are no prerequisites for repairing (replacing) pipes, but carrying out capital repairs. repairs on other items have to be achieved and, in most cases, not always successfully. It would be wise to have it inspected for wear and leaks before deciding whether to replace it.

  11. Ira

    All this is very sad, they make decisions on major repairs in the house without the consent of the owners, gas pipes, as a rule, are all in very good condition, they do not need to be changed for 50 years, but here they are replaced at our expense, and the water supply and heating systems are outdated , but they don’t want to change them, only one conclusion suggests itself - the development of the budget was carried out in the interests of certain individuals, it is being carried out and will continue to be so

  12. Anonymous

    We are planning a replacement this year. But I want this gas pipe to simply be taken out of the apartment and not brought in again. Because there is no point in it - gas costs more than electricity (when it was turned off it was 205 rubles per person per month for a gas stove), and it does a lot of damage (you cannot install sockets within a radius of 50 cm from it, and it itself takes up space.

  13. Anonymous

    I just had a gas pipe replaced and a freshly renovated wall was smeared with paint, they promised to paint it and no, they disappeared

  14. Elena

    They cut off the gas pipe and did not blow anything through to remove any remaining gas, as we were told in the article. The apartment smells of gas all day.

  15. Love

    Yesterday or the day before yesterday, gas pipes were replaced in our 5-story building as part of a major overhaul. We replaced the riser in the three upper apartments (on the 5th, 4th and 3rd floors). My apartment is on the 4th floor. The owner of the apartment on the 2nd floor was not found, since there was no contact with him, the apartment was closed. Nobody is going to look for him. Doing something is the same. There will be no gas in the riser. I asked what to do? They answered: buy an electric stove. In the next riser, on the contrary, they made three lower apartments, the two upper ones were closed, there they would let gas into the lower apartments and put a cap on the two upper ones. There was a notice of major repairs: pieces of paper stuffed under the door. The management company does not have telephone numbers to contact the owners. Is this a normal approach? Why start large-scale work without gaining access to the necessary facilities? Where to contact? To the prosecutor's office?

  16. Hope

    And if I don’t let you change the pipe, I don’t need gas, turn off my electric stove

  17. Alex

    The best advice to residents in my opinion is to avoid all these and other difficulties - remove all gas pipes from the house once and use electricity.

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