How to light an oven in a Hephaestus gas stove: ignition rules and operating principles of a gas oven

It is not surprising that the procedure for igniting the oven causes some difficulties for a number of users. It’s just that not everyone had to deal with modern gas stoves. Using older models of gas appliances and electric ovens could eliminate this experience.

Let’s figure out how to light the oven in a Hephaestus gas stove so that owners don’t have the slightest problem in this area. Let's introduce the main and additional functions. As an example, let’s take a unit designed for preparing dishes at home.

In our article you will find useful information about the design and operating principles of this type of household equipment. We will tell you about common breakdowns. You will learn what needs to be done in order not to encounter malfunctions and disturbances in the operation of the oven and the hob itself.

Gas oven design and operating principles

A gas oven is a heat-insulated chamber built into the body of a gas stove or located separately with burners inside.

The oven in the Hephaestus gas stove models currently presented by the industry has two burners - the main one, for preparing traditional dishes and baking, and a grill burner for roasting meat dishes.

Gas stove equipment
The oven is equipped with a baking tray, a roasting pan for collecting juice and fat, and a wire rack for placing baked meat, vegetables, and fish on it.

The operating principle of an oven in a gas stove is to heat the air as a result of the combustion of liquefied fuel or natural gas. Gaseous fuel is supplied to the burner and combustion chamber from the network or a gas cylinder.

The TUPA valve regulates the gas supply. It passes through the nozzle and mixes with air, then leaves the nozzle and ignites.

Lighting up a gas oven
Ignition can be done manually, using matches and an electric lighter, or using an electric ignition built into the design of the gas stove

GEFEST cookers are also equipped with a timer, pleasant lighting in the oven, and a gas control function. This same gas control serves to interrupt the gas supply if it fades. The last function is simply irreplaceable if a draft blows out a weak flame or the fire is flooded by liquid running from the pan.

What is a TUP faucet and how does it work?

The TUP tap is a safety thermostatic device, which is a capillary tube containing a kerosene mixture. There is a small canister on one side of the tube. When heated, kerosene liquid expands and closes the gas path to the burner, and when the temperature drops, it opens it.

TUP tap for gas stove Hephaestus
The TUP tap has a start button that opens gas access to the oven burner. There are models that have a faucet installed without a button

The TUPA mechanism is hidden behind the stove panel and is controlled by a tap handle, which simultaneously controls the operation of the oven and grill, maintaining the set temperature.

Gas control function in household stoves

Gas control is a useful feature that significantly increases the safety of gas cooking equipment during its operation.

At the same time, it is precisely this that makes it difficult to ignite the stove, and in the event of a breakdown, it makes it completely impossible to use the equipment.

Electric ignition and burner thermocouple
Operating a gas stove with a faulty and poorly functioning gas control system is unacceptable! If a breakdown is detected, you must contact a specialist

Oven taps with built-in gas control differ in different stove models in the number of thermocouples connected to them. Crane with two thermocouples controls the oven and grill burners, with one thermocouple - controls and starts only the oven.

Thermocouple using the example of a gas burner. For a thermocouple to work, it must heat up for a certain amount of time. Until it warms up, you need to keep the burner tap pressed so that the valve does not interrupt the gas supply

A thermocouple is two wires made of different materials that are fused together in such a way that the junction forms a small ball. When the temperature rises to a predetermined temperature in the work area of ​​the part, a small electrical signal appears.

This weak electrical charge is transferred to the solenoid valve, which as a result opens the gas supply path. If the flame goes out, the thermocouple cools down. Due to a drop in temperature, the signal stops flowing to the valve, which closes the blue fuel supply channel.

General rules for connection and operation

Before buying a gas stove with the Hephaestus logo, you should find out how its oven works, what functions and protective systems the equipment is equipped with. It is necessary to check whether its technical parameters and settings correspond to the type and pressure of gaseous fuel in the network.

Installation and connection of the device is carried out by a gas worker, with whom contract signed for the supply of blue fuel and maintenance of equipment. He must subsequently fill out an installation slip indicating the nature of changes in the settings, if any.

Gas oven maintenance
Warranty service for gas stoves and household ovens of the Hephaestus brand is carried out by a service technician. Subsequent repairs or adjustments can be performed by specialists who have the appropriate permit to repair gas equipment

Use in an apartment or country house gas stove requires the owner to strictly adhere to safety rules.

The operation of a gas oven is allowed if:

  • the stove is installed in a fire-safe place, grounding is carried out;
  • the gas stove and, in particular, the oven are in good working order, all structural elements are without damage;
  • the baking tray and wire rack are not overloaded - permissible weight up to 6 kg;
  • The operating oven door is closed.

The device should be used only for its intended purpose - heating the room or drying flammable items is not permitted. If there is a smell of gas, first of all the common valve of the fuel supply pipe must be closed, and then all the burner valves. Emergency services are called to eliminate the leak.

How to light an oven or grill in a gas stove?

To light a gas oven, you can use matches, an electric lighter or an electric ignition.Electric ignition can be semi-automatic, in which simultaneously with turning the lever you need to press the electric ignition button, and automatic.

In the second option, the ignition mechanism is built into the handles and is activated simultaneously with their rotation. The mechanism for igniting the oven burners is not present in all gas stoves, but only in models with 6-channel electric ignition.

Using electric ignition for an oven

To light the main burner using the built-in electric ignition, you need to open the oven and turn the rotary switch knob counterclockwise all the way to the maximum temperature scale. Then you need to simultaneously press the PU button or the TUPA toggle switch and the button of the electric ignition device.

The ignition process lasts no more than 5 seconds. It happens that this time is not enough and the flame goes out when the STOP handle is released. In this case, you need to take a break to allow the gas to dissipate and try again after 1 minute.

Lighting up a gas oven
From the moment the burner lights up, you must hold the button or lever TUPA for 15 seconds until the fuse trips, which allows gas to flow into the burner. Now all that remains is to make sure that the flame is burning stable and set the required temperature

For the grill burner, the same ignition principle applies, but the TUPA handle is turned all the way clockwise. This is the only and unchangeable position that sets the temperature at a level sufficient for the grill to operate.

After turning the switch, the gas enters the upper burner; there is a fuse installed here, which shuts off the gas outlet in the event of the flame extinguishing.

How to light the main oven burner manually?

To light the bottom burner in the Hephaestus stove using matches or an electric lighter, open the oven door, then press and turn the TUPA knob to 270 °C.

Bring the fire source to the igniter window while simultaneously pressing the PU button or the rotary switch knob all the way, holding it pressed for about 15 s. After making sure that the gas is burning, the handle is placed in the position required for use.

Oven ignition process
After the PU button or TUP handle is released, you need to make sure that the flame continues to burn. The lower the room temperature, the longer it will take. If the flame still goes out, re-ignite

The temperature regime is selected in accordance with the technology for preparing certain products. General recommendations are shown in the table.

If ignition was successful and the flame did not go out, close the oven and leave to warm up. In order for the oven to establish a stable temperature, you must wait at least 5 minutes.

Manually lighting the top grill burner

To light the top burner, open the oven and turn the switch to the “Grill” position. Bring a match or electric lighter to the top burner, while simultaneously pressing the TUPA handle or the PU button, holding for 15 seconds.

Grill burner
The top burner of the oven only works in one mode - the temperature is not adjustable. To ensure that food is properly fried, use a spit that turns at a certain speed, or turn the food manually.

It often happens that the burner does not light the first time, so after lighting it is necessary to make sure that the flame is burning and only then close the oven. If the burner still goes out, repeat the procedure from the very beginning.

Gas burner does not light or goes out

The cause of the malfunction is related to turning on the oven and ignition of the burners, there may be clogging or wear of parts, or failure of the sensor that monitors the state of the flame.

Methods for solving a problem problem can be as follows:

  • Faulty (tip misaligned, clogged or worn) thermocouple. Leads to insufficient voltage being supplied to the solenoid valve. As a result, it cuts off the gas supply to the oven burner. Replacing the part will help fix the problem.
  • Solenoid valve failure. In case of malfunction of the gas valve, the control sensor transmits voltage. However, the valve is not held open - the burner operation is interrupted immediately after the gas valve is released. The valve must be replaced.
  • Nozzle clogged. Prolonged use or contact of products with the nozzle leads to partial or complete blocking of the gas outlet channel. To fix the problem, the burner is removed and cleaned.
  • Failure of the TUPA crane. The cause of the breakdown may be damage to the rotating mechanism located inside or one of the links in the gear. The part should be replaced with a new one. If the cause is clogging of the turning mechanism of the faucet, it should be cleaned.
  • The oven goes out after heating. Poorly adjusted minimum combustion mode, which the oven goes to after the highest heat, causes the flame to be too weak. The control sensor does not warm up sufficiently and turns off the gas supply. A technician can fix the problem; the burner needs to be adjusted.

Gas ovens are not always equipped with a gas control function; sometimes they do not have electric ignition.Therefore, the rules of operation, ignition and the reasons for the extinguishing of the fire must be considered for each model of gas stove separately.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

How to light the upper and lower burners in the oven of the Hephaestus brand stove:

What to do if the flame of the gas oven burners goes out:

Review of the design and functionality of the GEFEST brand gas stove:

Using the Hephaestus gas stove as an example, you can figure out how to turn on the gas in ovens from other manufacturers. The principle of operation is the same, the only difference can be in the location of taps and buttons, in the functionality of the devices.

If problems with igniting the oven are associated with equipment failure, it is better to contact gas specialists from a service with which an agreement has been concluded for gas supply and maintenance of gas units.

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