What types of air humidifiers are there: main types, their features + advice for customers on choosing

In a house or apartment, not only good repairs and high-quality furniture are important, but also a comfortable microclimate.After all, inhaling dry air mixed with tobacco smoke, dust and pungent odors is not only unpleasant, but also harmful to health. Do you agree?

A household humidifier will make the indoor air healthy for breathing. It will quickly raise humidity to an optimal level, eliminate the smell of tobacco, toxic fumes, dust particles and aggressive substances.

You will learn about what types of air humidifiers there are and how they differ from each other in our detailed review. We will analyze all the characteristics of the units, study additional functions and model range, and consider the best manufacturers. You will understand how to choose the best household appliances and what to look for when purchasing.

Why do you need to humidify the air?

GOST 30494-2011 states that the humidity level in the room should be from 45% to 60%. But in houses and apartments the air often lacks the necessary moisture.

In winter and in the off-season, radiators and household heaters dry out the atmosphere; in summer, the microclimate is changed by heat and sun rays penetrating from the street. Low humidity provokes rapid aging of the skin, leads to decreased immunity and negatively affects the respiratory tract.

Consequences of staying in a room with dry air
Possible consequences of prolonged stay in rooms with dry air - allergies, irritation of the nasal cavity, asthma, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the respiratory system

Young children suffer the most from the lack of moisture in the air. They exhibit increased physiological sensitivity to dehydration and feel worse in a room with a dry atmosphere. Babies have chapped lips, a constantly stuffy nose and a sore throat. The risk of developing bronchitis and pharyngitis increases.

Types of humidification equipment

The household appliances market offers a wide range of products for air humidification in residential, office and industrial premises.

Devices are divided into three types:

  • ultrasonic;
  • traditional;
  • steam.

Washing systems and climate control systems also belong to humidifying equipment, but at the same time they purify the air and have additional capabilities for increasing the comfort of the microclimate in houses and apartments.

Type #1 - ultrasonic modules

The ultrasonic device is considered universal and is suitable for servicing children's and living rooms, offices, industrial premises, greenhouses, shops, restaurants and cafes. Produces cold steam during operation.

The built-in piezoelectric element, activated by electric current, creates high-frequency vibrations and transforms water into a mist of microscopic spray. The fan sucks in dry air, directs it into a water cloud to enrich it with moisture, and then disperses it throughout the room.

Steam humidifier
Ultrasound devices are completely safe. They do not create hot steam and the risk of burns from accidental contact with them is completely eliminated. Such devices are ideal for a child’s room.

The humidifier easily withstands intense loads and works normally around the clock. For operation Simply pour liquid into the reservoir and connect the device to an outlet.

Among the advantages of the device:

  • the ability to maintain indoor humidity at a high level (up to 80%);
  • minimum noise (average - 25 dB);
  • low power consumption;
  • efficiency.

The main disadvantage is the demands on water quality. There are no filter elements in the device. It is recommended to use only purified (distilled) liquid to fill the reservoir. Otherwise, a white coating will form on the furniture and equipment in the room, and heavy salts and spores of microorganisms will form in the steam.

We have provided more pros and cons of an ultrasonic humidifier, as well as recommendations for choosing this type of device in this publication.

Type #2 - traditional humidifiers

Traditional humidifiers work based on cold evaporation. The fan directs air masses to porous filter elements that are in constant contact with water. Having received deep humidification, the air returns back into the room. In this way it is possible to maintain humidity at 60%.

The tanks of traditional air humidifiers can even be add aromatic compositions.

Humidifier on the floor in the bedroom
When filling the reservoir of a traditional humidifier, aromatic compositions can be added to the water. They will create a favorable atmosphere in the room and help you relax after a busy day of work.

The devices consume a small amount of electricity and are sold at an affordable price. They require demineralized, distilled liquid to operate.Using tap water causes the filters to quickly clog.

Among the significant disadvantages of the modules is a pronounced background noise. It is created by a built-in fan. Traditional devices are not suitable for round-the-clock use in children's rooms and bedrooms. Insufficient performance makes them unsuitable for installation in greenhouses.

Type #3 - steam devices

Steam models work on the principle of an electric kettle. A certain dose of water from the reservoir comes into contact with the heating element, boils and is freed from non-volatile impurities. Steam enters the room and intensively humidifies the air. Using this type of technology, it is possible to quickly increase the humidity level up to 100%.

A hygrostat for steam humidifiers is an urgent need. Uncontrolled operation of the module can cause dampness and mold stains.

Yellow humidifier on carpet
The steam device not only humidifies the air, but also enlivens the interior due to its unusual form factor. The stability of the module on any type of surface is ensured by stylish legs

There are no cartridges or replaceable filters in the model. This allows you to pour liquid of any quality into the container without fear that some elements will quickly become clogged or fail. On the one hand, this simplifies use. On the other hand, it causes additional problems in the form of microparticles settling on various surfaces, forming an unaesthetic dust deposit.

Significant disadvantages of the device:

  • excessive power consumption compared to other types of products (from 300 to 600 W);
  • high risk of contact with a jet of hot steam.

Some people reproach steam devices for their heated housing, which can accidentally burn a small child.But this drawback is characteristic only of cheap models from unknown companies.

Reputable brands use heat-resistant modern plastic for the walls. Even when the water boils, it only warms slightly and does not burn the skin when touched.

Type #4 - household climate control systems

The climate complex simultaneously performs two functions - it naturally humidifies the air and purifies it. The built-in fan drives the air flow through the evaporator. The porous filter element is located in a container of water and constantly draws moisture up. Dust settles better on a wet surface, the evaporation process is more efficient and gives better results.

Humidifier near brown sofa
The climate complex weighs from 5 to 9 kg and consumes from 60 to 120 W per hour. Works using advanced moisturizing and cleansing technology. Suitable for living rooms, children's rooms, offices and rooms with parquet

In terms of functionality, the complex for maintaining an optimal microclimate is similar to an air conditioner. But it is not mounted in one place, but is easily transported and placed in any part of the room. Has a number of additional comfort options. Some models can heat/cool rooms.

Type #5 - humidifiers-air washers

The sink performs wet-mechanical air purification thanks to the presence of filters. Consumes little energy and does not over-humidify the microclimate. Does not pose a danger to children and adults. They can work using hydrofiltration technology (curtain of water) or cold “water bath” (rotation of disks).

Let us briefly consider the principle of operation of the device using the example of a disk washer. Inside the body of the sink, which operates on the principle of a water bath, there are plastic discs.During the rotation process, a special coating and relief retain water on the surface of the discs. As a result, a large area of ​​water is created. The disks are blown by fans, increasing the intensity of evaporation. The air is humidified and cleaned of pollen, household dust, animal hair and small particles of dirt.

Disassembled air washer
To remove dirt and sediment from your disc washer, you can use household descaling products. They are inexpensive, but act quickly and effectively

A device with hydrofiltration technology provides humidification and cleaning by rotating a cone-shaped rod in the center of a container containing liquid. The working element lifts the water up and creates a curtain of microscopic droplets. Passing through it, the air is freed from dust particles and saturated with moisture.

We recommend that you read the tips on choosing the best air purifier.

Selection criteria and recommendations for buyers

To properly buy a humidifier, you need to know exactly the area of ​​the room where you plan to use it.

There is no point in choosing a weak unit for a spacious room. He will not cope with the assigned tasks. A module that is too strong in a small room will “eat up” more electricity, but will not provide any additional effect.

Lime in the humidifier tank
Regular cleaning of mucus, scale and mold improves the performance of a household humidifier, increases its efficiency and extends its service life.

Steam humidifiers should be used only where, for objective reasons, an increased level of humidity is required. For premises where elderly people or children live, this option is not recommended.Accidental contact with hot steam causes burns and the operation of the device leaves an unpleasant impression.

If you need to humidify the air in a bedroom or nursery, you should choose the most quietly operating devices. Otherwise, it will be extremely problematic to fully rest and sleep. We talked about the pros and cons of an air humidifier for a child and the features of choice in this article.

You will have to pay for all additional features. Therefore, you need to immediately decide which options are really useful and which you can safely refuse. Automatic shutdown when turning over, protection against operation without water, indication of filter replacement and night mode increase operational safety, but affect the cost of the device.

The user will have to decide for himself whether to pay for the rotation of the module, the touch display and the remote control. If your budget allows, it makes sense to spend money on additional comfort. When funds are limited, you can do without these bonuses.

Next, we will consider the main criteria that it is advisable to take into account when choosing a household humidifier.

Power, service area and noise

The power range of household humidifiers on the market is 20-600 W. For small rooms ranging from 15 to 30 m2 Appliances up to 100 W are suitable. In larger rooms up to 50 m22 models with a power rating of up to 150 W are used.

Large humidifier on the floor
Compact devices can be placed on a stand, cabinet or table. It is better to place larger equipment on the floor. Some manufacturers equip models with special rubberized legs for this purpose.

In studios, living rooms and bedrooms from 80 m2 Modules with power from 240 W work successfully.Manufacturers usually indicate on the packaging what area the device can efficiently serve.

The noise level depends on the type of humidifier and its power. 20-30 dB is considered optimal. Equipment with such indicators is suitable for round-the-clock work in children's rooms, bedrooms and recreation rooms. In living rooms and offices, installation of devices up to 50 dB is allowed. We recommend that you read rating of the quietest humidifiers, the most popular among users.

Tank volume and humidification speed

For rooms up to 20 meters, a device with a capacity of 4-5 liters of water is enough. In rooms measuring 30-40 m2 It is better to use 6-7 liter devices, and in apartments up to 60 m22 — devices with a tank of 8-9 liters. The speed of humidification directly depends on the size of the room, the performance and power of the model.

In a 15-meter bedroom or nursery, a device with a capacity of 45 m³/h quickly creates an optimal microclimate. For a room of 80 m2 A module with an air exchange rate of 240 m³/h is required.

Types of filtration systems

Each manufacturer of steam humidification equipment uses different cleaning methods.

Most often, devices have the following types of filtration systems:

  • coal;
  • HEPA;
  • ultraviolet;
  • photocatalytic;
  • ionizing (electrostatic);
  • rough cleaning.

Carbon filter belongs to the class of adsorption cleaners. Contains activated carbon or zeolite. Quickly neutralizes all types of smoke, including tobacco, eliminates unpleasant odors, volatile compounds and aggressive chemical fumes. Must be replaced every 2-4 months (depending on the manufacturer's recommendations).

If the carbon filter is left for a longer period, it becomes clogged with dust. An environment favorable for the accumulation of bacteria and the proliferation of microorganisms is formed inside. Such a filter no longer performs the cleaning function.

A humidifier with a carbon filter cannot be used in the bathroom.
Do not use a device with a carbon filter in damp rooms. Under such conditions, charcoal cakes and loses its original throughput.

HEPA system performs fine cleaning. Removes up to 100% of harmful substances and impurities. Due to its high efficiency, it is suitable for use in medical and children's institutions. It is washable and replaceable. Sold at a higher price but can be used throughout the year.

UV filter cleans the air of fungal spores, allergens and pathogenic bacteria. Does not require labor-intensive care or careful processing.

Photocatalytic filter guarantees 95% cleaning. Removes toxic elements from water, neutralizes their oxidation and decomposition. Eliminates gases, impurities and harmful bacteria. Reliably serves for a long time.

Ionizing (electrostatic) filter traps charged particles up to 0.01 microns in size. Cleans from the finest dust, aerosols and soot, but does not cope with the removal of toxic substances. Typically used as an additional element in combination with other filters. Sold at a low price and suitable for repeated use.

Coarse filter removes dirt fragments and large dust particles. When clogged, it needs to be washed with running water or cleaned with a household vacuum cleaner.

Availability of additional options

Indicator light helps you know in time when it is necessary to add water.Determining this point by eye is quite problematic, especially in models with opaque tanks.

The need to replace/clean working containers, nozzles and filters is reported by a special indicator. Busy owners may forget that consumables have expired and humidifier needs cleaning, and will continue to use a device that no longer performs its functions at the proper level.

Humidifier filter
Timely replacement of the filter ensures high-quality air humidification and allows you to constantly maintain the most comfortable microclimate in the room.

System protection against working without water And Auto shut off when tipped over increase the safety of humidifier operation. If owners forget to pour water, the unit does not overheat and does not burn out. When a child or pet accidentally touches or knocks over the humidifier, it will not cause a short circuit or fire.

Night mode - a current option for units with natural humidification and devices with a large display and color indication. For the former, the fan makes too much noise, while for the latter, the light elements burn too brightly. In night mode, the fan operates at lower speeds and makes almost no sounds, and the indication and display do not light up. The air is humidified efficiently, but there is no interference with sleep and rest.

Availability hygrostat allows you to control the humidity level. As soon as the indicator reaches the norm, the device automatically turns off. It is activated again only when the air humidity in the room decreases. This improves operating efficiency and reduces electrical energy consumption.

Humidifier with light
Some models have built-in lighting. They humidify the air and at the same time serve as a night light.Look attractive in both classic and original interiors

Options such as locking when the lid is not tightly closed, incorrect assembly, incorrect location of the cartridge, etc. They guarantee that the model will start working only if all replaceable elements are correctly installed.

It is convenient when the device rotates around its axis. In this case, the steam is directed in different directions and spreads evenly throughout the room, providing better air humidification.

Individual climate complexes eliminate static electricity. It is recommended to place devices with this option in rooms with a large number of electrical appliances, household and office equipment.

Manufacturers of household appliances

Various types of steam humidifying equipment are produced by many popular manufacturers of household appliances.

The Swiss company is considered a confident leader in this market segment Plaston AG. More than half a century under the brand Boneco Air-O-Swiss it produces high-quality devices to create a comfortable and healthy indoor climate.

Humidifier Boneco Air-O-Swiss
Boneco Air-O-Swiss products are manufactured according to ODM requirements and regularly undergo ISO 9001 certification. This confirms their compliance with modern European quality and safety standards

The brand's product line includes budget and premium traditional, steam and ultrasonic humidifiers, effective climate control systems and air washers. Each model is produced in several series. You can select a product by color, shape, type of control and other technical characteristics.

In second place in popularity are Italian AirComfort and German Venta. They specialize in the manufacture of humidifiers and air purifiers, introduce innovative technologies into production and are actively working on creating original design units.

They offer humidifiers from brands such as Electrolux, Philips, Dyson, Supra, Gorenje, Leberg, Polaris And Panasonic. However, these manufacturers do not have a narrow specialization, and it is problematic for them to compete with the top three.

We have listed the ten most popular models among buyers in next article.

Do you want to equip your room with a humidifier, but don’t want to spend a lot of money on it? In this case, you can use improvised means assemble a productive homemade product.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

What type of household humidifier to choose for your home - advice from a famous doctor.

Pros and cons of air humidification devices - a review from a climate control specialist.

A simple and safe method for cleaning moisturizing equipment at home.

Air humidification devices help stabilize the indoor microclimate and make it more comfortable, healthy and safe. Knowing the technical characteristics and features of the units, choosing the optimal model is not difficult. Humidifiers are connected to a 220 V household power supply and do not place excessive load on the wiring. They have a long service life. Repaired under warranty at branded service centers.

What humidifier do you use? Tell us about the pros and cons of your model that you noticed during operation - the feedback form is located below the article.Also here you can add unique photos of your humidifier, ask questions about operation, maintenance or selection to our experts and other users.

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